ì a a a LOCAL AND PERSONAL it e m s AND OTHER NEWS OF INTEREST O Q n MilkCans W. A. Wise, Dentist. Do your Saturday (hopping tomorrow. Highest cash pries [«aid for calves,— Claud Hall. patronize the Red Cross lor your eats tomorrow. Claud Hall moved into the Kd Mallory house this week. Frank W ilshart, of Pacific City, »as in town Tuesday. Mrs. Dee Moon returned home Sun­ day from a lew days visit with Tillamook friends. Buy Third Liberty Loan .ponds. It will be good for yourself and help your country. Mrs. Mary Lnndingliam and children came in from Newberg, Tuesday evening, for n short visit. Mr. Trombley father of C. E. Trombley of Tillamook, is a patient at the hos­ pital. He ia being i rented fora cancer on the lip. Druggist and Stationer Mr. Coughran and Elmer Hunter ex- changed residence« this week. Mr. CLOVERDALE, OREGON Coughran will wuik on the Bailey ranch this summer. Orlcy Hellow has bought the Hebo LEND YOUR MONEY TO YOUR brntiun of the Lords Supper, with an appropriate sermon. Some new faces tyirage of Henry White, and has taken are expected, and more than one speak­ COUNTRY po.V>. all cars. not get off any of this time to take in Barber, Frisco. TheClnverdale Red Cross society are L. L. Bhortridge ranch. Ira C. Dolph, Ore. Hail a tine trip down the coast to the very proud of the work turner! out since I auam a canal. The ocean was very lie organization and thought it would WOODS ITEMS. smooth all tae wav hut it was very trop­ interest people to know just what they dav passed pleasantlv with us. ical. The trip through the canal was are doing to we publish below a list of A Easter little rain the evening, but surelv the nwit interesting of the whole trip. tb» articles that have been shipped to not enough to in drench the seven Sundays Tlllaiuook JO pairs pajama«.30operating coming. "If it rains on Easter day, Made a short stop at Colon but as usual was not allowed any shore leave. Thie leggins, 54 UM sox, 54 aim slings, 10 Seven Sundays for it pay." ulMlomina! bandages, 30 dish towels, ‘JO Rev. Gilman, from Bandow, Oregon, not being able to go ashore at the differ­ napkins, 'JO substitute handkerchiefs, is visiting bis sou here, and was auu>ng ent stops was dissapointing, but of C o u n ty D airy I n s p e c to r Fasterattendents at Chapel, Sunday course the officials did not want to ad- 10 tray covers, J ambulance pillows ami tlie morning. veitise the fact that a transport was go­ 7 p.irs of knitted s>-x. The measles in this vicinity, are «till ing through with a load of soldiers. Tillamook, Oregon The Red Cross auxiliary u( Clovenlale giving «orne trouble, two of Mr. lies- leaving Colon and getting out Telephone Main 3—and Mutual will serve byt coffee, sandwiches and tettler's children being the latest vic­ in Alter the Atlantic oceau it became consid­ oak s a»t the Mercantile Co s «tore to­ tim«. erable and a good many were rn, rr vw, Friday from the noon hour Mrs. Ward is spenbiug a tew days In seasick. rougher I was not sick any of the time. are coming and going all the time. 1917. at 8 per cent per annum ; f> r $50 uuiil after the moving picture »bow in Tillamook. ev fees and for the costs and dis­ Our next stop at Norfolk, Va. That is practically all the camp is, a attom tire evening. One cup of coffee with Cll*f M utism visited our little burg Staved about half was bursem ents of this action, and an order •hipping point. There is no drilling here a day at this port. sale of the property attached herein, sitgat uml cream, a sandwich and a Sunday. that I know of, at least have not seen ! j of Took a hike here ol a mile or two. Did to w it; Lots 5 and 6 in Block 11 in St ill • cookie or small cake will be served for Roy Manes. and family, have moved not see anything of the town as we hiked any parade grounds. ' well-* addition to Tillamook City. Ore­ Weil it is about time f or the lights to to ttie Yellow fir mill, it is not decided 35 cents The proceeds will go to the gon, nndjone sand and gravel dredge along the outskirts. Must have been go out so I must close. yet, who will take lus place in the Red Crusa s > help «be pood caun by ! i as with all its equipment with a 15-horse As even vour friend, woods, as foreman. the negro district as about all we aaw power heavy dutv Morse engine w ith all buyiug your Saturday lunch at the ! ______ Mac. ] its D. D. Miller, Sec'v of the L. L. L. L. w as coons. equipm ent; one Schmidt concrete store .it Pacific City, has decided to give up Our next stop was at Hoboken X. J. Ia tk* Circuit Court of the 8tateof Oregon, •paver; one Little Wonder m ixer; one scow in dimensions JO feet bv 40 feet; fi laist Sunday m run g the docks J logging, and go to budding ships. He From there we took the train to here. Yilhrnook Conaty. dump wagons; 3 Fresno scrapers; one with his family, have moved to Tilla­ We will prohablv be here for four or Chas. Ray, lor Plaintiff the country were «et ahead one hour mook. -t gas engine and nnm p, about 3000 feet _ _ . . . vt- Summons. of l * l* inch pipe: about J000 feet of 2 and now Tillamook county to out do all Lauren Randall, ha« joined the mar- five ilays. We are only about fourteen _ F. C. Feldschau, Defendant. ) inch pipe and one Overland track. This the rest will «el the calendar ahead oao | ines, and Miss -haw the genial boarding miles from New York ! expect to be To F. C. Feldschau, tlie defendant— summons is served upon you by publi­ «lay. To morrow will tie Saturday and house keeper at the mill, will also go to at !e to take in New York one of the*« In the name of the State of Oregon, vou cation thereof, for six week» in the Portland, »lie will las gre-itlv missed by night* a« they tie giv ing so manv passes are hereby required you are urged to do alt >• ur Saturday her to ap'.ietsf and an- Cloverdale Courier, bv order of Hon. boarder* and friend». each night. I also saw the Ptatue of **er tlie complaint filed ¡-.gainst you in Geo. R. Bugley. Judge of said court, shopping tomorrow That is, so far as tie aNwe entitled action within -ox made at Chambers in Tillamook City, Edmunds, has joined the boy» liberty. bum nee« is concerned all that usually in Erne«t *eeks from the date of *,h#- first publica­ I Oregon. March iNth. 1918. and the first khaki for the spread of democracy orcurs on Saturday will take place t<*- Our very lawt wishes go with him, arid Arb* was on the same boat with us. tion of this summons, and if vou fail to publication thereof is made on the 4th He is g.ung to A U k I otw , Scotland. answer tnorrow. \t Clovenlale the (tores will we hot^e for his safe return. or apper, for want thereof tlie dav of April. 1918. keep open tomorrow evening and the Don't forget that next fttndae. is I List a gixwl deal of flesh on the trip plaintiff will take judgment against vou Dated at Tillam ook. Oregon, this 1st for th# sum of One Hundred a nd Thirtv- day of Aprii. 1918. moving picture show will give its usual Mission dav here. There will be regular but am feeling tine. One and 05-100 Dollars, t.vgether with C. W. Talmagr, luoruiug service and at night the cele - Camp Meritt is t me camp. Soldiers ^the interest weekly cahibition touivrrow evening theim>a from Janu ary 5tb. Attorney for the Plamt.fi. Prepare for the Liberty Loan Drive This store will be closed Saturday, • April (>, from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. WM. A. HIGH, Why Pay More Elsewhere Old Style Buhl S Can, Special . . O w O v ® Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Inc. The New G R A N J S IX Now Coming YOUR ALL! Dr. L. L». G la y sie r V E T E RI M A R I A N