. "0 o o &' i . A GOLD BOMD Ji CTAMDO ,013 J X -TVl'l J. vj WE GIVE IUL.K" EAR BOND S STAMPS J I $ 0 s 9 Eagle Screams What your neighbor is doing, told in a chatty hianhcr ; w:vrnr n-autvcauvv a wuarcxci xnru.?:ueT crrrcLijra, zszsv iWS are determined to close out all h'S. I of our summer goods, don't want io t cmnj anything over and we will I noi'lFPHlCE WILL MOVE THEM Richland Just 30 Shirt -Vaists valued afc $3.50 same have lace fronts and trimmings, heavy lace bands, a!! over Embroid I ery fronts, Just the thing tor this hot weather and at a price .that ycfu.- could ; not buv half the material for, 75c as 18 Ladies Waists in Dawns, Gincharri?rd .Per- cales, all nicely trimmed, Values to ?&75, while they last 70 Mi 5 Ladips' and Misses' house and wash dresses prices that would not buy the materilal. Ladies Hats, Just 40 left, all late models, trim- med in ribbons, fruits and riowers Also hat trim- min of all descriptions Get ycnirs before it is to t late. PRICED. AT JUST ... Ve hnvft just 9 mens' summer - weight suits in lipht and dark colors, fancv oin: head checks and hair line strips, sizes 36 - 37 - 39 - 40 and 42 AM $ 14. and $15 SUITS. Pay us and take YOUJR GHOICE 1-2 See Carro'ls now add in .this is- sue. Luolla lS.vins i3 on the sick list. W. A. Fbwar wa3 a visitor Monday. down from nucopia Tuesday Don't forffot Lhe 3o!xincr match at the hnli Saturday nipht. Harold Taylor of Baker is vis iting friends in New Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Co'nley and child ren left for Baker Thursday. If u r warm? Buy .some ice cream at Frank Clarke's (Adv.) Geo. A. Littlefield is. confined o his bed with typhoid fever. ., - Fred Selby and family of New 3ridge spent the fourth in Half- wr Noah Crayon made a trip .to Baker last week with a load of cherries. John Baker of New Bridge took a. load of cherries to Half way Friday Math W altar nnd fShnns Rnr- f nard to'.k two loads of cherries to fine va.iey last week. Mrs. Ama Ra'ey v'sitej rel- atives and ipenfc the celebration in Halfway retiming Sunday. Walter Hewott of.Ncw Bridge is spending n wi:ok ,on Daily crosl? with William Kirby and family. . Dick Dilhi'd went to Cornuco pia and will not return until Sat urday in time for his match with Sing1 Hoaan. More E&gle crc&n)6 (vnllcy wltuu I'l'oPc was only ono house in the vhlley, tho winter Of 3803. 13. Barnes, E. P. Cranston and A. N. Ingjo nromudo dofondantii in a stiito In'ouget Monday by tho Sparta Ditch Company. Tho complautallcgos that tho defend ants lmvo wrongfully diverted water from the lloffom Ditch. Joo Lang, Mary Lang and Mill Sor(!opis were arreated at Dir keo Sunday by Sheriff Rand or. Mr. and Mrs. Vol. .Chnnman of J1WU klUIIUlY UJf IJIIUllll 1VMIIU UI Pine valley are visiting Mrs. a chargo of steaingahocp from Chipman's mother. . Mrs. M. Seigle and Brooks. The Lanes Ileusley of New Bridge. If you only hqw, you would al ways brew, Chaso andSanhorn'f teas and Coffees. For Falo exclu sively by Frank Clark. (Adv.) A Tho secret of successful love - - r. oooooooo oooo oooo oooo o OTBC.EI O Q oooo oooo oooo oooo oc-oo 9 TfUlM iW Mens' Dress STRAW HATS. A nicn line to choose from ?1.2o hat; SI. 00. ?2.00; $1.50, $2.50; 2 S1.65, $1.75; $1.35, $5.00 PANAMA i I, the undersigned, haret-y solicit the patronage, of th pco- s 5 y pie of Eagle Valley. v I have,taken over the butcher shop at I t I Richland and fil trea1. you fair and square. v 5 Yours RpSpcctfufiy. $ 9 D i C unga claim that Serop:ills induced them to staal the shec:. Tobacco and Cigar Salesman wanted to Advertise, flxper- mnco tinnccccssaty. $100 month ly and i:p3nrfa. Advertise malcing; Take along, some of Smoking, Chewing Tobacn. those peerless chocoliile. You Cigarrottos, Cignw. Send 2c. can get them at Frank Clarke's stamp for full particular. HEL- (Adv. ) MET TOBACCO CO . New Yoi k, ! V ) Jl J Mrs. Fannie Wright art5 1 -nvWMumww dautihtors. Voda and Jmnima Ler 'osepn ivreis and parly cr3 and Micsj Esther Saunders spen' ' hrough tho valley Ins' Iwock hok sevoral days in Halfway visitinj? n nva thc proposition of builds and takins in the celebration. Mn& an electric i-od from Iiobi- n . Tr , pcue io uaucr. a hey were n Mr. AMrs. I-red He;Uy aro ox- Le..tf nXnan mmitu0, mnA pectcd hero the first of the week. nnt ,, , . . Mm. Kli Chandler was visitin? Mr. Kreis is reiwrte'd' U b relatives in Baker two weckr ible to carry out any plans he returning hoir.e Monday. -nay formulate. Dan Masterson. from Boise. the young psonles class of the Idaho, is visiting with his broth- Christian Sunday School will hold er, R. A. Masterson of this place, m icecream Social at Now Bridge on tie nftorrtoon and ovaninjr of Saturday, July 25. Don't faii to take advnnUgsof sonu of .Chs bargains we are oJerir.pa this week. Sau.vdbus Bro's (av.) ooooooooooooooo'o oooooooo o-oox o e SHOES for men and bovs. values tn Sd nn S2.00 THE PAIR. Ladios' and Misses' shoes va lues to $4.00, WHILES'! HEY LAST at the pair, 5L50 and ' . Lcuis Reeves ? 35 I OOOOOWOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO. . We have a few of the new TANGO- BLOUSES in Silks and Crepe, Just ntirpni..$3.50 to Harvest Home' Picnic soirit fc in th i - i- z i I 1 air and. to make warm wo hi the 5 S I Tke casion you should in on these bar- i f I gains, renew ana iresiien up your an- m a paici aiiu appearance tin tine Worii: A f For the balance of this! ?. monte we will make a cut m i J certain numbers of ROYAL I KE.O Ime in suite. and i WWAAW. j. overcoats, get in before the I season open$. I in o I Si i- AT. A I Richland w c: Oregon ! 9 4 Price paE3 BottSe 25c AT Richland Drug Store Tljera is mor6 Catarrh in this section of tlio ebuntry than all )thor dseates put toeth(r, and intil'iho last few years waa cup- posed to be incurable. For a Treat many j ears doctors pronoun ced it a local disease and prescrib- 3d local remedies, and by con gf stonily failing to euro with local hrtfmrtf m.n.i i : : . ole. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease. 4 and therefore requirca constitu tional treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K J. Che ney & Co.. Toledo Ohio, is Lhe only corstitunUl cure on the mar ket. It is taken internally in dos v!6 from 10 drops ton teaspoor ful It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the sy tom. They offer ono hundred f dollars for any caye it fails to cure Send for circulars and teathmsr.:- H ala. , Y ? Address: P. J. Cheney & Co. g Toledo, Ohio. .,, i Sold by all Druggittec; Take Hall's Family 'pills for W constipation. - 't CARRIES LINEOL1UM, CARPETS, RUGS AND' FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS ; . f M land ler ! I w-E-BA1RD" Mg'-' CTRED Richland Ore. '. Mev;s Adds Biiog Results, . A lot of new advertisers to take up business ffettincr anace in tho Eajfle Galley News, tho home paper for homo people. KatOB are roatonable, ,roturna good. Don't bo a knocker. , ad vertise in the NISW3 undtvfo trouhlea will 6 Itttlp onea. I