GOOD ROADS, GOOD HOMES, BEST CHEESE VOL. X III. WORLD OF CURRENT r a ^ # The Nestucca Valley First, Last and all the Time. NO. 13. C'LO V ERD A LE, TILLA M O O K C O IN T Y , O REG O N , .1 U N E 20, ISM 8. ! STATE N E W S l 1 IN BRIEF. | ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ AUSTRIANS START What a Bank Check Says GREAT OFFENSIVE After L. G. McDonald, alias George Thompson, alias George Van Huron, pa­ role violator, had been apprehended by Des Moines authorities and Oregon au­ Brief Resume Most Important thorities were about to go after him Drive Extends From Plateau of news reached Salem that Thompson had been turned loose at Des Moines. Daily News Items. Asingo to Sea in Italy. Every man called in the draft in Linn and Benton counties hereafter will receive a small silk American flag as the gift of the Albany lodge of Elks. the last contingent left Albany, RESISTANCE STRONG COMPILED FOR YOU When the lodge presented each one with a flag and it has been decided to follow this plan regularly in the future. Events of Noted People, Governments The general land office announced Advance Into Defensive Area Draws that plans for opening 150,000 acres of Smashing Blows From Defend­ and Pacific T'orthwest and Other public lands in the vicinity of Portland will not be abandoned, despite recom­ Things Worth Knowing. ers Attack Seems Failure. mendations of Governor Withycombe and others that the lands be held "un­ til peace comes, when they could be for the benefit of returning Rome.—The Austrians began a groat F irst L ieutenart Ray E. Schleker, opened quarterm aster’s departm ent, U. S. A., soldiers.” offensive at 7 o’clock Saturday morn­ committed suicide in Chicago by shoot­ State Highway Engineer Nunn an­ ing on the front from the Asiago ing. In his hand was a note addressed nounced tliat advertisements for bids to Miss Evelyn Rae, Morrison hotel, will be offered immediately on th e 1 Plateau to the sea. Chicago. paving of 18 miles of the Pacific high­ This announcement was made in the from Aurora to Salem, at an es­ chamber of deputies by Premier Or­ W illiam O. Russell, of Lubbock, way tim ated of $348,000, the state who added: Tex., was found guilty of the murder to stand expense half of the.expense out of the lando, of Charles Qualey and sentenced to Bean-Barrett “Our troops are everywhere resist­ bonding act, and the gov­ ing magnificently. 10 years in the state penitentiary. ernm ent the other half. Russell is a banker and cattle man of "Nearly the whole of our front is Lubbock. Ninety-eight books of pronounced engaged, as the offensive extends with or of seditious lean­ extreme violence from Astlco to the A head-on collision in the tunnel, six pro-Prussianism, ing, culled from the shelves of the pub­ Brenta, from the Brenta to the Plave cars demolished and several more de­ lic by order of the directors of and along the Piave everywhere. In­ railed and not one person killed or the library Portland Library association, will volving the Astico Plateau, the Mount injured, is the story of a wreck which be interned under lock and key for the Grappa sector and the Plain.” occurred at C rater tunnel near Trini­ duration of the war, though preserved dad, Wash. for purposes of future historical refer­ The Italian and allied armies are Scores of young men who registered ence and comparison. bravely sustaining the weight of the in the draft June 5 were made happy Under the direction of the fish and Austrian forces which are attacking and other scores wrill rejoice as they game commission, two carloads of along the front of the Italian theater learn the fact that their boards have young salmon were planted in Oswego from the northw est of the Asiago been authorized to release them for Lake. These salmon, from one and a plateau eastward to the Piave river induction into branches of the army. half to three inches long, will attain a and thence along that stream to where headwaters of the Adri­ The $40,000,000 properties of the late growth of from eight to 20 inches as it joins the front of nearly 100 miles. Henry Miller in California, Arizona “land-locked salmon.” The two car­ atic The sea, A a ustrians are striving to de­ and Nevada are to be seized by the loads of 5-months-old fish contained bouch from the mountain and government for the non-payment of approximately 166,000 little salmon. cross the Piave river and passes gain the federal inheritance taxes amounting The *ecent hdt days have caused a Venetian plains. to $6,000,000, it was announced by- rise o f ’ the Columbia river, In the Initial struggl > the enemy Justus S. Wardell. collector of internal steady which now stands at the highest mark succeeded in capturing several front revenue at San Francisco. this season. Bottom land gardens are line positions in the mountain region Senator Hiram Johnson, of Cali­ submerged. Probably the greatest loss from the I ritish and also in crossing fornia, in a vigorous speech in the Sen­ will be to George L. Davenport, of Port­ the Piave. ate, demanded th at the adm inistra­ land, who had his foreman plant a Counter e'tacks, however, have re­ tion furnish the American people with choice variety of potatoes in the land stored all the positions In the moun­ an explanation of the removal of north of the Mosier depot last week. tains, including territory to a depth Major General Leonard Wood from Members of the Oregon Dairymen’s of 1000 yards along a 2500-yard front command of the Eighty-ninth division League from the British. decided to raise the price captured At last accounts the allied troops on the eve of its departure for France. of milk have to the distributors 16% per everywhere were strongly holding the Hezekiah Caples. aged 86. and one of cent on June 20, according to an­ and King Victor Emmanuel's the most widely known pioneers of nouncement made by Alma D. Katz, enemy men were gallantly striving to throw Columbia county, Or., and Ella Han­ the president. Extremely unfavorable back Invaders across the Piave. son, aged 22, for several years past pasture conditions make the price ad­ The the Italians have taken more than his housekeeper, were quietly married vances necessary as an emergency 3000 Austrian prisoners, among them at Cathlam et, W ash. Mr. Caples is the means of preventing dairymen from 89 officers. quitting the business. owner of a considerable portion of The Vienna war office announces the site of Columbia City, and is Portland’s most novel demonstration that up to noon Sunday more than wealthy-. of what the Red Cross can do will be 10,000 Italian, English and French sol­ Unofficial estim ates by naval ex­ furnished by the opening of a Red diers and a considerable number of perts show- that in excess of 500,000 • Cross salvage bureau which will han­ guns had been captured. tons of shipping sunk by submarines dle junk—old iron, old metals of every may be re-floated as a result of sal­ possible description, rags, bones, pa­ vage operations conducted by Great per, discarded m aterial of all sorts CREW 15 DAYS IN OPEN BOAT Britain and the other allied govern­ ranging from tubes th at once held ments. American naval engineers are shaving cream or tooth paste to the Schooner Crescent, With Copra Cargo, to be sent to assist in this work, tak­ remains of great pieces of machinery. Burns in Mid-Ocean. ing with them a fleet of powerful The possible construction of a rail­ seagoing tugs, scows and other equip­ road by the federal government from San Francisco.—After having been ment. Yaquina bay, through the Waldport 15 days at sea in a 24-foot boat, the The serious forest fires in the Hel­ country into Lane county for the crew of the burned schooner Crescent, ena and Flathead national forests of purpose and of reaching spruce 12 men, with Captain T. Olson and his Montana are engaging the efforts of tracts, is indicated by valuable the presence of wife, calmly tied their craft up at a more than 200 men in fighting the surveyors who are working on the west pier here late Sunday and climbed flames, and coating the government coast of Lane county near Heceta Head stiffly up a ladder to shore and safety. $1000 a day, the forest service an­ The engineers have been The crew had pulled at the oars nounced. Unless rain comes officials lighthouse. working between bay and steadily since the burning Crescent believe a prolonged and dangerous fire W aldport for several Yaquina was abandoned at 3 a. m. June 1. Cap­ weeks. season is inevitable. Stormy winds A special bulletin, devoted almost ex­ tain Olson navigated, and Mrs. Olson and high tem peratures have made the portioned out their food stores clusively to the subject of Fourth of had situation difficult. with such precision that two days' full July lemonade, was issued from the yet remained. Y. Kakebe, Japanese section fore­ food adm inistration headquar­ rations Not a craft was sighted. Captain Ol­ man in charge of a crew of track work­ Oregon ters by Assistant Food Adm inistrator son reported, from the tim e they set ers which had been placing new ties W. Newell. The privilege of run­ out in the small boat until they were at the spot where four coaches of a ning K. lemonade stands will be withheld westbound Denver & Rio Grande train over the state on the “glorious Fourth,” well inside the Golden Gate. This was went over an embankm ent near Salt in the interests of sugar conservation, considered the more rem arkable by seafaring men who took charge of Lake City, killing one and seriously the explains. Orangeade and the the party, because a steam ship which injuring several others, faces a charge other bulletin sweetened drinks are also to be arrived here June 9 reported that It of involuntary m anslaughter. Kakebe under the ban. had sighted the still smouldering hulk was arrested shortly after the cars To have his right arm shot away 400 miles off shore on June 2, and had piled over the embankment. suffer other serious injuries while kept a sharp lookout for survivors. Maximum prices of 8% cents per and slept in his bunkhouse was the un­ The Crescent, a five-masted wooden pound net to prune growers and 5% he fortunate fate of R. T. Cornelius, an vessel of 1443 tons, left Sidney, Aus­ cents per pound to growers of raisins employe the Pelican Bay Lumber tralia, March 23, for San Francisco for the 1918 crops, were pronounced company, of when highpower rifle in with copra. A small fire which broke by the Food Administration. The the hands of C. E a Lusk accidental­ out In the galley at 8:30 p. m. May 31 prices, recommended by the growers ly discharged. Lusk was was cleaning defied the efforts of the ship's com­ of California, are higher than had been gun In the room adjacent to that his of pany to quench It, and seven hours expected, the A dm inistrations an­ Cornelius and it is believed that the later Captain Olson ordered the ship nouncements said, but they are jus- mn»7le of the gun was not over two abandoned. ttiieu by the mbor situation, increased feet from the victim when It was dis­ costs and probable prune shortage. charged. Dutch Helped Boche. Charge Crawling with a stretcher across a shell-swept field. Rev. John Clifford, Union county's quota of grammar London.—The direct charge that the Dutch government sheltered a German formerly pastor of the Baptist church, school graduates has been filled, five vessel at a Dutch port to save her from at Tucson. Ariz.. now a Young Men’s by volunteering and the remainder by being captured by the British is made Christian association worker with the induction. In a British dispatch which has just American marines, succeeded in bring­ made public. . The ship was the ing back to the rear the wounded Training of a 100-voice choir to ap­ been Maria, 4000 tons, which entered the colonel of a regiment. The colonel, pear on the Fourth of July celebration harbor of Tandjong Priok, Java, Dutch with his shoulder shattered by ma­ at l.a Grande, began recently East Indies. In May. 1916. She was chine gun fire, had been lying in a program the German m ercantile flag, but trench for two hours under a heavy under the direction of Mr*. A. L. Rich­ |1 flying b believed to have been a cruiser. ardson. fire. The colonel will recover. BANK Check has a message asiiL from its face value. It says that the one who draws it has money in the Bank and that the Bank on which it is drawn will honor this signature. It says that the depositor regularly deposits the money received and pays expenses by writing checks. Your check wdl say all this for vou, when you open an account subject to check with this Bank. You will then have the convenience and safety that the Bank assures and you can write your check for the exact amount of each payment. A BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WITH A CHECKING ACCOINT 1 PER CENT PAID ON YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK THE LARGEST BANK IN THE COUNTY TILLAMOOK. OREGON PROFESSIONAL CARDS ___________________________ T .H . GOYNE, Office Ground Floor Bell Phone 53-J National Bld, P. O. Box 147 With Rollie Watson Abstracts on Short Notice by the Conveyancing, Etc. Opp. Court House, Tillamook, Ore. PACIFIC ABSTR AC T CO. ATTO RNEY AT LA W L. V. EBERHARD. Manager. C. W. TALMAGE, Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook Countv, Oregon. Attorney and Counsellor at Law TILLAMOOK. - - OREGON NATIONAL BLD., - TILLAMOOK, ORE. A. C. EVERSON TILLAMOOK*. OPK. ROBERT H. McGRATH COUNSELOR A T LAW 106 Oddfellows’ Building, Tillam ook. Oregon. Special Equipm ent for Making Income Returns and Reports. J. N. PEARCY E .J. MENDENHALL A TT O R N EY S AT LAW 928 Cham ber of Com m erce, PORTLAND, - - OREGON Money to Loan Real Estate Agency %/ See m e for re a lty deals. Tillamook Undertaking Co. R. N. HENKEL, Proprietor. Night and Day calls nromptly attended. j Sixth Street at Second Avenue East ¡TILLAMOOK, - - OREGON Tillamook Abstracting Co. T h o a . C o a t k m . P k k m id k n t . COMPLETE MET OK A HHTKAiT HOOKH OF TILLAM OOK COUNTY. OREGON. TILLAMOOK CITY. OREGON. F. R. B E A LS REAL ESTATE THE COURIER keeps you posted on all important happenings of the Nestucca Valley. W ç also do PRINTING of all kinds at moderate prices. Write for Literature. TILLAMOOK. - - OREGON The Todd Hotel T illam ook, Ore. L. S. HUSHBECK. Proprietor. Dining Room run on Family .Style Meals 35c. % Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special Rates by the Week. LIST YOUR FARM WITH Taylor IF YOU Real WANT Estate Agency TO SELL IT. SF.E TAYLOR FOR your FIRE INSURANCE If you are in the market for a good Dairy Ranch we can show you something that will interest you. We have some excellent bargains. Money is made dairying in Tillamook County. Why not get a chunk of this money. TAYLOR REAL ESTATE AGENCY Cloverdale, Oregon V c