GOOD ROADS, GOOD HOMES, BEST CHEESE VOL. CLOVERDALE COURIER. CLOVERDALE, X III. HAPPENINGS CURRENT WEEK T IL L A M O O K COLSTY, OREGON, A P R IL 18, The Nestucca Valley First, Last and all the Time. 1918. NO. ill». YANKEES DEFEAT HUN Women Patrons of the Bank Kaiser’ s Picked Shock Units Cut to Pieces in Fierce Battle Capture Prisoners and Kill Many. A few years ago, there were practically no women who were patrons o f the Bank. Now, however, women recognize the service o f the Bank as one of the aids in handling household and personal money affairs. The progressive woman deposits allowances for home expenses and pays all accounts by check. The result is that her money is always safeguarded against loss by fire or burglary and her money iijoes farther because o f the systematic way in which it is handled. With the American Army in France — Preceded by an intense bombardment I Brief Resume Most Important o f high explosives and poison-gas j Big Vessel is Overdue for More shells, picked troops from four German Daily News Items. Than One Month. companies hurled themselves against the American positions, on the right à bank o f the Meuse, north o f St. Mi- Special Facilities f o r W om en Customers. hiel, early Sunday morning, but were | Every Banking Convenience and Facility. completely repulsed after terrific hand- to-hand fighting TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK The Americans captured some pris­ Craft Leaves West Indies Port March Events o f Noted People, Governments Tillamook, Oregon oners. The German losses already and Pacific Northwest and Other 4 and Completely Disappears - counted are 34 dead and 10 wounded, who were in the American trenches, Things Worth Knowing. War Department Alarmed. and 30 in No Man’s Land. Several of Bell Pilone 53-J the wounded enemy were taken back PROFESSIONAL CARDS Office Ground Floor National Hid. by their comrades to the German posi­ P. O. Box 147 . Unfilled orders of the United States tions. Washington, D. C.—The big Ameri­ With Rollio Watson Steel Corporation on March 30 were A concentrated artillery fire on the can naval collier Cyclops, carrying 57 T.H. GOYNE. 9,056,404 tons, according to the cor­ American position in the St. Mihiel poration’s monthly statement. This sector began Saturday morning. It passengers, 15 officers and 221 men in is a decrease of 232,049 tons compared was resumed with increased vigor just hyr crew, has been overdue at an At­ with the orders on February 28. Conveyancing, Etc. I® ® before midnight and continued inter­ lantic port since March 13. The Navy mittently until nearly daybreak. A mutiny occurred among the Ger­ department announced Sunday that she Opp. Court House, Tillamook, Ore. The Germans then laid down a bar­ man troops at Beverloo camp, in Lin- was last reported at a West Indies burg, Prussia, before the time they rage and leaped over the parapets and island March 4 and that extreme anx­ L. V. EBERHARD. Manager. were to start for the fighting line in reached the American front-line C. W. TALMAGE, iety is entertained as to her safety. FTance, according to the Amsterdam trenches closely behind the barrage. Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records The vessel was bringing a cargo of Telegraf. Three officers were shot At this moment the American in­ of Tillamook Countv, Oregon. manganese from Brazil. and several others wounded. A ttorney an d C oun sellor at Law fantry burst from their shelters, at­ The Cyclops left the West Indies TILLAMOOK. - - OREGON The war industries board has issued tacking the enemy with grenades and with one o f her two engines damaged, a revised priority list under which in­ bayonet. but the department said this fact NATIONAL BLD., - TILLAMOOK, ORE. I A. C. EVERSON dustries will get coal and railway The struggle continued back and transportation. It precludes prefer­ forth for some time, but over most o f would not have prevented her from TILLAMOOK. ORE. ential treatment to any plant which the front involved the American troops communicating by radio, and all e f­ does not have a substantial percentage were completely victorious, as was forts to reach her by that means have been unsuccessful. A thorough search of products of exceptional importance. evident from the heavy toll o f enemy of the course which she would have COUNSELOR A T LAW The Bolshevik government has ask­ dead and wounded. IOC Oddfellows’ Building, followed in coming to port has been At another point a large enemy ed Germany for permission to post­ Tillamook. Oregon. See me for realty deals. made, and continues, it was an­ pone the demobilization of the Rus­ force surrounded 25 Americans in Special Equipment for Making Income nounced. • sian army in consequence of the Jap­ front o f their trenches. The Ameri­ Returns and Reports. There have been no reports o f Ger­ anese landing at Vladivostok, accord­ cans suddenly attacked and killed sev­ Tillamook Undertaking Co. ing to reports in circulation in Petro- eral of the Germans and returned to man submarines or raiders in the local­ R. N. HENKEL, Proprietor. ity in which the collier was, the de­ grad and forwarded by Reuter’s cor­ their trenches urinjured and bringing Night and Day calls E . J . MENDENHALL partment’s statement said. The J. N. PEARCY respondent. prisoners. nromptly attended. weather had not been stormy, and The Butte, Mont., board of educa­ ATTORNEYS AT LAW could hardly have given the collier Sixth Street at Second Avenue K.ost tion voted to retain German as part Americans Bring Down Planes. trouble. of the high school course. The move TILLAMOOK. - - OREGON With the American Army in France 928 C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e , The fact that the collier had been is purely selfish, the board explained, — Two German fighting planes were missing nearly a month became known being based on a belief that better - - OREGON competition can be offered German shot down Sunday morning inside the here April 11. The naval censor re­ PORTLAND, merchants after the war if Americans American lines by Lieutenants A. S. quested the press not to publish the Winslow, of Chicago, and Douglas fact, on the ground that the ship had understand their language. Campbell o f California. Each man not been given up for lost, and that to Tillamook Abstracting Co. ; ; The sinking of British merchantmen downed one machine. publish the fact that she was overdue by mines or submarines last week Both the enemy aviators were made might expose her to enemy attack, T hob . C o a t k s , P kkn idkxt . reached the next lowest level of any OOMPI.HT* MKT o r ABSTRACT BOOKS similar period since Germany began prisoner. One of them was slightly while she might be disabled on the high her intensive submarine campaign wounded. seas. The official announcement by O P TILLAM OO K COU N TY. O H M IO S. The machines, which formed part of the Navy Sunday does not give the early in 1917. Four vessels of more than 1600 tons, two of less than 1600 a patrol o f five aircraft, were brought ship up for lost, but merely says ‘ ‘the TILLAMOOK CITY. OREGON. tons and two fishing boats were sent down after a six-minute engagement. Navy department feels extremely anx­ to the bottom. One o f the enemy machines fell in ious as to her safety.” The sedition bill, prohibiting under flames, but the other was only slightly penalties of 20 years’ imprisonment damaged. It is believed that Lieuten­ FOR— and $10,000 fine language or acts of ant Campbell is the first graduate o f a U. S. SENATOR STONE DEAD disloyalty or obstruction of the army strictly American school to bring down draft and liberty loans, passed the an enemy machine. Missourian in Public Life Nearly Half Write for Literature. senate without a record vote. It now The French general commanding the Century, Passes Away Capital. goes to conference between the house zone in which the machines were shot TILLAMOOK. OREGON and senate and final enactment is ex­ Washington, D. C.— Senator Wil­ down congratulated the Americans on pected soon. liam J. Stone, of Missouri, chairman their “ beautiful exploit.” The house of commons passed the Both lieutenants were awarded the of the senate foreign relations com­ second reading of the English govern­ war cross. mittee and for many years prominent ment's manpower bill. The vote was - a n d - among Democratic leaders, died here 323 to 100. Most of the morning Sunday after a stroke o f paralysis suf- ! newspapers agree with the principles THIRTY-THREE DEAD IN FIRE fered last Wednesday. of Premier Lloyd George's manpower Tillam ook, Ore. Senator Wiliam J. Stone was in pub- i appeal. There is no quarrel with it, Safe and Comfortable but several papers declare there is Three Buildings o f Oklahoma Insane lie life 45 years and during that period ; L. S. HUSHBECK, Proprietor. probably engaged in as many political ■ need for caution. Hospital Burned Many Rescued. contests as any man o f his time, rang­ Leave Clovenlnle daily at The first of the American fighting Norman, Okla.—Thirty-three bodies, ing all the way from controversies 7:30 a. m , arriving nt Tilla­ troops have arrived on the British mook at 10 a. m — in time for front and nave been greeted with in­ burned and charred beyond recognition, over county offices to the broadest na­ Dining Room run on Family Htyle tense enthusiasm. The overseas pio- j had been taken Saturday night from tional issues. At the entry o f the morning train to Portland. Meals 35c. neers wore a battalion of infantry the ruined building that housed ward United States into the war Senator I**ave Tillamook at 3 p. m , which c ime swinging along the road No. 14 o f the State hospital for the Stone performed the trying feat o f an­ arriving at Cloverdale at 5 into a certain sector after an all-night insane here, ravaged by fire. tagonizing his own party administra­ p. m. march that began on the anniversary 1 Three buildings, all frame struc- tion, later aligning in a generally sat- of America's declaration of war. J M. TRAXLER, Prop. j tures, were destroyed and a fourth was j isfactory manner, It was in connection with the bill Stabilizing of prices of domestic ne­ badly damaged. The list o f missing cessities. including cotton goods, wool­ j stood at 37. j proposing the arming o f American en. manufactured clothing, shoes and According to the best information merchant ships that he took sharp is- hats, were discussed Friday by Presi­ i obtainable, the fire started from de- sue with President Wilson. He stood dent Wilson and his war cabinet. It fective wiring in a linen closet in ward with the dozen senators whose opposi- is understood that the president's 14. Thirty-five helpless negroes were tion caused the failure o f that measure LIST YOUR FARM WITH counsellors believe that drastic action will have to be taken soon or the aver­ carried quickly from the adjoining at the close of the 4th congress and age citizen will find many of the ward, No. 15, but the blaze in ward 14 brought down the denunciation o f the had gained great headway and it was President upon "the wilful twelve.” things he needs out of reach. there most o f the deaths occurred. While Senator Stone made no apolo­ Because of alleged pro-German ut­ Eighty negro patients were rescued gies for his course on that occasion, he terances, William Prisse, 51 years old, a registered German, was thrown head from ward No. 10, most o f them hav­ always contended it was in strict line with his duty as a senator, because in first into a dough bin at a Salt Lake ing to be carried out. IF YOU WANT TO SELL IT. A two-story structure containing , accord with his convictions, City bakery by two Americans, ac­ His opposition to the declaration o f cording to a story told the police by wards 13 and 16 next started to blaze. Prisse. The German added that while These two wards contained 88 violent war upon Germany was also pro- he was nearly smothered in dough the patients, most o f them negroes. Some nounced, and he declined to take men fired several shots at his feet, j Qf the patients in this ward fought charge o f the war resolution, as would but failed to strike them. have been expected o f the chairman o f i their rescuers. Thousands of cases of failure to file The fire here was extinguished be- the committee on foreign relations. ! If you are in the market for a good Dairy Ranch we can income tax returns have been uncov- fore the structure was totally de- j He did not seek, however, to place ob­ show you somethin# that will interest you. We have some ered by internal revenue agents and gtroyed. stacles in the way o f a consideration | steps are being taken to compel filing Only a few o f those in ward 14 es- o f the measure and transferred the excellent bargains. Money is made dairying in Tillamook of delinquent reports and payment of caped and the victims were burned be- leadership to Senator Hitchcock, next County. Why not get a chunk of this money. the proper penalties. Officials also yond indmtification. ranking Democratic member o f the have discovered that some companies Most of the 33 bodies recovered ^ committee. He believed that Ameri- and individuals reported Incomes or TAYLOR REAL ESTATE AGENCY excess profits too low and they will were found in beds, indicating th a t; can participation should be avoided if Cloverdale, Oregon be forced to make supplemental re­ many had been rendered helpless by ; possible, but when the die was cast smoke and fumes. | for war he changed overnight. ports. COMPILED FOR YOU ALL SEARCH FUTILE ATTORNEY AT LAW Abstracts on Short Notico PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. ROBERT H. McGRATH Money to Loan Real Estate Agency TAKE j THE W H IT E ! AUTO STAGE F. R. BEALS REAL ESTATE i Tillamook- Cloverdale : The Todd Hotel i! AII Way Points Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special i' Rates by the Week. Taylor Real Estate Agency SEE TAYLOR FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE t