Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, May 30, 1918, Image 2

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W. A. Wiw, Dentist.
just received a car load
of Fruit Jars, bought by us before
the advance in price. W bile this
lot lasts we are going to sell them
at the old price.
W e have
l > il l pay 10«* per pound for carcara
baik—Grover Witt.
Sheriff Campbell an>l eon were over
from Tillamook yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chan. McKillipp were
business visitors in Tillamook Saturday.
To enable those uniieqrialiiicd with!
uny sign language to converse with |
deaf mutes a Frenchman has invented !
n device resembling a typewriter wlilct I
raises letters to spell words as keys
are pressed.
Recently compiled official figures show
that 7ft3,170,9fi3,000 cubic feet of natur­
al gas were commercially utilized In
the United Stutes last year, about 20
Mra. Fay Hock, of Everett, Washing­ per cent more than In the former rec­
ton, is visiting her mother, Mr*. P. H. ord year, 1915.
Driven hy an electric motor, a turn­
A boy was born at the Cloverdale table has been Invented for automo­
hospital Friday evening to Mr. and Mra bile* that Is operated without a driver
J. L. Law ranee.
leaving his seut. the motor being con­
Tom Kellow has secured the contract trolled by a push button suspended
from a Ibng arm.
to cany the'm ail between Tillamook
and Cloverdale.
A Texan is the inventor of a com
Jarnea Carver left for Portland Mon­ blned shower bath and massage iua
day, where he was called by the eerious chine, brushes being revolved by nn
electric motor against a person stand­
illness of hia brother.
ing within a tall cylinder Into which
Mra. Arch Myer and daughter, Laura, water Is sprayed.
left for Dallas Sunday, where they will
For handling paralyzed persons nn
visit for a couple of weeks.
Englishman has invented a bed on
For rent:—Ranch on Three Rivers. which strips of webbing connected
Will support eight head. Taylor Real to a frame cover the mattress, the
F.atate Agency, Cloverdale.
frame, webbing nud patient being
raised together by gearing.
J N Wood», Southern Pacific agent
i.t Dull». and his wife, are enjoying a
By a French invention naptliailne
visit this week with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. tins been made available for automo­
bile fuel, pipes conveying hot exhaust
gases from a specialty designed car­
Smith, the calf man. savs send your
bureter which has been primed with
calves to him hy stage, lie is in the
gasoline melting the napthuline.—
market for all kinds, except Jersey bull Houston Dost.
The work of dredging the liig N'es-
In the mythology of ancient pagan
tucca drainage ditcli was Completed
Rome Mercurius, or Mercury, to gtv*
Monday and the dredge is being hauled
the English form of tlie Latin name,
to the liver.
was the divinity of commerce and gain,
When in Tillamook and want good and was identified by the Romans
eats splendid service give 'he with the Greek Hermes. A temple was
Louvre your patronage. Meals and built to Mercurius as early ns B. C.
49ft, near the Circus Maximus, nud nn
lunch*"’ at anv hour.
altar of the god existed near the I’ortn
Material 1? being hauled to the school Cnpena by the side of a well, tits fes­
ground and a pluvvhed is to he erected. tival wus celebrated on May 25, and
J. R. Itidgcod and Omer Bailey have chiefly hy merchants who visited the
the contract fur constructing the build­ well near the t’ontn Cnpena to which
uiugte powers were ascribed.
Mr. and Mia. Elliott, of Tillamook,
are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs.
Fire started in the roof of the Clover-
Sugar the Most Common Sweet.
d lo Hotel Saturday afternoon caused
The world has a sweet tooth. It
bv the chimuey burning out. The fire would tic difficult to find Individual*
was extinguished without causing any and probably impossible to find n peo­
ple who do not like sweets. And of
sweets the most common Is sugar,
A Dumber of the young people of liebo
all of which Is produced
gave a farewell surprise to Miss Frances
from the sugar
Nelson Saturday evening.
Sho left
beetroot, the beetroot
being the
Sunday with tier sister, Mr*. Rod ad, to source of somewhat
make tier home in Tillamook.
half the supply.
Sugar not only
Married at Dallas, May 23, bv Rev. pleases the palate, hut it helps to sus-
tain the body, for though It Is not suf-
McIntyre, Miss Margaret Curry to Del­
ficlent Itself, It forms a very useful
bert Kernes. The new ly weds are pop­ component of foods, being easily sol­
ular young people of Cloverdale and uble nud nsstinlluble.
their many friends join best wishes.
Come in and buy now what you
will need for the season’s canning.
You will save considerable money
if you buy while tlus lot lasts.
A Snapshot from Home
will help Cheer the Sol­
dier Boy at the Front.
Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Inc.
If you haven’t a Kodak
come in and let us show
you how easy they are
to operate.
O regon.}
not more than 5 per cent of all the
cases existing. The three Christian
hospitals have u total of about 250 pa­
IW ill the person who left the letter in
t TT i Goyne’s office at Tillamook sever­
al days ago, regarding a timber claim in
tlit* southern part of the State of Oregon,
write Mr. Goyne, giving him the name
and present address of their son and the
descrij tion and county in which the
lands are situated? Please write at
Yours truly,
T. H. Goyne.
The New
g r a n t
Now Coming
Notice tor Publication.
U. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland, Ore­
gon, May 11, 1918.
NOTICE is hereby given that James
Huckbee, of Meda, Tillamook Countv,
Oregon, who, on December 1,1913, made
ilomestcad Entry No. 03972 for lot 1.
and s e *4 n e ‘4, n e ’ 4 s e ‘ 4 Section 3,
and on April lft, 1918, made Additional
Homestead Entry, No. 04978 for s
n w 1' a ,
, ‘4 - tl , w ‘4 - , vv l8
- n W ' , 4 8 w , l 4
. B
2, all in Township ft Soutn, Range 10
West, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make three-year
proof,to establish claim to the land above
described, before the clerk of the County
Court for Tillamook County, Oregon, at
Tillamook, Oregon, on the 29th dav of
June, UPS.
Claimant names as witnesses:
D. J. Dunn, T. R. Wilson, , Frank <
Foster, John Baker, all of Meda. l >rego»;. ; ^
Proof made under Act of J une 11, 1906,I /
and Act June 6, 1912.
Dr. Shearer received a telegram Sat-
injecting Ink Into the Eye.
urduy afternoon at ft o'clock to report
Sometimes when a scar lias been left
immediate!v for service. He left at on the cornea of the eve it Is most un-
midnight and arrived in Portland Run-1 sightly. Oculists used to tattoo these
day incuimg
He is now at Camp •cnr* " ,th
In* bat the method
1-cwis. He was accompanied io Port
not «»tlsfactory and has almost
X. Campbell,
land hy Mr. and Mrs. Boo.., M r J
■ *■»*»«*• Dr V .1 1 Yerhoeff
i %. i .
j of lloston desciiben In the Journal of
hbitiicer itml Mr. I<ct«on.
. . . .__ %f .. .
the American Medical association lh %
A little excitement was created in delicate operation hy which he Injects
Cloverdale Monday when a telephone ,l,uUa ln*
“ hypodermic syringe
I Into such scars, amt
and says ttie
tlie ______
results _
call was made that the home of James are fur superior to the old fashioned 1'h*'^ of the Oil and Mineral Journal))
Burke was on fire. Autos with tire tuttoolng.
t of Billings, Mont., will give you straight
tighter», buckets and hand grenades,
! ‘ tips" about oil and mining companies
made hasty runs to the scene Before
free, and send you sample copy of his 1
the crowd reached the place the fire
16-page illustrated paper for the asking.
had la-en extinguished by mat neigh­
Scores of his subscribers have made
The mcuu card of it leading New $4tk) on a $100 investment and upwards
bor*. No damage, except a holt in the
York hotel contains tills note; “ Sugar, j 1"' following his advice. Don’t buy in |
roof, icsulted.
tw>. lumps ft («lit- p< trdei'cd lit nuts any company uutil you write him about ,
' it—be knows who is reliable and those !
A letter (rotu Ben Selling to the edi­ a portion
whojare not. Write Dun’ s or Brad
tor of the Courier urges the ptople l
stm t's as to what they think of
A woman of u Massachusetts town Man Harris and Ids reliable inform
Cloverdale to hear J. J. II.iiuD.ikt r at
made application for u Liberty bouil. to investors—AUv.
the Smdav meeting in Cl-werdale Mr and in answer to tin* question i n ttie
Selling is chairman of the Armenian (dank il* to tie* denomination desired,
i.he tilled In "Methodist.”
Relief Committee and one of the I
men of Portland and when he urges
A machine lias been Invented In Eu­
that Cloverdale people hear .'lr, ll.ind-
saker he is advising them wisely. Mr. rope that cleans and sort* medicinal
Handsaker's lecture will be on the con­ tablets, rejects Imperfectly formed
ones and packs them in boxes or tubes
ditions of the Armenians. At the
at a speed of from IftO.OOO to 200 000 a
church U a. m. Admission free No day.
collection will be taken
Thi9 is the largest, and finest ear that ever carried the
GRANT SIX name plat£— a car that is without real compe­
tition in its Price class.
The individual benuty of it» lines, its unusual size and
its extraordinary mech&xutul refinement, will make this new
model one of the most talked of cars of the coming season.
It* powerful, flexible and remarkably smooth-running
engine is of the overhead valve type with balanced crank­
shaft, ferced-ieed oiling avnd many other advanced feature?.
W . K U P P E N B E N D E R
Tillam ook,
Notary Public
Clough’s Carbolic Com­
t'harlet Mix, a farmer near Pierre,
Those who gathered st the church lost
¡1. D . hauled a biutiket-wl full grown
8undav morning to hear Mr Hundsuker
porker to a doctor for medical atten­
were disappointed as the gentleman tion, using a pleasure ear
He says
faded to appear. The gentlemen having hogs are too valuable these days to
For disinfecting where Contagions or |
take chiiuces with them.
infectious diseases are prevailing.
til» matter in charge simply got their
dates mixed. A letter from Mr. Ilmid-
An auxiliary set of wire net blades
saker and also a letter from Mr. Bott* In u new electric fun are driven by the
•ays that Mr. llai.dsaker will be in air moved by the regular blades nud ful Germicidal mixture and by its use I
Cloverdals this coining Sunday and will puss through a tank of water, vapor­ will improve general stable conditions. 1
deliver Ins lecture in the church at II ising H so that U cools Hint purifies the
o'clock a. in. Make it a point to be at air of u room ta which the fun Is u*»-,p
the chnrvh and hear what Mr llsnd-
The five government hospitals for
oaker lias t- say at* .it the conditions' in
S. Ä
“ J E T E S E Ï • * » « * " > • » " ■ « ¡ . 1 . Tiltanook,
We have just received a new
Oxyacetylme Welding Plant
We are now ready to do all clas?r*8 of gelding in the
lighter lines.
Cloverdale, Ore. !§S
S IT ,
0 « .
We have Special Valve Tools, such
as are essential in Motor Work.
^our repaire can Tie handled herd a* well as in the large
garage of the c i l j >
» »♦ e e s e s
E E T S O N ,
M gr-