LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS a a a o a D j J AND OTHER NEWS OF INTEREST ♦ We Want Your THE BALANCE OF POWER — 7/A yO EGGS Look as far as you like -Y o u w ill n e v e r fin d more b e a u tifu l! Wall Papers than. 1 c a n sh ow y o u . j/ef in touch. iviLh tnc Loduy W. A. HIGH CLOVERDALE, ORE. WOODS ITEMS. Byron Randall, who has been in Tilla­ mook and Portland for tbe past week, returned home, by auto, Saturday night. He came by tbe new road over tbe mountains (ie, the one under the old one.) He and others brought some new cars over. Alvin Babcock, who has been spend-, ing the week in Tillamook, also returned \ Lome Saturday night. 34c per Dozen Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Inc. The Doc Yak car has been sold again, j this time Mr. Babcock is the happy purchaser OVER THE TOP W. A. Wise, Dentist. Mr. Ward’s little boy bad his hand quite badly cut the other day. The oider brother was splitting wood and the little fellow put his hand under the axe. The cut is not as serious as it was first thought to be, and he is on the road to j rapid recove ry. THE HONOR FLAG. Highest cash pries paid for calves,— Claud Hall. Cloverdale Evidently First Towa to be ) will pay 20c per pound tor calf hides. Awarded Flag. —Grover Witt. Cloverdale has on display its honor Albert Craven and family, of Dallas, tlag. It is displayed in the Cloverdale are Cloverdale this week. Mercantile Store where it will remain The Cloverdale Mercantile Co. will until some time in 'lay when a flag pay 34c per dozen for eggs. raising day will be proclaimed and a iiirch Alderman, of Tillamook, is a celebration pulled off that will make business visitor in town today. everyone feel glad, doubly glad, that Arch Myer, who is now located at Cloverdale won the honor of being the first over, which according to all reports Clatskanie, was home over Sunday. see in to l>e the case. Mrs. Howard Shearer and daughter, The flag is a large white flag with a Joan, of Portland are visiting at the J . red border and three blue stripes run­ 1C. Shearer home. ning through the center. For each time going over the top we Mrs. Belle Murphy left Sunday for Seattle 'where she will visit with a sis­ are to receive a blue star and at the time of raising the ttlag we will have at ter for a few weeks. least seven stars. Five stars have Miss Slappi, of Tillamook, has Iwen already reached this plaice and will be engaged to complete the term of school attached to the flag today. as teacher in the primary department. Mr. Lulley, tbe U. S. spruce inspector ! is in Pacific City, at this wrighting, in-j specting lumber at the mill. The first barge load of lumber was loaded at the mill Tuesday. The dance, at Pacific City, Saturday night, w as reported to have been well attended. Bert Cornett and wife, have been away to Tillamook for a few days, where bis brother, who had recently undergone a serious operation, died from the effect. The meeting at the camp store Sun­ day night, was well attended. There were some patriotic pieces followed bv a sermon by Dr. Montgomery. Mr. Thun will preach in the Chapel, following S. S. Sunday A. M. and there will also be a meeting at the camp store, Sunday evening. All are cordially in­ vited. This is the largest and finest car that ever carried the GRANT SIX name plate— a car that is without real compe­ tition in its Price class. The individual beauty of its lines, its unusual size and its extraordinary mechanical refinement, will make this new model one of the most talked of cars of the coming season. A Piece of Good Fortune. In these days of high prices it is re- freshing to find one article of nation-wide Woman Suffrage in Italy. James Whitman, of Dundee, tormely demand that costs no more now than it Its powerful, flexible and remarkably smooth-running of Cloverdale, anil well known in ties did before the war. Italian statesmen, having been ask­ engine is of the overhead valve tvpe with balanced crank­ enit of the county, is in Cloverdale to­ The Youth’s Companion subscription ed to go n mile in granting new priv­ day. shaft. ferced-feed oiling and many other advanced features. price, |2.00, w ill not be increased nor ileges to women, have gone twain. Nows reached Cloverdale recently Minister Sacchl has recently Intro­ will the contents of the paper be dirtiiu- I that Mrs. Ed Worthington, now resid­ duced a bill to abolish marital author­ ished. The 52 issues of 1918 will be i ing at Harrisburg, Oregon, had Buffered ity—and the parliamentary commis­ packed full of the best stories by the [ most popular writers. The Editorial a stroke of paralysis. sion has completed it, and added an Page, the Boys’ Page, Girls’ Page, If you want to make govtd catches buy article, “Intended to recognize worn Family Page and all the department* your fishing tackle at V. F. Learuod's. mi’s right to exercise all liherul pro­ will continue to bring a vast amount of Tillam ook Oregon Ecw issortment of flies. We carry the fessions and he eligible for all posts of cheer, good entertainment and inform- i best grade of tackle. public employment except Judicial ation for every reader in the family i One day last week V \. Npanlding functions, political rights, and tbe mil­ circle. landed a steelhead weighing si\ pound* itary defense of tbe state." The com­ By special arrangement new subacrib- with a four ounce rod and since then mission will demand, among other ers for The Companion can also have most every citizen has tried to Uwit the things, that qualified woman lawyers McCall’s Magazine—the fashion author­ record. Fish arc beginning to take be nllowed to practice. ity—lor 12 months, both publications This movement has already received for only $2.25. flies and some good catches haw been the support of a large number of dep­ reported. Beginning with the issue of April, | uties, says a correspondent, who will Rev. Chas. Haves, «1 Portland, will present a resolution that if the govern­ 1918, McCall’s Magazine is doubled In volume, its page being now the same pleat h in the Presbyterian chun-.li Sun­ ment pusses the martial authority ah- size as The Youth’s Companion’s, For 1 day evening. He will bring with him olltlou bill it may include the amend­ tbe present there is no advance in price, his stereopticon machine and also* pic­ ments put forward by the commission. and the offer of the enlarged McCall’s C o u n t y Dairy I n s p e c t o r tures of semes in France. Donut fail j and The Youth’s Companion for $2.25 1 to turn out and hear this didst rated Great Mangrove Swamps. | is an u op* railed bargain. lecture. Mlmloro, one of the larger islands Send nil order# to- Tbe Youth's Telephone Main 3—and Mutual Tillamook. Oregon At the hist mi tir g of the ('V im t A a 1 *» of the Philippine group, is a province Companion, St. Paul Street, Boston,' by itself and contains 3.983 square M ass. Grange n committee on ic«olntioiis was miles. It Is distant from Manila a lit- _____ ________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________ appended and the (ollo-ainv resolution ( tic more than 100 miles \..u>g the Resolution ot Condolence. In' the Circuit Coart of the State ol Orecoa. 1 7 presented by them waa adopted Ke- | shores of thw „laud are mot . than U whereas It ha# pleased the Supreme lor Tillamook County. attorney fees and f .r thq cost- and dis- * r __ D . ._ eolvett, that this grunge hero assembled VXHl ncr.s of nmngrove swamps, with . . . bursements of this action, and an order to re,uove ove be spread 8' ' pr V e ,'onil il‘ int tiled against you in its equipment; ono Schmidt concrete I au , # i the above entitled action within f*ix II II. Harw arJ, living between la not explained. | on the records of our grange and a copy net>k, (rom t ,,e c M .n within the walls of the an- One and 05-100 Dollars, together with inch pipe and one Overland truck. This rotral, and upon ria ln u : the house W. A. Penter. rt.ml church at Clodock on the borders the interest thereon front January 5th. summons is served upon vou by publi­ complained of n sever« pain in the of Monmouthshire. cation thereof, for six weeks in the The edifice was Cloverdale Conner, bv order of Hon. chest, but thought be vpmld soon re­ built some eight centuries ago aud for Salt Fish F. r Sale. Geo. R. Rtg’ .ey. Judge of said <*>nrt, cover. A few minutes ’a lc r he tell to many year* it had interesting relations Salted whole steelhead 10c per pound, FRANK TAYLOR, made at Chambers in Tdlamook Citv. tbe floor and dieil wit.Vs—.t regaining with l.nnthony Abbey while It was the steelhead bellv, l . ' ’ ^ c per pound. Oregon. March 29th. 1918 . and the brst consciousness. He is w.#H known in the monks of the ndj.icent monastery that publication thereof is made on the 4th Chas Cruthers, Cloverdale. dav of \ prti, 1918. Notary Public couuty and is a relativ e «t the Earl did much of the beautiful carving with Dated at Tillamook. Oregon, this 1st faimlv near t'loverdal« The funeral In its walls The flue tower Is now so Ownership of Cloverdale Courier day of April, 1918. wi'l l-e I * I toaiorr.o« tn lu the C hri-tlau dilapidated that It must he speedily re­ Ow ner, publisher, etc. Frank Taylor; C. W. Talmagr, Mortgagee Chas Kay stored if it W to be saved front ruin Cloverdale, Ore. chunh at Tillamook. Attorney for the Plaintiff. W. K U P P E N B E N D E R Dr. E. L». Glaisyer V E T E R I IN A R I AN