Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, July 18, 1918, Image 3

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Schubert Serenaders at Chautauqua
CHAS. RAY, President
WM. CHRISTENSEN, Vice President
Chas. Ray, Wm. Christensen, Chas. McKillipp,
D. A. Bailey, Wm. A. High.
J. L GEORGE, Cashier.
Your Patronage is Solicited
Published Every Thursday
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ E ntered as second-class m a tte r, Nov­
ember 13th, 1905 a t the postoffice a t Clo-
verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, tin­
der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878.
T H U R SD A Y . JU L Y 18. 1018.
A call for 175 men skilled in logging
and sawmill work m ust he filled by
volunteers from Oregon by July 23, or
enough men will be drafted from special
and lim ited service men in Class 1 to
fill the quota.
The skilled w orkmen required ate as
70 cliokormen, 50 head buckers, 24
doggers, 6 general sawmill foremen and
25 planer trim m e rm e n .
Volunteers for this service m ust be of
dra ft age, and are particularly desired
from Classes 2, 3 and 1. Those who
volunteer for th e work will be sent to
Vancouver, W ash., for engagem ent in
propucing spruce for aeroplanes, which
is one of th e most im p o rta n t branches
of th e whole service just now.
“ These are exceptional opportunities
for energetic and a m bitious m e n ,” says
the W a r D epartm ent circular calling for
the men. “ The men inducted under
these calls will be engaged in producing
spruce for airplanes in th e great N o rth ­
west woods.”
Dairy Ranch tor Sale.
160 acres on Tillamook river near
Yellow Fir Mill. 80 acres bottom land,
keeps 13 cows, 3 heifers, bull, horse. 8
hogs, which go with the place. C apac­
ity can be doubled. Price $12,500. Must
change clim ate on account of wife’s
h ealth. E. R. G a rne r, Hemlock.
Notice of Sale Under Foreclosure.
Notice is hereby given, th a t by virtue
of a judgm ent, decree and an order of
! sale made and entered on the 6th day
of Ju n e , 1908, and by virtue of an ex
ecution issued under said judgment and
decree dated the 24th day of Ju n e , 1918,
in a certain cause pending in the C ir­
cuit Court for Tillamook County, Ore­
gon, wherein Mary E. I.andinghatn is
plaintiff aud E r n e s t E d m u n d s
K a th r y n E. E dm unds are defendants,
which judgm ent, decree and execution
commanded me to sell th e premises
hereinafter described,to satisfy said judg
merit and decree, I, W. L. Campbell,
sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, on
S aturday, the 27th dav of Ju ly , 1918, a!
10 o’clock a. m., before the Court House
door, in said County, will sell for cash
to the highest bidder, all the right,
title and interest of said defendants in
and to the said land aud premises, more
particularly described as follows, tow i t :
Commencing a t the Southwest corner
of th e Northeast one qua rte r of Section
Twentv-five, Township Five South,
of Range Eleven West, of the W illam ­
ette M e ridia n; thence North along tin
line of said one-quarter a distance oi
Forty rods; thence East Forty-eight
R o d s ; thence South Forty Rods to tin
South line of said one q u a r te r ; thenct
West Forty-eight Rods along said lint
to th e place of beginning (.except two
acres, more or less, sold under contract
to one George Cozel) containing Ten
(10) acres, more or less.
Also, commencing a t the Southwest
corner of the Northwest one quartet
nf th e Southeast one u u a if e r
Section Twenty-five (25) Township Fivt
(5) South, of Range Eleven (11) West,
of the W illamette M eridian; thence
N orth Forty-six (46) Rods, along,
q u a rte r line; thence East Fourteen 0 4 )
Rods; thence South Forty-six (46) Rods
to South line of said q u a r te r ; thence
West Fourteen (14) Rods along said
South line to place of beginning, con
tabling Four (4) acres, more or less.
All in Tillamook County, Oregon.
W. L. Campbell,
Sheriff of Tillameok County, Oregon.
Dated Ju n e 24tli, 1918.
T he Schubert Serenaders bring splendid, Joyous music to C hautauqua. T hese six charm ing and talented young
ladies have been one of th e outstanding successes among musical companies of the E a s t for several years and th e ir
a p p e a ra n ce on the W e ste rn C hautauqua* Is of more tliau ordinary Importance. T heir program s a r e of infinite v a ­
r ie ty ; orchestral numbers, readings, songs, Instrum ental solos, dm ts, ( ill u m e d selecUotis. I t Is an unusual company
w hich please- unusually well. E very number, w h ether vocal or Instrum ental, Is reudered w ith all the finish a n d musician­
ship of which true a r tists are capable.
N o t e d M u s ic a l T r i o
Beatrice E. Heskett Gives Practical
and Helpful Lecture on Every
Day Health.
Metropolitan Artists at Chautauqua Is Company
of Rare Excellence
One of the highly Interesting and In­
structive fe a tu re s of C hautauqua week
will be the lecture given by Itentrice
E. H eskett on every-day health. Mrs.
H e ske tt w as formerly In stru c to r in
Physical C ulture a t the University of
Nebraska, and has been a t the head of
the physical departm ents of the Y. W.
The Metropolitan A rtists on the third day of C h a u ta u q u a occupy a
conspicuous place lji the splendid list of musical a ttra c tio n s for th e week. T h is
exceptional company ha s been one of the Mg successes of the C ha uta uqua plat*
form for many years. T he personnel 1 1 one of unusual stre n g th — Mary Welch,
American c o n tra lto ; Jo Polak, cellist, and Agues Bodholdt, plunlst. The n a m |
of Miss Welch Is fam iliar to mo; t music lovers. H e r voice Is a r a r e contralto,
rich la Its beauty and mark I by au Impressive volume. Mr. Poluk Is a cellist
of the Chicago Symphony O rchestra and a m aster of th a t most sym pathetic c 4
all Instruments, the 'cello. Miss Bodholdt, the Chicago pianist, hus won a (list
tln e t place in the music world of the Middle West. Doth as accom panist a u 4
• she will delight you.
Miss Beatrice E. Heskett.
War Pictures at Chautauqua
Henry Warren Poor Brings Great War Lecture
Illustrated with Underwood Photos
C. A. in Lincoln, Nebraska, and P o rt­
land, Oregon. H e r lecture Is illustrat­
ed w ith practical dem onstrations in
Physical Culture, and Is of real value
to every man, woman aud child In the
Bids Wanted.
Bids will be received up to July 20,
1918, for digging a well on the school
ground at Meds, District No. 19. Well
m o st be completed by Beptenuler 1,
1918. Specifications can be s c n at
home of clerk.
It. D. D unn, Clerk.
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given th a t the u n ­
dersigned has M;en by the County Court
j of Tillamook County, Oregon, appointed I
adm in istra trix of th e estate of Jamec |
'Jefferson McGinnis, deceased, and tha t :
I she has qualified as such. All persons]
having claims against «aid estate are re 1
quired to present the S H t n e to the tin
dersigned for allowance at Cloverdale, j
Oregon, within six m onths from th e ;
date hereof.
Dateti Julv l l t b , 1918.
Jessie Mttjinni®,
H . T. Boris,
A dm inistratrix, i
Attorney for A dm inistratrix.
Clough’s Carbolic Com­
For disinfecting where Contagious or
„ H enry W a r r e n Poor, expert photographer and lecturer of country wide
reputation. Is bringing to C hautauqua the latest and most complete set of infectious diseases are prevailing.
w a r pictures before the public. As head of the Slide and Color D epartm ent
of Underwood & Underwood, he Is In a particularly unique position to se­
ful Germicidal m ix tu re and by its use
cure th e la te st and best w a r photos being taken by this great firm. Under­
wood A Underwood furnish practically all the press ptctuics used In the will improve general stable conditions.
United States. T heir photographers are In every p a r t of the war rone and
Mr. Poor Is th e first to see and select from the vast a m ount arriving each
week from Europe. He has been In the w ar rone twice of late and his lectures
a t C hautauqua. Illustrated with 150 of the latest views from the front, will be
one of the most Instructive and Interesting events pf the entire Chautauqua Reliable DruflgUt, Tillamook, Ore.
rc •«
Q u a l i t y C o u n ts
In e n r li n e of Merchandise, b u t n o n e
m o r e especially than in
Our large s to c k ¡e in every instance the beet that can lie h a d
and our aim will he to keep the high standard u p .
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware {
S to v e s, R a n g e s, F a r m a n d
G a rd en T o o ls
A i d everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store, and
all goods are of the best quality.
Alex McNair & Co., Tmamookore.