I Iirirëté SIANO PtIZE it to f. 9. i t ROADS GET BIG SUMS Money Will Be Spent This Year for Additions, Equipment and Bet­ terment on All Lines. T h e mott practical, healthful, playtime jrments ever invented for children I t< __years ai age. Made in one piece with drop back. Easily slipped on or of! I £a»dy washed. N o hgbt elastic bands tt ■ stop circulation. M adein bluedenim, and genuine blue and white hickory Mr: pet. Also lighter weight, fast-col. i material in a variety^} p|ea»ingde«gn» all appropriately trimmed witl. fast-color galatea. A ll garment* made in D u tch neck with elbow sleeves or high neck and long Jeeves Folder (in colors) showing dif­ ferent materials sent fr e e on request. r * y $1.00 th e su it II your dealer cannot supply you we will send them, charges prepaid on receipt aI price, $ 1 .0 0 each. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. A NEW SUIT K o vera lls FREE RE6 u.s. p a r orr IF TH EY RIP Look for this label £ 9 " LEVI STRAUSS &Ca SAN rRANCISCO CAL LEVI STRAUSS & CO., San Francisco M fra. o f ' ' Frm m dom - A l l a ’ 1 tk n e w g a rm e n t fo r w o m e n M O N E Y FOR YO U . ThoutuindH o f trained young people needed. Hehnke-Walker lIuHinuHB College, Portland, place« Htuderita in poHitionu. Enroll any time. Free Catalogue. ELECTRIC MOTORS B ou gh t, S old , R e n te d and R e p a ire d W A L K E R E L E C T R IC W O RK S Burn Hide. cor. luth. Portland. Ore. H otel R ow land One hundred and H lx ty - flv e Roomn, all Mwlern improvement*; free phomm on every floor. Ratea: 75c to $1.50 per day: $2.50 to $5.00 per week. Opponile CourthouH*. 2 block* from Poatofflce. Fire Proof. 3 . P and Oregon Electric pa** door. Boys and Girls Clear Your Skin With Cuticura Suai> 2.1c. O intm ent 2 5 am ! S O e. Up in the A ir . Corp. (namo deleted by censor) is the champion optimist in the (deleted by censor) regiment. On his first visit to Paris an air raid was in progress, and as he observed the Parisians, all Intent on tho M M , ho said to his companion: "Th ere’s one fine thing about this air stuff.” "And that is— ?" "It keeps you looking up.” (Reply deleted by ceusor).— Car­ toons Magazine. Good Opportunity. “ In the railroad collision I was in I toll ynv I saw stars!” "W ell, you had a fine chance when the cars were telescoped.”— Exchange. Granulated Eyelids, (R IN E U Sore Eves, Kv i Infl.imod hv ß * V. ' ¿ j i S u n , O u s t .lint W i n J quickly w j ,1^0* rellavcit by Murini'. Try it In ''■ ir JJV Ç v 10. Butter Cubes, extras, 37Jc; prime firsts, 37c; prints, extras, 42c; car­ tons, lc extra; butterfat. No. 1, 41c delivered. Eggs Ranch, current receipts, 34c: candled, 35c; selects, 36c per dozen. Poultry — Hens, 27c; broilers, 40c; ducks, 32c; geese, 20c; turkeys, live, 26d/'27c; dressed, 37c per pound. Veal Fancy, 184«/ 19c. Pork Fancy, 23«/23Je per pound. Sack Vegetables Carrots, $1.15 i*>r sack; turnips, $1.50; parsnips, $1.25; beets, $2. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 75c((f forty O ’ cercóme them. ■•«r«» experience | j a t your service and y i ur letter held iin strict; confide:nee. LOSSES CTKLT b* c i r m i blacxus rtu * Vs« a TN« «umrtaf'.tY ol Cvttat fbrrshuT* s Jus to c m IS o « ( « « P . -a. OMIT. . ng a V %» t IIB i A N O 5 *ftt iN ü u r ON l U T T U 9k II JK^tuathMi Tl* Ciiftsr Laàeretsry. 1 j i J : ! : j j j ; i CalHM a \ « 71 per cent 66% to 75 per cent 65 per cent 55 per cent 45 per cent 35 per cent T h e difference between farm er’s price and retail price represents the necessary expenses o f packing, freight and w hole­ sale and retail distribution. Swift & Company not only performs the manufacturing operations o f pre­ paring cattle for market in its well- equipped packing plants, but it pays the freigh t on meat to all parts o f the United States, operates 500 branch distributing houses, and in most cases even delivers to the retail butcher. A ll this is done at an expense o f less than 2 cents per pound, and at a profit o f only about Vi o f a cent per pound o f beef. L a rg e volum e o f business and expert management, make possible this indis­ pensable service to the live-stock raiser and to the consumer, and make possible the larger proportion o f retail prices received b y farmers. Y ear Book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards. Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company, U.S. A. 10 (*>«• ■**. Black!«« (»•«*, I I 00 304 m « Oks. tlacftiat P’11 *. 3* 00 m T h e United States Departm ent o f agriculture reported in 1916 that the farm er gets for his cattle “ approxi­ mately two-thirds to three-fourths” o f the final retail price paid by the con­ sumer for the resulting beef. ♦ !