Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, February 07, 1918, Image 2

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AI f o n i
M onda;.
.« Tilluuiix'k
Girl wanted for light house
Esquire ttii» office.
J. 1). l'earson, öl
Cloverdale Saturday.
Creek, (or the past 15 Near-, was found
in dead
by bis neighbors in bis cabin
| last
Sa turnin'- morning.
II is age
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Rock, of Oretown, was H7 years.
Mis two sons and two
were in Cloverdule Tin sdav.
daighters with a nephew arrived in
Joseph titeiniiiassl, oi liolpb, was a Cloverdale Monday to ta k e «barge o f
tho remains. But very little is known
v a.tor in Cloverdule today.
of Mr Kingston here aside from bis
(jeo. Body felt, of Beaver, was a husi- near neighbors, who apeak in highest
nce* visitor in Cloverdule todnv.
terms of the deceased gentleman.
Mr Kingston came to the Nestucca
Jol'ii Ilobate und I d (¡liiert, ot
Valley from Amity at which place be
Riaver. visit««] Cloverdale Tuv-da:
held his ineiu lership in the Masonic
Mrs, f hearer ii entertaining bet father
Lodge, and was also a Chapter member
Mr. B o « r t MvClnnahau, of Portland,
of the McMinnville Lodge, Ii, A. M.
tiiis week.
| lie was buried today «Thursday) in
A baby boy arrived at the home
Orvtowu cemetery. Lev Montgomery
Mi and Mr*. John Bklgo «d Frida« of preaching the funeral sermon, and
last we k.
Cloverdale lodge, A. F. A A. M , con­
¿It and Mrs. Elbert Worthington <1 ferring the ritualistic funeral services.
Eugene, aie the proud patents oí a baby
girl, bi in February 2.
Buy your Dry Goods here and get
your money’s worth and more
Fottnd Dead in His Cabin.
Paul Kingston, who lias been a r«!si-
woik. «lent living alone on bis ranch in Slab
Good tor Cloverdale.
The Miama herd of Holstein cattle te-
High's Drug Store
Cloverdale, Oregon
Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Inc.
Ina in Bauer, m ite ho t i t tte hotel
^ longing to F. K. Beals is now located ’ I
Neskowiu, » i» shaking bauds with
w 1 .i»• 11
Cloverdale friends Tueshav.
we should all feel proud. It you re-
Mr. Antrim is having an addition
built to bis bungalow. Arthur Coffey *"i‘mber this is the herd that captured
is doing the carpenter work.
; the blue ribbon at our county f a r last
August. \V. B. Honey is in charge of | Lu»t Sunday Dan Miller's little l*ov,
John Lockwood returned home Satur­
the herd and be, too, sure feels proud Harold, was playing with a stick held ^
day evening from Corvallis, at which
to be located here. He is a long ex ­
place he has been for lb*' past four wei ke
perienced man and probably draws us in his month, and falling forward on j
taking a cot rae in cheese making
1 1 rye a salary as anyone in the county the same jammed it severely into his i SR
A cow-testing association was organ- ' in that business,
throat. He w as taken to the Clover- j J R
ired lust I riduv in Cloverdale with A. O. | The herd above mentioned is the dale hospital where several stitches |
lackson as secretary ami ( has. Me- largest herd of registered cattle in the were taker, to close the wound. He |
Killipp. J. L. (jay and M. F. Bava a* an countv.
•j« eins to i>e getting along nicely.
dentivi* 1 onrd.
There will be some improvements
Mr. Lindsey*, recently from the east,
made on the farm ibis spring.
Bert Folk and Henry Roger* are mnv
has charge of the Beals ranches at Pa­
in thè «Hit buying rcgistiwed llulstiin
cific City, taking the place formerly
Bids Wanted.
eattle for tbeir lierds. H is saiil tliev
filled by Mr. Fisher.
Bids w ill lie received up to and incluil-
are trj ing to get thè beat stock that
It is said that boilers are going »P- i
Ohio produce» and we bope tbey sue- Fehruury Hi. BUS, by the Central
Creainerv fur hauling cheese to Tilla­ If you have any doubts about it visit the
mook and supplies !>a«-k. Viklre»» M. N. Pacific Citv mill.
The I ouvre restaurant in the new H,iyii Cloverdule, Oregon,
Mrs. Willie Fisher returned home
('lough building, Tillamook is »riving
Tuesday, from Portland, where she had 1
meals up to H o'clock p. in. and loin In »
And He Got It.
been »pending some time at the Medical i ® .
to 1 a. in. The Louvre is eonvenientlv
Suitor (m im in g sister)— I ’ ll give you
Hospital. She »«greatly improve«] since
located and gives \ou the last service
Jimmy -(Vrtalnly not ! If it'» worth |
at the right priei s.
a dime to get rid of me It's worth , Mr. p eur], \Voo<ls postmaster, is
Nest Sunday at 11 a in. U. V. Blab»« k a quarter to »*•«• what you’re going to j |itt)e on the iU.k ii>t the8e days,
will preach bis farewell sermon at the do.
Mr. Beals is bringing in another I;
Cloverdale Baptist chinch. li< \ Bla-
donkey engine to increase his output !
liwk iuteinls moving to Southern Culif-
of logs at Pacific City. There is also
ormia the latter purt of this month to
several thousand feet of new cable f o r i 1
see if the change of climate will be of
Food saving is in its essence the
benefit to bis wife’ s bcultli.
the machine.
d a lly ind ividu al service of all the
Ther«' not li. mg a quorum present at
tb«' in« 1 1 ng of the Cloverdule F< «lira
Loan H<*urd last Saturday no uieeting
was held
A speCl.ll meeting is e.illed
for Fric.iv, Felnuary 8, and all inendwr»
are urgeil to Be present a- I'lisili« »» of
Importeiu e is I k fore the b« aid for atten­
Rov F»t «brook, a foriner Clovirdule
citlic i is ill town this week 'ix.tilie Ill»
mud , 1 liar. Bav. Kov and bis father,
Barn' V Fstubrook, have l*ecn at l’ lince
Hup« rt H C., for the past v«'ur. where
they .«r«' engaged in the tishing bnsine»«
He suvs thev have seveJal tons of fro*."ii
siliuon ready for the market. Kov re
giatered from Cl"V«‘rda!e and is here to
take the tiled cal c w u i u a t on required
by bis <|Ueationnaire.
Ch \erdale Rcl>« kah I "« ge will give n
da ee in the Cloverdale bah W«'«ln s I iv
evening, 1« bruary 1:1, for the den« lit o f
the Red Cross. 1b hall 1 » « ntnl'itr.l
gratis, uIs • tde mtlsie and the p«n'«*l»
of the dance w il U- turned n\<t tot!.«*
).e*l (rosa soentv
Coffee and sand
witch«» will he ser\«*«l
1 vcryl*»ly in
Vde,! to id!«t d.
A new fold «-1 map of Or , a h .» ■ • st
Been »»«led tv the Son. turn I'.citlc
lin*S This map will l-e of arfvi«*e »•»
I *-al people in gaining .« i* M« r kimwl-
istg*- *>f the state, D d Is * dll * et 11 «■ a t-
t'-Dtmn «•( ree'-'ents •■( **t?.« r «t.*t« » i
the r* »* oieva of ()ntg >n. On tto' l>.»* k
c>( the map is a brief I ut <ju !*• e«in| tete
ex|H*anioD of Oreg«>n'« r«'i"ur, •« (\>p« s
can l*e«lt.nned Irv'in any '«.ulbern Pa-
«• ttie r« nr« ■ *'iit it iv«-.
"t :,« C
E ve ry qroup can substi­
tute and even the g rea t m a jo r i t y
of t h r i f t y people can save a lit t le
__and the more luxurlo u; elements
of th e population can. by reduc­
tion to simple livin g, save much.
T h is means no more th an t h a t we
should eat plenty, but w is ely and
w it h o u t waste.
Food Will Win thè
iJkltdK. part «>f the
w«irf«i Is e«>uutig to
thè poaltUm that
ltelglum is In ; onm-
tug t» the stage
where the pri­
mary ami im­
portant thing
In l i f e l a
enough f o o <1
to k«*ep alive
Food has now
taken a domi­
nant position in the war
American | «»*plc must prepare
themselves to sacrifice far nn*re
than was at tlrst thought n«'«.es­
sa ry
The cold facts are: France,
Italy and Bugiami have just
enough fix'd to keep them going
t«'ii or twelve w««eks.
kni«*i-b a » f«'«*'l shlpni««nfa stoji—
th«« nll'«"l nath'i's begin consum­
ing Hit«» th « slender »t««re and
l««>gtn a swift march Into a< tttal
famine eoinlitions whi h would
mean defeat in slmrt nr«l««r.
Europe then must live «>n
Ati . rl. . s surplus
l "tir saving
increns.-s ««nr avallnhle stiwka
Just that mu< h an«l actually f«‘t*«!s
»««me i*er>««n In the countries with
whuh we are associateli In ««ur
war against the ('entrai Power*.
Our surplus wheat ha* already
been shipped to the all!« *.
erd • («rauge ’ » t • nei* or-
grtr.iiatu i. that will do thè r Bit for t h è 1
i .td iT * » »
Th> y Bave prepan «! a pr
. riun (k it « i I I r I h *II i i t « t * »t tw and
entertaining and thu* pr grani thvy «re
H'i’ v t*> g'.ve* r. Washi
« I rtf* b»\
Febrnar; 22 inth* v., Tld*enter­
tainment a ili B* free * «all, an«l .»Il «re
Invit* «I to I e |ie»ent, *<> * ■ n t faìl t >
attriti. I uring thaevening thè bili«»
t» Il »t*> li g i* little rui pria«* «*n III* •«• a Ini |
a f . tlieir gn«»t» and Ihi« I ìm ’ * »nrpri-e
R e a l F f l M e r H a « Plktch.
i* g**ing t<» <**at ea« !i i*rr»**»it In* Bit. »
A:u . ownnl «un t'gtit ¡< battle wh«-ti
it aill !*•• quite neceaaarv thi«t ei»*'h . d«*'s »'¡: > of w mong hill i* tMk««s a
come pret>are«1 t«> «I * hi» or h» r Bit f• • r . qi « *«.« t ■ i i ii x ti« t'g!.' wb«n be it
Iv-'.ng (¡«orge BU««t.
th« Red Ci*.**»
It will p \v von next Sunday morning f*jG
to hear l>r. Montgomerys’ paper on the | Qtj
•Jnd work of giace. There will he both
morning and evening service at the
chapel, all are cordially invited. A new
feature has been added to the evening
meeting, immediately following the Bible
studv there will Be a special program
tor each evening.
Auction Sale.
Friday, February Iff. at 1 p. m., I will
s« ll at public auction to the highest
Four head milk cows, coming fr«>sh
this sprio.
Two work horses, one coming t » v
vear-old fillev,
One coming yearling heifer,
On«« coming two-year-old beifer,
Fourle« n K. I. Re«l chickens,
l'wo milk cans and some apples ami
and vegetal»)ec.
Place— At inv home five miles above
K. Y. Blal«x.'k,
Opportuaity lor Man or Woman to E>rn
Extra Money.
I larg«' Kasfern Puhlisbing house has
pp rtuiutv f««r man or woman that can
1» made vor> protitale. Can )>e handled
in «pare time
N «investment, n«voutfit
t « l«uv, ev« r\thing furnishevl fr««e. W»r
make» ,ipp rtunity doublv valuable for
\«llr«»». Manager, 1*"X 1159
Boston Mu«s.
Uncalled for Letters.
The foil« wing letters remain un-
i ' .im. 1 at the Ohiberdale poatoffic*
January tl, 1918:
Mr. Mike Krebs,
M.s« Rachael Hog*re,
l'x«rt P«*ul«nn,
Myrtle II* r.
O u r M o t t o I s:
What tve haven’t got in automobile accessories we will
get. We are now remodeling the shop and equipping it for
better service. We are going to give the best workmanship
obtainable under present conditions. Wurk that is not sat­
isfactory to our patrons, tell us, and we will make it right
and if satisfactory tell others. We are now open for your
business. We also do other odd jobs, in any line. We have
one price which is standard throughout the state— will bid
on and contract your jobs.
We o r e a t y o u r s e r v i c e 24 h o u r s a da y.
VV. R . b E T S O N , M jk r.
Quality Counts
iir l i n line
n o f of M Merchandise,
n r n l . a n i l toi» K hut
i i f n / none
In n w ever
more especially than in
Our large stock is in every instance the best that can be h ad
and our aim will l»e to keep the high standard up.
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
Stoves, Ranges, Farm and
Garden Tools
And everything usually kept in a first-class hard ware store, and
all goods are of the best quality.
Alex McNair & Co.,
In calling f «r the xhov«« please #a>
"a«lv« rlisvsl."
Mat eile Foater, T. M.
Monev to bain—The I’acitic Building
stul loan Asssxiation ha« an agent
Bid« Wanted
here Enquire at the othge of Ta' lor
The t’lover.lale t'lwcsc fo ., will re. Heal Fatale Agency.
, reive hi I« up to an«! including Friday,
“ SL R V IG L "
Halters Wanted
v 1918. for the hauling of
Would like to huv several heifer* that
f c ' i 1«
r >iu it» factor; to Tillamook, hate been Bred. If tou have one or
| Ms«« f««r boxes delivered to the ( half doten phone me.
fa« rv at t ' ; 'frítale.
H. F. Hornsrhuch,
J R. Ix'wrance, Secretary.
Coatte Rock Ranch
I wish to announce that I have recent-
)v taken over the fire insurance business
of the late Mr. J. S. Stephens and am
prepared to give prompt attention to
all in»urance matters.
W. A f i l l F.TH
TUlatnook, Oregon.