I NESTUCCA VALLEY BANK CLOYERDALE, OREGON CHAS. RAY, President WM. CHRISTENSEN, Vice President BOARD OF DIRECTORS; Chas. Ray, Wm. Christensen, Chas. McKillipp, D. A. Bhiley, Wm. A. High. NOTICES OF CANDIDATES Announcement. To t be Voters of Tillamook County : 1 beg to anuouuce that 1 will be a candidate for County Commissioner for the south end of the county on the Re­ publican ticket at the next primary election. Ole B. Redin'rg. Announcement I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination on the Republican Ticket for County Commissioner, to be voted on at the nominating convention to be held in May. 191ft. II nominated and elected 1 promise to the beet of mv ability all efforts for the developement aud advencement of Till­ amook County. Believing myself perfectly competent to administer the office I place mv can didacy before the voters for their suf­ frage. Yours truly, D. A. Bailey. Announcement. J. L GEORGE, Cashier. Your Patronage is Solicited CLOVERDALE COURIER To the voters of Tillamook County : I herewith announce myselt as a candidate on the Republican ticket at the nominating convention to be held in May for the office of County Com­ missioner. My motto: ‘ A sqnare deal all aronnd.” John Weiss, Sr., Meda voice speaks from the sepulchre Easter Song. Try this Easter Song to the tune of “ Soma here they’ ve taken my Saviour and l.ord and 1 know not where.” Blue Bird. Composed by Mrs. S. II. No more .‘ ati death appal, no more the Rook, of Oretown, and sung by the grave enthral. little Misses Marian and Hard Ku- He rose and He left the grave for} Para­ dise. w oiler on Raster Sunday in Oretown Risen hs He hail said, redeemed, when church. hopes had tied. desus was crucified, Romans ami .lews Jesus rose from the tomb, He's our deride. sacrifice. Jtsus laid in the grave amid death Christ is risen, He is coiniueror o'er the aud gloom. grave. Mary early caiue there, her love, spices Christ is risen. Christ is risen, and my to share. fesus lives to save. She found the stone rolled back and an King out glad tidings of joy and be empty tomb. . happy this Easter time. Somewhere her Saviour has vanished Jesus, our Lord and Kcdccuic! Paschal an ’ grief makes her tear drops start. 1 Lamb! such love divine! Mary weeps in her anguish and sorrow Have vour buildings insured. See with broken heart, “ Why weepest thou, Mary," an angel I Tac lor at Cloverdale. i CLOVERDALE GARAGE NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT O u r M o t t o I« : . “S E R V IC E ’ To The Voters of Tillamook County I wish to announce that I will be a candidate at the next primary election for the office of County Commission­ er for the South part of the county on the Republican ticket. I believe in good roads, and will use my best ef­ forts in seeing that roads are con­ structed permanently and built eco­ nomically, if elected. Y'ours respectfully, A. A. Itnlah. 28 of them are said to have been captur- eb. Casualties in the Navv and Marine What we haven't got in automobile accessories we will Published Every Thursday Corps from April 6 to December 31,1917, get. We are now remodeling the shop and equipping it for include 5 naval officers and 139 enlisted Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher. men, killed or died from wounds. No better service. We are going to give the beat workmanship “ Entered as second-class matter, Nov­ officers were reported as wounded in ac­ obtainable under present conditions. Work that is not sat­ ember 13th, 1905 at the post office at Clo­ tion, but 10 enlisted men were 60 re­ verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon,un­ ported. isfactory to our patrons, tell us, and we will make it right der Act of Congress, March 3rd. 1878. and if satisfactory tell others. We are now open for your An Easter Program at Oretown. S ubscription K a I ' js business. We also do other odd jobs, in any line. We have An Easter program, under the direc­ One Year, in advance...................... $LOC tion of Mrs. Rock, ably assisted bv Miss one price which is standard throughout the state—will bid Six Months............................................ SB Eva Etzweiler and Miss Sanstrom, was To The Voter« of Tillamook County. Three Months........................................ 25 successfully rendered at the Oretown on and contract your jobs. I hereby announce myself as a , Single Copy............................................05 church last Sunday. The attendance was good and those candidate for re-election to the office of A d y i r t . sing R ates Wo are at your «ervlco 24 hours a « *■» tm*twe A '4 died or were Tost at The total num­ ' and Act June«. I"!2. a k a M «ser#*»-«*9 keel Ik* U lA ik m t f N. Campbell, ber wounded in action war 404. Thirty- Maul Ceentr 4m* tmu! Register. five men have been reported as missing; Y V . R . U E T S O I N , !M £ r . Quality Counts HARDWARE Builders’ Hardware, Tools Shelf and Heavy Hardware Stoves, Ranges, Farm and Garden Tools Alex McNair & Co., Tmamootore. I æ It’s E**sy to Scud Him a pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug 1