Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, June 06, 1918, Image 2

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W. A. Wise, Dentist.
in t e r e s t
Buy war saving stamps,
was in session
1 will pay 10c per pound for carcara
bark—Grover Witt.
Everyone there days uie living on \
floumlers arid most any kind of a fisher-|
man can catch them.
Dave McCrftcken lias given ti|> l«is job I
of night watchman at the mill to pre-1
Hollie Watson, of Tillamook, was in pare for summer fishing. Hydnev Fisher j
Cloverdale Tuesday.
will now guard the mill and study1
Roy S Ward is the new manager at astronomy during the night hours, in,
the refreshment parlor.
McCracken’s place.
Phare* Stiverson and Vick Learned
Mr. Northrup has complete*! his Ford I
were home visitors, from Camp, over car and trailor for an extended t r ip !
south. He does not expect to he with j
us much longer.
Mabel Luiidquiet is the guest this
Mr. Puela, of Sheridan, came to
week, of Miss iiallie Desmond, of Pleas­
ant Valley.
Pacific City Tuesday evening. It seems
A. B Estabrook has purchased a half good to see him back again.
We want ail your Eggs.
T i'li
Snapshot from Home
will help Cheer the Sol­
dier Boy at the Front.
The plank road from the mill over the
interest in the business conducted by
sand to the graveled road at Pacific City
Grover Witt.
was completed last week. Mr. Beals
For Rent—Dairy ranch down on
has built a very artistic gateway leading
Falinon River. Call or write to E. G.
from the camp grounds to the mill, it is
Calkins, Otis, Oregon.
planned to build a branch plank road to
Mr. and Mrs. Snyder came in from riveJ and a foot bridge from thence to If you haven't a Kodak
Portland. Monday to inspect a ranch the beach. This will be a great con
come In and let us show
they hud bought near Clovcrdale.
venience to campers in the future.
you how easy they are
Roland McGinnis, of Clovcrdale, and
Mr. and Mrs, Weidner came home
Cecil Getchel, of llebo, received their Friday.
to operate.
notification to report for service, June
A. E. Hansen, the truck man, is haul­
ing lumber again from the Pacific City
your generosity. Let the mill, although he had a yery severe
world recognize in you a soul worthy accident he is still smiling.
the mum.. Help the starving Arinein-
Mr. Mrs. Vick L«-arned spent
Saturday night at Pacific City, return­ Cloverdale,
Smith, the calf man. savs send your ing Sunday as Mr. Learned only had a
calve* to him hy stage. He is in tlie 21 hour leave.
this drive?
Tmi'kot for *11 kinds, except Jersey hull
Thanking you for your cooperation, 1 1
Kosco Barker did not wait to hecalle«! am, Yours sincerely,
iut«- service hut lett this week for Port-
Roy C. Jones,
When in Tillamook and want good land to take special training for tne
Co. Chairman. Council of Defence.
eats and splendid service give the engineers corps in France,
Had he
Louvre your patronage. Meals and waite«! 24 hours longer all the places
lunches at anv hour.
Will the person who left the letter in
would have been filled.
T. II. Goyne’s office at Tillamook sever­
Dr. I.eFevre, Chas. Ray, A 15 Esta-
Dave McCracken received notice ot
brook and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Witt his draft Tuesday and is t«> report, the al days ago, regarding a timber claim in
the southern part of the State of Oregon,
autoed to McMinnville Wednesday, latfer part of this month.
write Mr. Goyne, giving him the name
where l>r. I.eEevre was initiated into
Byron Randall already ha9 sixty and present address of their son and the
the in valerian of the Elk Lodge.
names on his petition fora Home Guard descrij tion and county in which the
Mr. and Mrs. John Rcdberg, Mr. and which is doing pretty well for about
lands are situated? Please write at
Mm. Porter, Mrs. Knifiiii Fogg and Miss
Yours truly,
one days work.
Suiidstrum, autoed from this place to
T. H. Goyne.
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy went to Port­
1*» rtland Saturday, to spend a week
Notice for Publication.
with relatives and friends at the Rose land Tuesday.
L publisher J
City and Salem.
l)r, Montgomery will speak Sunday
Luft month's shipment of Red Cross
U. S. LAND O FFIC E at Portland, Ore­
supplies from Cloverdale consisted of 21 Prophesy.” Better come and hear it.
gon, May 11, 1918.
pajama suits, 25 pair bed sox, 30 hand-
Several were snhpoenaeil from Woods
NOTICE is hereby given that James
aged foot sox, 40 arm slings, 40 abdomin­ and Pacific City for the Meals-Edmunds
Buck bee, of Meda, Tillamook County,
al bandages, 20 T. binders, 1 sweater trial, beginning Tuesday.
t tregon, w ho, on December 1.1913, made
and 0 qair aox.
Homestead Entry No. 03972 for lot 1,
County Eighth Grade Graduates.
ami s e '4 n e ' 4, n e t4 s e ' 4 Section 3.
A letter to the editor's family from
The following pupils were granted and on April 15, 1918, made Additional
Mrs. Chas. Roosa says that Rev. Roosa
Homestead Entry, No. 04978 for s }.• :
Grade Diplomas at tlie May a w '4 n w *4 . w la n w *4' * w l4 11 w ‘4 ,
bus resigned his pastorate at Grovelund,
New Y«rk, and enlisted as a V. M.C. A. Exmination: Fairview—Lolita Jo h n ­ and s e ' 4 n w *4 s w *>4 n w ‘4 , Section '
war worker. Mrs. Roosa and children ston, Edith M. Fletcher, I'earl Hughey 2, all in Township 5 South, Range 10 I
West, Willamette Meridian, has filed (
are now living in Syracuse, N. Y., her South Prairie—Orval Johnston. Ore- notice of intention to make three-year
former home.
proof,to establish elaiin to the land above i
Tillamook— Alta E. True, Mari«- Smith. 1 described, b« for«-tln* clerk of the County
At the Red Cross meeting last week Clarence Vtiderson, Gladys Hathaway,! Court f*«r Tillamook County, Oregon, at 1
Mrs. Shearer resigned as chairman of
Blanche Harris, Ogden Moulton, 15nd 1 Tillamook, Oregon, on the 29th day of
June, 1918.
the work committee mid Mrs. Kinner
Johnston, Ella Davidson, Harriet De
Claimant names as witnesses:
was appointed to till the vacancy. Mrs.
For«!. Garaholdi—Letiia Lee Barnett.
I). J . Dunn, T. R. Wilson, Frank
Shearer was a very effeeient chairman
Woods—Ernest Bellequr, Peter Bell«- Foster, John Baker, all of Meda. Oregon.
and the Society regret very much to
Proof made under Act of June II, 11*00,
qne. Meda Mabel Dunn, Yyoln Wil­
and Ai t June 15, 1912.
loose her.
son. Sami Lake—Alta Galloway, Flor­
N. Campbell,
The Armenian Relief Drive is on tliis ence Hayes, Augusta Edwards, Mvlee
R< gieter.
week and quite a little advertising has Robertson, Harrv Robertson. Clover-
been j ms ted up Druggist High gave a dale—Gla«lvs J . Imlah. Arthur Owens,
hill window to posters drapped with l.oisGcorge. Hemlock—Margaret Arm-
American Mags that does credit both to emtn ut. Blaine—Mary A. ltelorthu Editor of the Oil and Mineral Journal
his I.' tistie ability and bis interest in Bay City— Ona Tixlhunter, Winifred of Billings, Mont., will give you straight I
In Ipmg a woi tt v cause
K. Brace, Harvey Maddux, Violet Sand- "tips" about oil and mining companies '
Hazel J . llodle. Riverdale—Otis free, and send you sample copy ol his
County Clerk Harrison was in Clover-
dale vt sterday reg'stering the young men I’urvis, Jack Driscoll, Kenneth Fiiliot. U> page illustrated paper for the asking.!
that lufcl arrived at the age of 21 since l'ni«>n—Orlie Sherwood, Verna Gold- Score* of his subscribers have made
$400 on a $100 investment and upwards, I
the last r< gistratlon «lav The names sinitn, IVitie Babcock. wheeler—Stan­ , hv following his advice. Don’t buv in 1
of those who reg at1 r<«l aie as (««'lows ton Reni'ington. Hemlock—Gussellol- any company until you write him about 1
Edmunds. it—be know 1 w ho is reliable and those
Glenn S. Tavlor, Wrennio Kellow, gute. Pacific City—Paul
Trask who are not. Write Dun’s or Rrad-
An hie K 1 oi g, \ n t«>r Lane. Eugene
ger, streefs a* t-i what they think of Old
1>. llester ami Clara G Ciavtn.
Man Harris and bis r liable information
James Tone. East School, Blaine— I ti> I t l T C S P ’ t S —A«lv.
Lea Carver Fast** Away at Mt. Scott. Emmett Grav, Antoinette Gray.
The funeral strvice* of 1 eo Carver
Armenian* Ne*d Yonr Help
were bent I'wi'Siia« ut 10 o,« .,■« k ««t Ron-
W M . A. H I G H ,
Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Inc.
The New
Now Coming
This is the largest arid finest car that ever carried the
GRANT SIX name plate—a car that is without real compe­
tition in its Price class.
The individual beauty of its lines, its unusual size and
its extraordinary mechanical refinement, will make this new
model one of the most talked of cars of the coming season.
Its poweiful, flexible and remarkably 6mooth-running
engine is of the overhead valve type with balanced crank­
shaft, ferced-feed oiling and many other advanced features.
W . K U P P E IN B C N D E R
worthy’s Chapel, ui d. r the auspices of
The Hiothcrhootl of Railway Finphiyees.
and interment was iu Mt. 8cott Park
C\ meferv.
Mr Carver parsed away at the hen'.#
of his parents, Mr. au l Mrs Frank Car­
ver. 640f> ATth 8tr<Ht. May 2">th, agcJ 2s
laars. He was 'tro ken with bror hial
pneumonia so n aft- r soinlng t<> l.ents
last fall fr in Tillaiio» k Couoty, and
Irvin that time hi* health steadily de­
iw-« .» 1. sw.i. and f"Ur small ihil-
dren, he is survived by his parents, three
brothers. J . K. an«l l K * r Carver of
TUUmoc-k County and I.oys Carver f
t'urrv County, an.l one *i«te- Mr«. Wm.
I'artsf n( l * * U
Ml RtoN 11 « I
I eo Carver was well known in this
part of the county, was an « xemplarv
gentleuian, ami hi* many friends here
are pained to learn of his death.
To those *f you a ho h«'ar«l the talks i
Notary Public
given in the County regarding the
Cloverdale, Ore.
Armenian situation, no further wordj
will be ne ceesarv to impress you of the •
seed of tlmse people for assistance ut
the present time.
4 letter from Ben Selling, ’»tate Treas­
urer of the Armenian Relief Committee
state*; “ Four hundred thousand child-
ten starving they have been seen eating
For disinfecting where Contagious or
the raw llesh of ariinals: «l««gs and oam-
diseases are prevailing.
el» that lave died of starvation. They
arc people of the same refinement as
ourselves The father* have been brut­
ful Gertnici<l*l mixture and hy its use
ally butcher« 1. The Mothers, tnanv of
them have starved to death, that their | * ,U i»P™ve funeral »tabic condition*, j
k'tuldren might have a cruet.
Tillamook County is t«' rai«e $2000.00'
f«>r the relief ol the suffering Will you
a* comnaiintv chairman,
that a
vuiiuittcc is set to work right away , a , Reliable Eruggist, Tillamook, Ore.
Clough’s Carbolic Com­
h a v e ju s t
O x y * a c e t * v lin e
r e c e iv e d
W e ld in Ö
g r ia n t
We are now ready to do all classses of welding in the
lighter line*.
W e h a v e S p e c ia l V a lv e T o o ls , such
as a re e ss en tia l in
M o to r W o rk .
Your repair* can be handled here as well as in the large
garage of the city.
W . R . L E T S O N , 1*1 j£ r.
» «