% GOOD ROADS, GOOD HOMES, BEST CHEESE VOL. X III. ( 'L O V E R D A L E , M U HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEN Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR CLOVERDA LE COURIER. YOU Events o f Noted People, Governments and PacificJNorthwest and Other Things Worth Knowing. The Dutch cabinet has placed the resignation of its workers in the hands of Queen Wilhelmina, says the Nieuwe Rotterdamache Courapt, of Rotterdam. T IL L A M O O K TROUBLE IN SOUTH AFRICA Enemy Agencies Suspected o f Intrigu­ ing to Cause Disturbance. COUNTV, OREGON, BATTLE FRONT MAI JULY 11. The Nestucca Valley First, Last aud all the Time. 1918. NO. US. What a Bank Check Says A Pretoria, July 5.— Political trouble is brewing in South Africa, is suggested i by a statement just issued by Premier Botha, of the Union of South Africa u / P n n fp rp n rp k H p IH a t Vigorous measures involving co-opera- vUIIICICIILC !o nCIU d l tion of troops and police are being Washington, D. C. ( taken. Premier Botha said that had not ! ________ prompt and effective military steps ( been taken the situation would have r k r - s v i r t m a i i n j r A P U m culminated in a grave disturbance and U t t l u l U l i l O n L A v i l L U probably serious loss of life. The Boer leader added that the gov-1 ________ ernment had inforamtion pointiug to BANK Check has a message aside from its face value. It says that the one who draws it has money in the Bank and that the Bank on which it is drawn will honor this signature. It says that the depositor regularly deposits the money received and pays expenses by writing checks. Your check will say all this for you, when you open an account subject to check with this Bank. You will then have the convenience and safety that the Bank assures and you can write your check for the exact amount of each payment. BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WITH A CHECKING ACCOUNT 4 PER CENT PAID ON YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK THE LARGEST BANK IN THE COUNTY for its object the submersion of the * ,lson 8 * * tch,uI Seem8 constitution by violent methods. End Vladivostok and Kola Ap- London, July 5.— South African troubles have been the subject of ru­ mors in London for some days. It has been known that serious strikes have been in progress in the Trans­ vaal mines and it has been reported that these had an anti-government purpose and had been stirred up by German agents or irreconcilable Boers. A message from Johannesburg yes­ terday to Reuter’s Limited, says that all the natives who had refused to work on Wednesday later had resumed their duties. TILLAMOOK, OREGON pear to Be Storm Centers. PROFESSIONAL CARDS , OHice Ground Floor National Bid. Bell Phone ft.'i-J P. O. Box 147 Washington, D. C. — Developments With Rollie Watson Saturday tended to indicate that a new T .H . GOYNE battlefront may soon be established in Russia. The German menace, A telegram from Berlin says that a steady advance of which has been re­ Conveyancing, Etc. bill for a fresh war credit of 15,000,- ported for some time in dispatches, 000,000 marks, to be covered by loans, Tillamook, Ore. was introduced Friday in the Reich­ appears at last to have reached a Opp. Court House, stag. point where the watchful waiting at­ L. V. EBERIIARD. Manager. A credit of $100,000,000 was granted titude of the American administration C. W . T A L M A G E , to France Thursday by the treasury, has been challenged. Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records making the total advanced to France The Russian situation is understood of Tillamook Countv, Oregon. to date $1,765,000,000 and the total Attorney and Counsellor at Law to have been the subject at a confer credits of the allies $6,081,590,000. (TILLAMOOK. - - OREGON ence at the white house between Pres­ The first contingent of American ident Wilson and Secretaries Lansing, NATIONAL BLD., - TILLAMOOK, ORE, A. C. EVERSON troops to arrive in Italy, within 48 hours, established itself in camp. The , Baker and Daniels, Admiral Benson, TILLAMOOK. ORE. men are sleeping under their own Objectives *of Shipbuilders Exceeded chief of naval operations, and General tents and feeding from their own on Fourth—Seventeen War Ves­ March, chief of staff. kitchens. There was no announcement after sels Are Lauched. COUNSELOR AT L A W Necessity for stricter economy in the conference and probably will be 10t> Oddfellows’ Building, news print paper is emphasized in a 1 none for the present, but it was said See me for realty deals. Tillamook Oregon. letter addressed by the War Industries Washington—American shipbuilders unofficially that an important decision board to all newspaper publishers, who went beyond their objectives in the had been reached. Special Equipment for Making Income are asked to put into effect a number Independence day drive for new ton­ Urgent appeals from the allied gov-1 Returns and Reports. of economies. Tillamook Undertaking Co. nage. The shipping board announced ernments for American approval of R. N. HENKEL, Proprietor. The Arkansas constitutional con that the workmen started out with the and co-operation in joint measures to E .J . MENDENHALL vention has voted to incorporate into expectation of launching 439,886 dead­ meet the German menace through J. N. PEARCY Night nml Day calls Russia, have been before President the proposed new state constitution a weight tons, but later reports to the oromptly attended. Wilson for several davs. Until now, board show that 474,464 tons had been clause giving women all civil and ATTORNEYS AT LAW | however, there has been no intimation Sixth Street at Second Avenue East political rights, including suffrage and gotten ready to put overboard. that he had changed his position, Seventeen American war vessels serving on juries. - 928 Chamber of Commerce, TILLAMOOK. - - OREGON were launched on Independence day, based upon recommendations of his When a 3400-ton ship was launched the navy department announced, and military advisers, that a successful - - OREGON at Manitowoc, Wis., July 4th the honor the keels of eight others were laid. military effort in Russia was not feas­ PORTLAND, of christening the vessel was given to The craft put overboard included 14 ible. the wife of the boss of the riveting destroyers, a gunboat and two mine For military reasons, strictest secre­ gang that made the best record from sweepers. cy is observed concerning the exact Tillamook Abstracting Co. June 11 to July 1. The actual number of ships launched nature of steps proposed by the allies. American and allied naval forces Taoa. C oa tks . P kkhidknt . Vancouver, B. C„ police officers have was 82. The launching of 11 others voted to form an officers' union and was held up by a freshet in the Colum­ now are guarding war supplies both at OOMPLKTK 8KT OF ABSTRACT BOOKS Vladivostok, terminal of the Trans- to affiliate with the Trades and Labor bia river, while two others stuck on OF TILLAM OO K COU N TY. O R W tO N . council. Recently the Vancouver city the wrays. They are expected to be re­ Siberian railroad and Kola, terminal of the railroad on the Arctic coast, council asked the policemen not to leased without great delay. OREGON. As a result of the Independence day which is reported threatened by Ger­ TILLAMOOK CITY. affiliate with the council. launchings July and August deliveries man forces in the interior. A Bucharest dispatch to a Dutch are expected to show tremendous in­ In some quarters It has been said newspaper says that in the new con­ creases, as compared with preceding that since the United States regarded stitutional law of Roumania the rights months. Machinery is beginning to intervention purely as a military prob­ of the crown will be so changed as to come through for the wooden hulls, lem, the president, heretofore an op­ keeps you posted affect the crown's power of concluding many of which have been delayed af­ ponent of military action on the an alliance or in declaring war. ter launching by the lack of engines. ground of impracticability, would be on all important guided by the decision of the supreme Write for Literature. Premier Lloyd George sent the fol­ war council at Versailles and General lowing message July 4 to President happenings of the TILLAMOOK. - - OREGON Foch. W ilson: "I have just heard that a Reports Saturday ♦ the supreme hundred ships have been launched in Nestucca Valley. war council had given a decision were the United States. Heartfelt congratu­ not confirmed in official circles. lations on this magnificent perform­ ance.” W e also do Fuel Rationing Started. An earthquake of considerable sever­ Orange, Tex.— Federal and Texas Washington.— Rationing of coal to ity Wednesday morning at 3:11 A. and Louisiana officers are investigat­ PRINTING M., and continuing until 5:20 A. M., imi the fire which early Friday morn­ householders was announced Sunday Tillamook, Ore. was recorded on the seismographs of ing destroyed the entire plant of the night by the Fuel administration as of all kinds at Georgetown University observatory. Orange Maritime Corporation on the among plans designed to prevent a threatened shortage of coal next win - 1 L. S. HUSHBECK, Proprietor. Its center was estimated at about Louisiana side of the Sabine river, moderate prices. valued at fl,0M,000, and three half- ted. Each domestic consumer will be 3900 miles from Washington. allowed only as much coal as is neces­ completed 2200-ton schooners valued Three negro soldiers, convicted by at $225,000 each. sary to heat his house to 68 degrees, court-martial of attacking a 17-year- provided every conservation rule has Dining Room run on Family Style Two men, one said to be a Swedish old white girl after slugging her escort been obeyed. The allowance, the an­ Meals 3.r>c. on the cantonment grounds on the subject, are under arrest. Their names nouncement said, will be sufficient for are withheld. night of May 24. were hanged at Camp comfort, but “ the thoughtless and Charred bodies of two men, one be­ Dodge, la., at 9 A. M. Friday. The lieved to be a contractor of New York, wasteful consumer who finds his al­ negroes are selective service men from and one, that of an old man, an em­ lowance gone before the end of the Alabama. winter, will have only himself to ploye, have been found. Representative Japanese business thank if he has no fuel with which to heat his house.” men of the Pacific Coast, from San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland B0LSHEVIKI ON RUN: The plan involves a department of and Vancouver, B. C., In conference allotments in connection with each IRKUTSK IS GIVEN UP local fuel administrator’s office. The with Seattle Japanese Thursday sent a telegram to President Wilson pledg­ system will be put Into operation at ing support to the government in the L IS T Y O U R F A R M W IT H London.—Victory of Czecho-Slovak once. Each order for coal will be cen­ prosecution of the war. forces over the Bolsheviki near Ir­ sored by comparison with the rating of Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovitch kutsk is reported in advices Monday the house where the coal is to be used. brother of the former Emperor Nicho­ from the Siberian city. The Bolshevi­ Ex-Mayor Mitchel. Aviator, Killed. las. has been proclaimed Czar of ki are said to have been overwhelmed Russia, according to the Ukrainian west of Irkutsk and to have been I.ake Charles. La.—Major John Pur- telegraph bureau of Kiev. He is march­ driven out of the region to the east of roy Mitchel, killed Saturday when he ing with the Czecho-Slavs against Lake Baikal. fell 600 feet from the airplane in which IF Y O U W A N T T O S E L L IT . There was a battle at Nerkhnle he was riding, dropped from the pilot's Moscow. Grand Duke Michael, after Udinsk, a town on the Siberian rail­ the abdication of Emperor Nicholas, seat and plunged downward while his way 80 miles east of Lake Baikal, and plane skimmed on without a pilot for was named regent. it resulted in the Russian government nearly half a mile, according to state- Three Minneapolis papers, the Jour­ troops being driven out of the place. menta by officers at Geratner aviation nal. the Evening Tribune and Daily The Bolsheviki, in abandoning Ir­ field near here. News, have increased their price of kutsk. took with them great quanti­ An examination of the wrecked ma­ the paper from one to two cents. The chine developed that the safety belt If you are in the market for a good Dairy Ranch we can Minneapolis Morning Tribune recently ties of food. was unfastened at the time of the increased *ts price from one to two show you something that will interest you. We have some accident, causing Major Mitchel to fall Sultan’s Death Mystery cents. London.—Reports have reached Lon­ from his seat as the plane went into excellent bargains. Money is made dairying in Tillamook Furnishing of liquor to officers and don from Dutch sources that the death a nose dire. County. Why not get a chunk of this money. men of the army within private homes of the sultan of Turkey. Mohammed Major Kirby, commandant of the is prohibited under new regulations V, which took place on Wednesday field, declined to speculate as to the TAYLO R REAL ESTATE AGENCY formulated by President Wilson snd night was not due to natural causes cause for the belt being unfastened. It Secretary Baker and made public by and presumably was part of a revolu­ is a rule that all fliers fasten them­ Cloverdale, Oregon the commission ou training camp ac­ tionary movement in the Ottoman selves into place with the belt before empire. ascending. tivities. ATTORNEY AT LAW Abstracts on Short Notice by the PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. ROBERT H. McGRATH Money to Loan Real Estate Agency NEW U. S. TONNAGE BEYOND EXPECTI0N F. R. BEALS THE COURIER REAL ESTATE SHIPYARD BURNS: LOSS $ 1 .5 0 0 .0 0 0 The Todd Hotel Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special Rates by the Week. Taylor Real Estate Agency SEE TAYLOR FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE / t k