Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, April 04, 1918, Image 3

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CHAS. RAY, President
WM. CHRISTENSEN, Vice President
Chas. Ray, Wm. Christensen, Chas. McKillipp,
D. A. Bhiley, Wm. A. High.
To t be Voters of Tillamook County :
1 beg to anuouuce that 1 will be a
candidate for County Commissioner for
the south end of the county on the Re­
publican ticket at the next primary
Ole B. Redin'rg.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination on the Republican
Ticket for County Commissioner, to be
voted on at the nominating convention
to be held in May. 191ft.
II nominated and elected 1 promise to
the beet of mv ability all efforts for the
developement aud advencement of Till­
amook County.
Believing myself perfectly competent
to administer the office I place mv can
didacy before the voters for their suf­
Yours truly,
D. A. Bailey.
J. L GEORGE, Cashier.
Your Patronage is Solicited
To the voters of Tillamook County :
I herewith announce myselt as a
candidate on the Republican ticket at
the nominating convention to be held
in May for the office of County Com­
missioner. My motto: ‘ A sqnare deal
all aronnd.”
John Weiss, Sr., Meda
voice speaks from the sepulchre
Easter Song.
Try this Easter Song to the tune of “ Soma here they’ ve taken my Saviour
and l.ord and 1 know not where.”
Blue Bird. Composed by Mrs. S. II.
No more .‘ ati death appal, no more the
Rook, of Oretown, and sung by the
grave enthral.
little Misses Marian and Hard Ku- He rose and He left the grave for} Para­
w oiler on Raster Sunday in Oretown
Risen hs He hail said, redeemed, when
hopes had tied.
desus was crucified, Romans ami .lews Jesus rose from the tomb, He's our
Jtsus laid in the grave amid death Christ is risen, He is coiniueror o'er the
aud gloom.
Mary early caiue there, her love, spices Christ is risen. Christ is risen, and my
to share.
fesus lives to save.
She found the stone rolled back and an King out glad tidings of joy and be
empty tomb.
. happy this Easter time.
Somewhere her Saviour has vanished Jesus, our Lord and Kcdccuic! Paschal
an ’ grief makes her tear drops start. 1 Lamb! such love divine!
Mary weeps in her anguish and sorrow
Have vour buildings insured. See
with broken heart,
“ Why weepest thou, Mary," an angel I Tac lor at Cloverdale.
O u r M o t t o I« :
“S E R V IC E ’
To The Voters of Tillamook County
I wish to announce that I will be a
candidate at the next primary election
for the office of County Commission­
er for the South part of the county on
the Republican ticket. I believe in
good roads, and will use my best ef­
forts in seeing that roads are con­
structed permanently and built eco­
nomically, if elected.
Y'ours respectfully,
A. A. Itnlah.
28 of them are said to have been captur-
eb. Casualties in the Navv and Marine
What we haven't got in automobile accessories we will
Published Every Thursday
Corps from April 6 to December 31,1917,
We are now remodeling the shop and equipping it for
include 5 naval officers and 139 enlisted
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
men, killed or died from wounds. No
better service. We are going to give the beat workmanship
“ Entered as second-class matter, Nov­ officers were reported as wounded in ac­
obtainable under present conditions. Work that is not sat­
ember 13th, 1905 at the post office at Clo­ tion, but 10 enlisted men were 60 re­
verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon,un­ ported.
isfactory to our patrons, tell us, and we will make it right
der Act of Congress, March 3rd. 1878.
if satisfactory tell others. We are now open for your
An Easter Program at Oretown.
S ubscription K a I ' js
We also do other odd jobs, in any line. We have
An Easter program, under the direc­
One Year, in advance...................... $LOC tion of Mrs. Rock, ably assisted bv Miss
one price which is standard throughout the state—will bid
Six Months............................................ SB Eva Etzweiler and Miss Sanstrom, was
To The Voter« of Tillamook County.
Three Months........................................ 25 successfully rendered at the Oretown
on and contract your jobs.
I hereby announce myself as a ,
Single Copy............................................05 church last Sunday.
The attendance was good and those candidate for re-election to the office of
A d y i r t . sing R ates
Wo are at your «ervlco 24 hours a <lay.
who participated in the services deserve Sheriff of Tillamook County, on the
Displayed Advertisements, 80 cent« per much credit.
The children did re-1 Republican Tii ket, at the Primary
inch per month, single column. All markably well. The program was as Election Mav
17, 1918.
Local Reading Notices, 10 cents per follows:
line for each insertion.
Organ selection. Miss Gladys Kandle.
Timber land notices
W. L. Campbell.
Welcome, Arnold Jensen.
Homestead notice.-
Remarks on Easter. Mrs Rock.
Political Announcement Cards
Solo, “ Btautiful Easter Day,” Ona
of Tillamook County:
Recitation and song, Ruth Etzweiler.
. . .
Solo, “ J.s is Leads,” Mrs Fogg.
, 1 he,rebv »»"ounce myself as a candi-
Recitation, Esther Otzen
f.ur the nomination for County
Song, little Helen Bordow.
I Commissioner on the Republican ticket
f VV/
Easter song, to tune of America, Anna f ‘ ‘ he P ? mar,.es to be held May 17th
Losses from fires in National forest Christensen, Elina Carver, R.ith Etz- 1918/ »nom inated and elected I will m i \P\r-h»-\r+t
last year amounted to $1,358,600, ascord- weiler’ Roy Red berg. Herbert Red berg.
nation faithful,
conscientious and 1 1
Recitation, Jessie Iiish.
ing to figures compiled bv the Forest
Solo, “ Its a Long, Long Time,” Elma patriotic service, and will favor road I
Service. While the loss was larger than Carver.
building of a j erraanent nature.
for seveaal years, it was unusually light
Recitation, “ Thief on t^ie Cross” <
II V. \llev
considering the dangerous conditions. Walter Affolter.
Protracted drought and periods of high
Reading, “ Is It Nothing to You,”
winds made conditions virtually the same Mi.-s Sandstrorn.
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
as in 1910, when $25,000,000 wCrth of
Song, in motion, the singing by Mrs. , I take this method of announcing my
In ever line of Merchandise, but none
timber on national forests was destroy­ Fogg. “ Scatter Seeds of Kindness,” |
i candidacy for the nomination of County
more especially than in
Marion Fitzweiler, Elma Carver, Ruth Commissioner on the Republican ticket
Careless campers were responsible for Etzweiler, Ona Bailey, Esther Otzen, ; at the primary election to he held Mav
1,288 fires. Railroads, partly through Anna Christensen.
i 17, 1918. I will work for the best
failure to comply with the law, set 1,003,
Recitation, “ The Last Hymn,” Mrs. interest of the taxpayers and citizens of
while the n um ber of incendiary fires is Rock and Mrs. Porter.
i Tillamook County especially in the
given as 952. The total nu mirer of fires
Solo, “ I Never Knew,” Miss Eva I matter of roads, and will insist in a
fought was 7,811. All but 2,132, set by Etzweiler.
| definite road policy as follows: Appro i
Our large stock is in every instance the best that can be had
lightning, were caused by human
Recitation, “ Nobody’s Child,” Anna , Hating as much of the road fund as
and our aim will be to keep the high standard up.
possible for the purpose of hard surfac- !
Song, “ Easter Song,” to tune of Blue me the main highways without neglect- ;
REVIEW 0? WAR LISTS ACHIEVEMENTS Bird, Marion and Hazel Etzweiler.
ing the tributary roads and conforming
Recitation. Marion Gaines.
to the state regulations when the same
Reading, Mrs. Gaines.
are to the interest of Tillamook County.
The following statements are from the
Musical selections on graphaphone,
Official* Review of the first year of War, Mr. Porter
II. M. F'armer.
Organ solo. Mi«s Gladys Kandle.
made public bv the Committee on Public
Miss Viola Redberg assisted con­
I hereby annaunce myself as a candi­
tinually at the organ.
Total estimated expense of the United
John and Gilbert Rock assisted in the date for the office of County Surveyor of
States Government in the first year of decorations in the church.
Tillamook County on the Republican
The Angel's Harp was made by Mrs.
war, without loans to the allies, is $12,-
u67,i’ <8,6i9.0i.
If nominated and elected I will con­
Tne closing selection was a full drscs
During the first year of w ar the United recital of the “ Prisoners of bin Saved
duct the office in an efficient and
States Army has increased in actual by Grace." The three prisoners were
economical manner.
strength from 9,524 officers and 202,510 represented by Anna Christensen, Roy
Y'ours respectfully,
enlisted men to 123,801 officers and 1,- Redberg and Elma Carver. They were
W. S. Coates.
528,924 enlisted men. Strength of the under the charge of the death guard of
And everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store, and
Navy to-day is neaily 21,000 officers ami =ix soldiers with spears until the bearer
330,000 enlisted men ; strength a vear ago of Christianity brought to them the
all goods are of the best quality.
T herepy announce myself a candi­
wa*4,792officersa,.d 77,946enlisted men. message of Joy. The soldiers were
The total number of persons now in the Ralph Redberg, Z'idie Fitzweiler, Walter date on the Republii an ticket for nomi­
Otzen, Herbert Redlterg, Orsl Rav, Ar nation fot County Clerk at the Primary
Naval Establishment exceed» 425/100.
. . . ,.
The first contingent of the expedition­ nold Jensen. The bearer of the message ,
ary forces landed safelv at a Frencl port of joy was Miss Eva Etzweiler, w hodi- ¡election tobe held May 17, 1918.
Erwin Harrison.
88 days after war was declared. Ameri­ reeted the prisoners Heavenward. Thyn
can troops went on their line for their their robes of sin fell from them and
hapiism of fire 187 days after war was they gradually climbed toward the I
Angel, representad by Esther Otzen.'
Nearly 73.000 mechanics and other who awaited them The audience. Eva
civilian employees are working atttavy Etzweiler and Mrs. Fogg and the
pri«oners as.-isted with the singing dur­
vards and stations.
More than 700 privetlv owned vessels ing this seliction.
Will Christensen presented the sub­
have been purchased or chartered by
of the Liberty Loan in a short ad­
the navy.
T hat*« th e t o b a c c o fu v him - Real Gravely
Some 300 woolen mills are working on dress followed by closing prayer by Mrs. ,
C Jtew ing P lu g
c o n d e n s e d q u a l i t y - the most
Army contracts.
Over 20.000,000 pairs of shoes have
t o b a c c o s a tisfa ctio n in th e sm a lle st s p a c e , r e a d y
Notice for Publication.
been ordered for the Army.
to g iv e him th e solid c o m fo r t o f t o b a c c o wherever
Treasury Department floated $6,616,-
[ publisher !
h e happens to be.
532,300 subscriptions to Liberty bonds. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR
Give any man a fhrw of Rc-al Gravely Pl’ig, and he will
Loans to a total of $3.882,9X1,000 had
t a ll you th a t'* the hind to »end. Send the bettf
been made to cobelligerent nations to U. 8. LAND OFFICE at Portland. Ore­
gon, March 5, 1918.
Ordinary plug is fat»e economy. It eo«t» le»» per week
end of 1917.
to chew Real Gravely, became a »mall thew of it last» a
Total weight of steel thrown bv a single
NOTICE is hereby given that Claude
long while.
bioadsi le from the Pennsylvania to-day M. Lane, of flebo. Tillamook Couatv,
If you amokr a pipe, »lire Gravely with ymir hmfe and
is 17,509 pounds; maximum broadside Oregon, who, on March 20, 1915, made
add a little to your »molting tobacco. It will give flavor —
of largtst ship during Spanish-American Homestead Entry No. 04468 for e
improve your tmohe.
i Section 24. Township ( South, Range
War was 5,660 pounds.
Two weeks after war was declared con­ 10 West. Willamette Meridian, has filed
tracts had been made covering the re­ notice of intention to make three-year
* aler» all aronnd here carry it in 10c. pouehe». A 3c.
quirements of an Armv of 1,000,000 men, proof, to establish claim to the land
•tti»r _ ' ! put it iato hi* ha ad* in any Training Camp or
this material comprising 8,700,000 items above described, before the clerk of the
S- ip o rt o f th e G j . .
*^ “ -rsc. ----- ’
«r. »tamp will
More than 11,000 manufacturers lid , County Court for Tillamook County,
take it to him. Your dealer will »upply envelope and give
for navy business.
you official direction» h o w t o addre»» it.
Total deaths in the Army from April 16th day of April, 1918.
6. 1917, to March 14. for all causes, was , Claimant names as witnesses
J. Lewallen, Joe Price, A. S. Lane,
ted bv The Adjutant General s
The P a te n t P o a c h k e e p * if F r e e h a n d C le a n a n d G o o d
to be 1,191 Of this number, 132 Fred Lewallen, all of Hebo, Oregon,
—it u not A J Gravely w ith o u t th ie P r o te c tio n Seal
i Proof mad«: under Act of June II, 1906.
were reported as killed in action an«l£37
EetabUahed 1 8 3 1
" Setti*t as eer» ” r«*»*»" >« *■» tm*twe A '4
died or were Tost at
The total num­ ' and Act June«. I"!2.
a k a M «ser#*»-«*9 keel
Ik* U lA ik m t f
N. Campbell,
ber wounded in action war 404. Thirty-
Maul Ceentr 4m* tmu!
five men have been reported as missing;
Y V . R . U E T S O I N , !M £ r .
Quality Counts
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
Stoves, Ranges, Farm and
Garden Tools
Alex McNair & Co., Tmamootore.
It’s E**sy to Scud Him
a pouch of
Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug