Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, April 25, 1918, Image 3

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To the Voters of Tillamook Countv :
I beg to announce that I w ill be a
candidate for County Commissioner for
the south end of the county on the Re­
publican ticket at the next primary
Ole B. Redbcrg.
We have just received a new
Oxyacetyline Welding Plant
CHAS. RAY, President
WM. CHRISTENSEN, Vice President
Chas. Ray, Wm. Christensen, Ctaus. McKillipp,
D. A. Bailey, Wm. A. High.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination on the Republican
Ticket for County Commissioner, to he
voted on at the nominating convention
to be held in May. 1918.
It nominated and elected I promise to
the best of my ability all efforts for the
developement and advcucemeut of Till­
amook County.
Believing myself perfectly comi>etcnt
to administer the office 1 place my can­
didacy before the voters foi their suf­
Yours truly,
D. A. Bailey.
We are now ready to do all clauses of w e ld in g in the
lighter lines.
We have Special Valve Tools, such
as arc essential in Motor Work.
* 4
J. L GEORGE, Cashier.
Your Patronage is Solicited
Published Every Thursday
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ Entered as second-class matter, Nov­
ember 13th, 1905 at the post office at Clo-
verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon^un-
der Act of Congress, March 3rd. 1878.
S u bscription K a T' cs
One Year, in advance...................... $1.0C
Six Months.............................................50
Three Months.........................................25
Single Copy............................................ 05
A d v e r t i s i n g K ates
Displayed Advertisements, 60 cents per
inch per month, single column. All
Local Reading Notices, 10 cents per
line for each insertion.
Timber land notices
Homestead notices
Political Announcement Cards
At this particular time one of the un­
wise things to do would be to change
governors of the state cl Oregon. Gov­
ernor Withycombe has given us a good
administration and de can better guide
the ship of state than a new man.
Robert Stansfield has many friends
in Tillamook County and they arc urg­
ing his election for United States
Senator. Stansfield has been a farmer
the greater portion of his life and his
friends feel that he is in a position to do
more tor the agricultural interests of the
state than can anv other man. Stans-
lield is a broad minded man of capacity
and a vote for him will be a vote in the
direction of placing good men in office.
He will be a candidate for nomination on
the Republican ticket at the primaries
in May.
(From the Oregon Voter11
For the republican nomination for
governor there are four honest men who
are candidates, one trimmer and one
cloppv wet Tammany I. W . W . who
brazenly seeks the disreputable vote.
The last named is Harley, Mayor Harley
of Astoria. The possibilit y of bis elec­
tion is the worst menace that has con­
fronted the state for years.
Do not underrate Haxley, his person­
ality, his vote-gettin g ability or the
gang he represents. ’Harley really is a
remarkable man. He is imposing,
physically, like a big red beef. Mental­
ly he is about as bright as they make
them, a quick thinker and a shrewd
thinker. He is a booii companion, a
likeable fellow who makes friends where-
ever he goes and who ikces not hesitate
to make enemies and denounce them
publicly and privately. His denuncia­
tions always have for ee and point and
are dreaded bv men in office.
Harley’s appeal irs to the I. W. W.
element of working people and to the
boot-leggers, disreputables and wide-
openers of the state . He regards the
prohibition legislature as something to
drive a 90-horse pfl wer racer through
with a whoop. W «re he governor he
would openly doevvirvthing in his power
to prevent enforcement of the prohibi­
tion law.
His appeals to the I. W. W. element
are likewise of tb e most brazen character,
picturesque and inflammatory denuncia­
tions of the bossa-s and calls upon the
men to follow hi m and he will throw the
1 osses out of poiver. To employers he
gives the cheerfu I information that this
hue of talk is “ b unk” calculated to get
him a tallowing by which be can get
into power, and that when in power he
willaee that the .employersare protected
all right provi« led they have sera;
enough to stand ii > with him. Tammany
To the voters of Tillamook County ;
I herewith announce rnyeelf as a
candidate on the Republican ticket at
the nominating convention to he held
in May for the office of County Com­
missioner. My motto: “ A sqnare deal
all around.”
John Weiss, Sr., Meda
Your repairs can be handled here as well as in th e la rge
garage of the city.
To The Voters of Tillamook County
I wish to announce that I will be a
candidate at the next primary election
for the office of County Commission­
er for the South part of the county on
the Republican ticket. I believe in
good roads, and will use my best ef­
forts in seeing that roads are con­
structed permanently and built eco­
nomically, if elected.
Yours respectfully,
A. A. Inilah.
ruthlessness in its vilest form is repre­
sented in Harley.
No one ran estimate the size of the
combined sloppy wet, disreputable and
I. W. W. vote in the state. We have
no idea that it is big enough to win the
republican nomination for Hailey, but
no chances should be taken. With the
decent vote split amongst four candid­
ates it might be possible that he would
get the nomination. Thoughtful voters
To Tlie Voters of Tillamook County.
will dispel confusion by voting safe, and I I hereby announce myself as a |
the logical candidate is Governor Withy­
candidate for re-election to the office of I
combe. By centering support upon him
Sheriff of Tillamook County, on the j
the Harley menace can be dissipated.
Republican Ticket, at the Fiimarv
Of course, if Harley should be nom­
Election, May 17, 1918.
inated, which is almost unthinkable, be
would he defeated by the democratic
W. L. Campbell.
nominee, for this decent element in the
state would vote for anyone in sight, to
defeat him. But should the democratic To the Yoters of Tillamook Countv :
nominee be the Non Partisan League
I hereby announce mvself as a candi­
candidate, Walter M. Pierce, the state date for the nomination for County
would find itself in a very uncomfortable Commissioner on the Republican ticket
situation. To insure Harley’ s defeat, at the primaries to be held Mav 17th,
1918. If nominated and elected I will
vote for Withycombe.
render the people of our county and
nation faithful,
conscientious and
How About Your Family?
patriotic service, and will favor road
“ Can you look a patato in the eve and building of a jerinanent nature.
sav you did your duty last summer?’ ’
II. V. \llcy.
»sites The Youth’ s Companion. Can
you look your family in the eve and feel
that you have done your bit if you have
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
not provided them with The Youth's
I take this method of announcing my !
Companion? If it is your duty to set candidacy for the nomination of Countv !
before your family the highest standards ¡Commissioner on the Republican ticket \
ot thinking and doing; if it is your dutv at the primary election to he held Mav |
to kindle their patriotism ; if it is your 17. 1918. I will work for the best
duty to afford them pleasure that is interest id the taxpayers and citizens of j
Tillamook County especially in the I
clean and stimulating, then it is your matter of roads, and will insist in a
dutv to give them The Youth's Com­ definite road policy as follows: Appro
riating as much of the, road fund as
possible for the purpose of hard surfac­
The price of The Companion is $2.00, ing the main highways without neglect­
hut the publishers offer a special com­ ing the tributary roads and conforming
bination of The Youth’s Companion and to the state regulations when the same ;
McCall’s Magazine, both for only $2.25. arc to tlie interest of Tillamook County.
McCall’ s Magazine, with its April
H. Si. Farmer.
issue, appears double in size, w ith a new
dress. Its page is now the same size a*
I hereby annaunce myself as a candì- I
The Com panion’ s. It is not only a great
for the office of County Surveyor of
fashion magazine, hut a great woman's
magazine. For the present there is no Tillamook County on the Republican
advance in the price of McCall's, hut it ticket.
is wise to take advantage of the extra­
JU nominated and elected l "ill con­
ordinary combination offer now—both
the office in an efficient and ,
publications for only $2.25.
Send all orders th The Youth’s Com­
Yours respectfully,
panion, St. Paul Street, B ostoD , Mass.
W. S. Coates
YV. R .
U B T S O IN ,
M *r.
Quality Counts
In ever line of Merchandise, hut, none,
nrore especially than in
Our large stock is in every instance the best that can be had
and our aim will be to keep the high standard up.
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
Stoves, Ranges, Farm and
Garden Tools
In tlie Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Tillamook County.
And everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store, and
all goods are of the best quality.
Alex McNair & Co., Tmamook,ore.
Pays to Advertise in the Courier.
Cheer up,
Kamerad; no­
body’/ going to
hile you/ Take
a little chew of
G ra eely and
you II f e e l
I lierepy announce myself a candi­
Chas. Ray, Plaintiff
v Summons. date on the Republican ticket for nomi­
F.C. Feldschau, Defendant,)
nation for Countv Clerk at the Primary
To F. C. Feldschau, the defendant—
In the name of the State of Oregon, you election to be held May 17, 1918.
Erwin Harrison.
are hereby required to ap)>ear and an­
swer the complaint tiled against you in
the above entitled action within six
weeks from the date of the first publica­
tion of this summons, and if you fail to
answer or apper, for want thereof the
plaintiff will take judgment against vou
for tlie sum of One Hundred and Thirtv-
Onc and 05-100 Dollars, together with
the interest thereon from January 5th,
1917, at 8 per cent per annum ; for $50
For disinfecting where Contagious or
attorney fee« and for the costs and dis­
bursements of this action, and an order j infectious diseases are prevailing.
of sale of the property attached herein,
to w it: I-ots 5 and 6 in Block 11 in Still­
well’s addition to Tillamook City, Ore­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use
gon, and'one sand and gravel dredge
with all its equipment with a 15-horse will improve general stable conditions.
power heavv duty Morse engine with all
its equipment; one Schmidt concrete
paver; one Little Wonder mixer; one
scow in dimensions 20 feet by 40 feet; 6
dump wagons, 3 Fresno scrapers; one
gas engine and pump; about 3000 feet
of \\i inch pipe, about 2000 feet of 2
inch pipe and one Overland truck. This
summons is served upon you by publi­
cation thereof, for six weeks in the
Cloverdale Courier, bv order of Hon. FRANK TAYLOR,
Geo. R. Bagley, Judge of said court,
, made at Chamhers in Tillamook City,
Oregon. March 2'*th. 1918, and the first
publication thereof is made on the 4th
Notary Public
dav of April, 1918.
Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this 1st
day of Aprii, 1918.
C. W. Talmagr,
Cloverdale, Ore.
Attorney for the I’larnt.H.
Clough’s Carbolic Com­
RnliahlnEruqqist, Tillamook. Ore.
a pouch of
Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug
Think of the welcome he will give it—thia con­
densed plug of fine tobacco that slips flat into his
pocket, ready to give him tobacco comfort and satis­
faction anywhere, all the time!
Gave any ow n a ch ew of Real G r ife ly Plug, end he will tell
you th a t'» the kind to irn d . Send the best!
Ordinary plug is f» lie econ om y. It c o .t i In * per week to
ch ew Real G ravely, because a »mall ch ew c.1 it la»t* a long
w h ile
If you .m ok e a pipe, .lice G ravely with your knife and add a lilt!«
to your smoking tobacco. It w :II give flavor—im prove your u n olia
Dealer» all around here carry it m 10c. pouchet. A 3c. «tamp
will put it into k h hand» in any * raining Camp or Seaport o f tho
U. S. A . F.ven “ over there” a 3c. »tam p will *»lie it to him. Y our
dealer will supply e c d o p e end give you official direction* h ow
to addre»« it
TJU Patent
P ch k epi it Fneh ead Clean r»J Good
- I t it not He I Crawly nrtkaat thu PnUOmn ieal
| jU b li» h ed I 8 3 1