Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, July 09, 1914, Image 2

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Elcanora de Tosenna was staffing In
-ns. wnicn. pernnps. accounicu icr ku
"ward Courtlandt'3 nime&ranco there. Mul
"tlmllllonolrc, he wandered about whero
lancy dictated. Ho might be In Paris ono
day and Kamchatka the next. Followlnjj
tne opera he Roes to a care and la ac
costed by a pretty younir woman. She
gives him the address of Flora Deslmone.
vocal rival of Toscana. and Flora Ktves
nlm the address of Eleanora. whom ho Is
determined to sec. Courtlandt enters
bieanora's apartments. Sho orders him
out and shoots nt him. The next day
Paris Is shocked by the mysterious dis
appearance or tne prima donna.
CHAPTER IV Continued.
"There's the dusky princess peek
ing out again. The truth is. Abby, If
I could hide myself for three or four
years, long enough for people to for
get me. I might reconsider. But it
should be under another name. They
envy us millionaires. Why, we are
the Ionceomest duffers going. We dis
trust every one; we fly when a wom
an approaches; we become mono
maniacs; one thing obsesses us, every
body is after our money. We want
friends, wo want wives, but we want
them to be attracted to us and not to
our money-bags. Oh, pshaw! What
plans have you made in regard to the
search ?"
Gloom settled upon the artist's face.
"I've got to find out what's happened
to her, Ted. This isn't any play. Why,
sho loves the part of Marguerite as
she loves nothing else. She's been
kidnaped, and only God knows for
what-reason. It has knocked mo silly.
I Just came up from Como, where she
spends the summers" now. I was going
to take her and Fournier out to din
ner." "Who's Fournier?"
".Mademoiselle Fournier, the com
jposer. She goes with Nora on the
yearly concert tours."
"I see." thoughtfully. "What part
or the lake; the Villa dEste, Cadenab
bla?" "Bellagglo. Oh, it was ripping last
summer. She's always singing when
she's happy. When she sings out on
Ihe terrace, suddenly, without giving
Anyone warning, her voice is wonder
ful. No audience ever beard anything
like It,"
"I heard her Friday night. I dropped
In at the opera without knowing what
they were singing. I admit all you
.say In regard to her voice and looks;
but I stick to the whim."
"But you can't fake that chap with
the blond mustache," retorted Abbott
grimly. "Lord, I wish I had run into
you any day but today. I'm all in. I
:an telephone to the Opera from the
studio, and then we shall know for a
certainty whether or not she will re
turn for the performance tonight If
not, then I'm going In for a little de
tective work."
"Abby, It will turn out to be the
sheep of Little Bo-Peep."
"Have your own way about it."
When they arrived at the studio Ab-
bott telephoned promptly. Nothing
If One Would Be Classed as a Wel
come Correspondent Theco Must
Be Remembered.
Be yourself, strlvo for tho expres
sion of your own thoughts, write with
all the forco of your personality, and
you will be projecting your mind on
the mind of tho friend who Is to draw
delight from your letter. Write with
the conscious wish to express truth
fully and well that which you havo
to Bay, abjure slovenly makeshift, and.
Jiut as strongly, tho HOlf-coiifclouH-newt
which keopa ono eye on the pur-
in hand nm! ono mi crreQ'M
had boon lienrd. Thoy woro eubst
tutlng another Blngor.
"Call up tho Hornld," suggested
Abbott did (to. And ho had to an
swor Innumornblo questions, questions
which worked him Into n flue rngo
who was ho, whore did ho live, what
did ho know, how long bud ho bodu In
Parts, and could ho provo that ho had
arrivod that morning? Abbott wanted
to fling tho receiver Into tho mouth of
tho transmitter, but his patlenco was
presently rowarded. Tho 6lngor had
not yet beon found, hat tho chauffeur
of tho mysterious car had turned up
. . . In a hospital, and porhnps by
night thoy would know everything,
Tho chauffeur had hnd a bad accident;
tho car Itsolf was a total wreck, In a
ditch, not far from Versailles.
"Thorol" cried Abbott, slamming
tho receiver on tho hook. "What do
you say to that?"
"Tho chauffeur may havo loft her
somewhero, got drunk afterward, and
plunged Into tho ditch. Things havo
happened llko that Abby, don't make
a camel's hnlr shirt out of your paint
brushos. What a pother about n slug
or! If It had boon a great Inventor, n
poet, an artist, thoro would havo boon
nothing more than a two-lino para
graph. But an opora singer, ono who
entertains us during our idlo eve
nings ha! that's a different matter.
Set Instantly" that great municipal ma
chinery called tho pollco In action;
sell extra editions on tho streets,
What ado!"
"What tho devil makes you so bit
"Was I bitter? I thought I was
philosophizing." Courtlandt consulted
IiIb watch. Half after four. ''Como
over to tho Maurice and dine with mo
tomorrow night, that is, if you do not
And your prima donna. I've an en
gagement at flve-thlrty, and must bo
'I was about to ask you to dlno with
mo tonight," disappointedly.
"Can't; awfully sorry, Abby. It was
only luck that I met you in the Lux
embourg. Be over about seven. I
was very glad to see you again."
Abbott kicked a broken easel Into
corner. "All right If anything
turns up I'll let you know. Vou'ro at
the Grand?"
Yes. By-by."
I know what's tho matter with
him," mused the artist, alone. "Some
woman has chucked him. Silly little
fool, probably."
Courtlandt went down stairs and out
into the boulevard. Frankly, ho was
beginning to feel concerned. Ho still
held to his original opinion that tho
diva had disappeared of her own free
will; but If the machinery of th.o po
lice had been started, he realized that
his own safety would eventually bo-
come Involved. By this time, he rea
soned, there would not be a hotel in
Paris freo of surveillance. Naturally,
blond strangers would bo in domand.
The complications that would follow
bis own arrest were not to be ignored.
Ho agreed -with his conscience that he
bad not acted with dignity in forcing
his way into her apartment But that
night ho had been at odds with con
vention; bis spirit had been that of
the marauding old Dutchman of tho
seventeenth century. He perfectly
well knew that she was in the right as
far as the pistol-shot was concerned
Further, he knew that he could quash
any charge- sho mlgtit make In that di
rection by the simplest of declara
tions; and to avoid this simplest of
declarations she would prefer silence
above all things. They knew each oth
er tolerably well.
It was extremely fortunate that he
had not been to tho hotel since Satur
day. He went directly to the war of
fice. The great and powerful man
there was the only hope left They
had met some yeare before in Algiers,
where Courtlandt had rendered him a
very real service.
"I did not expect you to the min
ute," the great man said pleasantly.
"You will not mind waiting for a few
"Not in the least. Only, I'm in a
deuce of a mess," frankly and directly.
"Innocently enough, I've stuck my
head Into the police not.
Remember always that there Is the
possibility of publicity for your let
ter, and if you havo malice, cruelty,
or uncharltableness In your mind, at
least seo that you do not commit your
feelings to paper, to your possible con
fusing at somo later date, when kind
llnesB has replaced your former harsh
Remembering all theso things, you
will havo no need for tho cervices of
a completo letter wilter. Guided by
sincerity and truth, you may procood
to glvo your thoughts tho graven per
munenco of writing.
CJmrilly honUm n home and la unu
ally loo wclt lu iruvl
"Is It poBslblo that now I can pay
my dobt to you?" ;
"Sucli as It Is, Have you road tho
artlclo In tho nowapnporn regarding
tho dlsnppcarnnco of Stgnorlnn da To
c&na, tho Blngor?"
"I am tho unknown blond. Totnor-
row morning 1 wnut you to go with mo
to tho prefecture and Btnto that I wna
with you all of Saturday and Sunday;
that on Monday you and your wlfo
dlnod with mo, that yesterday wo wont
to the aviation moot, and later to the
"In brief, an alibi?" smiling now.
"Exactly. I shall need ono."
"And a perfectly good alibi. But I
havo your word that you aro In no-
When They Arrived at the Studio,
j ..v.w.ww . .w..,..7.
wise concerned? Pardon tho question,
but between us It Is really necessary
If I am to bo of servlco to you."
"On my word as a gentleman."
"That Is sufficient."
"In fact, I do not bollevo that sho
has been abducted nt all. Will you
let mo uso your pad and pen for a
W"Fo3r me foTad?
"Yoe," moodily.
Tho Frenchman read. Courtlandt
watched him anxiously. Thero was
not even a flicker of surp'rlso In tho
official oyo. Calmly, ho ripped off tho
sheet and tore it Into bits, distribut
ing tho pieces Into tho various waste
baskets yawning about his long flat
desk. Next, still avoiding tho younger
man's eye, be arranged bis papers
neatly and locked them up in a huge
safo which only tho artillery of tho
Gorman army could havo forced. Ho
then called for bis hat and stick. He
beckoned to Courtlandt to follow. Not
a word was said until tho oar was
humming on tho road to Vlncenncs.
"Well?" said Courtlandt, finally. It
was not possible for him to bold back
the question any longer.
"My dear friend, I am taking you
out to the villa for tho night"
"But I havo nothing . . ."
"And I have everything, oven fore
sight If you were arrested tonight It
would cause you some Inconvenience.
I am flfty-slx, some twenty years your
senior. Under this hat of mlno I carry
a thousand secrets, and every ono of
these thousand must go to tho grave
with me, yours along with thom. I
havo met you a dozen times since
those Algerian days, and nover havo
you failed to afford me some amuao-
ment or excltoment. You aro tho most
interesting and entertaining young
man I know. Try ono of theso cigars."
Precisely at tho tlmo Courtlandt
stepped into the automobllo outsldo
tho war ofllco, a scene, peculiar In
character, but inconspicuous in that It
did not attract attention, was enacted
In tho Gare do l'Est Two sober-vis-
aged men etood respectfully aside to
permit a tall young man in a Bavarian
hat to entor a compartment of the
second class. What could bo seen of
tho young man's faco was full of
smothered wrath and disappointment.
How he hated himself, for his weak
ness, for bis cowardlcol IIo was not
all bad. Knowing that ho was being
watched and followed, ho could not go
to Versailles and compromise hor, use
lessly. The devil take the sleek demon
of a woman who hud prompted him to
commit so base an actl
"You will nt least," ho said, "deliver
that messugo which I havo Intrustod
to your care."
"It shall reach Versailles tonight,
your hlghneBB."
Tho young man reread the telegram
which ono of tho two men had glvon
I.I . , .. I .
...... u . .u, ue.u .nco. a w a co n-
a-w. j."!. .sums
u ,.e.
(lie plocua Tew. 'Jlmt gontlomnn red-
denofl porcoptlbly,, b'uV hV held Mi
tonguo. Tho blur . f It liorn announcod
tho tltno of tkifurturo. TTio train
moved. TJio two men bn tho 'platform
Bnlutcd, but the .young man Ignbrod
tho anlUtutlon. Nut until tlio roar car
dlanpponrod in tho hazy dlBtanco did
tho watchers stir. Thou thoy loft tho
station and got Into tho' tonnoau of a
touring car, which allot nwny ami did
not atop until It drew uf boforo that
Imposing ombaBoy upon which tho
French' will always look with nioro or
loss suspicion.
Tho Bird 'Dohlnd Oars,
Tho moBt .beautiful bluo Irish oyen
In tho world' ghznd out at tho dawn
which turned nlght-bluo Into dny-bluo
nnd paled tho atarw. It oca I lay tho un
dulating horizon, presently to burst In
'to living flumo, trnnnmutlug tho dull
steel bnrs of thu window into fairy
gold, that trick of alchemy oo futtlely
nought by num. Thoro wan a window
at tho north and nnothor nt tho south,
likewise barred; but tho Irish oyoa
never sought thoo two. It was from
tho east window only that thoy could
boo tho long whlto road that led to
Tho nlghtlngalo wan truly caged.
But tho wild heart of tho cagln bent
In thltf nlghllngalo'n breast, and tho
eyes burned no fiercely toward tho
eaat nB tho cast burned toward tho
woBt. Sunday and Monday, Tuendny
nnd Wcdhonday and Thursday, today;
nnd that tho ilvo dawns were slngu
Inr In beauty and that alio had never
In her lffo boforo wltncHBod tho cro-
ntlon of live dnyn. one nftor nnothor,
mndo no Impression upon hor aonno of
tho beautiful, ho dullcato and roccptlve
Ir ordtnnry times. She wan conMclous
that within her tho cup of wrath was
Qvoriiowing. ui omer ininga, oucn as
eaung nnu Bleeping ami moving anoui
in her cngo (moro llko an oaglo in-
ueuu wian n mguungniuj, recurrence
.mu u.ulvi .., iwici-ihiuii
"Oh, but ho shall pay, ho shall pnyl"
bhu muniiureu, lunvuiK iu loosen uio
bars Vlth hor small, whlto, holplcsB
.....,uo. ,4,.u nunuvu iw uu nil mi-
.. r- .1. ....... I. ..11 .1 i
. 7 '
uoiu.iK m.o nun vuicuu .u now
sobs of despair. "Will you never
,i...ii.. ...ui. ..it
come, sojlmt 1 may tell you how base
and vlic'you are?" she further ud-
drcsBod.the cast
She) had waited for his appcaranco
a..h.lf. i ni i it.. .in.,
SnZt itSl ZZlTZ
- . . ..
army of phrases, of accuBatlone, of do -
nunciatlonH, ready to Hmothor him
with them tho moment ho camn. nut
ho camo not Mominv. nor Timminv
nor Wednesday. Tho Buapenno was to
her mind dlnbollcal. Sho began to un-
derstand; ho intended to keop her
thoro till ho was suro that hor spirit
wus broken, tlion ho would como.
Break her aplrll? Sho laughed wildly,
Ho could break her spirit no moro
easily than sho could break these
bara. To bring hor to Versailles upon
an errand of mercy I Woll, ho waa
canablo of anything.
Sho was not particularly distressed
because sho know that Jt would not bo
posslblo for hor to sing again until the
following winter Jn Now York. She
had sobbed too much, with her faco
burled In tho pillow. Had those sobs
"0h but Ho 8ha" Pay He Shall Pay."
uonn norn of wt,nh,,nua ....... .
honn " .." , ,t" V"
th j' "J -
vnrv ,. lunv .JJ:" J?" " a
" ' " -"-was
i..b .i,'. i " . .
frol over t,,,H hI(J(J o( t, calamity T lie
r T:,r ,t
.... ... iiiu "IMHIU, ikia mm JM nnl
: . : s "r "m","", lo""
era nit nnwMuunnx
- " w w f I ' f l'
Had Opportunity to Run, But Oravaly
Stood H)a Ground and Crushed
tho Skull of Hla Enemy In
tho Lait Round.
Tho following, among hundreds of
ulmllar Incidents, hooiiih to bo woll
Soino yonra ago a huntor In Wyo
ming territory wan camping undor tho
Wind rlvqr, woll up In tho uiountuliiH,
Ho had a homo of flho brood, and
bad selected. :t h-uall bunch of cotton
wood luioii for Ik lit camp, wfillo, at n
tittle dltitnnco, undor an unuiiunlly
largo true of tho iianio kind, and apart
from all tho otliora, ho tstabloil hla
It could hardly bo called Htabllng
(or tho horse wnn picketed, and tho
troo formed hlu shelter.
Ono night tho huntor was armmcd
from n sound sleep by a nclgh from
hla homo, which Bounded rntlior llko
rngo than alarm. American horaou
iro often quick to dotoct tho approach
of Indlanu, an woll as boantn of proy,
and tho huntor was noon upon hla
feet, and looking In tho direction of
bin koreo.
Tho animal was standing in tho full
tight of n bright-moon, and nodmud to
bo staring nt an object In tho branchou
of tho trco. Aa tho hunter looked
tho branches woro violently agitated.
U dreadful yelling acrcntn wna hoard,
Lmi - ,iuri, object, which wan a moun-
to!n !oil nnij0j on tho back of tho
horH0. Tno ltor nprang Into tho nlr,
wUh ft nmd 8croan, uttlo inferior In
BhrlllncnB and rngo to that of hla
IIo rotumod to tho ground with n
Lroat concH8ori( mjt failed to nhako
n i).., - .inmilv ilhl
L, ,alt to )roy Iootl
I !,,. nrnir nn Mm inmn'N lioek
i-.v. .
mid shouloera, and tho Hon wan tear
, .., , ,, ,., , nll.
" " "r
,,, .., .0.u f
... . nvthintf.
T n,H "mMlor 5 "u VT Zt
ho, ,,orao "'IT0'1 f10.,!0
auu nvruiiK iinu H iiuiiuu u.iiku
boughs, and tho mountain lion wan
win irum iim aim iiuiivu uhui
lA ... ..... 1 l...M.v.l I...
confront hla enemy In tho
nnnn mnnrn. nnvnr nffnrlnt? tn run
BPaC0 novor "nK 10 ru"
" "on, quickly recovering ltimaoir.
mil mad with tho tunto of blood,
JPrang once moro Into tho bninchea of
11,0 b,K tro nn(J mdo another leap to
war! tho horse, but mlsaod hla aim.
no began a aorlos of clrcloa
around tho horse, getting nearer and
nearer each time, and at last ,mado
mother leap.
But tho bravo horao was ready for"
him, nnd with tho rapidity of thought
changed front and hla hind feet struck
tho lion full In tho brcaat
Tho animal rolled over nnd ovor,
with yollu of pain nnd rago, but then
camo on ngnln.
Thin tlmo ho camo to his death, for
tho homo's hoola struck him fairly
between tho oyen, and crushed hid
hkull clean across. Ho gavo a foW
sonvululvo struggles and then stlffenou
In death, while tho triumphant stal
lion stood neighing nnd pawing tho
ground In token of victory.
Cutting and Polishing.
Tho Rev. Ilolinan Black waa con-
gratulntcd In Denver by a roportor,
after nn eloquent sermon, on his maaJ
tory of pulpit orutory.
"What la your secret, sir?" tho re
porter asked. i
"Woll," waa Dr. Black's smiling an-
owor, "a preacher should always ro
mombor that while thoro aro sorniontf
In stono, tho moro precious a stonot
Is, tho moro carefully it must be cut
and polished."
Chlcknn Hawk In Flight.
Saw chicken hawk in flight, which'
suggests tho motion of a motorcar.
No flapping, no soaring, but a series
of quick, oxploslvn boatu of the wlngo,
oaoh sending tho bird forward In a
I leap of several ynrds. Tho fllckor
gives flvo strokos, then n Jump. From
"A Funnel 'rf Notobook."
Positive Proof,
Tho Counsol "How do you know
I this night lotter was forged by a man
and not written by tho woman whouu
nnmo Is signed to 117'' Tho Export
"Uocauso it contains lust 4H wnriln.
and a woman would havo used two
moro to got hor monoy'B worth."
Birmingham Ago-llorald.
Woman's Great Power.
Woman In thu salvation or dnntruo-
tlon of tho family, Sho carries . Its
dostlnlpu In (ho folds of hor mantle,
Outward Bound.
"Havo ou un opoiiliig hero for mo?"
naked tho anaortlvo young mm, "Yua,"
nnaworcd tlio cnpItallHt, "U'a ritfbl
mU)i you."