Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, June 20, 1918, Image 2

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W. A. Wise. Dclltirt.
Plaskcr Bros., Tillamook, for anything
in plumbing.
Wanted Yearling
Rctm tke, Wood*.
L. A.
J will pay 10c per pound for «arrura
la rk —Grover Witt
Fred Briudy ar.d family moved lant
week to Tillamook.
Oliver Beckwith, of Tulare, Cal., 1»
visiting Fere this week.
Wanted—Lady housekeeper lor ranch
borne. F. C. Zosel. Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. Otzen were in Clover-
dale from Ore-town Wednesday.
Mrs. Leha Hudson, of Portland, spent
n tew with her parents here during the
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worthington, of
Tillamook, were Cloverdale visitors
For Kent—Dairy ranch down on
Salmon River. Call or write to E. O,
Calkius, Otis, Oregon.
At the annual school meeting Mon
<lay,J L. Burke was elected director
and J. R Bid good clerk.
For sale—Wagon, mower, hay rhke
and a few small farm tool-,. Axel
Nelson, between Cloverdale and lleb >.
the calf man. buys send your
calses to him by stage, lie is in the
market for all kinds, except Jersey bull
When in Tillamook and want good
eats and spbndid service give the
Louvre your patronage. Meals and
lunches at aov hour.
other new s of in t e r e s t
Mr Med ants Passes Away Saturday.
One of the best known and most liked
citizens, of Cloverdale, after an illness of
several months, passed away last Satur­
day at noon.
Mr. McGinnis resided with his family
on a ranch between Cloyerdale and
ilebo for several Years, but failing health
caused loin to sell his ranch and pur­
chase a homeeite and a small acreage in
Cloverdale, where he spent the last two
years of hi* life.
Mr. McGinnis was a painstaking man,
who kept everything up in the verv best
condition. As a result he was exceed­
ingly successful. He was liberal in his
views kind hearted and a man all were
pleased to call their friend. He believed
in living within his means and was min­
utely particular to meet hie obligations
financially and otherwise.
in the death of Mr. McGinnis Clover-
dale looses a highly respected and
honored gentleman.
obitcary .
James Jefferson McGinnis was born
in the state of Illinois, April 26th, 1857
und died June 15th, 1918 age 61 years 1
month and 29 days. His parents were
amoDg the earliest pioneers of this
county having moved here in 1871. In
November 1893 he was married to Jessie
'lager, at Mager Oregon, to this union
two children were born, Roland and
Webb McGinnis. Roland is living at
home, Webb is serving in the
army in France.
Besides bis wife and two sons he is
survived by one brother, Henry Me
Ginnis, of Sprague, Washington, and
four half brothers, William Farmer, of
San Francisco, California, II, M. Farmer,
of Beaver, Oregon, Otis Farmer, of
Vancouver, Washington, and one half
sister, Mrs. Eliza Merer*, of Sacremento.
Back Up
Uncle Sam
We want all your Eggs.
By Buying War Saving
and Thrift Stamps
to ths Limit.
For the balance of this
cuonth we are giving this
Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Inc.
space and one oi our show
windows in boosting the
sale of War Saving and
Thrift Stamps.
This state is still short
on its quota.
Prepare to
do your bit in the next
weeks in
Uncle Sam
Buy a Saving
Stamp and if you can’t
buy a Saving Stamp buy
a Thrift Stamp is to be
tne slogan and again put
Mr. and Mrs. Will Messner and chil­
Oregon over the Top.
dren, accompanied by Mrs. Hendrick­
son, went to Yamhill Monday to attend
For Sale.
the fnneral of a friend. They returned
Brand new range, never used. Top
Tuesday. Will is driving a new Chev­ 42x31 inches. Sell at cost price. See
at l.etson's garage.
There will be preaching in the Prei-
bvterian church, Cloverdale, Sunday
morning and evening, 11 a. m. and 8 Adam Babcock was a Tillamook visitor DRUGGIST AND STATIONER
p. in. Rev. Paul K. Putsch, of the last Wednesday.
Kennil worth church, Portland, will lie
Cloverdflile, Oregon.
Mrs. I.ouis and daughters and friends,
here ami deliver two sermons above
of Sheridan, are spending a few davs at
uoted. Come out and hear him.
Ship on Girl's Back Bar to Society.
Pacific City.
The Red Cross entertainment of last
A ship on n girl’s hack Is a bar to
Boxes, and more boxes, they are be­ her entrance Into society, according to
Tuesday evening was a splendid success
and once more demonstrated the libel- ginning to make them down there. State Senator Alfred J. Gilchrist, of
alitv of the people in and oround Mr Reals improved his last few days of New York city. The senator declares
Cloverdale when a worthy cause is the mill by putting a large force at this that a Brooklyn girl Is barred from so-
I clety because, when ten years old, a
preseuted. A very short program was work.
ship was tattooed on the girl's back.
given and with a few well chosen re­
Mr. Beals is shipping out bis aero­ She cannot wear a fashionable, low-
marks by Mr. Kraner the real business plane lumber bv truek this week.
, neck dress because of the spreading
of the evening began—selling fancy
sh II s across the ocean on her back.
work, canned and fresh fruit, soft drinks,
senator, therefore, asks for a law
a ham and other things that w«re do­ ing that nothing leaves but ean fly. Imposing a fine of $500 for any one
nated for that purpose. The fish pond
who mars a young woman's beauty.
proved a very interesting and amusing the inspector. A little cross grain or de­
feature for old and young. Numbers fective spruce means the death of one
Notice tor Publication.
. pvbushk «]
were sold on two crates of berries, Mrs. of our boys.
l^*e Aflolter and Glenn Taylor were the
Lea Shra lor. from Marcola, lias taken
lucky ones in drawing. Geuerous do­ charge of tho Pacific Citv mill for the DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
l S LAND OFFICE at Portland, Ore­
nations were made by everyone in sup­ new owners.
gon, May 11, 1918.
plying articles to l«e sold and everything
I.. A. Xortlirup and H. Carlson are i NOTICE, is hereby given that James
sold at good prices. A numlwr of cash
remodeling Mrs. BeKlings house.
Buckbee, of Meda, Tillamook County,
J, n. lions were also made, the largest
Mr Northrup has moved from Pacific Oregon, who, on December 1,1913, made j
bsing 116.00 from Mr. lloncv. The so­
ciety wish to thank everyone who con­ Citj into D. F. Colliers house, at this Homestead Entry No. 03972 for lot 1,
and * e l4 n e V4, n e *-4 s e ' 4 Section 3,
tributed in anv way to the success of the place.
I and on April 15, 1918, made AduitioDal
affair. The net proceeds were $175 26. j Quite a crowd gathered at Pacific City Homestead Entry. No. 04978 for e
hall last Sunday night to hear about ' s w l4 n w ' 4 , w n w 1 w V 4 n w 1 $,
Card ol Tbanks.
and s e l4 n w l4 s w *4 a w t-i, Section
VV< wish through this tiitans to thank “ The Kaiser in Prophesy-’ and were 2. all in Township 5 South, Range 10
kind friends and neighbors who assisted
West, Willamette Meridian, has filed 1
us during the recent illness an f death “ How to Advert Fartbs Great Catas­ notice of intention to make three-year ;
proof,to establish claim to the land above
of husband and father.
1 described, tefore the clerk of the County
Mr« .1 J. McGinnis and Family. ' Rev. Carlson will sieak in the Mi«sion Court for Tillamook County, Oregon, at
Tillamook, Oregon, on the 29th dav of
Thursday evening.
Meeting of Nesticca Valley
June. 1918.
Mr Beals is making quite extensive
Claimant names as witnesses:
Hospital Contributors Cs’led
D. J. Dunn, T. R Wilson. Frank
.A meeting of the contributors to the
Foster, John Baker, all of Meda. Oregon.
Nestucc- Valiev Hospital is called for son.
Proof made under Act of Jane II. 1906, i
Thu:¡day evening, Dine IT, 8 .(0. at the ! Mr. Fillman, of F.ugene, has rented and Act June 6 , 1912.
N. Campbell,
Cloverdale Hall. Matter* relative to j the house formally occupied bv Mr
Register, li
the hospital and what disposition t o 1 Hostettler.
luake nf it w.ll lie discussed.
This meeting is important and all
•’..ose who contributed to it are urged to
be at this meeting.
Editor of the Oil and Miueral Journal
of Billinas. Mont., will give you straifht
Nelle« to sfatar Giara.
“ tips" about eil and mining companies
Tiesse do not use water to irrigate or
free, and send you sample copy of his
sprinkle lawns or road* after 9 a m
16 page illustrated paper for the asking.
For disinfecting where Contagious or ♦ 1
utit.l further notice.
Scores of his subscribers have made infectious di«easeo are prevailing
CtuvrrJ ''e Water and Light Co. |
$* o on a $100 investment and upwards,
bv following his advice. Don’t buy in
It ha* com«- to my no. ice that there is any company until you write him about CARBOLIC COMPOUND >« a power­
x report current that I do not prattle* it—be knows who is reliable and those ful Germicidal mixture and by its use
surgery, that n»y practice is only that who are not. Write Dun's or Brad- will improve general stable conditions, j
nf medicine In correcting tin* erron­ street's as to what they think of Old
eous statement I wish to state that I am Man Harris and his reliable information
competent and am prepared to do surg to investors—Adv
« •♦ •••» •
ery a* well as practice medicine.
Thanking the people > f iTov«rdai* ior
the |mst courtesies and patronage- I re­
main as ever
Your* truly,
Dr. J L LtFevre.
W M . A. H I G H ,
Clough’s Carbolic Com­
Notary Public
Cloverdale, 0re.lFe,iabl«Eni«fli8t' TiUamook.
The New
Now Coming
This is the largest and finest car that ever carried the
GRANT SIX name plate—a car that is without real compe­
tition in its Price class.
The individual beauty of its lines, its unusual size and
its extraordinary mechanical refinement, will make this new
model one of the most talked of cars of the coming season.
Ita powerful, flexible and remarkably smooth-running
engine is of the overhead valve type with balanced crank­
shaft. ferced-feed oiling and many other advanced features.
W . K U P P E N B E N D E R
T illa m o o k ,
O regon
We have just received a new
Oxvacetvline Welding riant
We are now ready to do «11 clajsses of welding in the
lighter lines.
We have Special Valve Tools, such
as arc essential in Motor Work.
Your r«p«ira can be handled bere as well as in the iarge
garage of tha city.
W. R. E E T S O N ,
>1 f t r .
Í v\
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