Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 06, 1914, Image 7

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and Dairy Produce
of all klndn wanted, Wrllo for our
Pearson-Page Co. vXiiT
IIoiirIiI, old and rxclinnH'ill ermines, liollar,
rawmllla. tile. itrul for Mock 1,1m and frier.
TlIK J K MARTIN CO., Kl IstfiL. I'orttand. Or.
tnit Uirwutk CCri, 418 CwwumrilJb Uu IVOjU, Oil.
l.lWral Trrtn-Wrli for our l'ni'lllori,
Kvrrylliiiin for the Orchard, Farm, ilnttltn
anil Lawn.
ltUll'AT, '-'-MMWt,
Lktt all
fCC. UI ol
Iniur knyiklnr.
CI4 IT dlri,
lur i.
UAJUIW SOUXJU. 148 DtXaJb Art., BrooMa, X. T.
,f CutUf'l HUkl, rilH. !
iirlrvil. IinIl rrlUkl. plrfarml lij
Wwltin tuciunrn bcenut tiy r.
ImI tohfr olhir viiilnti till.
Vrll for lmklt ami tutlmontili.
lO.tftM pta. UIHI rati f 1,09
to.tfti pkp. nuikui run 4.w
T't im lnlrrtAr. 1ut fSitltf! tit,
Tli upilnrltr of Cutter prelum l ilu to oirr It
7r rf iwlilldric In tiulnii and Mruni only,
IkiIiI Culliri, If HrwiMiliiaMo. enter rlttrrt.
THE OUTTCIt LAOOrtATOftY, Oifiiiiy, CiWkbIs.
'Thc Retort Courteoui.
Dr. Oliver W. Holmes won small In
filature. Upon onu occtiHlon ho wnu
pnmout at it meeting which huppened
to bo attended by a number of very
largo men, thiiH making IiIh dlinlnu
tlvo bIzo ruthor cousplctiouu In con
trawL Ono of thcHO men doubtless
wishing to muko him feel at case
enmo tip to him and Hald:
V"Well, Dr. Holme, I nhoiihl think
you would fuel rather umull among
nllthcno followH."
')l do," roplled tho doctor, "I feci
llko a 3-ccut piece nmong n lot of
ponnlcfl." Nuw York Globe.
Mrs. Noxtdoor I nuppoao your
daughter in happily married?
MrH, Nugttby Indeed, hIio In. Why,
her iuiflbnnd Ih ncttially afraid to open
bin mouth In her presence. Princeton
Judo, Johnson's Surrender.
Judo Johnnon wan overcome by tho
heat IIiIh tiftornoon whllo working In
IiIh garden; and ban turned over nil of
bla gardon Intercuts to lilu wifo.
Atchison Globe.
A Sad Cane.
"I bupp'obo your baby staler erica
now and then?" itHked ono of the
rcrloKl" nnld Mnry. "Why, who jubi
fiWMiiH to look on tho dark Hide of
thlncH nil tho tlmol" Kxchnngc.
In New Hnvon there Ih exhibited
tho carlient known sknto, roughly
fnnhloncd out of tho bono of a homo.
It in nt leant 700 yearn old, Ih about
12 Inchon in length and wan found In
an excavation made In tho city of
Ton Gorman locomotives have been
ordered by tin Kngllah rnllwny, do
mestic shops being too busy to accept
tho ordor. British rail locomotives
wore exported to tho value of $1GY100,
000 In 1012 and $13,600,000 In 1913.
Manufacturers of artificial legs aro
compelled to find a nubHtltuto for tho
English willow, which ban been hero
toforo used bccnuHO of its lightness
and strongth. Tho Port Orford cedar
of tho Pacific const hits many of tho
noccHHary qualities.
Claudius I say, Isn't Mrs. Pnlntor
a poach?
Claude Ycb; n woll-prcscrvcd ono.
Prepare for
Emergencies !
It may bo necessary for you to tnlta n
position tomorrow. Aro yon ready? Our
tralnlnir will lit yqu for business Ufa.
Business, Shorthand,
I. M. Wnlkor, i'ra. Portland, Oregon
P. N. U.
No, 32, 1014
WHKM wHIIiif (o drnllr, pi
" IIvn till ppr,
May Do Onld to Have Started From
"a Well of Water," Though It Had
tho Genius of Aaron Durr
Behind It.
Tho uncovering of an old Iron tank
(l)i Contor Rlreut rccnllod ft ploco of
ancient history In connection with the
,Uank of tho Manhattan Company, the
Wall Street Journal states. A nprlng
Well 35 foot deep, covered by tho iron
tank rororrod to and tho present site
of tho bank, 40 Wall street, constl
luted tho llrst proporty owned by tho
Manhattan company, pa rout of tho
Wnk now bearing that namo.
Tho Dank of tho Manhattan Com
pany sprang from a little wnlcr com
pany which commenced buslnosH with
"a well of water." The charter of tho
company wus drawn by Aaron Uurr,
and its granting wan opposed by Alex
ander Hamilton becauso It contained
u clauso permitting tho company "to
employ alt surplus capital In tho pur
cluiso of public or other stock or In
any other monoy transactions or op
erations not inconsistent with the con
stitution and lawB of Now York or
of tho United Staton."
This clauso wan tho Joker In tho
charter of a company started for tho
purpono of "supplying the city of Now
York with puro and wholesomo wa
ter." In 1708 Now York city suffered
from an epidemic of yellow fever
which was attributed to an Inadequate
and inferior water supply. Here was
Aaron Htirr'B opportunity for start
ing it bank. In which effort ho had,
for many years, been opposed by his
political enemy, Alcxunder Hamilton,
who had a monopoly of tho banking
business lit New York state until tho
charter was granted tho Manhattan
Upon tho nsHombling of tho legisla
ture In 1709 an association of indi
viduals, among whom Aaron Uurr was
a moving spirit, applied for tho wa
tor company's charter with a capital
of $2,000,000. Tho project waa nn am
bitious ono for thoso days, and us
thoro wa considerable uncertainty
about tho probablo cost of tho wator
Mystom tho clause for tho employment
of idlo capital was Inserted. A great
effort woa made by Alexandor Hamil
ton and tho federals to defeat tho
charter on account of tho clause grant
ing the company banking privileges.
Tho necessity for a propor water oys
torn which could only bo procured by
tho organization of n responsible com
pany with largo capital carried It
through tho legislature on April 2,
179D, and it roceivod tho governor's
l)y April 22 books wero opened for
public subscription of tho $2,000,000
capital stock (par G0 per Bharo), and
by May 1C tho cntlro amount had boon
subscribed, tho city of Now York hav
ing taken 2,000 shares. This was tho
llrst llnanclnl victory of Aaron Durr
over his political enemy. Tho bank
is tho oldest in tho state, savo ono.
Its capital waB raised to $2,050,000 In
1808, to permit of tho stato purchas
ing 1,000 shares. Both tho stato and
city aro stockholders in tho Uank of
Manhattan company, this being tho
only bank stock owned by tho stato
of Now York.
Companion of Medicine.
"My doctor ordered two weekB at tht
"Ho's a homeopath, Isn't ho?"
"Ycb. Why?"
"Two weoks is a email doso. I'd
go to an allopath and boo if I couldn't
got a trip to Europo." Cincinnati En
quirer. Supreme Excellence.
In character, in manner, in style, in
all things, tho supremo oxccllenco Is
simplicity. Longfellow.
To Cure a Cold.
Coughs and Colds An ordinary cold
can often bo checked in tho first
Btngcs by Inducing a good perspira
tion. A glass of very hot milk drunk
after you aro In bed, or tho julco of n
lomon added to a tumblor of boiling
wator, will often accomplish this. A
hot bath to which a littlo ammonia
liaB been added is another method.
Conscientious Student
"You ndmit thnt you aro not smart
ouough to tell railroad pooplo how to
run their buaincBBl" "Without hesita
tion." "Hut I thought you had mado
a Btudy of railroad problems?" "I
have, Hut I haven't yet gotton far
ouough along to thoroughly under
stand ovon tholr tlmo tablon."
Dally Thought.
Only for tho cheerful doos tho tree
of life blossom; for tho luuocout tho
woll-Bprlng of youth keeps still How
lug, oven In old ago. Anidt,
Ai Poor Richard Buys.
A penny waved in two ponco clour, a
jiln a duy is u grout u year. &4V) unt)
bpeclo In Quantity Has on Occasion!
Deen Recovered From the Victims
of tho Ocean'a Fury.
Although tho chanccB of being able
to do so aro considered doubtful, nlnco
who lieu in 17 fnthomn of water, tho
Canadian Pacific railway has not
libandoncd all hopo of refloating tho
Empress of Ireland. At any rate, every
Effort will bo mode to recover tho
X200.000 worth of silver, in 103 hagB,
which In still in tho specio room of tho
liunken liner.
. Tho most notnblo salvage of silver
during recent years woh mado after
tho Oceana Bank in tho channel in
March, 1012, through collision -with the
'lifogua. Tho work was hindered by
jttrong currents and tides, but during
tho succeeding threo months silver
Worth over 500,000 was recovered at
t very low cost Tho Oceana was ly-
tig qulto upright; tho Empress of Iro
and turned turtle obviously a very
much moro difficult position for sal
vage work.
Tho 200,000 worth of silver, how
t.vor, rcprcsontn but a small portion
ff tho money which went down with
llio ill-fated vobhoI; for thousands of
hounds belonging to the passengers
ihomselves must have beon lost. The
i.verago pansenger on ono of thono
InorB usually carrion a plentiful bud
ly of loose cash and bank notes with
lim, and it is cslimnted, as in tho caso
bf tho Tltunlc, that tho loss of paper
Inonoy belonging to passengers them
IioIvcb must have boen enormoun.
Tho bunks, it might bo mentioned,
uro tho gainers in such cases. The
DhuuI procedure whop bank notes are
tost Is to' ut onco Inform tho Bank of
pigland, giving tho numbers. Then it
in nccconary to wait 12 months. If by
ihat time tho notes bavo not been re
turned to tho bank, you may obtain
Ihe cash on again presenting tho num
bers and giving tho bank a letter of
Indemnity, guaranteed by your bank
ers, to refund the money should tho
Jtotea ever bo presented, In which caBe
the bank is bound to pay again.
If tho numbers on tho bank notes
jtro unknown, and tho notes aro never
found, tho monoy goes to the "un
claimed bank balances, in which there
aro always huge amounts of other peo
ple's money. London Tlt-Blts.
Light Humor.
In the latter half of tho eighteenth
contury ono of tho members of a Httlo
scientific society In Liverpool, Eng
land, laid a curious wager. He bet a
brother scientist that ho would read a
nowapnper by the light of a farthing
dip at a dlstanco of 30 feeL Tho B.
8., finding tho feat difficult at even a
sixth of tho diatanco, cheerfully ac
cepted tho wager.
Tho layer merely coated tho insldo
of a Bhallow wooden box with sloping
pieces of looking glass, bo as to form
a concave lens, placed it behind his
farthing ,dlp, and readily deciphered
tho small print at tho stipulated dls
tanco. Tho experiment was witnessed by a
Liverpool dock-moater. Ho waa a
thinking man, and saw great possibili
ties In this learned Jest. Ho straight
wuy adapted tho prlnciplo to light
houso requirements, and forthwith the
'modern roflected light, with its miles
of reflected range and untold lifo-Bav-Ing
powers, sprang into being.
Worthy of Remembrance.
Tho two hundredth anniversary of
fho birth of Ephraim Williams, foundor
iif Williams collego, will be celebrated
by that Institution on October 8 next,
pnliko most college founders, Wil
liams was not a clorgyman, but a sol
lllor. For his fight against tho French
In Canada tho commonwealth of Mas
jachueetta gavo him 200 acres, on
jvhich ho erected Fort Massachusotta.
Caught by an ambuscado of French
.ttd Indians, he was shot In tho head
n 1755 and died, leaving funds for tho
loginnlng of tho collego on tho sito
bf tho fort
Spirit of Independence.
"Tho spirit of American Independ
unco Is growing Btrongor evory year."
'Mebbo 'tlB," assented Undo Flop
jiolo. "Mobbo 'tis. When I was a
Kroung follor they had a man to call
Iho flggorB at a danco. An' you bot
!wo tried to mind him. Now every
body gets out on tho floor an' lets
ills feet do Jcs' about as they please."
From "Poor Richard."
When you lnclino to havo now
how clothes, look first well ovor tho
old onoB, and soo If you cannot shift
Svlth thorn anothor year, either by
iicourlng, mondlng or ovon patching, if
necessary. Romombor a patch on your
cent and monoy in your pockot Ib bet
tor and moro crodltablo than a writ
on your buck and no money to tako
It off.
Windmill of Great Power.
A windmill, which 1b Bttld to bo
tho largest of Itu kind In tho world,
lm lately been trough t Into uso at
HarlliiKon, Frloulatid, for draining h
tract of lowland redeemed front, tho
utm by IiIkIi einbitiiUmontu, with, ut)
spm of 1,650 ucrt's,
Triumphs of American Medicine.
In 1014 medical science will save
570,000 lives in the United States, an
a result of tho progress thnt medicine
hog mado In 24 years, Applying to
tho wholo country tho death rate that
obtnlned in 1800 thin yenr would wit
ness tho death of 1,900,000 people. Ap
plying tho death rate of 1912 the total
number of deaths will approximate 1,-
390.000 people. Enough people to pop
ulate n city llko Bnltinroro will bo
saved in a slnclo year by tho progress
of medlcnl science. Tho whole world
va Mlrred to tho core when the Ti
anlc went down, and yet tho toll of
500 Tltnnicfl would not bo n great jib
the number of lives saved in a single
yenr by medical science, comparing
1890 with 1912. Washington PosL
Might Repeal His Learning.
In tho old days, when oral examina
tion!! wore still tho thing, on examin
ing board was pommeling an appli
cant with qucBllons from Blackstone,
Kent and other legal lights.
"I didn't Btudy anything about these
fellows," complained tho applicant.
"What did you Btudy?" asked ono
of the Judges.
"I studied tho Btntulon of the state,"
ho replied. "I studied them hard. Ask
mo a question about them and I'll
show you. That la-where I got my
legal knowledge."
"My young friond," said ono auBtere
Judge on the examining board, "you
would bettor be very careful, for some
day the legislature might meet and
ropeal everything you know." Nor
folk Lcdgor-DlBpatch.
Sunlight Intensified
Bv Reflection from Ocean Beach and
nnd xvatcrv hve. Jmna
Kvc Pain. Tleiiablc lidief is found in
Murine Kye Itemedy, Mild and Hai-mlw.
If you Wear GIhkmjs, Try Murine. DoewTt
Smart. Feci Fine. Acts Quickly. Is an
I've Tonic compounded by Oculists not a
''Patent Mcdicina" but used in successful
Physicians' Practice for tnany years. Now
deditnted to the Public nnd rold at
50c Per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve In
An-ptic TuIkh, 25c and BOc. SoM by
DrtipriHtH. For Book, write to Murine
Eye ll'jiuedy Co., Chicago.
Kindness In Little Things.
Senator Cummins was talking about
a notorious interlocking director.
"This interlocking director," he
Bald, "declares that If we curb his
activities the poor will suffer terribly.
I ask myself, though, Is ho really
speaking on behalf of the poor or on 1
his own behalf. '
"He reminds me of a man who
stopped in terrific indignation nt sight
of a group of boys stoning a bird
thnt was tied to a tree by tho leg.
"You Bcoundrels! You pltlleBS
scoundrels!' cried the man.
"And he took the bird up In his
hand and placed it In bla bosom ten
"The next day at the office he was
heard to remark with a chuckle:
"By gosh, you know, broiled robin
on toast isn't half bud!'" Atlanta
that have been relieved in the past 75
years by Wright's Indian Vegetable
Pills and decldo whether they are not
worth a trial. They regulate the
bowels, stimulate the liver and purify
tho blood. Adv.
Observing the Rule.
"Bobble, why did you take your lit
tle slater's candy and eat it? Why
didn't you ask her if you could have
"Why, I did, mamma, and she said
I couldn'L" Boston Transcript.
The polico are not in the publishing
business, although they issued a sheet
to a sparsely clad female prisoner.
Make Demand
Don't Be
hanu unrcile-.eu by l-oiiage. wjnos
d Mineral Laden, l'oionoua Dun, all
z Kye Trouble in their wake Oranu-
ted Eyelids, Bed, Itching, Burning, Tired
ired Vision anu
Ask for S. S. S. and Dsn't Stand for the
1 "Just as Good" Talk.
Too. many people aro ruled by the shortest
route to the bargain end of a dollar. For
that reason they tempt a clerk to slip them
IVIicii You Auk for S. S. S. Do So
With UuipliuHU. Tliuy Will
j ilnul "'' for n bm order, , IPa it
tthcr) milmlUiM " K'l ftitooil Urt,, Sm
ti clerk utU'i"l'l lu liHitil yoi a ulml tula
fur tt. M. tt.
Jju will lull xuu umty ttvrjr,
It is impossible for you
to be strong and robust
to be able "to win," if
you do not possess these
three essentials; but there
is a splendid opportunity,
with the assistance of
Stomach Bitters
to restore these organs to
a normal condition and
thus promote health and
strength Start today.
He Would Find Out.
Henry Irving, in his early days, onco
played a part which in the first act
called for a dark stage. In this dark
ness he fought with an old earl, threw
him heavily and, when he did not riao
after the loud thud of his fall, Irving'
would cry out:
I "Great heavens! Wliat have I
I done?"
One night he played the part In a
small English town. A stage hand
was very much impressed with' tho
play and to him the scenes quickly
became real. So that when Irving
reached the climax, felled the old earl
j to the ground and spoke the line,
"Great heavens! What have I done?"
; he was startled to hear the stage hand
aay In a loud voice:
"Strike a match and we'll have a
look." New York Globe.
A Vain Hope.
"What are you saving all your
money for?" asked the man who
doesn't hesitate to ask questions.
"I want to become independent," re
plied the conscientious citizen, "so
that I can serve my fellow men with
out thought of compensation."
"Nonsense! If you ever get that
auch money your fellow men will
gard you with fierce suspicion as a
representative of big business."
Washington Star.
The school that ircti you a
irood position.
Thousands of Graduates
Washington uJ 10th Sic
Here and Hereafter.
Tho Tatler tells the story of an old
Scotchman whose wit was edged with
pessimism. Ono morning he met at
her gate a neighbor whose husband
was seriously ill.
"And hoo's yer husband this morn
ing, Mrs. Tainson?" he asked, solicit
ously. "Oh. he's awful bad! The doctor
said his temperature has gone to 150.'r
"Nae, nae, you've made a mistake!
Sandy's temperature could never bo
as muckle as 150 at least, not in thi
world," he added as an afterthought.
Youth's Companion.
Electrically generated ozone is used;
for preserving meats in Germany.
Tcrhaps ho thinks he It tolllnjr the truth,
but he has one eye on the rash register aoi
t'other on the extra proUt. Insist up 1
S. S. 8. It Is your only safeguard acalLt
the clicnp mineral stuff thnt cun bo put up
la Ruy cellar by the nnprtutlce.
There Is not n medicine for any purposs
more carefully made than S. S. 8.- It rep
repents the highest type of medicine. Its
medlcnl properties are Just as essential to
well balanced health, If tho blood be sick,
as are tho nourishing elements of meats,
grains, fats and sugara of our dally food.
S. H. 8. Is prepared direct from natlva
botanical material. Not a .drop of drugs
Is added. Not a drop of minerals Is used.
This Is oiio of the most Important thing
to know and to remember when your blood
needs detention.
it Is the most effective, the purest, too
quickest and most reliable medicine known
for poisoned blood, rheumatism, catarrhal
Infection, malaria, skin disease, Old sores
und all nfiUctlonit that nhow lu tho blood,
skin, joints and muscles.
An Interesting book on the blood
mailed to those who write. Oct a bottlo
of H, H. H, today. It Is the world's preatest
mtdlelne, lukUt upon the dealer haudlnic
you H. H, 8. nnd don't let him orato about
MJiiielliliiK Hint lie fttu't advtfrtUo (f'
from lotllile or potash oud other deHtrucwa
inluL"fu trouble Kttlu H. 8. H. writ
to Vl' Kwlft Hitwjfla o 000 Mwlft Hid.,
1 ,87 i
tniA m
n n