Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, July 04, 1918, Image 3

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CHAS. RAY, President
WM. CHRISTENSEN, Vice President
Chas. Ray, Wm. Christensen, Chas. McKillipp,
D. A. Bailey, Vm. A. High.
J. L GEORGE, Cashier.
first, but could she learn to do vour
When vou are thinking about whether
or not vour job w ill bo in the list of non­
useful jobs, put yourself in the place of
Provost Marshal Crowper, who must
not only get men into the army, but
must see that all the man-power of the
country is working in things which are
useful in helping to win the war, and
then you can figure out just w hat kind
of a job you hold.
The first list went into effect July 1.
There will probably be a large number
of men hunting for useful jobs. There
will be more of them as other lists are
made up.
Maybe you iust happened to get into
the job you hold now and have stayed
in it just because you didn't happen to
get out. Maybe vou have always want­
ed to work in a machine shop or on h
farm but nothing came along to make
you do it, especially after vou got
married. So one can tell yon w hat you
had better do light now, but one tiling
is sure and that is that you had better
think about your job.
►♦++♦♦+♦*+++ * ++++++++++++!•
■ ■
Your Patronage is Solicited
Preliminary Work Began May
Prices Range up to $30,000
Below is a partial list ot our many bargains
Don’t write us about these ranches. Come to Cloverdaie ■
amt see us. \Ye can show you just what you are looking for.
$2,100, half * cash, balance two years or longer if desired for a I
close in 144 aers ranch, two buildings and a large barn
on this place.
14,200, half cash, balance to suit, 49 acres with good barn and |
and shack.
#3,500 buys 40 acre ranch on main county road.
and old barn.
Fair bouse
#22,000 buys the best ranch of its size in Tillamook County.
Reasonable terms.
19 , 1917 .
Published Every Thursday
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ Entered as second-class matter, Nov­
ember 13th, 1905 at the post office at Clo-
verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, un­
der Act of Congress, March 3rd. 1878.
S ubscription R atts
One Year, in advance.....................$1.0C
Six Months...........................................50
Three Months ..................................... 25
Single Copy.......................................... 05
A dvertising R ates
Displayed Advertisements, 60 cents per
inch per month, single column. All
Local Reading Notices, 10 cents per
line for each insertion.
Timber land notices
Homestead notices
Political Announcement Cards
JULY 4, 1918.
You men of draft age who are not in
the army because you have a wife and
children or a father or mother depend­
ant upon you, ought to size up your job
to see whether or not Marshal Crowder’s
new regulation will touch you.
The new regulation took effect lulv 1.
It savs that no matter whether a man ir
married and has dependant! or not, he
must go into tlie service if he is either a
loafer or is doing work which is not us?
f ll in w inning the war, and this order
names certain jobs as being non-useful,
tuch as running passenger elevators,
Food Control Act passed August
sales clerks in stores, men doing house­
10 , 1917 .
work, and some jobs w hich are regarded
as hurtful, such as working around
1 ) :
gambling houses, pool rooms, bucket
Estimated surplus for export.
shops, race tracks, etc.
20,000,000 bushels
It is easv enought to look at your job
Actual shipments to June, 120,-
and say, “ My job is not in the list,’’ but
000,000 bushels.
General Crowder says it is expected
that the list of non-useful jobs will be
Ordinary rate one to two mil
extended from time to time. Suppose
lion pounds monthly.
Largest single month this year.
that another list is gotten out as soon ns
*7,000,000 lbs.
they take care of the men in the non-
useful jobs which are already named?
Ordinary rate, 50,000,000 lbs
Will your job be in the next list?
It is not a very long step from running
Largest month this year, 308,-
a passenger elevator to being a street
000,000 lbs.
car conductor.
OF FLOUR (Minneapo­
If selling dry goods or groceries in a
store is a non-useful job, how could they
One year ago. $16.75 a barrel
classify a deputy clerk of a court, or a
Present price, $9.80 per barrel.
If you are a bond salesman or an in­
PRICE MARGIN" (between farm
surance solicitor and have received de­
er’s wheat and flour made
ferred classification in the draft, what
from it):
are the chances that your occupation
One year ago the difference
will be named in the next list?
was $5.68
Present date the difference Is
II vou are a chauffeur for a private
64 cents.
family, what are the chances that the
IN GENERAL To the farmer
next list will put your job down as
going to mark'd, 27 per cent
non-useful just a5 this list names the j
more than last summer; to
doorman and butler.
the housewife buying In mar­
And you lawyers—are you so
ket, 13 per cent less than last
I n sizing up your job, you had better
the Allies have been sus­
think also about whether or not a woman
with sufficient training could do your
work, not as well perhaps as you, at j •♦•H"H"f+<M'*+++++++++++*+*'f
D r. D. Le. G la is y e r
County Dairy Inspector
Telephone Main 3—anil Mutual.
Tillamook, Oregon
Quality Counts
In ever line of M erchandise, b u t none
more especially than in
Our large stock is in every instance the best that ran Le had
and our aim will be to keep the high standard up.
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
Hanges, Farm and
Garden Tools
And everything usually kept in a tirst-class hardware store, and
all goods are of the best quality.
Alex McNair & Co., TiUamook.Ore.
#0,000 for an 80 acre ranch on the main county road between
Cloverdaie and llcbo.
#0,200 buys an SO acre ranch with stock and farm tools naar
#10,000 buys a fully slocked and going ranch and only $ 4,000
to put you in possession of th* place. Long time for
! Dairy lands in the Nastucca Valley bring you a monthly pay
check. Why not take advantage of one of the many bargains
we can offer you at the present time.
We have a few trades if your holdings will suit.
To Owners ot Nastucca Valley Lands
I have received a letter recently from a Salem party, stating that he
has a 7 room bungalow to exchange for land that would make a sheep
ranch. Another party has written me from Portland w ishing to exchange
income hearing Portland property tor u well equipped dairy ranch. Has
cash and equities. Still another party lias two lots near St. Johns car
line, Portland, at $1800 and he wants to trade for land. If you have any­
thing to trade and these appeal to you see me at Cloverdaie.
Taylor Real Estate Agency, Cloverdaie
People Dwelling in High Valley of the
Indus Are Isolated, but Com­
pletely Satisfied.
In the lilgli valley of the Indus,
guarding the entrance to mysterious
Tibet, lies Leh, the capital of an In­
dian province, writes Nlksnh In <’Ili­
on co Dally News. Is not a haven
Anonymity In Literature.
A writer In the Boston Transcript, for tourists. Occasionally a few trav­
«peaking of n man who bad written elers with n passion for adventure and
much for publication but always anony­ a lack of consideration for the com­
mously, says: “I doubt the wisdom of forts of home, work their way through
this on practical grounds; for the pub­ mountain pnsses and over rivers, on
lic likes to know whose work It ts caravan ponies and primitive raffs,
reading; a pseudonym Is fur better and at lust reach Leh.
Usually the Journey Is taken for the
than nothing, and If persisted In Is as
good In the long run as the right pleasure of unconventional travel and
name; but a book hv an abstraction, by not for the purpose of visiting Leh. for
nobody, generally falls to win the read­ merely to view the town Is hardly
er’s Interest, unless a rumor Is put worth the hardships of the trip. If
about that there Is a mystery conoern- you are an astronomer, however, you
'•~.S the authorship, and that the author look at the matter differently. The
Is a famous man trying a new experi­ meterologleol observatory of Leh Is
ment.” He might have added that the most elevated In Asia: and your
anonymity Is not profitable to the true lover of the stars will not balk
writer, especially If he Is capable of at the blinding snow and scorching 6un
good work. He gets no credit with which follow one another In such mad­
the public for what he does; whereas dening succession In the III malayas.
Devout Buddhists find congenial sur­
hts name If It accompanied his pub­
lished writing should become a dis­ rounding« In for the neighborhood
tinct asset, editors, especially of mnga- Is filled with lnmasserles, as the mon­
zlncs, being governed to some extent asteries of Tibetan Buddhists are
In their acceptances by the value of a cnlled. Over half the men are priests,
name, and persistent use of a name or ‘‘red coats,” and spend their days
even when attached to matter of trivial tn the worship of Buddha. Nowhere
quality has become a source of liberal else nre there so many prayer wheels
endlessly revolving. On these wheels
Income to msny a writer.”
nre manuscripts bearing the Inscrip­
tion, ‘‘J e w e l In the lotus, Amen,” writ­
To Warm Room Evenly.
ten mnny times. As the wheel turns,
The temperature of a heated room the paper unwinds and the prayer Is
Is several degrees warmer at the ro ll­ considered said.
ing than at the floor. To e q u a liz e the
The people of this section know little
temperature, It Is necessary for the of outside affairs. They live at an al­
air to be tn circulation. This may be titud» of from 11 ,OO0 to 16 OOO feet
accomplished with hu electrle fan. but above sen level. In t h e highest popu­
to prevent any unnecessary draughts, lated altitude in the world. If they de­
the blsst from the fan should be con­ scend ns low as 5,0O<) feet, the unac­
fined. As the air must be driven from customed atmosphere causes Illness.
the floor to the eelllng. ploro the fun But they are happy In their Isolation,
In one eorner of the room In such a and view complacently th e monoton­
position that It will drive the air up- j ous grnndeur of the mountains, which
wards. To keep the air confined make cut them off so effectually from the
« cardboard tube about six Inches In rest of the world
diameter to carry the sir up and across
the ceiling to the opposite corner of
”We stand behind our boys In
the room. This will take the cold air France and we will not call It a sacri­
from the floor and force It out at the fice but a privilege to do our bit to­
ceiling level. Naturally the air cur- j ward feeding them Over There. '—
renta are forced from a lower to a Emma V. Millikan
higher level, thus equalizing the tem­
perature.—Popular Science Monthly.
Conaarve, reaerve and preaerva all
of these fine fruits and vegetables
War is OUR BUSINESS, we cant that are now within your reach, you
will need ‘ham the coming »later.
win by carrying It as a side line.
Notice of Sale Under Foreclosure.
Notice is hereby given, that by viitue
of ¡i judgment, decree and un order of
sale made and entered on the 6th day
of June, 1908, and by virtue of an ex­
ecution issued under said judgment and
decree dated the 24th day of June, 191«,
in a certain cause pending in the Cir­
cuit Court for Tillamook County, Ore­
gon, wherein Mary E. I.andingham is
plaintiff and Erneaf Edmunds and
Kathryn K. Edmunds nre defendants,
which judgment, decree and execution
commanded me to sell the premises
hereinafter described,tosatisfy said judg­
ment and decree, I, \V. L. Campbell,
sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 27th day of July, 1918, at
10 o'clock a. m., before the Court House
door, in said Conntv, will sell for cash
to the highest bidder, all the right,
title and interest of said defendants in
and to the suid land and premises, more
particularly described as fellows, towit:
Commencing at tho Southwest corner
of the Northeast one quarter of Section
Iwentv-five, Township Five South,
of Range Eleven West, of the Willam­
ette Meridian; thence North along the
line of said one-quarter a distance ot
Forty ro«!s; thence East Forty-eight
Rods, thence South Forty Hods to the
South line of said one quarter; thenre
West Forty-eight Rods along said line
to tho piare of beginning lexropt two
acres, more or less, sold under contract
to one George Cozel) containing Ten
(10) acres, more or less.
Also, commencing at the. Southwest
corner of the Northwest one quarter
ot the Houtbeast one quarter of
Section Twenty-five (25) Township Five
(5) South, of Range Eleven (11) West,
• J the Willamette Meridian; thence
North Forty-six (46) Rods, along
quarter line ; thence East Fourteen 14)
Rod»; thence South Forvy-aix (46) Rod*
to South line of said quarter; thence
West Fourteen (14: Rods along said
South line to place of beginning, con­
taining Four (4) acres, more or less.
All in Tillamook Countv, Oregon.
W L. Campbell,
Sheriff of Tillarr.eok County, Oregon.
Dated June 24th. 1918.
Editor of the Oil and Mineral Journal
of Biliings, Mont., will give you straight
“ tips” about oil and mining companies
free, and send you sample copy of his
16-page illustrated paper for the asking.
Scores of his subscriber» have made
$p»> on a IP») investment and upwards,
bv following his advice. Don’t buy in
any company until you write him about
it—he knows who is reliable and those
who are not. Write Duo's or Rrad-
strect's as to what they think of Old
Man Harris and hia reliable information
to investors.—Adv.