WANTED IN MONTANA (From front jjaffo) lion f,o liavo him come to Orpjjon was kept qulot by the Btohop mid hia cabinet, and wag not known to any others except Mr. Jfonjdmt until the appointment .vaa road out. There yna objec tions made by loaders in the con crunco. and Lhg cljurch at Hel ena, Montana, hud requested tho iippoinlmjnt of Mr. Hopkins to that church through a npocial rc prtiacntativo, There is strong pro8sur? being brought to bear by the loading minjsLors in the MonJ,ann Conference, and by tsomu prominent laymen, with piho) Mouz-jn, lo Ijavq him re turned at the next conference. On the other hand, there is fjtrong preuHure being brought t' boar to retain him in Mseonfr anco. and Presiding Iijidqt Orr Informed Mr. Hopkins clurinrr his recent visit. here, that ho would use his utmost influence to rer Uiin him in the bounds qf this onferoi)co. Mr. Hqpkins ia sir lent and uhdeddod about the 'J. J . l ,.r question, and said there would bo plenty of time to settlo the question by tne time cbnferance met. There are many pulpits vacant in' tho church, and ho us- SIX PER-CENT FARM AND ' r P.TTV t rAxio t Ui.... i to repay mortgages, remove en- j f comoerances, purchases or im prove realestatc, fron one to ten ually rnccivea calls every year years' tunc, special privileges; from Jlstant cohferance. Pros tfuro has been brought to bear to secur'9 his services in California, VVestVerginia. and Arkansas, See the new line of "tudcbar kor" harness and strapwork jut t opened at Saunders tfro's !(Advj $1Q REWARD! Strayeri from my place at Carr son, Oregon, one, dark iron gray filloy, two years qld, br'andee 47 on left shoulder. Will giye re ward Of $JQ to tho person who will deliver the animal to Carson or who will furnish irtfopmation leading to the recovery of the samo. Fkank Thompson (udy 34-aO) Barber's Bed Buij Poison' sut'e deatl to buih. ' Adv.) Try liacbecs bed bug poison. ' ' (Adv.) correspondence invited. A. C' General Agency. 707 Gas ' and ! Electric Big., Denver, Colorado jl or 440 Chelan Bldg., San 'Fran- f .. rt-itr ' ' ' ' ' B1HCO, UUI1I. TRcad the NEWS 53Rcad thc'Advertismonts W - - . . II ! ,-I.I .. 1 IllSZi-JEal .. iV7rTTlia25gCT ..wy i m-nr-ir wii i i 7'imi? i'mm " i ' PHT 71 IT IT -19 T7-tx n H o I 1 i ne tmtei Kichiand U IS PI Hotel Rogers Firfit Strict Near Washington Baker, Oregon A rfrst c'ass Hotel at a moder ate price. SpQcial. lltyss ft Eis iile and Pine Valioy people. J. B. ROGER -;. Rop. Best clipped hotel in tjie Panhandle. Cen teral location, pest meals and rooms hi town Jieacjquarters for travelcrs.gRites reasonable. C.".B S. D, jCmSf Prop, RICHLAND .OREGON s kotjce cf nnL aiiiE' fn NOT1CK ! J.p1.y ch-.p Ilia th-tun. dor'ciitjd i'jtoiutor l :in (;ii'ic of in tliony AjjUBtiiH, downed, linn filo.1 In tlui County Coi-rtof Ui Couni of Ba kor niiil Slnie i-i' Ur 3n his final ac count uu Mi"h 1'X'MiuU-r i f Hftfd ostatij'. ii )(! that Kfiday'fie 7tli day o Auut!l, lOJ I t the hour of 10:03o'clo2k til' To my pqtrQnsin&akzr Co.: cot40Qt'm' 'on noun o? sld duy in tho Cot)" f Courl Hoom ( f tho Court h uso of sal 1 t Always Pays To buy the best- I County haH been fixcJ as tl.c time and place for tnu Iieiiin-o objvcl'ons lo imi'l linui roport ami th settlement tlnrcof. MILKS I.HE Kxccutor of tho estate of Anthony Au utile, I bcoasod. .-J to tt-5 '11. THE MCCOXNON LINE of Do-nestic and Stock. Remedies have no suitcrior. Also pwe Spiels anlExtractg YOU R ll 'ii 7 ORD SRS t Will receive prompt attention. Postage paid t your flo )r. Further l'art;culnr on RdqucMjt ! CHURCHES 0 o o o t o I Fdchland - - - Oregon SEND ALL ORDISUSTO J.N. CARROLL5 ' Resident Salesman TRUE SPORTSMAN SHIP (c-j.itinuiJ fron pasce four) The ditches of Eagle will taccn be screened and thus arb-her for word step Hken. We certainly admire the ready action and quick Understanding of tho diirorer.t ditch owners who so readily agreed to screen but a3 every man is more or loss of a sports man, wo can readily see that they understood and was willing to forwari the cause of try sport. Sport in our valley has taken a decided step ahead dnd we are jjlad that such is the case, it chows that the principal of fair play lies at the bottom of most of our conciehces and in advanc ing tho cauce of sport wo are holpintr clear the way for better life and a happier existence. Tho unaniir.bus verdict is that it is decidedlyjvorth theeffort. Our fall line of men's and boy's hate have just arrived and they ar Hunt i p" to dato. Sauidisrs BRO'S ' (Adv.) Paint up and bnghUn up your home. We have a larjf itock of Paints, Oil and had, flleo Jap-a-lacandutainu i'oc all Burposeif ffi. & W. OlIANU kM$) Ko 46 Report bf the Condi io i of THE EAGLE VALLEY STA E BANK at Richland, in the Siatc of Ore gon, at the close of business, June3QI 1914 RESOURCES Loans and discounts. -.$58,332.35 Overdrafts. . secu r c d and unsecured 822.83 Bonds aiid warrants. . , 2,411.(2 Banking house 3.003.CO Furniture and .fixtures S099.CC Cash on hand and due from Banks iO.Si.fS Other resources 2.950.00 Total. . ; SOTqqq.SS LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $15,000.CG Surplus and undovi- ded profits 2,109.35 Total deposits 63.701.4fe Total .6,yjj.S5 Christian Church i ible School 10 a. m. I Mrs. Dimmjck, Supenntendanci V. P. S. C. E. . .h 7 15 p. m. ; rayer Meetinc: and C'oir Pra l:ce every Wednesday 8:00 p. m. 1 fau5hl23s mathods, ths first essen tial of.suceessfcl business is J printed statios2i7." We viii print you .5fJP lett-rheids on good qudity paper f(?r $2.25; lesS 1-2 G2nt a sheet,, ?.i:d the same applies to envelopes. -Buttenvraps, an essealbl, 1.25, I:i r. .4red. A fevjf peeh wraps. 1 i METHODIST CHURCH , Sunday School 10:03 a, in. j F. E. Holman superinten-idet. Pro ch nr by the Pastor at 11 a. m., Srbjtct: "Christian Wor shi ." ' Children's and .Younj? 'people's services postponed tor tile pres et. P.ea ;! inp by the Pastor at 8 p. m., buuject: instances oi Prayer." Prayer meeting Wednesday atj 8 p. m. , - Choir 11 hersal Thursday at 8:00 p. m.. Fred Cunt?.iff leader. EVERYBODY VvELCOME Jrunk Hopkins, pastor, T?l ST . Rh m State of Orofton, County 61 Baker. SS I, John F. Heir, Cashier o the above named bank, do sol emnly twear that the above, statement is true to the be3t OJr my knowledge nnd belief. John F. Iterr, Ca3hioi Correct-Attest C. 'J. DaJfej-, I. N. Yo$;- Diroatora. Sub3cnot)d and sworn to boforc me this 10 any of July 1914. . ;W. R. Uglier, Notary Public John Bate and family are mov ing out of the hous now oacupiut by them. Tig LIFE CAREER "SclioolltiK In youth uliouUl invariably be directed to prepare a person in the best way for the best permanent occupation for which he Is capable' President C. V. liliot. apabl' This is the Mission of the in Annintn Ttmn ML COLLEGE Forly.sl.xtli School Yor Opens SEPTEHBSR iSh, 1914 Write for Illustrated ioo-page Boolc let. " rilK Linn CAKUKii'-nnd tor Cata log conuhiinK full InforHmtlon. Degree Courses AOKICIH.TURE : Agronomy, AniimtlKiisbantlty.DnirvHuS' bandrv. Poultry HusbjinJry,,Hortkutture. Ai-iKrulttire. ff.r Teachers. F,L-STJY, UMGINC) RNGINUCHiMi. tCO NOaMc'S: Domestic Science. Domestic Art. ENQlM.liRINr,: ttoct il, Irrkatba IHclv.vnv, htrchanlc.il ivi;r.al, MIiiIuk. Cttonk'i. CO.UMl.l rHAKAACV DUSTKAl. ARTS P'oevhon.ii Counts- ;;rtcnlttire Dairy ing. Mptt Al.uu?r' V-Io'irM. Iiulti-u Arts, rorestfv. Hushes blmrt Covii School of Musi9-$v.xb String, Land Voice Culture. Pwnnri Duiincis Cour"1 by Mail Free Addrc TI1M UltCWTKAR, (tw."-li1 to W) C'Wvaltu. nioBOii U paper for business purcoses. It ler.ds fnrihnVi-. t aiiiyan-J recpaet to 'your business. We have it in I whitcbJue and gqldenrod, Neatly print ib for ' ycu af; $ $2.50 for 500, $4,50 per M.-; Envelopes t il rce ,fiaal e yallev JNiews Printers cf Everything Printable ' I Richland - Oveccn ,4