Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, July 16, 1914, Image 4

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m 111 iiwiw in i !. 1 mi iufin iiiinii imiLikii
Fafei jVeuxs
First National Bank, Baker. Ore.
Comtroller's Call, June 30, 1914
"Straight, Truthful, Direct
Capital Stock $200,000.00
Surplus Fund $100,000.00
Undovidcd Profits $72,.'07 29
National Currency $l98,&00.00
Dividends Unpaid $H 000.90
Deposits' Sl,27(),181).70
Jfe. - Flower
Entered as second class matterDec. 12, 1912 at the pose ortico at
' Richland Oregon, under act of March 3, 1879.
Loans and Discounts $940,839.19
Overdrafts $G7j.70
U. (3. Bonds $225,000.00
Municipal Bonds and Securities.. $50,348.49
Banking Houso and Real Estate.. $23, 240. 00
Cash and due from BQnks $629,471.52
Cards, of Thanks and Rcsoluttons.05 per ling.
Over 49 per cent Reserve
RICHLAND, ORE., THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1014, VOL, 2, N0..35
Wm. Pollman - - President
J. H. Parker Vice I resident
T. G. Montgomery Cashier
A. L, James Ass'i Cashier
jTHEart of true sportmenship is birds and fish have been fastdis
I manifested in the keen relish sapearing from their accustomed
' which after a hard fought bat- haunts, therefore there must be
.tie with the monstqr. trout, you something done to preserve and
.finally land him, or after an ear- add to their numbers so that
jiest tramp through the keen air true sport may be indulged in in
you at last bring to the ground time to come.
.the game bird, -shot at a good The Rod and Gun Clubs of
distance, and as a tribute to your j New Bridge and Richland have
rnarkmanship, the bird has fal- attempted ta solve this problem
It is in this kind of contest they have pledged themselves to
Wm. Pollman
J. N. Teal J. H. Parker
John Schmifz
Geo. Chandler
Juno 30, 19M....
.Junol'i, 1912 ....
Increase, Two Years. .512,829.31
THIS BANK CO-OPERATES with its customer in evory con
sistent way and has resources ample to meet their reqiiirmenta.
We solicit accounts of those who appreciate the advantages of
association with a strong institution.
4 per cent Paul on Time Certificates of Deposit
lhat the true sportman feels that restosk our deplcated streams , fff ' "u 4UUO
... . ... . snouici, every week we have some
something has been accompnsn- ana to introduce new and more thing lhaL is interesting and to
- pd, it;causes the red blood to game birds in our natural hunt- vour advantage if you will take
ilow through your veins in a ing grounds. It is a great work advantage of our offerings you
jw;4urglmg 'cheerful manner, it tnese ciuds are attempting and
P 1.1 1 .L i- U i- I 1 I nnl.. ...IlU U ,. t, . .
. r ri i n n,-r. i. 1.11 i fHi, in iirii i il la uiiiv nun nit: nt'jii v ciiiiii-
- "inonious accord and crasea the eration and support of everyone 1 OStJT
ivrinkles cf toil hardend brow. that they can have the measure
On the other hand, if advant- success that is truly theirs. As
age is taken of the quarry, if long as law is law, wheather it
- - tjstnir program is one of slaughter be right or wrong, it should be
father than sport, if by unfair obeyed. We know that gams
tactics you succeed in trapping laws do not fit the condition of
the quarry, if you take advant- eastern Oregon, but. they arc
age of youth or inexperiance of 'aws and as such should be re-
the animal or fish you are so ar- spected. Another object of this
gently trying to get, is the keen club is to have proper laws en-
patisf action manifest We acted and to this end they will
would venture to say that you as work faithfully and if all pull to
a true sportsman will find more gether there there will in a few,
.real heartfelt satisfaction over months, be no reasons to break
snejbird captured after a hard the law; but at present we. are
battle than twenty taken from compelled in a great measure to
p. bedding round or trapped be- obey the laws. We know it as a
. fore they had reached the age of fact that many times these laws
4'eason, the taste of the meat laws have been violated and we
would have a different flvor. in our realthearts do not blame
On the other hand, true sport- those who broke them as long as
man know that there is others in they observe the unwritterr- law
f Hoin nlfiQt mVin hnvo n riorVif fn nf cnnrfcirmncl-Mn ofm
I I'll 1 l 1 M
our streams, nius ana iorests tor witnm tne oounas oi reason,
hunting and fishing, in a measure We certainly would not 'advise
then they are really entitled' to anyone to break the law but on
a certain amount of birds or fish the other hand realise that there
and the man that takes more isreafc cause. of breaking the
present game Jaws.
For breaking fishing laws there
is no cause, we have a year round
j open season for trout over ten
I inches, trout under six inches
are never lawful catch and they
shoulden't . bc for trout
of this size have had no chance
a -i
to prouuee more trout and more
I must be produced in order to
! supply the demand.
(continued on page 5 ,
IZ-IrTzzr? nr in t r nmwm in T
1 i - ---'-'
wi.l save by it E. & W. Ciiand-
LER (Adv.)
Don't overlook our Grocery
Dep'tallof the "Eats" always
in stock, nice and fresh, no old
3helf worn stock and our coffeei
are hc3t, h 30c coffi?e at 25c as
good as you generally pay 352
for. Give 113 a trial avl be con
vinend. E. & W. CfiANDLBit
- n.
j We: are offering some exceptional good bar-
gains at this time. Here is a chance to
several dollars m your porchases"
:enr Discount
AH Mens', Boys', Ladies'
and Childrens' LOW
10 percent
on all Ladies7 Muslin Un
derwear, House Dresses!
Kimonas, Aprons, Petti
coats, etc,
25 percent Discount
All Mens and Boys Suits
than his share, more than he can
another of the
use, deprives
chanceto get his.
We do not know of anybody
, here and trust there are none
who would stoop to this kind of
work, we really feel that ai least
ns the general rule in Eagle Val
ley, the true sportsman prevails
as much or more than in other
Jrojft unities, but sad to ratate our
Richland ,
" " . " Oregon