Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, March 28, 1918, Image 4

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A Leaking Faucet.
When the faucets in the hnthmnni
or kitchen leak or do not allow the
Why not own a ranch in the best
water to flow freely they need a new
lairv country in the world. Where the
washer, and the washers cost live
climate cannot be excelled and where
cents each. To put oil the washer,
turn oft' tlie water, tlie rod is usually there is green grass the year through.
under the sink or in the basement, and
Here is pome of tlie good ones
unscrew the faucet; take off the worn-
Pick yours out and buy it now.
out washer and slip on a new one and
turn your water on again and presto!
Twenty acres of the best grade of
tile work is doue and no repair bill to
river bottom land near one of Tilla­
mook’ s famous beach resorts at $275
|H-r acre.
Make Windows by Hand.
Forty-nine acres of first bench land,
In making stained-glass windows ev­
close to the ocean, with house and good
ery hit of tile work is done by hand,
and it is amazing to realize how many barn. $4,200, part cash.
times each piece o f glass must be han­
Forty acres on the Dolph-Hebo road
dled. An operator tells of counting up | for *1,000.
one day and tlnding that no less than
twelve times were necessary. All the I Eighty acres at Mcda with new
lendwork is done by hand too, even the j buildings and 10 high grade cows for
opening of the little slots into which $ 0 , 200 .
the glass is fustened.
Ten acres, level and smooth as a
lawn, no buildings, near Beaver, $1,600.
Record Floods In China.
Twenty acres on the Tillamook-Clover-
The Celestial kingdom has been the
■ dale road not far from Hemlock at
seene of some of the most terrible
floods on record, observes London Tit- $1,600.
Hits. In 1801 the Yellow river over­
flowed and destroyed nearly 2,000 vil­
lages and towns and 0,000,000 people.
Two years inter there were great Inun­
dations In Mongolia, caused by ty­
phoons, resulting in a death roll of
O u r M o t t o ls:
Two hundred and sixteen acres close
to the village of Cloverdale, good build­
ings. This ranch is now suppoiting
40 head of stock, $50 per acre; terms.
W o a r e a t y o u r s e r v i c e 24 h o u r s a d a y .
Twenty acres on the main county
road between Beaver and Hemlock for
$2,000. Hood buildings and all level.
See us for your wants in dairy lands.
Taylor Real Estate Agency,
Cloverdale, Oregon
W. R. L-hTSO N , M&r.
The Potato.
The potato was first introduced Into
Spain by Hieronymus t'nrdnn. a monk.
In 1 553; Into England by Sir John
For disinfecting where Contagions or
llawkins and Sir Francis Urake in
1M3. and Into Ireland by Sir Walter infectious diseases are prevailing.
Raleigh in 1.580.
CA RBOI.IC CO.MPOI N P is a jviwer
Fertile Land Untouched.
The mountain regions of Cuba In­ will improve general stable conditions.
clude many ridges and valleys of ex­
tremely fertile land, nearly all untouch­
ed. and existing practically as they did
before tile time of the Spaniards.
As the World Moves.
" L iv e makes the world go round.**
quoted the Parlor Philosopher " Y e s ,
but marriage generally squares things."
added the Mere Man Town Topics.
Werth Considération.
Plon sure contes thmugh toi 1 and not
hy s, lf Indulgence nd Indolence. When
one gets to love work, liis life U a
hnppy one.—Ruskin.
A d v e r tis e
th e
C o u r ie r .
Quality Counts
In ever line* of Merchandise, hut none
more « specially than in
Clough’s Carbolic Com­
fid Germicidal mixture and by its
“S E R V I C E ”
What we haven’ t got in automobilo accessories we will
get. We are now remodeling the shop and equipping it for
better service. We are going to give the best workmanship
obtainable under present conditions. Work that is not sat­
isfactory to our patrons, tell us, and we will make it right
and if satisfactory tell others. We are now open for y«ur
business. We also do other odd jobs, in any line. We have
one price which is standard throughout the state— will bid
on and contract your jobi.
Do Your Work Properly.
Two hundred ninety-seven acres in
Make up your mind that you will Blaine, all stocked and making money.
do what you have to do the very best This money-making ranch can be
you know how. There is very little bought for $6,500; time on part of it.
work that is really dltllcult.
Hut nil
good work is painstaking. If you put 1 Sixty-two acres of as gool land as
your whole soul into your work, you you would like to see, near the Little
will learn to enjoy It, and you will Xestucca river, $12,000. Terms.
become constantly better and more
Fifty acres near the village of Clover-
worth while.
dale, $5,000; small amount down bal­
ance to suit. No buddings on this
Cupid Makes Early Call.
An American professor who has
Two hundred and fifty-eight acres of I t
spent Ids life Investigating and has
collected the evidence of 1,703 young the good land near Oretown at $17,000.
people, declares that both sexes start This ranch supports 40 head of stock
being wounded by Cupid's darts at the and has some good timber on it.
age of three and that a woman's love
Residence property in Cloverdale Ht
reaches maturity at twenty-two and a
bearing income at right, prices.
man's at twenty-four.
Detailed description of any of the • «
upon application.
Velvet was developed and originated
from fur In t'hlna
Thence velvet-
making was Introduced into India, and
In the fourteenth century into Italy,
where that sort of fabric especially
appealed, and where the art of velvet­
making reached its height.
RplHhlpDrnaqist, Tillamook, Ore.
Notary Public
Cloverdale, Ore.j
Our large stock i* in every instance the best that can he had
and our aim will b»* to keep the high standard up
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardwa
Stoves. Ihmi’es, Farm and
(inrdon Tools
A n d e v e r y th in g u su ally kept in a tirs!-c n-- h arilw ari
nil goods ire of til*’ best q ua l it y .
r* . •• i d
Alex McNair & Go., wi—wit,or«. k