A l m o s t the Speed Limit. “ At Chattanooga,” said a veteran of the Civil war, “ one of the men in iny One hundred and aixty-fiva Rooms, all Modern company left early in the action and Improvements: free phones on every floor. no one saw him till after the battle, Rates: 75c to $1.50 per day: $2.50 to when he appeared in camp unwound­ $5.00 per week. ed and unabashed. Some of the boys Opposite Courthouse, 2 blocks from Postoffice accused him of running away, hut he Fire Proof. S. P and Oregon Electric pass door. wouldn't admit it. “ ‘I only retreated in good order,’ he declared. " I heard of the matter, and a few days later I asked him if he had any idea how fast he had ‘retreated.’ “ 'W ell, I ’ll tell you, cap’n,’ he said. ‘If I had been at home and going after the doctor, folks that see me passin’ would have thought my wife was right sick !"— Exchange. Hotel Rowland A>»rd»d GRADO PRIZE at tk» P. P. I. E. KOVERALf.S 1 U S. P a t . O f f K eep Kids K leen The most practical, healthful, playtime rmou* ever invented for children I to yeaxs of Made in one piece with d»op back. Ea»»lv »lipped on or off. Easily washed. N o tight ' lasUc bands to stop circulation. Made in blue dmim, and genuine blue and white hickory stripe*. Also lighter weight, fait -color material in a variety of p le a s in g designs, all appropri­ ately trimmed with f a s t - c o lo r gaiatra. A l l gaiments m ade in Dutch neck with elbow sleeves or high neck and long deeves. Folder in color* showing dif­ ferent materials sent f r e e on lequest. , FAIR AND C LE A R — that’s the way $1.25 the suit I your skin w ill be, if If your dealer cannot supply you you’ll take Doctor Young Women and Men we will send them, charges prepaid Pierce’o Golden Med­ Busmens cries for trained minds. ('.rasp your on receipt of price, $ 1.23 each. ical Discovery. Pim ­ opportunity. Enorll now in N o rth w est’s bigtfest business college, B eh n ke-W alk er, Portland. Free ples, blotches, erup­ Satisfaction guaranteed I R o v e r a l l s Catalog. tions, and humors or money refunded. RE6. U.S. P A T . OfT. are utterly banished A N E W S U IT by this medicine. It Twenty.one Meals, However. F k R B takes away, more I F T H E i R IP Her Dad— Why, hang it, girl, the fel­ thoroughly and cer­ Beware of Imitations. LEVI STRAUSS &CÛ low only earns fifteen a week. Look for this label 1-iT tainly than anything SAN r PANCISCO. CAL , Herself— I know, papa, but a week Made A y — else, the blood poi­ passes so quickly when you're fond LEVI STRAUSS k CO., S o Frocixro sons or impurities of each other.—Boston Transcript. Mfrs». of “ F r e e d o m -A lla * * , that cause them. the n ew garm ent fo r w om en For every Skin, Scalp, and Scroful­ Would Risk It. ous affection, no matter how it came, the “ Discovery” cleanses, builds up, “ Money carries germs, my dear.” “ Still. I must have some money,” de­ strengthens, and Invigorates every clared the bride. “ You remember we part of the system. Eczema, Erysipelas, took a chance on kissing.”— Kansas Salt-rheum, Tetter, Bolls, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, and the worst Scro­ City Journal. fulous Sores and Swellings are com­ pletely and permanently benefited by TO B R E A K IN N E W S H O E S A L W A Y S U S E A llen ’s Foot-Ease, the antiseptic pow der. It it. prevents tightness and blistering. Relieves Corns. The “ Discovery" Is made from na­ Sta; 25c. O iatM t ?5c aaX 50c Bunions, and Swollen. Sw eating. A c h in g Feet, tive roots without alcohol, and can be (liven rest and comfort. Accept no substitute. Sample F R E E . Address, Allen S. Olmsted. L e had in liquid or tablet form from all Roy. N . Y. dealers. It is one of the best tonics [R IM E Granulated Eyelids, to-day, you feel refreshed In strength Quandary. and vigor after taking this vegetable ¡¡ Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflam ed by S u n , D u s t and W in d quickly “ I’m doubtful whether to economize tonic. Tablets 60c.— Adv. relieved by Murine. T ry it in on clothes or food.” your E y e sa n d in B a by 's Eyes. “ What do you mean?” No Smart inf, Just Eye Comfort Pretty, Anyway. “ I don’t know whether to wear this Maude Adams, as everybody knows, Murine Eye Remedy “ JS'sSrSSBi.’bSJS last year's straw hat or let the goat has a tip-tilted nose. Eye S a lv e , in T u bes 25e. For h ook o f the E y e — F re e . eat It.” — Exchange. At a tea In Los Angeles a little girl Ask M u rin e E ye R em edy Co.. C hicago t once said to Miss Adams: "I think you’re beautiful. I like your nose best of all.” c Bac,k,a “ Oh, no, my dear, you mustn’t like 1 We waal all bare. Write for Prices and Sbippmg Taft. my nose,” laughed Miss Adams. “ My ' T H E H . F. N O R T O N C O M P A N Y , Portland. Ore., Seattle, W n ., Bellingham , W n . parents were very careless about that. When they were choosing my features for me they took the first nose that turned up."— Exchange. E arn More Cuticura Stops Itching and Saves the Hair n YoUREYtS Hides, Pelts, Wool & Mohair i Laugh When People | Step On Your Feet ELECTRIC MOTORS Bought, Sold, Rented and R e paired W A L K E R E L E C T R IC W O R K S Burnside, cor. 10th. Portland. Ore. n t f i r * I“ I I V * » a * V e a l, P o rk , B e e f, P o u ltr y , B u tte r, E g g » „ „ d f a rm P ro d u c e , to the Old Reliable Even tin g house with a reconi of 45 v.-ars o f Square Dealing», and be a a »u n d of T O P M A R K E T PR IC E S . F. M . C R O N K H IT E , 45-47 Front Street, Portland. O re g o n By buying direct from un at wbnleaale price» and save the plum ber’» profit». W rite ua to­ day your need». W e w ill give you our rock- buiUfiii "direct-to-you” price», f. a b. rail or boat. W e actually aave you from 10 to 26 per cent. A ll good» guaranteed. Northw eet headquarter» foi le a d e r W a te r S y stra n and Fuller A Johnaon Engine». S T A R K - D A V I S CO. 212 T h ird Street. P. N. U . Portland, O re g o n No. 26, 1918 i \ * T r y th is yourself then p ass ’ Have a Clear Skin. it along to others. Make Cuticurn Soap your every-day It works! | toilet soap and assist it now nnd then by touches o f Cuticurn Ointment to ; soften, soothe nnd heal. For free \ Ouch ! ? ! ? ! ! This kind of rough samples address “ Cutlcura, Dept. X. talk will be heard less here in town If Boston.” At druggists and by mail. people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.— Adv. authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied Beneficial All Around. "This food economy is proving bene­ to a tender, aching corn or hardened callous stops soreness at once, and ficial in several ways.” "Yes. W e are reducing the national soon the corn or callous dries up and waist line to protect the coast line.” — lifts right otf without pain. He says freezone dries immediately Exchange. and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding skin. A small bottle Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver, of freezone will cost very little at any bowels end stomach. One little Pellet drug store, but will positively remove for a laxative—three for a cathartic. every hard or soft corn or callous from one’s fe e t Millions of America's History Repeats Itself. women will welcome this announce­ Hub— Any callers today, dear? ment since the inauguration of the W ife— Only the Floods— quite infor­ high heels. If your druggist doesn’t mal— just ran In to escape the shower. have freezone tell him to order a small Hub— I see: “ the rains descended bottle for you.— Adv. and the Floods came.”— Exchange. I Home Science. Th e Reason. Teacher— Can any of you children "So the bride eloped with the groomsman. Why do you suppose she think of a creature not yet mentioned did that?” who belongs in the brute creation? "Because he was the best man."— Pupil— My mamma says my papa’s Exchange. one.— Exchange. Middle A g e d W o m eiv A re H ere Told th e B est R em edy for T h eir T roubles. Frermnnt, O.—" I was passing through the critical period of life, being forty-six years o f age and had all the symptoms incident to that change — heat flashes, nervousness, and was in a general run down condition, so it was hard for mo to do my work. Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound was recommended to me as the best remedy for m\ troubles.which it surely proved to l>e. 1 feel better and stronger in every way since taking it, and the annoying symptoms have disap­ peared.’’—Mrs. M. U o u p l . n , U-’j Napoleon St., Fremont, Ohio. North Haven, Conn.— "L y d ia E. Pinkliam's V egeta­ ble Compound restored my health after everything else had f a i l e d when passing through change o f life. There i s nothing like it to overcome the trying symptoms.” — Mrs. F l o i i k . m k 1 s k i . u a , B o x l'J7, North Haven, Conn. lea Such Case s LYD IA E. PINKH AM ’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Di&s the greatest record for the greatest good L Y D IA E P 1 N K H A M M E D IC IN E CO. LY N N M ASS O stars of Freedom’s banner bright That clustered shine in field of blue. From faint, far depths of heaven’s height Your constellated fires you drew! From starry ways of ages down You bring the light of old renown! Greece first your dawn-bright radiance knew When Freedom’s star rose o’er the deep, And Athens’ glory full orbed grew When Parthenon crowned the Acrop­ olis steep. The fame of Greece then brightly shone With splendor since through ages known. Bu: kindled by Promethean fire O’er other lands rose Freedom’s stars. Unquenched by blood, they still aspire Where far beyond the old world bars They rose above the new world bright And blent as one their kindred light. Long may these stars undimmed still shine In Freedom’s glorious galaxyl Long may our land still be the shrine To all the world of Liberty, Whose statue stands at Freedom’s gates And for the coming millions wails! — H . T. Sudduth in Nevo Yorl( World. fuel employed, for anthracite coal from Wilkesharre region was floated down the Susquehanna and hauled in wagons from Harris' Ferry (Harrisburg) to this point. This was the first use of such coal, on such n scnlc, nnd for in dustrial purposes.” Evidence of the largo force of workmen employed Is found lu a meat bill, dated February 7, 1781, for 150 head of beef cattle to supply the artificers nnd others nl Carlisle, Pa., Claims to Have H a d Wnshingtonhurg. nt the “ Continental Within Its Limits a Station of Im­ works near Carlisle." The contention Is that tills military portance That Antedates the Nation­ al Capital by Many Years— Made post was the first place In the United States to be named for Washington First Move for American Liberty. nnd tlint Its existence antedates by ARLISLE, I ’u., claims to have years Washington, D. C. When General Washington was I d had within Its limits the first place (Wushlngtonburg) In the Carlisle during the whisky rebellion United States to be named for lie, with Alexander Hamilton, wor­ George Washington and to have the shiped In the "Old Presbyterian Meet­ oldest meeting house west of the Sus­ ing House” on the public square I d quehanna. wherein the germ of Ameri­ Carlisle, nnd It was In this Identical meeting house, on July 12, 1774, a yeat can liberty was conceived. Access to hidden records nnd fncts before the Mecklenburg declaration, s long burled In state archives Is re­ public meeting of patriotic citizen? writing history nnd a lately discovered ! gathered from the town nnd surround­ “ Uncompleted Paper" by the late ing country, condemned the act of the Christian P. Humrtch, Esq., discloses British parliament and urged vigorous the fact that on the present site o f the measures to correct the wrong. Col. United States Indian school at Car­ John Montgomery was the presiding lisle in prerevolutionary times was an olllcer. James Wilson was present and establishment of “ recognized Impor­ was appointed one of the members of tance, nnd of great historical Interest," the committee to meet with other com mtttocs to take action, lie was Inter a known as Wnshingtonhurg. No record Is found in state or coun­ member o f the Continental congress, n ty of its existence, but research shows signer of the Declaration and n Justice that it was quite an important place of the Supreme court. Wing’s history nnd more than a suburb of Carlisle. states, “ and when In the Continental It wn» a national nnd not a state es- congress lie received Instructions from bis constituents in Cumberland county j to advocate an entire separation from | the mother country. This was prob- ! ably the first utterance of that senti­ ment of the country.” Bancroft’s Tribute to Wilson. Bancroft says of Wilson : “ He was an ardent pntrlot, like many other emi | iicnt men o f that day— not nt first i avowedly In favor of severance from the mother country, but he desired It when he received definite Instruction from Ills constituents.” Bellman, writing o f the potency ol this meeting held in the “ Old Meeting House" on .1 litv 12, 1771 says: “ The influence, therefore, of the meeting, oi of subsequent Instructions to which 11 gave rise, seems t(? have determined the action of Pennsylvania In that great crisis which men even like John Dickinson were too timid or too cow­ ardly to meet.” The vote of James Wilson deter­ mined the vote of Pennsylvania. Had Pennsylvania failed to accept the reso­ lution we today would be under an­ other flag. Jamet Wilson. Philadelphia may be considered “The birthplace o f American liberty,” bul tabllshment. for “ Col. Flower, Commls- i Its conception In the "Old Presbyterian sary-GeneraI of Military Stores." re­ Meeting House.” In Carlisle. Cumber­ quests that he might have “Carpenters, land county, Pennsylvania, made It Farrier«, Gun Smiths. Tinmen, Sad­ possible to be born. dlers nnd Shoemakers’ for work at The Scotch-lrlsh part In the Revolu­ this place. tionary war and the events preceding Coal Used Industrially. It Is becoming more apparent nnd lm- Dr. Chnrles F. lllnies of Dickinson portflnt, nnd the actions tnken In the college writes: "It was. too, an up-to- Presbyterian meeting houses through date. or rather, nway-nhead-of-date, out Pennsylvania are vital to historic establishment, nt least In regard to > recital. MILITARY POST THAT WAS NAMED FOR WASHINGTON C