GOOD ROADS, GOOD HOMES, BEST-CHEESE VOL. CLOVERDALE COURIER, X III. ( LOVERDALE, IR LO HAPPENINGS EXPLOSION OF CURRENT WEEK T IL L A M O O K COUNTY, O R EG O N , Pittsburg—F ifty-six men are known to be dead, 94 injured and in hospitals and 31 employes o f the Aetna Chem­ ical company are missing as a result o f nine explosions Saturday that wrecked this company’s explosive manufactur­ ing plant at Oakdale, 16 miles from this city. Throughout the night and all day men were extinguishing fires in the j Events o f Noied People, Governments ^e^r 's ant* bringing out remnants o f human bodies. In most cases there and Pacific Northwest and Other wTas nothing to indicate the identity o f the victim. A ll day a blue-brown Things Worth Knowing. smoke hung over the ruins, impeding the work o f the searchers. Its deadly fumes are feared by the residents. Enemy aircraft dropped bombs on Thousands o f persons streamed into the outlying suburbs o f Paris late the temporary morgue all day to view Thursday night. Not one o f the enemy the gruesome finds. The country is was able to penetrate the defenses o f desolate for several miles around the the city proper. plant. The meadows and fields have An armistice has been concluded be­ been seared and fru it and shade trees tween the Ukrainians and Germans blasted. and the Russians on the Kursk front and the Russian legation is making an ; effort to arrange an armistice on the remaining fronts. LIBERTY LOAN $ Oversubscription o f 39 Per Cent An­ Aerial mail service in the United nounced—17,000,000 Subscribers. States became an accomplished fact Washington, D. C.— The total o f the Wednesday. Piloted by army avia­ tors, airplanes carried consignments of third liberty loan is $4,170,019,650, an mail from N ew York and Philadelphia oversubscription o f 39 per cent above to Washington and from Philadelphia the three billion minmum sought. The number o f subscribers was about 17,- to N ew York. 000,000. Every Federal reserve dis­ The Austrian and German emperors trict oversubscribed, the Minneapolis at their meeting at German great district going to 172 per cent, the headquarters, German newspapers say, highest, and the New York district to according to an Exchange Telegraph 124 per cent, the lowest. dispatch from Copenhagen to London, In announcing these figures the selected monarchs for Lithuania, Cour- treasury explained that the total may land, Esthonia and Poland. be changed slightly by later reports Plans had been made in 1914 for a from Federal Reserve banks. revolution o f Germans in the United “ This is the most successful loan States in case this country should be the United States has offered, both in drawn into the European war, accord­ number o f subscribers and in the ing to testimony given in New York at amount realized,” said Secretary Mc- the state attorney general’s investiga­ Adoo in a statement. “ I congratulate tion o f reports o f hidden munitions. the country on this wonderful result, which is irrefutabe evidence o f the M. Duval, who was director o f the suppressed Germanophile newspaper, strength, patriotism and determination Bonnet Rouge, in Paris, was con­ o f the American people. “ This great result was achieved not­ demned to death Friday by courtmar- withstanding the fact that the country tial for treason. The six other defend­ ants were sentenced to imprisonment has been called upon to pay since the for terms ranging from two to ten second liberty loan, and to and includ­ ing the month o f Juno, income and ex­ years. cess profits taxes to the amount o f ap­ General Dallalio, minister o f muni­ proximately $6,000,000,000, which will tions, and Signor Bianchi, minister o f make a total amount turned into the transport have resigned from the Ita l­ treasury o f the United States from ian cabinet. Senator Giovanni Villa such taxes and the third liberty loan o f has been appointed minister o f trans­ about $7,000,000,000.” port, while the minister o f war w ill take charge temporarily o f the minis­ try o f munitions. DUTCH WARSHIPS TO CONVOY The Vossische Zeitung, o f Berlin, announces that war had to be pro­ Holland to Send Merchant Vessels to claimed at Ekaterinoslav, Odessa and Colonies in East Indies. Poltava as a strong counter current to Washington, D. C. — Announcement the order o f things was observable. There are several groups o f great Rus­ from Amsterdam o f the determination sian forces in the Don region, the o f the Dutch government to dispatch three o f its merchant vessels to the newspaper said. . . . . | East Indies under convoy o f Dutch A fte r buffeting strong head winds in warships has aroused keen interest in i ^ „ 1 1« * « r the ______________ ocean ___ off * the Golden r Gate, the con 1 naval and diplomatic circles here. crete steamer Faith returned from a It is believed this decision is likely successful trial trip late Friday after­ to bring about a situation that would noon. The vessel, which made a suc­ plunge Holland into the war. Inter­ cessful trial trip in San Francisco Bay national law, officials pointed out, fully on Sunday, May 5, was given an ocean warrants the dispatch o f an armed test to determine further her worth. convoy by a neutral state on the high i The British admiralty restrictions seas to its own colonies, and this was on navigation in the northern part o f ' done by nearly all maritime powers the North Sea in consequence of'the during the Napoleonic wars. So far as the entente powers and laying o f a great mine field for the America are concerned, it is said that purpose o f foilin g submarines, became | operative Thursday, and hereafter all the Dutch convoys would be treated shipping in that area must comply with all the consideration demanded by with stringent regulations or ignore international law. But it is not prob­ able that German submarine comman­ them at their own peril. ders would act with any such consider­ American railroads in the first three ation, as is indicated by their past months this year earned only $71,705,- treatment o f Dutch and other neutral 000, as compared with $179,431,000 in j vessels. I f a German naval commander at­ the same period last year, making a loss to the government under the sys­ tempted to search, sink or make prize tem o f common operation o f about o f any convoyed vessels, the Dutch $109,000,000. This report by the In­ commander would be obliged to defend terstate Commerce commission covers them forcibly, and the first shot fired all but five o f the 196 railroads in the would amount to a declaration o f war, in the opinion o f officials here. country. tv j Lieutenant Benjamin V. Maurice, o f New York, died at Ellington Field, Houston, Tuesday, o f injuries received when his airplane fell on A pril 16. John Verburg, o f Chicago, was shot and killed by his crippled son, John, Jr., because he had struck the youth’s mother when she objected to his de­ mands that a 15-year-old daughter get employment. J 4 Our management makes the security for deposits a matter o f first consideration, and m this end the resources o f the Bank are carefully guarded by prudence and conservatism. This fact makes a strong Bank. Coupled with strength, our Officers and Board o f Directors make Good Service the backbone o f our banking policy. With ample equipment and organization, this Bank is in a position to serve all individuals and firms requiring safe banking and good service. Miles About Devastated. FOR YOU NO. BANK STRENGTH AND GOOD SERVICE and 31 Still Missing—Country COMPILED li>18. M AY KILLS 56 Nearly Hundred Employes in Hospital Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. The Nestucca Valley First, Last and all the Time. President Reassures Nation of Determined Purpose. FRENCH Banking Strength for Safety and Service for Convenience. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings and Time Certificates. HEARTENED TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK Germans Gather Nearly Men to Begin New Two Million Offensive — Allies Confident o f Ability. Paris— On the eve o f the great Ger­ man offensive, says an official note is­ sued here Monday, President Wilson, anxious to address a message to the French people, has asked one o f his personal friends, James Kerney, direc­ tor o f the Franco-American committee on public information, to convey the following to them : “ The people o f the United States are happy to find themselves in the brotherhood o f arms with the people o f France in a war in which every man who loves right ought to be proud to take part. “ For over one hur.dred years the American people have desired this op­ portunity, which befalls . it today, o f giving the French people proof o f its gratitude and friendship. “ There is added now in its soul deep and ardent admiration for the heroism and self-denial whereof the French people have given proof in this terrible and last conflict between liberty and brutal ferocity. “ American hearts are with the arm­ ies midst the blood-stained battlefields o f valiant France. Americans are your brothers in the great, holy, com­ mon cause.” The beginning by the Germans o f a formidable offensive, by which they expect to achieve final success, now depends only on weather conditions. The commander-in-chief o f the French troops and their allies are w aiting for the shock with the greatest confidence. The Petit Parisien says the enemy has massed nearly all his best troops on the attacking front. Between the Belgian coast and the Oise, it states, 140 divisions (about 1,900,000 men) have been distributed— 82 on the front line or for direct support and the re­ mainder behind the lines, to be used for augmenting the push at the princi­ pal point o f attack. This newspaper says the German plan is to threaten Amiens, cut the railroad between that point and Cler­ mont and break up the allied forces, whatever the cost may be. Established in 1902. Tillamook, Oregon PROFESSIONAL CARDS T.H. G0YNE, Scientists Getting Ready at Baker. Or., for Sun and Moon Fracas. Baker, Or.— Getting ready for an eclipse is a big task. The uninformed who think an astronomer’s job consists merely in peeking through a big tele­ scope while the eclipse is passing and then announcing whether it has been a success or a flivver, should visit the Baker county fair grounds and see what members o f the government party are doing in preparation for their study when the moon gets be­ tween the earth and sun on the a fter­ noon o f June 8. While the time for actual study is only 1 minute and 52 seconds, five weeks o f preparation are required, and the observers are putting in long hours at the station, where, after about 10 days, order is beginning to come out o f chaos. The carload of scientific in­ struments is being distributed and set up about the grounds, which are daily growing to look less like the fam iliar Wolves Destroy Sheep. abiding place o f the prize Baker coun­ Plains, Mont. — Thompson River [ ty stock and more like an observatory. ranchers report ’ hat wolves, from | With the entennae o f the wire less whom there has been little trouble in station rising from each end, the that district for years, are on the grandstand from a distance looks like rampage again and have destroyed nu­ a man-of-war, ami the paddock be­ merous sheep. Mountain lions l a d ' tween the stables, with numerous in­ been blamed for losses, but when a de­ struments covered with white tarpaul­ termined effort was made to cotral the ins at night, has the appearance o f a robbers they were found to be wolves. spooks’ play ground. Abstracts on Short Notice by the PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. Conveyancing, Etc. Opp. Court House, Boll Rhone 53-4 P. O. Box 147 With Rollio Watson ATTORNEY AT LAW Tillamook, Ore. C. W. TALMAGE, L. V. EBFR1IARD , Manager. Complete Set of Abstracteof the Records of Tillamook Countv, Oregon. Attorney and Counsellor at Law T IL L A M O O K . - - OREGON A. C. EVERSON NATIONAL BLD., - TILLAM OOK, ORE. TILLAM O O K. ORE. ROBERT H. McGRATL Money to Loan Real Estate Agency COUNSELOR AT LAW 106 Oddfellows’ Building, Tillamook, Oregon. Special Equipment for Making Income Returns and Reports. J. N. PEARCY See me for realty deals. Tillamook Undertaking Co. R. N. H E N K E L , Proprietor. Night and Day calls nromptly attended. E .J. MENDENHALL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 928 Chamber o f Commerce, PORTLAND, - - OREGON Sixth Street at Second Avenue TIL L A M O O K . - - East OREGON Tillamook Abstracting Co. T hos . C oatbs . P kbmidknt . CO M PLKTK SKT OK A BSTRACT BOOKS OK T IL L A M O O K CO UNTY. OR M O N . T IL L A M O O K C IT Y . OREGON. F. R. BEALS REAL ESTATE Write for Literature. TIL L A M O O K . • • OREGON | The Todd Hotel L. THE COURIER « Tillam ook, Ore. SEEING” ECLIPSE BIG TASK Office Ground Floor National Bld. S. HUSHBECK. Proprietor. keeps you posted on all important happenings of the Nestucca Valley. We also do PRINTING of all kinds at moderate prices. Dining Room run on Family Style Meals 35c. Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special Rates by the Week. L IS T Y O U R F A R M W IT H Taylor Real Estate Agency IF Y O U W A N T T O S E L L IT. SEE TAYLOR FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE I f you are in the market for a good Dairy Ranch we can show you something that will interest you. We have some excellent bargains. Money is made dairying in Tillamook County. Why not get a chunk o f this money. TAYLOR REAL ESTATE AGENCY Cloverdale, Oregon