LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS I a a a and Of other Q new s ! +« Letter from Geo. Stivercon. Hoincivhere on the Atlantic, Highest cash price paid for calves.— March 26, 1918. Claud Hall. ‘ My Ucareit Aunt, Baby Arlene ami all. 1 will pay 20c per pound for calf hides. 1 shall endeavor to write a short letter —Grover Witt. while 1 have a few minutes of my own. Have your building* insured. See The boat is pitching eo I den t know whether I shall be able to keen my Taylor at CToverdale. mind on this long enough to finish it or Mr. and Mrs. Grant Dawson, of New not, but 1 shell try at leaet. I may berg, were in town this week. have to divert my mind in the direc­ See Blanker Bros., Tiliamook, for tion oi my stomach. I have not been a anything In the plumbing line. bit sick on this trip as yet, a person gets W. C. Stewart came in from Me- Ufc0 t0 sailing after so long a time. We Mmnville the first of the week. certainly have been very fortunate. We i have bad no rough weather to speak of For sale cheap-Sm all h o r s e .-E n -; at flll but theu we are liable t0 get it quire Harry Brooten, Cloverdale. Phone. I when are leMt expeeting it. We are Q of in t e r e s t n M ilk C a i is W. A. Wise, Dentist. W h y P ay M ore E ls e w h e r e O ld S t y l e B u h l j 50 Mrs. Ruth Altenbeiger, of Blaine, : about three days out and expect lots of visited her sisthr, Mrs. Dee Moon, this , mail when we once reach port again. My, I certainly did enjoy myself the 1 week. short time I had in France. It is a most out Walter A loiter and mother went wonderful place and the people are over the mountains the last of the week there when it comes to treating us right. for a visit in Portlaud. What few can talk English sure make Miss. Walleen, of Tillamook, is the it interesting for a person, and then its new teacher in the Cloverdale school, great to listen to those that can’t talk having been engaged to tuke the place so much English. Ail the men you see vacated by Mrs. Kbbinger. f are in uniform of some kind or else they Dr Turner, eye specialist of Portland, I *<*> old or too young to be there, good time, and the time passes quickly. will be in Cloverdale again, Thursday The women do everything and about Last night we had movies down in the April 18th at the Hotel Cltverdale. s :ven out of every ten wear a veil of main dining room. Sunday we h a d 1 mourning, but you never hear them Consult him. Don’t foreget the date. church services. We have two pianos complain or talk about the war, but are A baby bov was l>orn Friday last to I glad and thankful whenever they see aboard, four graphophones and loads of Mr. und Mrs. A. C. Deuel, of Woods. l the good old American hoys come sail­ records and lots of reading material so j Deuel says he will soon have an assistant ing in. The day we left the port where wbutjfew minutes we bavejto ourselves is j postmaster and Woods another bond we were there was a big convoy of six­ well occupied. For two days and two nights both coining and going we stood buyer. teen big freighters came steaming in watch, four hours on and four hours o ff,, Married April 2, at the Sacred Heart with a convoy of eight torpedo boat de­ so vou can see our life isn't all sunshine j Church, in Tillamook, Miss Anna E. stroyers. They wert all American ex­ here, but the fellows never kick for they Wvss, of Tillamook, to Anthony M. cepting one which was an English ship. realize that the lives of several thousands Jenck, of Cloverdale, Father Shreiber It seemed the populace would blow up are upon us and we are responsible for officiating. The Courier extends con­ they were so overcome with joy, and it them and its the truth. A Y. M. C. A. looked good to the rest of us as well. gratulations. man went over with us and furnished The submarine is a big menace but News reached Cloverdale Tuesday that different things for the troops, and he not so much so now as was the case Roy Stone, who was recently taken to is with us coining back and is entertain-; some time ago for I tell you American Salem for treatment, passed awav Mon­ ing us in different wavs. destroyers are doing wonderous work, day evening. Guy Stone and bis sister I will have to close now. I could and when once a sub sticks its nose left here Wednesday morning to take write all afternoon and not be half above the water it isn’ t long before it is charge of tbs remains. through. God bless you all. With sin­ put out of business. We did not see cere love. George. How to use substitute flour will be the one either coming or going. We had subject of a lecture held at the grange two destroyers as a convoy both coming hall, Saturday evening at eight o’clock. and going and I had to laugh, it made me SEV EN T IM E S OVER TH E The speaker is a lady sent out by the think we were on a hunting expedition, T O P -T H IR D L IB E R T Y LOAN state und her tulle will he helpful to the just as though our boat was a man and many who know the difficulties of this the two destroyers were two dogs run- _ .. _ , _ . This is the largest and finest car that ever carried the . . . The South Part of Tillam ok C uniy Did problem. The picture show will hold uing hither and thither trying to ------- eeare GRANT SIX name plate— a car that is without real compe­ over an hour so everyone can attend. Her Bit and Then S' me. up some game. tition in its Price class. A big diregible sails out over the The tear housing on the dredger used water every day, at a certain height on the Big Nestucca drainage ditch was The South part of Tillamook County The individual beaut}’ of its lines, its unusual size and burned Tuesday morning at an early they can see the bottom of the ocean at went at the sale of Third Liberty Loan hour together with all the tools. The a great depth and detect anything out oi its extraordinary mechanical refinement, will make this new Bonds with such a vim that ttie mo­ loss is estimated at $350. The origin of the ordinary that may be there, such as model one of the most talked of cars of the coming season. the Are is unknown and the fact that mines or subs anil on locating any such mentum gathered could hardlv be | cheeked with both air and emergency | the tire started at about 2 o’clock in the a flotilla of torpedo boats are dispatched brakes set. Its powerful, flexible and remarkably smooth-running morning makes the origiu more of n to the scene and it isn't long until the The quota for tlieterritory in Tillamook sub is laying on the ocean bed. Just engine is of the overhead valve type with balanced crank­ mystery. this identical thing took place the day |' ,)Uni^ !8,,,1th of Pleasant \ alley was set shaft, ferced-feed oiling and many other advanced features. The Red Cioss Auxiliary realised ••‘»8 before» we sailed homeward. The suhs ; il* $5,-,i0and I he amount raised up to the from their lunch sale at the Mercantile are scared to dt'ath of the "depth *'nie C"‘ nK *° press was $39,400, Co's Store last Friday. The ladies are bomba’ ’ which are one of the most de j times over the top and (1,650 in­ very much pleased with the results and structive weapons used against the sub j " ar^ the eighth time over. wish to thank the people for their gen­ They are a charge of 300 pounds of! t-ubserihera for the Ibird Liberty erous patronage amt conti ibutioiiv »ad ' T. V T. the most high explosive non ; Loan Bonds were liberal and bought especially to thank Mr. Spaulding for known, most all boats carry them, they | j with little hesitancy. his part in making the affair a sucocs«. The south end of the county was ■ are dropped overlioard and discharged He not only gave room but contributed at any depth they are set at up to 140 |llivided into thirteen districts and on coffee, sugar and cream and otherwise feet and will literally tear to pieces the first day of the sale the bond sellers assisted them Grandma ’-under* too anything within several hundred yards vvcn> t‘ar^v *n klte-fi*.'! 1 and at D;4.» a. n>. is entitled to special mention as she and will put a sub out of commission °f the fHst day a wire was sent to Port- sent two very pretty crocheted and knit­ even farther than that, so vou see whv , llUU* D,at !,a'i gone over the top. ted Lags to sell. Numbers were sold on the subs want to stav clear. Thia w*s flashed over the wire to tbeui and |S realized from their sale. Mv, I 1 ave learned and heard some I'radquarters at £ .in Francisco and be- Carl Shortridge and Mrs. Arch Moyers wonderful things on this trip. I was Ioro '^a-' Goaed the executive chair- were the lucky one# talking with s Red Cross nurse yes ter- man ^or '■“ « district was apprised of t lie dav who has been over there lor th e 1 lac^ that hi« community had been Tor Sale Four Jeisev heifeis $50 each, past several months and she certainly ■ awar'h''l °n honor flag. Me believe we t"ld some thrilling experiences, as well | are the first to have this honor, although One Durham Cow, I’ m , One Holstein Cow. It'S, as some of the soldier* we are bringing we have no definite information as to One Pole C ov, |0o. hack who have been over almost since this. Bay City is the only place we fra C. Barber, we have Wen in the war. They were know of that has beat us out in going 1.. L. S h o rtrid g e ranch. Dolpb, Ore. showing me some of their souvenirs and over the top. Bay Citv is reported to Telephone Main 3—and Mutual Tillamook, Oregon they certainly have a raft of them, but have gone ver the top ten times Pretest a H.’ rpv Ending. Oretown is entitled to the honor in I couldn’ t get one on a bet, not even The Pari* mi n pniid. nt of the Pall this district of lieing the only p’ ace Mull On »ette rei, nMv reported a curi­ buy one. The only way a |>er«on can where every male of mature age bought get anv ts to be up not tar from where ous stilt *'‘it h I ioii I i I Inleicvt the rend­ In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, 1917, at 8 pi r cent per annum; for $*0 ers of Flnuhert*« romance of Carthago. the teal fighting is going on. hut 1 cer­ a bond. Aside from this laet several of for Tillamook County. attorney ft-e s and for the costs and dis­ Oi* notion was brought by the niece of tainly am going to keep trving, maybe I * h* ><■'!u¿er lads as well as women Chas. Ray, Plaintiff bursements of this action, and an order ^ w l , >■. ngl.t ! ads. Gustave Flaubert ngnlnst the udnpter* Wilt get >omtthing after a I vs. \ Summons, of sale of the property attached herein, of “ Salammbô" for the tlneiua. to wit Lot* 6 and 6 in Block 11 in Still­ I wish I could say on paj»>r all I can 1 Names of the bond buyers will l* F. C . FeM?chau, Defendant. J Flaubert. It will be remembered, think, but if 1 did it would take a lot of | prtnted later. Following is a list of . Tf Oregon von K°n. andjone sand and gravel dredge finishes his novel with the mobbing pajwr, so •" I will "■ • have »-*'•'' to save • ’ me until 1 m each of the thirteen ar, . . and death of Mathe« bifore the eyes I come home, and that won't 1« long district« swt gainst vou Wer heavy duty Mot .«w ith all o f his mistress, who «eem« entirely I 1,050 the above entitled action within *;x its equipment; one Schmidt concrete The American trooi* sav they are go- s **nd!ake.......... Indifferent to hl« fate. This would not 3 AVi *rom the date of the first public*- P*ver.* one Little Wonder m ixer, one ilo for the film The adapter* not only ing to eat Christmas dinner at home tion of this summons, and if vou fail to ’ ?‘ ow ' n dimensions 20 feet bv 40 feet; 6 Sooth of Beaver 700, answer or apper, for want there f the 1 ^un,P w*Rons; 3 Fresno scraper»; one •■ave the generai** life but ring down and I wouldn’ t be surprised at that. If 2, «00 plaintiff will take judgment again«t you the curtain with the marriage of the it isn’ t though, L*var Aunt. I want you Pleasant Valley »tid tum p; about 3000 feet lover*, who “ live happily together ever and Irene to be brave women for vou i Upper Blaine 900 (or the sum of One Hundred and Thirty- °I I ’t inch pipe; about 2000 fe«t of 2 nfter. amt have a multitude of chil­ shall eotue dav bo n warded. When wo i Lower P.laine 1.280 tine and 05-100 Dollars, together with inch pipe and one Overland truck. Thi- the interest thereon from January 5th, summon* is -¡pried upon you bjr publi­ dren to grace their old age. I Beaver ail O' in* home you can say with pride 3.400 cation thereof, for six week* in tbe Thl* platonic and commonplace end that your l*»v* did their hit and v *n j Mi da .’>,500 --------- * loverdale Courier, bv oilier of Hon. lug to a “ masterpiece" horrified the can «bare thè glory i Geo. R. Bagiev, Judge of said court, »fit all. 1 only wish i Oretown 4*oo FRANK TAYLOR, dilettantes, who made so much fu*« made at Cham tiers in Tillamook City, Pacific r i t i an i Wood« * s about the caricaturing of the «tory voti cotild s< e how brave tho*e dear Oregon, March 29th, 1918, anJ the first t'loTer.lah' 9,200 that Flaubert’* literary executor felt Kranch i■copie a e. It certainly would publication thereof is made on the 4th Notary Public 2,000 dav of A pril. 1918. e*m»|»eMed to take the mutter up. and gite v o l i all eourage, but some dav the I lem I wk »•»rhì « ili t>e «et at peace again and 1 Neskowt-n Dated at Tillamook Oregon, this 1st 800 ha* appealed to the court* for retire«». thipk a lattina psarr day of Aprii, 1918. - Kansas Oltj[ star Couting bavk wc aie ceitaiuly luakiug Te:al • 38,400 C. W. Talmagr. Cloverdale, Ore. _____ Attorney for the Plaintiff. C a n , S p e c ia l . . 0 * 1 Cloverdale M ercantile Co. Inc. The New G R A N T S IX Now Coming YV. K U P P E N B E N D E R Tilla m o o k . - - Oregon Dr. D. L . G l a y s i e r VETERINARIAN G o u n ty D a iry In sp e c to r