t GOOD ROADS, GOOD HOMES, BEST CHEESE VO L. CLOVERDALE COURIER. The Nestucca Valley First, Last and all the Time. CLOVERDALE. TILLAM OOK COUNTY, OREGON, A PR IL 11, 1918. X III. NO. 35. 150.000 MEN CALLED OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Events o f Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest and Other Things Worth Knowing. A revolution has broken **ut in Southern Costa Rica, Jorge Volio has invaded Costa Rica territory from Pan­ ama and a force under him is attack­ ing Villa Concepcion Perez, a town on the frontier. Miss Emma G. Mullen, o f New York, was killed in the Paris church struck by a German shell on Good F ri­ day. This increased to five the num­ ber of Americans who lost their lives in the church. In the week ended March 30 Teu­ tonic submarines sank three Italian steamships o f more than 1500 tons and destroyed one sailing vessel o f more than 100 tons and nine sailing vessels o f a tonnage under that figure. Members o f the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen at Knappa, Or., tarred and feathered two pro- German members o f the I. W. W. Thursday, and then headed them up the road with a warning not to return. Charles Cole pleaded guilty to a charge o f appropriating $12,000 worth o f Liberty bonds from the Federal Re­ serve bank at San Francisco, where he was employed, and was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment at M cN eil’s Island. Germany’s bombardment o f Paris by long-range guns w ill only serve to strengthen the resolve o f the French to resist the last man i f necessary to Teutonic invasion according to a report received at the State department from Ambassador Sharpe at Paris. There was a sudden and marked de­ crease in the losses to British shipping through mine and submarine in the past week. The admiralty reports that only six British merchantmen o f 1600 tons or over and seven under that tonnage were sunk in the week ended March 30. Representatives o f every state, in­ cluding more than a dozen governors, met in Washington D. C., Wednesday, at an Americanization conference called by Secretary Lane, o f the Inter­ ior department, to draft recommenda­ tions to congress for legislation pro­ viding fo r a National campaign against illiteracy. Major General March, acting chief o f staff, has dirceted that the issuance o f the daily casualty list be suspended pending definite interpretation from Secretary Baker as to whether it is forbidden by his new order providing that General Pershing’s headquarters shall issue all news relating to the troops in France. About 500 dressed reindeer w ill be shipped to the food markets o f “ the states” on the first boat leaving Nome, Alaska, after the breaking-up o f the ice on Bering Sea this spring. A ll winter long a marketing firm has been slaughtering and preparing a certain number for shipment “ outside.” Sev­ eral hundred are in cold storage wait­ ing for the boat. An arrangement has been concluded under which Japan w ill turn over to the United States 450,000 tons of ship­ ping, o f which total 150,000 tons will be supplied immediately, in return fo r no consideration-except the char­ tering rates o f the allies. The Japan­ ese government w ill make up the difference between this payment and the Far Eastern rate, involving an ex­ penditure o f 18,000,000 yen. The house o f the Nebrskaa legisla­ ture has voted in favor o f ratifying the national prohibition amedment. The ratification measure now goes to the senate. Naval ordnance experts have sub­ mitted to Secretary Daniels plans for a heavy gurvwhich they say will throw a shell 105 miles. They question the m ilitary value o f the weapon. Women Patrons of the Bank Mobilization Orders Sent by Crowder to Governors o f Various States— No Likelihood o f Increase. Washington, D. C.— Approximately 150,000 m en'will be sent to training camps the five-day period beginning April 26 under orders sent to state governors Monday by Provost Marshal General 'Crowder for mobilization o f the April call o f the second draft. This is three lim es the number it was originally planned to call and is nearly twice the monthly quota as based on the calling o f 800,000 men Position o f Allied Armies Declared to over a period o f nine months. Be Better Strategic Standpoint, It is indicated that there w ill be no but Attacks are Expected. increase in the grand total for the year. Calling out of the increased number was made necessary by the decision of Washington, D. C. — French and President Wilson to respond without British tenacity has upset the ambi­ delay to the need of France and Great tious plans o f the German high com­ Britain for reinforcements in the great mand for the battle o f Picardy, says the War department’s weekly m ilitary battle in Picardy. Vacancies in National Army divis­ review Sunday night, and now the ions resulting from the withdrawal o f enemy determined to get in some sort men to complete National Guard and j o f success at any Cost, is throwing Regular Arm y units and for the forma- fresh forces into the battle in an effort tion o f special technical units asked j to win limited objectives. Because o f by General Pershing, w ill be made this, the situation is expected to re­ good by the April draft. Those divis- main uncertain for some tim e to come, ions farthest advanced in training are General improvement in the strate- to receive first attention in order that gic position o f the allies is noted, and the maximum number o f complete the review declares that under General Foch the allied m ilitary machinery is units may be sent abroad soon. Failure o f congress to pass the working smoothly and efficiently in amendment to the selective service act stemming the German assault. There is no mention whatever of the which would permit the fixing of state j quotas on the number o f men in class American troops reported hurrying to 1 necessitated temporary adherence to ■ the front to join the British and French, though the department again the old system. Local boards have been officially ad­ mentions that several American trans­ vised, however, that they are to ignore port sections have taken an active part “ quotas” for the tim e being and to in the battle and that the American simply continue calling up men until aviation service is co-operating with they have obtained the number they the British artillery. “ A t the opening of the third week have been instructed to forward. When a basis for establishing state o f the German offensive, we find that quotas has been found due credit the enemy is still far short o f attain­ against future increments w ill be g iv ­ ing his principal ob jectives," says the revievL en for those already called. “ It is now evident that the German Among the men to be called w ill be command contemplated over­ approximately 116,700 whites and 33,- high 700 negroes. Pennsylvania leads, with whelming the British at the outset be­ 10,965 called; Ohio is second, with tween the Oise and the Sensee, and 10,302, and N ew York third, with 10,- j driving a wedge into the Franco-Brit 171. Idaho w ill call 604, Nebraska ish forces. “ The enemy fully expected to 1460, Nevada 179, Utah 618, Oregon achieve a decision in the field in the 923 and Washington 1596. course o f one great battle. “ Evidence of prisoners tends to con­ firm that the enemy hoped to gain the line o f the Somme by the evening o f As a Expert Says Iluns Can Have Amiens the first day o f the offensive. matter o f fact, it took the Germans 10 i f They W ill Pay Price in Lives. days to cover the ground they expected Paris— The German attack Monday to overrun within 48 hours. on the left bank o f the river Oise, be­ “ Under the leadership o f General tween Chauny and Bari sis, is taken by Foch, the allied military machine is some military critics as indicating that functioning with precise smoothness the enemy, finding himself cramped in insuring greatest economy, harmony the salient which his offensive had cre­ and efficiency in the use o f all the ated toward Montdidier and Amiens, is forces now united in stemming the seeking more elbow room, as without German assaults. The morale o f the it he w ill be unable to deploy his mass­ allied troops remains high. es in Hindenburg style. “ The German offensive has not spent The retirement o f the French to po­ itself and the situation w ill continue sitions prepared in advance cause no uncertain for some time to come. uneasiness here. However, the general strategic posi­ “ People should not allow themselves tion o f the allies is becoming more to be hypnotized by the official bulle­ favorable. tins,” said one high official. “ A fte r a period o f relative calm “ In a battle like this,” he added, early in last week, during which the “ bulletins showing more or less impor­ enemy was busy bringing up his heavy tant advances and retreats are simply guns and repairing the wastage o f geographical summaries which convey battle by replacing tired units with little meaning except to those who are fresh troops, another powerful attack directing the operations. was launched along the segment of the “ People ask; ‘ W ill the Boches get line now held by the French, stretch­ Amiens?’ ing from the Amiens Koye road to “ My reply is, perhaps they will, i f Grivesnes. The enemy was able to General Foch can smash more German make slight headway. Fierce fighting divisions by letting them in than by continues. Allied forces are massed keeping them out. Unbeaten armies to check the invaders in this area. are more important than towns, and “ The Austrian armies, with the ex- what has happened in this battle does ception o f the few units operating in not show on the map. the Ukraine or in the western area, “ Germany’s gains look like a fat. are now in the Italian theater-” juicy pear to the newspaper reader, but the kaiser knows how hollow it is Hun Future is Uncertain. at the core.” London— The Birmingham Daily Post says that i f statements in Hamburg Lynching to Be Probed. newspapers are reliable, the prospects Collinsville, III.— State officials, act­ o f German shipowners after the war It is considered prob­ ing under instructions o f the attorney are uncertain. general, probably w ill take over in­ able that fo r some years they w ill vestigation o f the lynching o f Robert have difficulty in again obtaining a P. Prager, an enemy alien hanged foothold in several important trades here last Friday after he had been ac­ which they at one time almost monopo­ cused o f making disloyal remarks. lized. Formal investigation started by the Commenting on the same subject the coroner w ill be followed up by the at­ London correspondent o f the Liverpool torney general’s office which w ill as­ Daily Poet says German mercantile sumed full charge o f the caae. A ll in­ marine, which aggregated 3,072,993 formation obtained will be turned over tone when the war began, has been de­ to a special session o f the grand jury pleted to the extent o f nearly 3,000,- 000 tona. which opens next week. War Department Asserts French and British Upset Schedule. RESULT IS UNCERTAIN A few years ago, there were practically no women who were patrons o f the Bank. Now, however, women recognize the service o f the Bank as one o f the aids in handling household and personal money affairs. The progressive woman deposits allowances for home expenses and pays all accounts by check. The result is that her money is always safeguarded against loss by fire or burglary and her money goes farther because o f the systematic way in which it is handled. Special Facilities for Women Customers. Every Banking Convenience and Facility. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK Tillamook, Oregon PROFESSIONAL CARDS T.H. G0YNE, Bell Phone 53-J P. O. Box 147 With Rollio Watson ATTORNEY AT LAW Conveyancing, Etc. Tillamook. Ore. Opp. Court House, C. W. TALMAGE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law NATIONAL BLD., - TILLAMOOK, ORE. Abstracts on Short Notico by the PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. L. V. EB E RH ARD . Manager. Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook Countv, Oregon. TILLA M O O K . - - OREGON A. C. EVERSON TILLAMOOK. ORE. ROBERT H. McGRATH C O U N S E LO R A T L A W 106 Oddfellows’ Building, Tillam ook, Oregon- Special Equipment for Making Income Returns and Reports. J. N. PEARCY E.J. MENDENHALL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 928 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, - - OREGON Tillamook Abstracting Co. T hos . C o a tb s . P r k s io k n t . COMPI.KTK 8KT OF ABSTRACT BOOKS OF TILLAM OOK COUNTY, ORBtiON. TIL L A M O O K C IT Y , OREGON. FRENCH OFFICER OPTIMISTIC I Office Ground Floor National Bid, F. R. BEALS REAL ESTATE Write for Literature. T IL L A M O O K . • - OREGON T he T odd Hotel Tillamook, Ore. Money to Loan Real Estate Agency See nie for realty deals. Tillamook Undertaking Co. R. N. H E N K E L , Proprietor. Night and Day calls promptly attended. Sixth Street at Second Avenue TILLA M O O K . • - East OREGON TAKE THE WHITE AUTO STAGE - FOR- Tillamook* Cloverdale -A N D - All W ay Points Safe anti Comfortable L. S. HUSHBECK, Proprietor. Dining Room run on Family Style Meals 35c. Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special Rates by the W eek. Leave Cloverdale daily at 7:30 a. m., arriving at Tilla­ mook at 10 a. m.— in time for morning truin to Portland. Leave Tillamook at 3 p. m , arriving at Cloverdale at 5 p. m. J. M. T R A X L E R , Prop. LIST YOUR FARM WITH Taylor Real Estate Agency IF YOU WANT TO SELL IT. SEE TAYLOR FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE I f you are in the market for a good Dairy Ranch we can show you something that will interest you. We have some excellent bargains. Money is made dairying in Tillamook County. Why not get a chunk o f this money. TAYLOR REAL ESTATE AGENCY Clover dale, Oregon