N ESTU C C A V A L L E Y B A N K BIG CELEBRATIO N AT T IL ­ LAMOOK JU LY FOURTH (or All. CHAS. RAY, President WM. CHRISTENSEN, Vice President BOARD OF DIRECTORS; Chas. Ray, Win. Christensen, Chas. McKillipp, D. A. Bailey, Win A High. e J. L GEORGE, Cashier. Tillamook is making preparations for celebrating July Fourth in a most patriotic manner. The soldiers will lead the process!, n which w ill be composed of bands and lodges, granges and civilians. There will be lots of music and a base ball game in th e afternoon, besides other games and sporls. Space w ill not permit of stating the many pleasing things that will be af­ forded ber guests but the com mittee in charge sends an invitation fur all to come end help her patriotically cele­ brate the National Holiday. Dairy Y our P a tro n a g e is S o lic ite d cently burned at Mercóla, is being re­ built. % Dr. Thorp, who begins duty for T'ncle Sam Friday, accompanied bv his wife ami mother, spent Tuesday night here with his grandm other, Mrs. Woods. Dr. H ester and family, of Newberg. who are camping here, are catching some fine fish, which they are canning for future use. If more would follow bis example there would be more poik end beef to our boys on the battle front. Resolution of Condolence. Whereas, it ha« pleased the Supreme Ruler to remove from our midst our dearly beloved brother, J . J . McGinnis, therefore, he it resolved T h a t Ocean Spray- Rebekah Lodge e x ­ tend to our beloved sister, Jessie McGinnis, and family, our love and svm patliy. That a ’copv of these resolutions be spread on the minutes of the lodge and a copy be sent to the Cloverdale Courier for publication. Kstella Iralab, Eva Owens, F. L. Owens, Com mittee. Card oi Thanks. We wish to express our deep a p p r e ­ ciation for sym pathy shown ns and for the floral offeiing-i in our rcceeut be­ reavem ent. Howard Ilebbg and family, Ross Cbilcott and family, R alph Cbilcott cud family. . Notice to Water Users. Please do not use water to irrigate or sprin k le lawns or roads after 9 a. m. until further notice. Dr. t , L». G la isy e r V E T D R ! MARIAN C o u n ty D airy In s p e c to r Tillamook, Oregon Telephone Main 3—and Mutual Quality Counts - In ever line of Merchandise, hut none more especially than in HARDW ARE Our large stock is in every instance the best that ran be bad and our aim will be to keep the high standard up. Builders’ Hardware, Tools Shelf and Heavy Hardware Stoves. Ranges, Farm and Garden Tools And everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store, and all goods are of the liest quality. Alex McNair & Co., Tiuamook.on. 4 * The Store that sells H art When in Tillamook and want good eats and splendid service give the Louvre your patronage Meals and lunches at anv hour. Notice oi Sale Under Foreclosure. Notice is hereby- given, that by virtue of a judgm ent, derree and an order of sale made and entered on the 6th day of Ju n e , 1908, and by virtue of an e x ­ ecution issued under said judgment and decree dated tlie 24th day of Ju n e , 1918, in a certain can«e pending in the C ir­ cuit Court for Tillamook County, O re­ gon, wherein Mary E. Landingham is plaintiff and E rnest E dm unds a.id K ath ry n K. Edmunds are defendants, which judgm ent, decree and execution com manded me to sell the premises hereinafter described,tosati fy said jud g ­ ment and decree, I, W. L. Campbell, sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, on Saturday, the 27th dav of July. 1918, at 10 o’clock a. in., before the Court House door, in said C o u n ty , w ill sell for cash to the highest bidder, all tlie right, title and interest of said defendants in and to the SHid land and premises, more particularly described as follows, tow it Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northeast one quarter of Section Twenty-five, Township Five South, of Range Eleven West, of the W illam­ ette Meridian ; thence North along the line of said one-quarter a distance ol Forty rods; tLence EaBt Forty-eight Rod«; thence South Forty Rods to the South line of said one q u a r te r, thence West Forty-eight Rods along said line to th e place of beginning ic t r c p t two acres, more or lees, told under contiact to one Geoige Co/.el) containing Ten (10) acres, more or lees Also, commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northwest one q u arte r of the Southeast one quarter of Section Twenty-five 25) Township Five (5) South, of Range Eleven (11) West, of the Willamette M eridian; thence North Forty-six (46) Rods, along quarter line; thence East Fourteen 0 4 Rod*; thence South Porty-«ix 46> Rods to South line of said q u a r te r; thence West Fourteen <14 Rode along said South line to place of beginning, con­ taining Four (4) acres, more or less. All in Tillamook County, Oregon. , W. L. Campbell, Sheriff of Tillatnsok County, Oregon. Dated J u n e 24th, 1918, S hirts and Collars and Munsingwear for everybody The June Economy SALES Will be Continued up to and Including Thursday, 4th July HESE Sales affords wonderful opportunities for securing new seasonable goods at remarkably reduced prices in T every department. Plan to do your pre holiday shopping hero and save money j on every j i purchase. Brief mention of the Bargains available follows:— Ladies’ Ready-to Wear Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual $21.85 to $35 00 Suits.................................. Half Price | $20.60 to $24 85 Coats.............................................$19.85 $31 50 to 135 00 Coats.............................................$29.45 $9 45 to $11.00 Sport Skirts............................ $3 40 $12 75 to lift 45 Sport Skirts .............................. $11.35 $8.97 to $9.65 Silk Skirts........... ...................... $..65 OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF TRIMMED MILLINERY Is included in the following two prices One Special lot prierd a t ........................................................$2.98 One Special lot priced a t ........................................................$4.47 Lovely New Silks 40 inch Crepes de Chine ................................................... $1.93 36 inch Chiffon Taffetas............. $193 36 inch Novelty Taffetas........................................................ $1.93 Sport Pongees and Tussalis ................................................ $1.93 36 inch Gingham Silks......................................................... $1.93 Wash Fabrics Actual 35c to 50c Fabrics................................................. ". .. 25c Actual 48c to 75c Fabrics........................................................ 39c Actual 75c to 98c Fabrics 59c New Skirtings Actual 75c to $1 00 Skirtings ...................................... 69c Actual $1 75 Wool Skirtings.............................................. $1.48 Actual $2 50 Wool Skirtings......... .................................. $198 Juue Economy Sale of Ladies’ Shoes Actual f^OO, $9.00, $10.00 Red Cross, Queen Quality and Sherwood Shoes in all the newest styles colors and combinations, Military, Cuban and I.oui» Cuban Heels $6.95 Ladies’ Pure Thread SILK STOCKINGS $ 2.00 OLD MAN HARRIS Editor of the Oil and Mineral Jou rn al I of Billiugs, Mont., will give you straight j " t ip s ” ab o u t oil ami m ining companies free, and send you sample copy of his , 16-page ilhiatrated paper for the asking Scores of hi* m h tc ribers have made $400 on a $100 investment and upwards, [ bv following his advice. Don’t buy in any com pany until you w rite him about ! it—he knows who is reliable and those | who are not. Write D u n ’s or Brad- «treet’a as to what they think of Old Man H arris and Ids reliable information to investors.—A dr. Pure Silk Stockings in Black, White, Champagne, and Pearl Grey, Perfect Fitting, perfect me«, 8$, 9, 9$, 10. Owing te the scarcety of this claas of merchandise we urge you to secure the aixe and color* you need at the very first epportunity. MEN’S DRESS 8H0ES Gunmetal, Button and Blucher Shoes in all sizes. A splendid bargain at the very low price of................................................................... FRANK TAYLOR, N otary Public Cloverdale, Ore. Clough’s Carbolic Com­ pound For disinfecting where Contagious or infectious diseaeee are prevailing CARBOLIC COMPOUND i« a power­ ful Germicidal m ixture and by its use will im prove general stable condition«. » •» •O r* CHAS. I. CLOUGH, R eliable Druggist, Tillam ook, Ore. Schatfner and Marx Clothing, Mallory Hats, Florsheim Shoes, Arrow Ranch to r Sale. 160 acres en Tillamook river near Cellow Fir Mill. 60 acres bottom land, >8 13 cows, 3 heifers, bull, horse. 8 i, which go with the place, t ’apai ity can be doubled. Trice $12,(KM. Must change climate on account of wife's health. E. R. G arner, Hemlock. Mrs. Bidding's house is fast nearing c inpletion. Slie is expecting to move in w ith in a few days. Nets and more nets, boats and more boats. The iish th a t run in th e Neatue- ca river this year will be in danger. The governm ent inspector ot mills m ade the Pacific City mill a visit this week. The box factory a t Pacific City is r u n ­ ning quite steady these days. However, it is up hill business getting the shocks out over th e new plank road. Almost evory truck rests for awhile in the middle of the steep grade, and the pile of boxes th e re is on th e increase. Mr. Ward was a Tillamook visitor Monday. Carlson, N o rth ru p and Montgomery will he a t Oretown ch u rc h Sunday m orning an d afternoon. All cordially- invited to a tte n d the services. Mr. Dickinson, of Oregon Citv, is re­ pairing his b o a t and installing a motor for fishing purposes. If vou meet Mrs. Morris Bays prepare at once to subscribe for a b undle of War Saving» S tam ps. You can make vour escape in no o th e r way. We need more of h<-r spirit to win the war, Mrs. Gene Kirkwood is visiting in the valley. Lea S hrader, his brother, and several o th e rs are working in th e Pacific City mill while th e Fisher mill t h a t was re- O re g o n Big Doings and Splendid Entsrtninment C L O V E R D A L E , OREGON WOODS ITEM S. I ilUimook JULY FOURTH CELEBRATION Plan« for a wonderful patriotic Fourth of July Cel­ ebration are well under way with hundred* of soldiers participating. Spend the 4th in Tillamook, you’ll hav* a splendid time. $ 3.65 DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT We haye m a d e arrange­ ments whereby customers can have all their dressmaking done in the store by a com­ petent worker. The Dept, will be open in a few days and we invite you to take ad- < vantage of this service. Are You a S aver? BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS President Wilson a.-ks every man. woman and child to plsd8s themselves od or before June 28th to buy as regularly as possible War Savings Stamps and Certificates. They offer the best security in the world. Join the Limit Club today. A