Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, May 02, 1918, Image 2

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• — +
We Want Your
W. A. \Vi«e, Dentist.
Claud Hall it a Portland visitor thi
Jens Jensen was up from Oret'
Highest cash pine paid for calvi
Ham Bauer, of Nerkowin, w.x* it town Claud Hall.
( * * sas===
7 -S
v v
Tlie Teachers’ Opportunity in tho Pres­
Look as far as you like
ent Crisis.
Attorney Holme«, of Tillamook, na
-You will never ilnd more
in Cloyerdalc Monday
From a talk before a local institute.
bcAutifull Will Paper» tlu a
In the present crisis, let us speak of
1 can show you.
The Cloverdale Mercantile C o.*» !
tbe teacher’ s opnortunity rather ti an
pay 34c per dozen for egg*.
her responsibility, for opportunity
Clyde Hudson in In Cloverdale from means the privilege oi meeting respons­
Portland for a f»w days’ visit.
Today, ns never before, may we teach
Da. Lc-Fevre returned Monday even­
real patriotism. Tbe Rev. Charles E.
ing troin a short visit in Portland.
Dr. Fhenrer returned yesterdav from
Gibson has given us a hue sentencer
1 will pay 20c per pound for calf hides,
"Service is tbe natural exprestion of a trip to i’ortlaud.
®V6c for carcura hark—(drover Witt.
love, and sacrifice is its truest measure."
Judge Belt and family, of Dallas, are When was there such an opportunity for i
at the Neskowiu resort for a short visit. th- humblest citizen, the smallest child,
It is reported, dial Cuilt.v Taylor and
A large bear wa* killed yesterday to express his |)ove of country in Arthur Edmunds and wife, Lave made a
morning on the lull back of the Bamlcia service,—ves, to measure it in sacrifice'1 trip to California.
It is our privilege as teachers to lead
each boy girl to a sense of individ-
kitf mill, at Pacific City, is run
A girl wa? born tc Mr. and Mrs. Clint ual responsibility, of individual oppor I nl,|)5 very steady these duvs. We hope
King at the Cioveidaie bospitul Utt tunity to help make the world safe for ’ tliat the airplanes that will be made out
democracy now and hereafter. First of u* sonic °f this lumber will materially
Nate Ileudeisoii and Andv Jamie all through the children we may teach -,id ln defeating the Hun.--,
visited iiotne folks in the valley lust the children to consei ve and to produce, j Barney Knoolock returned from Till-
Directions forsuch teaching may be bad amook^the fore part of the week,
for the asking if tbev do not come to
Several Cloverdale Oddfellows and
hand without. Let us not fail in anv! Mr' U x"* * n inade Lis
triP t 0 .
Ke be kalis visited Tillauiook lodge Tues­
way to meet this great opportunity, for 1th* :,aw 'nlil the oth«r aav- ™th *‘i® new
day evening.
by the work for food conservation, lib ,r'K'k U '* onP of the li*r‘ie8t iU,(1 U’s t !
IiOit.—A new daaiiboani for buggy, erty bond, and thrift stamps, Red Cross ! " e 1,avP lrU 1,1 ,lli9 T,art of
the porpoee t t n t e i 1«
s.iuiew here near dock store, h inder service. Y. M .r . A. funds, and the fn.
please notify Mr«, S. L. Haines.
Justrial club work, we are not only I Mr. Woodard wife, from the
win the war, but we arc train ir. - 'o f Woodard and (iinr’t, 1' «rtlancf,
Ernest Neuenseliwander and family
and Mrs. Fred Meit/.kc enjoyed a trip t the citizens of the next generation in | been o ', of the early \ i - 1 to.r t to
the invaluable habits of thrift and in- I • each this spring,
the valley the fore purt of the week.
dustry, co-operation and the meeting of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kirby rejoice responsibility—habits which must char­ I Mr. Daily the ('. verntnent spruce
over tbe arrival of a baby girl, born .it acterize an individual or a nation capable man returned to Portland. Haturdav.
the Cloverdale hospital this morning.
Claud Hall and Bvron .Randall were
of world citizenship.
We are lighting to make the w ilJ at I igo, a; t’l iverdale H.’.turdav night
Arthur Coffey and Ed Cochran left
Friday morning for Beaver where they safe for democracv. It is a noble ideal,
Mr», Hostettler’s mi ubsr is visiting I
worthy of supreme sacrifice. But mere Mr. and Mrs. llotfeLtlar, at Pacific
will build a large barn for Mr. Kruin.
force cannot attain it, for there is nutli- City.
The voting daughter of Mr. and Mis.
ing permanent in im decisions. It i.~
Marion Bailey, of Neskow in, was oper­
Its somet ling of & question whether a :
not force but right thinking that finally
ated upon tor appendicitis at the lio^-
engine or the old fashioned |
settles anv matter. In this contest, fli
pitul this morning.
army of educators can do more than cun dairyman i- the better milker, both are
being tried at tlie large barn near the
If you want to make good eatehes buy all the allied armies to make the woild
vour tithing tackle at V. F. lu-arned’». safe for democracy.
We cannot now see how we could
B : ron Urn dall mtide a *rip to Htieri-
Hew assortment of flies. We earry the
best grade of tackle.
liave done otherwise than enter the ! dan this week and reports the roads
conflict as we have, but ttie struggle fairly good condition.
Howard Owens, James Earl and Oilier
can avail onlv as it make the warring
This is the largest and tincst car that ever carried the
Bailey were canvassing the town for the
Mr.«. Fisher writing from Yu. says
nation« think. May the sacrifice and
sale of thrift stumps yesterday. T h e:
that garden planking and farming is
SIX name plate— a car that is without real compe*
the suffering make us better men and
amount sold was $10.oO.
hindered by exres-jive rain and thunder
tition in its Price class.
women, less careless, more unselfish,
, .
. .
, , , storms that uiaku' the windows rattle,
Aeroplane material ‘is now being bigger
hearted, and broader minded— | s jK.
«ays there i*/-no place like Oregon,
hauled by boat from Pacific City to more tit citizens of a world democracy. I
The individual beauty of its lines, its unusual size and
t la re nee l«ubrt«ck, Pacific City's aviut-
Cloverdale and with u large six wheel If it is to do this, we must keep put
its extraordinary mechanical refinement, will make this new
auto truck transported to the railroad hatred. We are not fighting a people, J !>r
FraDt'°- ls booted and spared and
model one of the most talked of cars of the coming season.
ut Tillamook.
but. a wrong principle, for the sake of ’ 18 abU> to rid® 'bis fractions air machine
all the peoples of the world, even those j slu< essftiily an I now would like to get a
The Uo4 Crtw» i?-aalwm: for am tin i
the Kaiser. lie has our very
Its powetful, flexible and remarkably smooth-running
■ubacriptiou and has designated the we tight against. Hatred of wrong i- pra<k
noble; hatred of anv n..o..le ,,r ,,nv I **»1, wishes R.r his ultimate success,
week of May 21) for a drive to raise
engine is of the overhead valve type with balanced crank­
Mr. Bidding, of Fla.- tern Oregon,
funds. Already preparations are being human being, le lie ever so great a
shaft, ferced-fetd oiling and many other advanced features.
wrong doer, is degrading. There can ugaiu wit Inis to «¡tend tbe summer.
marie to organize (or the purpose.
be no safety for democracy w here hatred
As it ia **ye editor's" bed time, the
Dan Fletcher and Dell Kerns were is. Let us keep it out of "m
m ot fit**- important Woods items will have
our m owe
Portland visiters the latter pint al lust -
» a d h w te a n d shield tbe children lo Wait *'•' '
week. They went out with a machiae, Rom it *„ froll, * deadly pc.atiU-nce. an
Advertised Letters
got otf the main rood and experienced I ¡„-i.i.,..,,. 1Ml;snll
.... -
. 1
»»"‘ son.
1 he following
mg tetter?
tetters remain
remati: uncalled
•orno didicully in finding where they
Before us, the Amet lean sehoul tt aeh- » t"r at the Cloverdale postollice May
T i ll a m o o k ,
were it.
ere of today, lies an opportunity which i ’
Rid ort Scott
Stiverai cititene galla re«l in d ov er- we can face onlv with reverence ami
(\ Kline
date Inni Thursdav evening and s»»i«tt I awe. To our care is entrusted the
Mrs. Alice Davis
Mr. Usv tu raming a largo (lag |nde.
\V. NY. Sand ers
Old Gioì V now »wiivii t" tbe bri e/e fi .>ui When the war m over there will come
In calling I r tbt
>ve p:
' sa v
this M ig poi» in the front yard of Mr the ieconstruction period; when f«'ic«'
.ulvcr; -
Mal« e t »Fis
haa done what it can, the real task of
KayV residence
making the world «ale for democracy
tfotics to Hoarders ot Wheat Flmr
Tini ('asti« lìo.-k Sundav twdiool vv ili will remain. It is wisely «aid that the
(l). S. food Abtuinistration
i«h«er\i Mutilerà’ l'sv , May l'.’lli, \\.: I morrow of victory is more dangerously . An opportunity is now given to all
nn uppropriatu program, cominci., mg critical than its eve. In our schools at J ’ "'ardors f wheat dour to turn lb «anu
ut 1 ;J0 p. ni. l'reucbtng servici« bv the nu n hi
ve, ten, twenty] °ver to tho Food kuministrati
Key. T. K. tlnrnacoch. All moti tra I years hence, to wii m the w. r.d mu«t by re leasing itn « iix. quantity at some
and friends of mothers are cordially in I'Hik for help in '.hut momentou« b >nr j *»bu»r«l point lor mmediate shipt eut
G o u n t > D ci»r> I n s p e c t o r
v it« d t<> at ton I.
I It is our ttrivilfge to make ours* ve;, So «mr allies in 1 aircj*e where it ia badly
I ready, and give lo these citizens of to- j I w-Jel,
A prof ss >r front Cirvallia ha« I«
j inumi» the intellectual keenness and
itid ( Under the regulation« of the Food
in lillainoi'k Countv tins wet k in ­
Ttuephone Main 3—and Mutual
breadth, the moral strength, the wi«li>- V iiiii'.vistrati it im |ter«on should have
Tiilactiook, Oregon
structing lievi Cri «» member» ,n the ness of vision, that will make them tri l.i« p< - 1 - . -I i-iore than « : -a g of
fathering a «attain kind i m.«a » I uh j » o re than Ami in ans even ctti/ena , f vv beat Hoar and no patri iti«- person will j
it ii'e'itlfut ill tics «min I «
Tin-« n -» tt u , |
slewire to luive tn«*r«'
Msa.d to lu es Uu times the aUorot m !
Kutav the familiar words of Lincoln
Anv iH’ rti-n \ v I k > has more than tie
of ah»or i mg e* tt.ui M f " i
I iw|ayn
am »ur.t t'«rm.:t -«t mav t rii-.g toe same
the war hospitals.
I , light in the st'irit of the to inc ci • will l e t>ai i in cash for the
Lend Him .
\ telephone mossage from Roy C great lover of huumntv, we »hall gei t one, upon delivering it at a warehouse
Jouis County Agriculturist, statist the most of good and the ea-t of l.arn, • l<-sicuuted by me.
from the terrible it rife. 1 ‘ With malic«
All {ìatri'.'tiv- i>ri«ons ar-.: requeste-i to
a profc»sor from the O. V. ('., wfio bail
toward none, with charity for all, let ut «end tae tf.c n»Bic«’)f.iny p«»r« )nswh m
recently returned fri'in a trip to Wash- s'.rive on to finish the work we arc In, thev know ,.r have any re n a to believe
ington, D. 0 -, desired to talk to Un­ to bind up the nations’ wound«, to have in their twiases-ion wheat dour in
(exresi* of the qittntity |>ermitte-
people of Ctoveniale on fissi producti, n. care lor him who -fiali have I rue tbt*
I .
t ■ -lapsed
After a
Mr. J nuts also «ail lie w unt mail the buttle and (or In« widow and orphan-, I f-«r all hot!
• to bring in their dour !
11 se who fail
Courtrr an, but at the ami to «t » all wli-.«b mav acl eve a Just | wilt report the nan
ffer to tbe i
tiuieof printing the Couner »ani an- sml laslmg pewcv among .ur»« \«>- au«l to take ailewti'at,-
- I Vnartnient of J«i-
(r priiMvution
nouBcsuieut ha«t not arnved. end in witti and ani -n. all uatì
' under tne It i.m
Vet. Thereupon
conaeqnence we are u«>t »tde to gi- el Note
F, r lette -ag vai .lem,- acr ! tbe tliinr nvai- Is- •
mue«t fortbe us»
tri the Huai tier
more tullv tbe pr.«grani. Tbe »t»uk«r l bave «e«-n nuthmg 1« iter than t. I o: the C nite-i >t »t
3 s p e a k lo u r J y r th a n
iu iv b»* invpri^F ii
r two vears, o r ­
bswrvrr, mll he bere Satuniav evening alt geli r chai nng l - - I . i i«v4t
c t- Don't T a ll,-- f 3u y Now
' I , f t ) > : i-an
-in > *
ar«. or l«oth.
and fr«.m 7 :'M to 8:1.% wili «Hvupy thè ftemer
B \ - a l k - «-;
jb s. '
N < « mm - bn s t*r> •«•er-nan will hoanl
platform at the moving picture *h » . age, at l«-ast, If not ronr.cer. reati the» ito .ir a t I t s - time when it is so badlT
n e e d e d b y «>
Corns eariv and bear - -me facta t at eagerly.
Mone» U) loan— T fie I acifi Bu
1» Fish F-*r Sale.
will tienefit all in a greater proibì« ti n
i an Aasoeiatinu has
Maurice 1 t'urrev,
Salted we de steel head 1(V per pound,
««unte T im »', Admint*tiator here. Ensure at tbe othc« fv agent
ut food priaUntt
V'liui.n n (i«e
f Tavtor
^ ttr, 12Sc ter pound.
fiilauos.k, t ifi jun.
r fill e j o o k C o u n t«.
Real Evtate Agency.
Chat . CrulLers, Clo verdat e.
¡yet in ¿ouch with
34c per Bozen
Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Inc.
l o w Doming
D r. C. L . (i la i s v e r