Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, April 11, 1918, Image 4

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Send for
A t a recent meeting o f the Rose-
burg city council it was voted to invest
$2500, now in the city treasury, in
Liberty bonds. The measure carried
without a dissenting vote and without
Company’s 1918 Year
The district will hold
a special election in the near future to
vote on the question o f issuing $115,-
000 in school district bonds to raise
funds with which to purchase a site
for a building.
It shows that Swift & Company sells the meat from
a steer fo r
then the live steer c o s t!
less money
’Proceeds from the sale of the hide, fat, and other by-products
covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, freigh t, se llin g
expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by Swift &
Company’s 1917 figures as follows:
The loggers and mill workers in the
employ o f the Coast Range Lumber
company, at Mabel, announced that
they will subscribe $20,000 toward the
Lane county quota o f $477,000 in the
Third Liberty loan.
Average price paid for live cattle per steer |8445
Average price received for meat . . 68.97
Average price received for by-products 24.09
Total r e c e iv e d ................... . . . 93.06
This leaves for expenses and profit
Of which the profit per steer was .
M. N. Crow, o f Roseburg, was sen­
tenced to serve from 10 to 20 years'in
the state penitentiary for a statutory
crime against hiB 16-year-old daugh
ter, who he took .to Eugene about 10
days ago and spent the night at a’ lodg-
ing house.
Governor Withycombe has received
telegraphic word from his daughter,
Miss Mabel Withycombe, at Washing­
ton, D. C., that his son, Earl W ithy­
combe, ill in a hospital there, is much
improved and that chances for his re­
covery are bright.
There are many other interesting and instructive
facts and figures in the Year Book.
The state o f Oregon, for the year
1918 on the 1917 assessment roll, has
levied $23,203,140.66 for all purposes,
including state, county, school, road,
cities and towns and miscellaneous
taxes, according to a statement com­
pleted Friday by State Tax Commis­
sioner Galloway.
We want to send our 1918 Year Book, to
for the asking.
During the month of March 25 ves­
sels loaded at the mills in the Lower
Columbia River district and their com­
bined cargoes amounted to 21,528,974
feet o f lumber. Twenty-four of these
vessels carried 20,722,274 feet to do­
mestic ports, while one vessel, laden
with ¡806,700 feet o f lumber, is en
route foreign.
The assurance o f a supply o f re frig ­
erator cars is the most serious problem
confronting Pacific Northwest apple
growers, according to H. F. Davidson,
ex-president o f the North Pacific Fruit
Distributors, who arrived in Hood R iv ­
er this week from New York, where
he spent the winter representing the
Hood River Fruit company, and a num­
ber o f sales agencies of other points.
A war organization known as the
“ Benton County W’ ar Council” was
formed in Corvallis Thursday night.
Its object is to pass upon the merits o f
schemes for raising money, to see that
Benton county’s share o f state quotas
is equitable, to devise ways and means
for raising funds and to take care o f
all cases o f alleged German propaganda
where the perpetrators do not go far
onough'to get Into the toils o f the law.
The State Board o f Control has ta­
ken action in increasing wages o f in­
stitution employes to the extent o f ap­
proximately $27,000 a year. These
increases cover only the Oregon State
Hospital and the Soldiers' Home at
Superintendents o f other
institutions under the hoard were in­
structed to prepare such schedules of
wage increases as they deemed neces­
sary and present them for further con­
sideration of the board at a special
meeting called for this week. The
increases which will bring the pro­
posed by these superintendents w ill
bring the total up to several thousands
«>f dollars more annually.
W hile up to a short time ago the
pr«*spect f«*r financing irrigation proj-
«‘«•ts was better than for several years
previous, these prospects have dark-
ened somewhat lately, Assistant State
Engineer Cupper said this week, owing
to the action o f the capital issues com­
mittee in refusing to g ive its approval
to certain issues o f irrigation securi­
Work on the extension o f the Miller
lo g g in g Railway to Toledo, 1) miles
distant, began Sunday at the n«>rth end
o f the gap between the two points.
Five piledrivera are expected s«wn at
Toledo, when work w ill begin on the
tidelands near the Grady place. The
road is to be exten«1ed from its north­
ern terminus to a point at the mouth
o f Cherry creek, on the Silett river,
about 16 miles from Toledo, and with
its laterals w ill cover the beet spruce
sections on the Sileta.
anyone, anywhere — free
Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
In reversing Judge Gantenbein, of
Multnomah county, in habeas corpus
proceedings, in which the state ap­
pealed from a decision freeing George
Shaw, the Supreme court holds that
the Municipal court o f Portland has
jurisdiction as justice o f the peace, ex-
otticio. Shaw was convicted of vag­
J. B. Peters, o f Bandon, who has in­
vented a deadly auxiliary for either
rille or heavy field artillery, which has
been commandeered by the government,
has returned from the East.
Peters is a civil engineer, but for
many years his hobby has been elec­
tricity, and much o f his time has been
devoted to a solution o f the action of
this natural element.
New Thomas
All Steel and
Will positively last longer and do a wider range
o f work than any other portable power sawing
machine made. Write for particulars.
Makers of High-Grade Logging
and Farm Utilities.
\vfcSTERN litreK A ttachment
125 E. Water St., Portland, Ore.
Something Sinister.
It’s Grandmother’s Recipe to
Restore Color, Gloss and
Almost everyone knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly compound­
ed, brings back the natural color and
lustre to the hair when faded, streak­
ed or gray. Years ago the only way
to get this mixture was to make It at
home, which la mussy and trouble­
some. Nowadays, by asking at any
drug store for “ W yeth’s Sage and Sul­
phur Compound,” you will get a large
bottle of this famous old recipe, im­
proved by the addition of other In­
gredients, for about 60 cents.
Don’t stay gray! T ry It! No one
can possibly tell that you darkened
your hair, as It does It so naturally
and evenly. You dampen a sponge or
soft brush with It and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time: by morning the gray
hair disappears, and after another ap­
plication or two, your hair becomes
beautifully dark, glossy and attractive.
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com-
nound Is a delightful toilet requisite
for those who desire dark hair and a
youthful appearance. It is not Intend­
ed for the cure, mitigation or preven­
tion of disease.— Adv.
Dr. W illiam H. Crawford, president
of Allegheny college, said on his de­
parture to do war work at the front:
“ Don’t ask me for an interview.
There is something sinister about an
Interview. It suggests that I'm never
coming back.
The most vital point o f a truck attach­
“ Yes, you make me feel almost as
ment is the bearing«.
The Western is blue as the rich old fellow whose little
th«> onlv truck attachment made with a nephew said:
Two-inch Timben Bearing. Other spe­
“ ‘Uncle, w ill you please make a
cifications in portion.
noise like a frog?’
Why Buy an Inferior make?
"'W h y , W illie !’ said the rich uncle,
laughing heartily, ‘Why on earth do
A Unique Suggestion.
5J3 3S Aide StraM.
P ortU o d . O r a « » . you desire me to make a noise like a
A constable in a Vermont town re-
“ 'Because,’ said W illie, ‘whenever I cently rounded up a number of ho-
And There It Ended.
ask papa to buy me a pony or bicycle boes.
Policyholder— I nearly had my skull or anything, he always says: ‘W ait till
“ Come along,” he said to them, •You
fractured on the Icy sidewalk yester­ your uncle croaks.’ ”— Exchange.
have all got to have a bath.”
day. Don’t I get something for that?
This announcement was, of course,
Adjuster— If you can produce a doc
His Real Worth.
received with considerable perturba­
tor's certificate we may m*arly give
“ Did you see the widow of our late tion, especially by the eldest of the
you something.— Boston
“ W h a t!” he exclaimed. " A bath! A
| “ Yes, but when I told her I had
called to extend my condolences, she bath with water?”
"Sure thing,” said the constable.
asked my congratulations instead.
Wr muu • ! fN km
Wife I « h m nd.Skasai Tap.
"Look here, Mr. Constable,” said the
She had just received his insurance
T H E H . F. N O R T O N . C O M P A N Y .
apprehensive one. “ Couldn’t you man­
money.” — Baltimore American.
1‘orOand. Or*.. Seattle. Wn.. Bellingham. Wn.
age it with one of them vacuum clean­
ers?"— Case and Comment
LOSS OF POWER and vital force fol­
Veal. Pork’ Beef.
To keep clean and healthy take Dr.
0 r
Poultry, Butter, Eggs
These come from Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu­
and Farm Produce,
1 m p o v e r I s hed late liver, bowels and stomach.
to the OKI Reliable E venting house with a
record o f 45 years of Square l Velina-, and
blood. Dr.Pierce's
be assured o f T O P M A R K E T PRICES.
He Wouldn’t Work.
D i s c o v e r y en­
Mistress— So your matrimonial life
45 47 Front Street,
Portland. Oroi
What was the
riches the blood, was very unhappy.
stops the waste trouble? December wedded to May?
of strength and
Chloe Johnson— Lan’ sake, no mam!
tissue, and builds It was Labor day wedded to de day
up tmalthy flesh. ob rest.— Life.
Thin. pale, puny and scrofulous chil­
dren are made plump, rosy and robust
Anxious Days.
by the "Discovery." They like It too.
"Both my wife and I are praying
In recovering from "Grippe.'' or in that it w ill be a girl.”
convalescence from pneumonia, / e v ­
“ Why. I thought— ”
er*. or other wasting diseases, it
“ Yes. I know, but the other day our
speedily and surely Invigorates and cook remarketl that she doesn't like
builds up the whole systt'm. As ani boy babies.” — Boston Transcript.
appetizing, restorative tonic, it seta
at work all the processes of digestion
Heel Baby Rashes
and nutrition, rousa* every organ into
barn and torture. A hot
natural action, and brings back health
Cutlcur* Soap both gives Instant re­
and strength.
Broadway at Flanders. Portland, Or.
Dr. P ierces Pleasant Pellets cure lief when followed by a gentle appli­
Constipation is the cation of Cuticura Ointment. For free
cause of many diseases.
Cure the samples address. “ Cuticura. Dept. X.
cause and you cure the disease. Easy Boston.'
A t druggists and by moll.
P. N. U.
No. IS. iflit
to take as candy.— Adv.
Soap 25. Ointment 23 and 50.—Adv.
Over 1000 Satisfied Owners in
Washington and Oregon.
A. J. LORMOR, Factory Distributor.
Hides, Pelts, ciu,k.a Wool & M
You corn-pestered men and women
need suffer no longer. W ear the shoes
that nearly killed you before, says
this Cincinnati authority, because a
few drops of freezone applied directly
on a tender, aching corn or callous
stops soreness at once and soon the
corn or hardened callous loosens so it
can be lifted out, ropt and all. with­
out pain.
A small bottle of freezone costs
very little at any drug store, but w ill
positively take o ff every hard or soft
corn or callous. This should be tried
as it is inexpensive and Is said not
to irritate the surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn't any freezone
tell him to get a small bottle for you
from his wholesale drug house. It la
fine stuff and acts like a charm every
time.— Adv.
M O N E Y FO R Y O U .
Thousand« o f trained young people needed.
Behnke-Walker Businesi College. Portland, places
students in positions. Enroll any time.
¿00 Rooms
100 Baths
Near Both
j Hotel Hoyt
Corner Sixth and Hoyt Sts.. Port lend. Ore.
L O U H IM E S . Manager,
R A T E S :—75c to 12.
S P E C IA L -W e e k or Month
Granulated Eyelids,
Eyes inflamed by expo­
sure to Ssn, Dost sod Wind
quickly relieved by Norton
EyeRemedy. No Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. At
Druggists or by mail SOc per Bottle. Norton
Eye Salve in Tubes 25c. For Bosk si tbe Cyn
riEB ask Marins Eye Kenedy Co., Chics«*
Petaluma. California
Clear Pimples
W it h Cuticura
A nd B e H :s appy
Is the result o f using Peta­
luma Incubators an<l Brood­
ers. T h at's the kind you
W rite for our b ig
F ree Catalog No. SO.
So*« t ie .
Call at 20* A ider street or mail samples.
W e buy all the time and pay the highest
market price. D on't fail to get in touch
w it t us before celling
W S are the
Only Exclusive Bean Dealers In
Oregon. W e want more agents at
coontry points.
Cleaners and dealers
pleaae write for oar agents' terms.
s. c.
MS A M s rS L .
D A L T O N CO.,