Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, April 11, 1918, Image 3

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To the Voters of Tillamook County :
I beg to announce that 1 will be a
, candidate for County Coumiiesi oner for
the south end of the county on the Re­
publican ticket at the next primary
Ole B. Redbcrg.
CHAS. RAY, President
WM. CHRISTENSEN, Vice President
Chas. Ray, W m . Christensen, Clias. McKillipp,
„ D. A. Bhiley, W m . A. High.
J. L GEORGE, Cashier.
Yonr Patronage is Solicited
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination on the Republican
Ticket for County Commissioner, to be
voted on at the nominating convention
to be held in May, 1918.
It nominated and elected 1 promise to
the best of my ability all efforts for the
developeuient ami advencemeut of Till­
amook County.
Relieving myself perfectly competent
to administer the ollict* I place my can­
didacy before the voters for their euf
Yours truly,
It. A’. Bailer.
Oregon, win», on March A), 1013, ma le
Homestead Kntrv No. 01468 for e ' , 1 e
tj Section 24, Township t South, Kang«*
\\'c.-t, Willamette Meridian, has tile«!
notice of intention to make three-y*
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before tin* clerk of the
County Court for Tillamook County,
Oregon, at Tillamook, Oregon, on tin*
16tli day of April, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
.1. 1/cwallen, Joe Prie«*, A. S. Lane,
Fred l ew alien, all of liebo, Oregon.
Proof made under Act of June II, 1906,
Act J une 6. 1912.
Notice for Publication.
N. Campbell,
! ri B u s h s «
0 1188
New ranches are bring listed with us
T. S. [.ANO OFFICE at Portland, Ore­
everv yveek. 1< von waut something st
gon, Mon h 5, 1018.
light pnee und on suilable terms
NOTICE is hereby given that Claude tlis
list of Nestucca Valley ranches.
M Lane, of l!el»o, Tillamook County,
Tav l'T Real E.-tute Agency, C'loverdale.
More Blooded Stock for Cloverdala.
Among those wlie attended the sale of
, ,
registered Jersey* at 1 illumook. April -,
were Mr. and Mrs. Maik Rays. They
purchased the following: I.a Creole Crya
tal Queen, 208462, price $;>00.00; Rinda's Rosario, 147295, price $117.00;
Sultana’ s Lily t arnation, 844148, price
$260.00. Mark brought them in last
Thursday and they were as pietty cattle
a-- we hrve seen in a long time.
i Ksæesæs.......
To the voters of Tillamook County;
I herewith announce mvaelf ae a
candidate on the Republican ticket at
the nominating convention to be held
in May fot the office of County Com­
missioner My motto: “ A Sqnare deal
all aronnd.”
John Weiss, Br., Meda
T o The Voters of Tillamook County
I wish to announce that I will be a
candidate at the next primary election
for the office of County Commission­
er for the South part of the county on
the Republican ticket. I believe in
good roads, and will use my best ef­
forts in seeing that roads arc con­
structed permanently and built eco­
nomically, if elected.
Yours respectfully,
A. A. Imlah.
this good woman is assured.
Mrs. VanDykc lived twoyearsatMcda,
was liked by every one who knew
Arthur Edmunds and others were
her. It will be with much sorrow to
Tillamook visitors, Friday.
Mr. F. R. Beals, is recovering from an her friends tu bear of her death.
attack of measles. It seems to bad that
A Good Engine Makes a Good Car.
a man like Mr. Beils should have missed
power is the first necessity in
that opportunity when a child.
a good engine—it must be big enougli to
Another party has arrived here, and do its job, After that it must have
no one can question his citizenship. He flexibility and Jesponsiveness and econ­
came to the post office. April 5th. The omy.
To The Voter* of Tillamook County.
stork brought him to Mr. Deuel. We
The Grant Six has always been
I hereby announce myself as a
are sure now that Mr. Deuel will have to known as a car with an unusual power
candidate for re-election to the oft’a e of
build a larger postoffice as the present plant.
one seems entirely too small for him.
In piston displacement and in rated b. Sheriff of Tillamook County, on the
Bert Cornett and daughter came in p. the Grant Six engine is the largest Republican Tiekit. at t lie Primary
six cylinder engine used in any auto­
from the valley last Saturday.
mobile of the size and weight of the Election, May 17. 1918.
Nearly every man in this vaeinity Grant Six or in any car selling under
loaned a little money to U ncNe Sam. $1250.
W. L. Campbell.
Nestucca Valley may be a little out of
This engine is of the overhead-valve
the way to reach but it certainly is not type. The overhead-valve typeisgener-
lacking in patriotism.
allv considered the most efficient engine.
of Tillamook County :
Rev. H. Carlson, of Portland, has been Of course, those who build or use engines
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
spending a few days here. He gave us
gines are jnst as go**d as o» erbead-valve date for the nomination for County
a very interesting talk at the Mission engines. But they never claim that they i Commissioner on the Republican ticket
Sunday night.
i at the primaries to be held Mav 171b,
are better.
Rev. Gilman preached the Sunday
For several seasons Grant Six cars | 1918. If nominated and elected I will
morning sermon at the Mission, which have been built around the overhead- render the people of our county and
conscientious and
was followed by the Sacrament of the valve type, but each season has seen fur­ nation faithful,
patriotic service, and will favor road
Lords Supper. Rev. Gilman returned ther refinement in Grant Six engines.
In the Model G, the 1918 Grant Six, building of a jennanent nature.
to his home, in Willamina, Wednesday.
Tko first log cut since repairing the
IT V. Aliev.
larger bearings, the oiling system has
mill, at Pacific City, was done Tuesday. been changed to forced-feed, and many
John Bellique is with us again, and other advanced features have been in­
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
seems to be somewhat improved. We corporated, so that it is beyond question
I take this method of announcing my
the finest engine you can find in any car i candidacv for the n imination of Countv
hope that it may be permanent.
of comparable price.
! Commissioner on the Republican ticket
W. R. Robedee and wife were Tilla­
It is a quiet, smooth-running engine.
election to be held May
mook visitors Monday. Grandma Wood The vibration is hardly perceptible even ! at the primary
k for thl! hl.,t
accompanied them and before returning at highest speeds. It picks up qutcklv
, of the taxpayers and citizens o f ;
will visit her daughter for a few days.
and has good torque over a wide range Tillamook County especially in the I
Byron Randall and A. Babcock, went of engine speeds.
matter of roads, and will insist in a ■
Torque is what drives your car. You definite road policy as follows: Appro
to Tillamook Sunday, where they expect
to remain until logging operations are need torque whether you are going 20 riating as much of the road fund as* |
miles an hour or 50 miles. Above all possible for the purpose of hard surfac­
resumed at the mill.
you need it in the hills. And with the ing the main highways without neglect­
Mrs. Learned spent Sunday with her Grant Six engine you get it.
ing the tributary roads and conforming
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Edmunds,
The Grant Six engine is a real motor to the state regulations when the same
at Pacific City.
car engine. It delivers real power, that are to the interest of Tillamook County.
The Loyal Legion, at Pacific City, re­ vou can use. Its power is not theoreti­
ceived a splendid flag 10x15, which will cal—and no exaggerated or fal*c claims
If. M. Funner.
soon be floating on the breeze here, and are made for it. What we claim—we
which with other glorious freedom flags
Finally, the Grant Six engine is the
we are determined shall float over
I hereby annaunce myself a* a can li-
most economical engine of its rating in 1 date for the offi- e of County Surveyor of
existence. Owner* average 20 miles to
Mr. Reed, of Tillamook, spent several a gallon of gasoline. Dealers and expert I Tillamook County on the Republican
days at the mill, adjusting the engine and caretul drivers have done far better | ticket.
and making other necessary repairs. than tbie. But teet runs are not signifi­
If Dominated and elected I will con-
He returned to Tillamook Tuesday eve­ cant. What you want to know is what
duct the office in an efficient and
you can expect in everv day use of your
car. 8o we continue to put forth the | economical manner.
Yours respectfully,
Released From Her Sufferings.
average as established by actual owners,
namely 20 miles to a gallon.
W. S. Coates.
From Dunsmuir (Oregon) News:
Grant Motor Car for eale by W. Kup-
After bravely resisting the approach­
ing invasion of the inevitable that would penbender
I herepv announce myself a candi­
remove her from the flowers, the music,
the sunshine and the dear faces of her
date on the Republican ticket for nomi­
loved ones, Mrs. L. W. VanDvke gave
Following is a list of regisirars in the nation for Countv Clerk at the Primary
up the uneven struggle last Friday night various South end precincts who will
•lection to be held May 17, 1918.
and passed into the Great Beyond.
Erwin Harrison.
The maiden name of the deceased was register voters:
J. L. George, Cloverdale.
Austa Ridgway. She was born in Liv­
erpool, l,oraine county, Ohio, October
P. D. Ott, Hebo.
10, 1861. In 1874 she removed with her
W. J. Gilbert, Beaver.
parents to Benton county, Iowa, where
J. S. Wilmot, Blaine.
she grew to womanhood and October 22,
A fter a flight,
A. C. Deuel, Woode.
1885, she was married in Toledo, Iowa,
and m aybe a
fig h t, a » m all
S. H. Rock, Oretown.
to L. W. VanDvke. December 25,1890,
c h tu ) o f R e a l
she removed with her husband to Ver-
W. H, Christensen, Neskowin.
G r a v e ly
nonia, Columbia county, Oregon, and
Books will close for registration o f ,
continued to reside there until April,
a n o th e r trip
14)07, when she removed to Red Bluff, voters for coming primary election
California, and in February, 1917. came April 16th.
to Dunsmuir. She is survived bv hus­
band and eight children, all of
whom were with her at the last
The children are Mrs.
E. R. Sheldon of
Portland, Elba
S. VanDyke of Red Bluff, Mrs. F,
E. Lamphier of Dunsmuir, Geo. 0. Van-
Dyke, Co. H, 159th Infantry, Camp
Kerny, Laura E.. Henry M., Glenn and
Jenny Van Dyke of Dunsmuir.
For disinfecting where Contagious or
The remains were prepared by Under­
diseases are prevailing
taker A. Ward and Sunday morning
shipped on 49 to Bed Bluff, where they
were interred Monday in the cemetery of
that place.
Germicidal mixture and by it* use
H»-r life covered a period of 56 years
aud during that time, and until tbecloee, W1n improve general etable condition*,
she devoted and aligned herself with the
environment* of her surroundings, pleas-
ta ta ta ra
jngly adaj t n< herself to the joy* and
obstacles that usually beset the path ri
earlier pioneers. She unselfishly devet
e i her later rears to her home and loved
one*, and. if as remarked, kindnes*con­
nect* earth with heaven the reward of Reliable Druggist, Tillamook, Ore.
Clough’s Carbolic Com­
O u r M o t t o Is;
What we liaveu’ t got in a u tom ob ilo acCessori** w* will
get. We are now remodeling tho 6hop and eq u ip p in g it for
better service. We are going to give the be*t w ork m an sh ip
obtainable under present conditions. Work that is not sat­
isfactory to our patrons, tell us, and we w ill make it right
and if satisfactory tell others. We are now open for y ou r
business. We also do other odd jobs, in an y line. We have
one price which is standard throughout the slate— will bid
on and contract your job*.
W o tiro a t y o u r s e r v i c e 2
h o u rs n day.
VV. R . L R T S O N , M * r .
WM • I
Quality Counts
In ever line of Merchandise, hut none
more especially than in
Our large stock is in every instance the best that can he had
and our aim will be to keep the high standard up.
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
Stoves, Ranges, Farm and
Garden Tools
And everything usually kept in a first-claes hard ware store, and
all goods are of the best quality.
Alex McNair & Co., Tillamook, Ore.
Someone Sent Him
a pouch of
Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug
Tobacco is about the only comfort the soldier
has—and no chance to tmohe on duty! But a
satisfying chew of Real Gravely Plug—he can
enjoy that even in a shell hole in No Man’s Land.
G iv * a n y m en a c h e w o f R e e l G ra v e ly P lu g, and h e w ill
tell y ou th a t ’* th e kind to se n d . S en d th e b est I
O rd in a ry plu g is fa lse e c o n o m y . It c o sts less p er w eek
t o c h e w R ea l G ia v e ly , b e ca u se a sm all c h e w o f it lasts •
lo n g w h ile.
If you sm ok e • pip e, slice G ra v e ly w ith y«>ur kn ife and
a d d a little to y o u r sm ok in g to b a c c o . It w ifi g iv e fla v o r —
im p ro v e y o u r sm ok e.
D ea lers all a rou n d h ere ca rry it in 10 c . p ou ch es. A 3 c .
stam p w ill put it in to his h an ds in any T rain in g C a m p oe
S ea p ort o f th e U . S. A . E v en " o v e r th e re ” a 3c. stam p
w ill take it to him . Y o u r d ea ler w ill su p p ly e n v e lo p * an d
g iv e y o u o ffic ia l direetion e h o w to ^ d r e s s it.
T h e P a te n t P o a c h k e e p » it F reeh a n d C lea n a n d G o o d
— r* i* n o t R e a l G ra v ely w ith o u t thia P r o te c tio n S e a l
E s t s k lls k r * 1 U I