V LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS I I Q Cl a a a a i AND OTHER NEWS OF INTEREST ♦* i We Want Your V/. A. Wise, Dentist. Highest cash j>rie« paid for calves.— Claud Hall. Max Mattoon was over from Sand- lake yesterday. 1 will pay 20c per pound for calf hides —Grover W itt. Dr, G eorge’s have remodeled their house on the farm. Thos. Fay. piano tu n e r of Portland, was in town Friday. The Cloverdale Mercantile Co. will pay 34c per dozen for eggs. Dr. T urner, of Portland, visited Clov erdale last week T hursday. * Alec Fraser, of Salm on River, was a Cloverdale visitor yesterday. Mrs. H ugh A ntrim and the tw ins left for the valley Monday lor a short visit. Mrs. E d Earl spent a few days of last week w ith her m other, Mrs. Hayward a t Beaver. Joe A nfderm auer and son were in Cloverdale yesterday m orning from their Three R iv e rs’ ranch. For Sale—25 head of hogs, large and small. Also one registered Duroc Lore. Fred Affolter, Neskowin. Mr. Axel Nelson lias returned home after spending th e w in te r in southern California. H e reports the climate fine down there. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Brink returned home af r a short visit w ith th e ir si u ’’ , in p.’r'r.iud Mrs B rin k ’s sister r e lu m e d with them . If you want to make good catches Luv vour fishing tackle a t V. F. Learned's. New assortm ent of flies. We carry the (rest grado of tackle. A basket social will he held a t tlie Union school Friday evening, May 3, for the benefit of the J u n io r Red Cross a lit th e echo I. H om e made candy will -I , he soi l $ FACTS AND FIGURES Ja p a n e se government experts a re raising tobacco in Korea from American seed. A wheel chair has been p a t­ ented th a t can be folded com­ pactly for storage when idle. Otliclal figures show th a t the sew ers of American cities are long enough to girdle th e earth. A Swiss scientist who made more than 2,000 tests decided th a t snails have no sense of sight. India Is now raising cotton on 13,203,000 acres of laud, an In­ crease of about 7 per cent from lust year. Ox, Slowest Animal. T here Is no animal possessing less speed than an ox. In the old days, the duys before the advent of railroads it would take n farm er and Ills ox team two weeks to make a round trip with twenty-five or thirty bushels of grain to market, a trip th a t can now he m ade by lull in half a day. Then the p a tie n t animals did well to jig along a t ttie ra te of two or three feet u sec­ ond. Severe Test. P e r l i n n s no test of one’s poise and mnmm 1 dexterity is more diliieult for a m an of sedentary and Intellectual p u rsu its than the effort to pick up seven or eight newly released w a te r­ melon seeds from the tablecloth with his left hand w ithout arousing so much as a passing suspicion In Ids wife's b re a st th a t they’re there at all.—Ohio S ta te Journal. L o o k as fa r as 'y o u lik e -You will never find more b&jutifull Wall Papers than 1 can show you. jyce in touch with me today W. A. HIGH CLOVERDALE. ORE. WOODS IT EM S. Mr. Colestock is a frequent visitor to Pacific City now- He is expected to scow lum ber for Mr. Beals, from there to Cloverdale. Mrs. Grace Learned has been at Pacific City a few day* visiting ber parents. Bert C ornett and family have been j under the w eather for th e past week. Almost every one in this town is com­ plaining more or less. 34c psr Dozen Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Inc. The governm ent inspector is now at Pacific City inspecting the lum ber as fast as it leaves the saw. W hile the percent of first class airplane lum ber is m t gre.it, there will lie enought to make a good m a n y airplanes during the sum m ers run. Byron Randall and wife were Clover dale visitors Saturday night. Mr. Ixjcke, the mill wriglit who has been to work on the mill for th e last six weeks re tu rn e d home Saturday. We notice th a t our enterprising Post M aster has the foundation laid f o r a new building, We have not been informed a t this writing whether it is to be the City Hall or Post Office. Following Sunday School at the Mis­ sion n ext Sunday morning Grandpa Collier will give an in te re stin g talk. T here will be no service a t Pacific City next Sunday evening b u t the following S unday services will be resum ed as usual. The New T SIX E dw ard’s DipicAiacy. E dw ard had been told repeatedly not to sny he did not like food which The F r i n k Owens hom e caught tire w as passed to him at the table. He last Friday afternoon hut Howard with was Invited to a neighbor’s to dinner tie garden hose a c ting as hose Co. No. 1 and w as offered cherry pie, which he W.'ll had '.he blaze extinguished with did not care for. li e tactfully said, A Dty ol Pleasure. “ Well, I’m Just crazy for cherry pie, only alight damage. but won’t you Just save It for sup­ C ontributed bv one of the Cloverdale High School girls. R alph W erschkul, of Portland, made per?" This is the largest and finest car that ever carried the The C. II. S. went on a hike, Cloverdale a short call last Sunday, lie GRANT SIX name plate—a car that is without real compe­ To some it was a shock. drove in over th e m ountains with his They said “ O dear, th e y ’ll never climb tition in its Trice class. Chinese P lant Statuettes. father's Font a n d re tu rn e d by train To th e top of Castle R o c k .” Chinese gardeners sometimes plant Monday, leaving th e m achine here for Hut High School kids are dauntless. h'.i father, who ¡3 expected to arrive in sta tu e tte s of tiny men firmly In The individual beauty of its lines, its unusual size and ‘‘Well, well! we'll see!" said they, pots. Just like real plants, and then Tillamook County some day this week. “ W e'll ride up in a wagon its extraordinary mechanical refinement, will make this new tra in live evergreens to grow up over And save part of the d a y .” It was a splendid lecture th a t was these statuettes. T he vines thus form model one of the most talked of cars of the coming season. They reached their destination given to the people of Cloverdale in the a kind of robe for the s ta tu e tte meu, And spent a lot of time their white faces and hands protruding In getting across the river Presbyterian c h u rc h by Rev. H ays, of from the green leaves. Its powerful, flexible and remarkably smooth-running Before tliev started th e climb. P ortland, last S unday evening. T lie engine is of the overhead valve type with balanced crank­ Then m> the hill they wended atT eopticon views showed th e ruins in shaft, ferced-feed oiling and many other advanced features. An Arab’s Saying. Among the fern and brush, France of famous c hurches among them Sometimes they slid down backwards, "It Is well that all men a re not rich. the R eihm s c a th e d ra l, erected in 1212, J u s t to avoid the rush. Itlohes corrupt the soul, hut virtue th e destruction of which has been most enlarges tin* hope.” T hese words were In about a half an hour talked of since the terrible war began. found In the parchm ent of an Arabic I hey reached th e rockv top. This cathedral had 500 statues and a tre a tise by some ruler, and is no doubt 1 would tel! you liow they acted But haven't tim e to stop. colored glass window' forty feet in d ia m ­ the b itte r verdict of many tha t are eter. It was this ancient edifice tha t rich today.—Exchange. They hung a flag upon a pole Tillam ook, Oregon And watched it ben t and b lo w . th e Germ an* agreed not to molest as it Then someone mentioned “ d in n e r ” w t* considered property saered to all W h a t Might Have Been. And no one was verv slow. people. Later the G erm ans bom barded “ What are you worrying about?" ‘'If You may talk about go,. | ( :ikc and pie it mid now it is a mass of ruins. I eat eggs 1 think about the chickens And tilings th a t c a n ’t be beat, they would have produced, and if 1 But t h a t wouldn't tasted half as good Married at Tillamook. As w hat they had to eat. eat chicken* I think about the eggs Last Saturday evening at the Metho­ they might have laid; and i t 's becom­ Anil when they shifted down the hill Some walked, some slid or rolled. dist parsonage of Tillamook occurred ing difficult for me to enjoy anything." W hen they reached th e gra--v bank beio-.v the m arriage of Mrs Main lie Foster to No one felt very cold. Uncle Eben's V iew of Life. Lawrence Olds. The eeremonv was "Life,” said Uncle Eli« n. "is like a . I ’m sure th a t all enjoyed themselves perform ed by Key. Gibson. Mr- Foster With verv little cost, trip lu a flivver. If you misses n ha* an agent Salted wnoie «teelhead 10c per pound, ment.” children, two sisters, four brothers and O il. 1st here. Enquire at the office of Taylor ¡ steelhead tarliv, 1 2^0 per pound. "No wonder, lie's ju s t out of Jail.” Bred Briiilv, I'ist Clerk. Real E state Agency. j Cha*. Crnther?. u io tb tr to uiwiuu ber death. C r u th e r ;, Cloverdali Cloverdale. Now Coming VV. K U P P E N B E N D E R Dr. C, L. O J a i s y e r V C T C R I N A R I A N SAPOLIO PATRIOTISM ECONOMY