Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, March 28, 1918, Image 3

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.Tt Is easier to sot married in i>£»t-
land than in England.
French women nre making haratss
&nd saddles for tlie army.
Administering the draft law
the United States ?S,CG0,4S0.
The National Woman’s army holds
regular drills in New York city.
Over 7,000,000 women in the United
States have signed food pledge cards.
The value o f otters is fully recog­
nized by the Chinese, who train them
to fish.
The Lutheran church in America has
nearly 10,000 pastors, 16,000 dWWlWA
and 2,500,000 members.
A book ngent entered a Kansas
school and. after inducing the young
woman teacher to dismiss the class,
persuaded her to buy $27.50 v>orth of
Australia failed to put conscription
Into effect, but it has ordered a tax
of 10 per cent to be placed on the
taxable incomes of all unenllsted men
who are eligible for service.
The most primitive mammals, the
monotremes, are confined to Austra­
lia. There Is the platypus, n strung«
beast which lays eggs like a turtle,
has *hof"hy pads for teeth and a bill
like the duck; Its front feet are
webbed and both back and front feet
have claws.
tlon a clear understanding o f its good about tlie docks, and when their
and bad qualities, its weakness and i.s nephew, with pardonable, led
them round to where the great auxil­
iary cruiser lay they gazed with aw#
War is r.n amazing proof o f the pow­ upon the gigantic vessel.
er of mental forces. Under its influ­
The old man took a few steps nearer
ence fear of death und all personal in­ to tlie quay side, and. perceiving an
terests vanish.
open jiorthole on a level with his eyes,
peered into the interior of tlie hull.
lusher preparations Germany to»-k “ M artha! Martha !” he whispered, ex­
everything into account but the Influ­ citedly, to tlie old lady, “ look here,
ence of her mental forces, which have lass, whnt dost think? The blamed
been strong enough to rouse the wor.d tiling's holler!”
against her.
An Impression of Uselessness,
A nation becomes powerful Insofar
“ Some day,” said the man who con­
as it possesses an ideal that is capable verses much on exploration, “ we shall
of exciting in all its people the same discover the nortli pole and give a new
feelings and thoughts und consequent­ continent to the world."
ly the same actions.
" I hope not I” exclaimed Miss Cay­
War. though appearing to be materi­
“ Why?”
al is in reality a conflict o f ideas. Amer­
" I am a member of the Society to
ica's entry has made the present con­ Pre vent Useless Giving.”
flict a crusade against autocracy.— Gus­
tave Le Bon in Les Annates (Paris).
One good thing about the polar
night is, there’s a chance o f lin-
lshing a chess game during the
In the stone age, butterfly col-
lectors went after a butterfly
with a wagonload of bowlders
drawn by n dinosaur.
Learned Theorist— What do you
think o f tlds study o f the language of
the simians?
Plain Citizen— l think it Is r.11 mon­
key business.
Truth is the conformity or expres­
sion to thought. The expression of
truth is simplicity.
Thrift that does not take into part­
nership honesty of character develops
into covetousness and HTnrlce.
He who has thought, feeling, expres­
sion, imagination, action, character and
continuity, ail in the largest amount
and highest degree. Is the greateat
“ George, give me that horrid cigar­
ette at once."
“ I’ll buy you a package of ladies’
size if you're so crazy over them.”
C encroLS.
The who tlii.i- !'.«■ knows It n'.l
Is generous. > ou’li agree
II* w: it* ma il In .
To be ss wire as be.
“ Ever sc«- a inermiill. IVte?"
“ Yiins."
"What did site !rok like?"
"O h! I d'mi- rather like ii lady cut
deeollety. with n bobble shirt around
her pro|M*lb'r.”
As a Rule.
.• ••xt aid smalt.
A “ Ilttb friendly nil*, ice”
Is very setibnn til.
It is » p'
Punctual A t“- 1 .’ :nr*.
“ Why don't you j ,i !•> - i 1
"I b ■n r<> -h. i >! rvtty
merth.” repib -1 the rrigi
i “ Ymir fitteliu'i1 hn
“ WcM. 1 i.inr tiy libiu't g1 men employ
When say'nc »omet hints to annoy.
S ir O liv e r L o d g e ’ s Faith.
“ I W ill not Iw lb v e that It Is given
to man t l h a ve tln eiglits higher rn d
n obler than the m i l truth >( things.”
r c c c s * - i ; -*l « 4* : r »!
Ills Best Friend EenS.KIm
a pouch ol
Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug
You *«vi” fce Bending your friend more to­
bacco comiort and satisfaction in a pouch of
Real Gravely Plug than in & half a dozen
pluga of ordinary tobacco, Rea! Gravely ia
worth sending a long way. It u condensed
G ive a ry man it rS ew o f Real Gravely Plug, ami he
will tell you t / o i’i l l . e kind to tend. Send the beat!
Ordinary plug it fitlee economy. Itcnela leta per week
to chew Reel G ravely, becaute a tmall chew of it latte
a long while.
If you amoks a pipe, elite Gravely with your knife
and add a little to your enrolling tobacco. It w ill givo
fla vo r—improve your emoke.
Ninety-nine women in n hun-
dred are naturally generous.
Where one woman will keep ¿»
secret, ninety-nine will give it
SF.VD Y O U ! r O I P i D IN THE U. » . SERVIC E
• II 4mm i h,re carry it in 10«.*. A 3«. ftrmn
it into hitnuu! in -ny Tnm m f t.m p or Seaport of tnr IJ.J.
"or*- lf«r o " * 3c. ataisp will t-ilt« it to inm. Your lioalrr
kiv* jo u w iitu l i raclaoaa how to addrr a I.
Military force is redoubtable.
tal forces alone are Invincible.
Comforting Assurance.
“ Do you dislike to have a man go
to sleep when you are talking?"
“ I don't mind,” replied Senator Sor­
ghum. “ At least it assures me that
nothing I'm saying Is giving him uny
particular offense."
The best description o f a tank
2 Is. it’s a wobbling thingamjlg, full
• of whutchamacnll-’ems and tiny
2 blaze away like blazes.
Counting Every Cent.
"Now that we're married we won't
have to write any more letters,” said
the young man.
“ Yes." replied tin* young womnn.
“Think of what a lot we saved by
finishing our correspondence before n
letter required a throe-cent stamp."
A great advantage of riches Is that
they enable one to esenpe so much
good advice. The rich are always ad­
A new trade and industrial develop­ vising the poor, but the poor seldom
ment of interest in the Canton district venture to return the compliment.
hns resulted from the growing demand
Let us beware lest the dethronement
for wolframite ore. and the recent dis­
covery that this mineral is to be found o f custom to place for right
In marketable quantities in Kwang- should displace along with it the priu
tung province.
The demand comes ciple of reverence, which bestows a
chiefly front America, and as soon as discipline which is Inclinable in the
the ore was known to exist here Airier- formation o f character.
lean merchants Immediately set about
its exploitation.
Farmer Wurzel and his wife, Mar­
tha, were (toying u visit to their
nephew, a gitll: n* i n uibvr of the navy.
It was their hr»-i \M! to ilit great sea­
port. where tlie *b ; of which their
nephew formed dti. *>f the crew hap­
Hardware dealers ro[x>rt calls
pened opportune !i ¡o lit :n dock. They
J for left-handed nails are getting
were both vastly ioinrt ~sed ,with the
• scarce.
novel sights they »aw round and
Would you say a man is “ over
• head and ears in debt.” when the
2 derby he hns on. Is not paid fo ri
incut I left as soon as the boll rang
for school to take in again."
P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO <T‘':pt\Y. DMvfUe, Va.
The Poach
if F’ r h end Geer* and Geo- 1
—It ■ M t heal Gravely jiiihomt tklj Protection Seal
After the day'g frima, a n tl and « them mt
Meal Gravely
Tim it valid tabacca comfort;
md to think- S u verni it, teal
F a ta h ] ¡s h e d 1A 3 1
War Is one thing that gives to a na-