Hotel Rowland One hundred »nd sixty-five Rooms, all Modern improvements; free phones on every floor. Rates: SAGETEA BEAUTIFIES 75c to $1.50 per day: $2.50 to $5.00 per week. WHEAT IS FAVORABLE Crop Conditions Throughout Washing­ ton Show Marked Improvement Over Same Time Last Year. Opposite Courthouse, 2 blocks from Postofflce, Fire Proof. S. P and Oregon Electric pass door. Gray! It Darkens BEAUTIFUL RUGS Don’t So Stay Naturally that No­ body can Tell. The entire winter has been unusually favorable for winter wheat on accouut o f the above normal temperatures and adequate precipitation, practically all o f which was absorbed by the soil. Many fields, especially throughout the Palouse and Big Bend areas o f the state, which had not appeared above the ground by December due to lack o f precipitation early in the season and where conditions indicated a duplica­ tion of the unfavorable rotting out o f the preceding year, have attained sub­ stantial growth. Although there has been an unusual winter growth o f all wheat throughout the B ig Bend and Palouse counties, the plant has not at­ tained the height reached under the most favorable years, and this condi­ tion is conducive to weed growth later in the season. There are also occa­ sional fields in the Big Bend, Spokane and Whitman counties and the dry land areas of Walla Walla county, that were sown early in the fall which germinated unevenly and may require partial re-sowing, but the present fa­ vorable growing weather w ill undoubt­ edly materially improve the appearance o f these fields within the next two or three weeks. The condition o f fall wheat in Walla, Walla, Klickitat and surrounding counties is exceptionally favorable, especially in moisture. Spring seeding and planting are now general throughout the state excepting in some o f the extremely late areas. On account o f the early favorable spring and unusually favorable moist­ ure conditions, many areas in the state are completing spring seeding o f wheat this year by the time they began seed­ ing last year. There has been considerable im­ provement in the condition o f livestock and losses from disease have decreased throughout the entire state. Are made from your OLD CAR­ PETS. Rag Rugs woven all sizes. Mail orders receive prompt and care­ ful attention. Sena for booklet. You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifuily dark and lustrous almost over NORTHWEST RUG CO. E. 8th and Taylor Sts. Portland, Or. night if you’ll get a 60-cent bottle of “ W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur Com pound” at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, are sold annually from heavy laying (Hoganized) stock. $10.00 says a well-known druggist here, b » per 100, W e guarantee safe arrival. cause it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has THE PIONEER HATCHERY been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray 415 Sixth Street. Petaluma, Cal. or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or M O N E Y FOP YO U . two applications the gray hair van Thousands o f trained your young people needed. lshes and your locks become luxuriant­ Hehnke-Walker Busin* I College, i, Portland places any time. Free ly dark and beautiful. Enroll ai students in positions. This is the age of youth. Gray Catalogue. haired, unattractive folks aren't want ed around, so get busy with W yeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful ap­ pearance within a few days. ñ This preparation is a toilet requisite and is not Intended for the cure, mill gation or prevention of disease.— Adv. \J fa Y v Soap 25c. Ojrtnrri & 50c It Turned. “ My hair began to turn when I was The W ise Husband. quite young,” she said. "Oh, then you’ve dyed it?” Mr. Barton lived in a suburban “ Sir! What do you mean?” town. His wife asked him to purchase "Beg pardon. Didn’t I understand a shirtwaist for her while in New York. A fter telling the salesgirl what you to say it turned?” “ Certainly, that's what I said. It he was after, sho displayed a number. “ Here are some very pretty ones. began to curl."— Exchange. What color do you prefer?” she said. “ It doesn’t make any difference,” N O T H IN G S T A N D S AS H IG H , as a replied Mr. Barton. remedy for every wo­ “ Doesn't make any d ifferen ce!" ex­ manly ailment, as Dr. claimed the salesgirl. “ Why, don’t Pierce’s Favorite Pres­ you think your wife would like a cer­ t o * . — to cription. It's the only tain color?’’ medicine for women cer­ “ No, it makes no difference what tain in its effects. color I get or what size. I shall have “ Favorite Prescription” to come back tomorrow to have it is an invigorating, restor changed.” ative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nerv­ Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver, ine, and a complete cure bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for all the functional de­ for a laxative—three for a cathartic. rangements, painful dis- o r d e r s , and c h r o n i c Wheat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade; Generosity. weaknesses peculiar to Hard white, $2.05. Soft white, $2.03. An old fellow on nis deathbed, In the sex. White club, $2.01. Red Walla Walla, making his will, murmured to hiB law­ For young girls just entering wo­ $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less; No. 3 yer: "And to each of my employes manhood; for women at the critical grade, 6c less. Other grades handled who have been with ine 20 years or time; nursing mothers; and every wo­ more i bequeath £S,000.M man who is “ run-down,” tired or over­ by samples. F lou r— Patents, $10; whole wheat, “ Holy smoke, what generosity!” the worked— it is a special, safe, and cer­ $9.60; graham, $9.20; barley flour, lawyer excluimed. tain help. “ No, not at all," said the sick man. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regu­ $13@13.25 per barrel; rye flour, $10.60 "You see. none of them has been with late and invigorate stomach, liver and @12.75 per barrel; cornmeal. $5.75 ine over a year; but It will look good bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, per barrel. in the papers, won’t it?”— Liverpool easy to take as candy. M illfeed— Net mill prices, car lots: Do You Do This? Post. How to preserve health and beauty Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32; mid­ The customer was paying the mer­ is told In Doctor Pierce’s Common dlings, $39; mixed cars and less than by C U T T E R 'S B L A C K L E G P I L L S L o w - p r ic e d , Changing Tim es. Sense Medical Adviser. It is free. chant an account and handed over a fresh, reliable ; f carloads, 60c more; rolled barley, $77 wad of 20 $5 bills. "Conditions are certainly changing. Send Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., five p r e f e r r e d by ' western stock- Carefully the merchant placed the They are setting the clocks ahead to dimes, or stamps, to cover printing @79; rolled oats, $76. men, because they ' Corn— Whole, $77; cracked, $78 ton. notes on the counter, and wetting the protect whero other and mailing.— Adv. get more daylight." ^ vaccine« fail. Hay— Buying prices, delivered, East­ tip of his finger he counted them one “ So they are.’* y * W rite for booklet and testimonials. 10-don pX*.BI*ckl»g Pills, $1.00 ern Oreogn timothy, $27 per ton; val­ by one. “ And soon there won’t be any fly V icarious T reatm en t. 50 -data pkf. Waaklag Pills. $ 4.00 “ I noticed,” remarked the customer, time. Gosh, that was a regular season ley timothy, $24@25; alfalfa, $24@ Caller— Doctor, have you ever treat­ Use any Injector, but Cutter’ s simplest and stn n gest. a few years back."— Louisville Cour­ ed a patient for loss of memory? T h o superiority o f Cutter products is due to over IS 24.50; valley grain hay, $22; clover, smilingly, after the merchant had years of specialising in VACCINHS A N D SERUMS placed the wad in his inside pocket, ier-Journal. Doctor— Oh, yes, indeed. I employ $18; straw, $8. o n l y . I n s is t o h c u t t e r ' s . If unobtainable, order direct. i bill collector quite often.— Boston Butter— Cubes, extras, 47c pound; "that you didn’t ‘flick’ up the last j T t a Cottar Labaratanr. Barkatay. Califa rala W ell W hitew ashed. Transcript. prime firsts, 46c; prints, extras, 49c; one.” “ No,” was the canny reply. “ I dinna "1 don't object to your marrying cartons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, dae more than look at the last one. that young representative, Emily, but W hich One? 51c delivered. I'm afraid he doesn't stand very high That’s guid enough for me without i ffilN E School ma’am—Tommy, hew do you Eggs— Ranch, current receipts, 35c touchin’ it; there might be anither in tlie political world.” ! Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by pell “ ham” ? per dozen; candled, 36@37c. | S o n , D u tt and W ind quickly "Oh, yes, he does, mother. He’s underneath it.”— Chicago Herald. Tomtnp— Please, ma'am, do you relieved by Murine. Try it in already been investigated by five com­ Poultry— Roosters, old, 20@22c per mean the 'am we eat or the am we your Eyes and in Baby’s Eyes. mittees.M— Froth. pound; stags, 24@26c; springs, 27@ TO BR EA K IN N E W SHOES A L W A Y S USE are?— Chicago Herald. * No Smarting, Jost Eye Comfort A llen ’ s Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder. It 28c; broilers, 35c; ducks, 32@35c; prevents tightness and blistering. Relieves Corns, Murine Eye Remedy geese, 20@21c; turkeys, live, 26@27c; Bunions, and Swollen. Sweating. A ch in g Feet. Eye Sm all M atter. S alve , in Tubes 25c. For B ook o f t\e E y e — F re e . Gives rest and comfort. A ccep t no substitfite. Ask M a rin e E r e R em ed y C o .. C h icago « “ Your husband hasn't had any— er dressed, 35(n 37c. Sample FR E E . Address. A llen S. Olmsted. L e Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired — entanglements since he has been Veal — Fancy, 20@20c per pound. Roy. N. Y. W A L K E R ELECTRIC WORKS Pork— Fancy, 21@.21c. Hurntki«, cor. 10th. Portland. Ora. ‘over there' has he?” ( . f W E E K a S 1 l ? a iB ELEKTsUP co u> Getting Tam ed Down. "N o— nothing hut barbed wire— so Vegetables — Tomatoes, $2.75 per or colds n d g r ip p e k S * r o o d you can a ffo rd to in sist and s o « far."— Florida Times-Union. There has come to be a perceptible crate; cabbage, 8@4c per pound; let­ ^ t h a t you r « t g en u in e lik e p a c k a ge shown f 7 Sold b v b e s t druggists tuce, $2@2.25; cucumbers, $1.25@ shortage in the wild oats crop, and ‘ ' everywhere— Soft, C lear Skins. 1.75 per dozen; cauliflower, $1.50@ that is one of the things owing to the Night and morning bathe the face 1.75 per crate; artichokes, 85c@$l per| ^ c^ hich go to offset its s t r e s s in g -Albany Journal. Q ueer Finances. with Cuticura Soap and hot water. If dozen; garlic, 7c; celery, $3,75 per Will xu.rmntr« you top market prirea at all timrs there are pimples first smear them “ Isn't it odd that you have to pay crate; peppers, 40c per pound; for your Veal. Iloti*. l'oultry. Kan-. Mutter. Ilwlo,. for the batteries in your electric It W as A fterw ard Roasted, Too. with Cuticura Ointment. For free sam­ sprouts, 21c; rhubarb, 10@12c; aspar­ Kt>'. if you bava not -hippo,! to ua. try ua. Adam could afford a spare-rib, but lamps?” ples address. “ Cutleura. Dept. X. Bos­ agus, 15@17c; peas, 17c per pound; “ W hy is it queer?” 113 Front. P O R T L A N D . OR. ton." Sold by druggists and by mall. Garden of Eden market prices were spinach, $1.25 per crate. “ Because you state expressly you far from our 1918 standards.— Brook- Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.— Adv. Sack Vegetables — Carrots. $1.25( .1 tm kan *-#» la. m i i k n . Tat. Standardized. In a B utcher Shop. TH E H. N O R T O N C O M P A N Y , FVvtatoes — Oregon Burbanks, 90c@ “ Sometimes spring is early, some­ “ Butcher, do you sell whale meat? I'ortiand. Or*.. S M tllr, Wn . Itollinffh.m, Wn. 1.10 per hundred; Yakimas, $1.25@ times late.” “ Yes, mum.” 1.35; sweet potatoes, 8c per pound. “ Not as regards our apartment “ Can I see some choice cuts?” Onions— Jobbing prices, l@ l| e per house. No heat after the first of May' “ Certainly, mum. Jake, fetch the V eel. Pork. Beef. ! pound. is the regulation.”— Louisville Courier- stepladder and show this lady over Poultry, Butter, F.gga the whale.”— Kansas City Journal. Wool— Eastern Oregon, 44@65c per Journal. • nd Farm Produce, pound; valley, 50@55c; valley lamb, ft» the Old RelisbU' Evending house with a 45( TVtrd S m . r, 125 E A S T W A T E R S T , P O R T L A N D . O R E G O N ness or smarting when applying it or Heavy lambs................... 16.50<