Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, January 31, 1918, Image 3

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Published Every Thursday
Frank Taylor, Edilor and Publisher.
“ Enthral assecond-class matter. N v-
ernber l:!th, l'J05 at the postoffice atClo-
venlale, Tillamook County, O rison, un­
der A ct of Cougress, March 3rd, 1878.
Brief Items of Interest from Various Towns in
W ar demands are putting new life paved road. Leading up to this the
into the lumber and logging industries com mission will probably award con­
in Benton county.
tracts at its next meeting for grad
S u bscription R avss
C. F. Williams, o f Salem, has been iug ami macadamizing a road between j
One Year, in advance .....................$LOC
Six Months .................
■ .50 elected president of the Oregon State the Morrow-Umatilla county line and
Three Months .........................................Poultry association.
Echo, and for grading and mnead
Single C op y............. ............................ U'’
Oregon's Thrift campaign Is gaining amizing a continuation of the read
< ground. Sales of war savings stamps from Echo to Pendleton.
A dvkutisino R ates
‘ have reached $813,734.
P *:' r Bf< s., the railroad ren- v .,
Displayed Advertisements, t>0 cents p- ’
The totaj payroll disbursements to
meh per month, single column. All
. ,
tiou contractors, a r ' making prepnra
lo c a l Reading Notices, it) vents per ‘ he two big sawmills at Bend for the
tiers to open six camps in the sprue*
line for each insertion.
year 1917 were $1,387,000.
Timber land notices
Assisted by Baker school teachers. I eit in the western part of Ciatsoi
Homestead notices
20 of Faker's prominent business men
Political Announcement Cards
, .
___________________________________ ____ have formed a knitting class.
The first step toward the bulk hand
Tw o home guard companies were
J ob D kcaiitment
organized In Marshfield, one by the ling of wheat in Union county was
My Job Department is complete in ever'
made last week, when the farmers ol
respect and I am able to do all kinds Moose lodge and the other by the Elks
Imbier organized the Imbler LTnio.
Commercial Job Printing on shori j lodge,
notice at reasonable Drives.
Roy Campbell. 16. was shot and Elevator company and instructed tin
killed by his companion, Roy Norris, board of directors to proceed at onct
near Mount Scott, 25 miles east of with the erection of a 100,000 bushe
T H U R SD A Y . JA N U A R Y 31 1913.
Representative Hawley 19 uruitij
Secretary o f State Olcott has issued
Appeal to the People oi Oreyon.
Oregon lias responded royally to Pres­ a formal announcement of his candi­ the reservation by the government cl
ident W ilson’ s appeals for the Red Cross dacy for the republican nezuination for a small tract o f land, now embrace*
in a Northern Pacific selection, which
and the Army Y. M ' C. A. He new ask.- the governorship.
Special investigation of capacity of embraces the intake for the watei
us to supply generous aid for the ielie!
all shipyards in the Portland district j supply c: Oregon
in order tl;..
of tho sufferers in Asia Minor.
For three years the Armenians and will be made at once upon orders the water supply may be permaa ¡1;
Syrian-1 have passed through untold suf- from Vice Chairman Picz.
Three of tlic 483 accidents reported
The ^hip-knee industry is rapidly as­
f> rings in massacre, deporiatsuii tn.d
starvation. The < nlv agency thut has- suming big proportions in Clackamas to the state industrial accident com
been able to help the suffering survive s county. The Molalla country also has mission during the w ok endin r Ian
uary 24 were fatal. They were: A1
is the American people. American re­ become a big ship-knee center.
The Sun Dial ranch, north of Haggelund, of S ■ensor.. and L. Bios ch
lief money distriduted by Amor'c n
still remaining on the Held has peen the Troutdale, Is shipping turnips by Knappa, killed la logging opera lions
the carload to the W ittenberg King and D. A. Baeicli, Dee, killed in 1 ,rn
means of keeping thousands alive.
Reports of American diplomrtic and •company at The Dalles, to be evap­ boring operations
Plans are being developed at the
consular agents and other American re­ orated.
Efforts to locate Miss Mignon Swan­ headquarters of the Santiam national
sidents who have recently returhed from
W estern Asia indicate that two and one son, a young woman who was teaching forest to restock a burned-over area
halt million survivors, m stly women i school near Halsey, and who disap- j on Battleax mountain this year Thi
and children of whom 400,000 are or­ pedred mysteriously a few' day3 ago. tract is located about 10 miles north
o f Detroit. It is expected that 225.00'
phans, are on the verge oi death by strr- have been unsuccessful.
Cattle thieves have been operating in young Douglas fir trees will be re­
va'ion unless they receive immediate
held. Exiled from home, robbed of theii Lane county on a wholesale scale, ac­ quired for the work.
With five counties still missing, and
possessions, wanhering in a desolate cording to Sheritr Farker. who will
land, their oniy hope for the 1 a est offer a reward of $500 for Information no apparent indication o f thc-ir bein
leading to the arrest and conviction of received, the school census for 1917
necessities of life is in American charity
shows a total c f L 4.10*4. The total
In view of the fact that government the rustlers.
Attorney-General Brown has pre­ for 1916 was 203,417. Giving to the
aid is impossible and that Americai
generosity is the only means of keeping pared ballot title for an initiative peti­ five missing counties the sajne census
these starving people alive, I appeal to tion filed by E. L. Walters, of Oregon as the last one available, the total for
the sympathy of the people of Oreg-ui u City, which proposes to prohibit all ■this year would be 203.419.
That drainage development in Ore
contribute generously through the Ore trap, seine or fish wheel fishing in all
gon is well under way and is to nuke
gon Commitee for Armenian and Syriai the rivers of the state.
Alfalfa produced $105 r ° r acre on gr at «:.■ i s 1 1 • . • • . - > .ir is . \
Relief. Ten Seliiug, Treasurer Portlan 1
the Umatilla project in 1917, according - dent from the r "5 se i t , . e gather
Janies W ith w on ibe, Governor. to figures collected by the United ing and lively interest sti- ".n as well
Ratev reclamation servie-' officials. as the constructive program outlined
The maximum yield was sevi u tons at the annual meeting of the State
British Flying Corps Writs Flyers
and the average price was $15 per Drainage association at Corvallis
British Subjects resident in the Unit- ton.
Negotiations were closed Saturday
ed States who up to the present have
The tPrm3 of the district attorneys ‘for the sale ot approximately 7000
not had an opportunity of getting u of Deschutes, W heeler and Clatsop acr°s of timb*r in Columbia county by
commission in some branch of the L’r.t counties expire at the end ct this year ¡i>o Fir Tree Timber company to tin
ish Armv can now have a chance to gti and their successors are to be elected Clark & Wilson 'Lumber company Tli-
a commission in the Royal Living U'-rp In November, according to an opinion ,.raet is said to. cruise approximately
according to information received a! given Secretary Olcott my Yttornoy- 40Y,nv>o,OOn '-card measur-’ . largely jbl
the British ami Canadian Recruiting General Brown.
tiiubcr, and the money consideration
Office, Third and Oak Streets. Portland.
In a special effort, to com bat the is upward o f $1,600,003.
Applicants must he between the ages spread of blight. Jackson »dainty ! A fter a little more than on h ir of
of 18 and 30, an 1 lie possessed of a .....
Pathologist C. C. Cate ha3 established deliberation the jury in th‘> cir- . t
Students, Bankers, Auto a class for Instructing girls ami court at Pendleton brought in a verdjet
Sales Managers, Technical Engineers, women in the Rogue river valley in c f not guilty for Cora Colwell and Law
and Clerks are the class of men must the art of cutting out this dread rence Colwell, jointly charged with
the murder last May c f James K
desired. The pay ranges from $1.10 L fruit tree disease.
$1.60 while in training, and when com
The Smjingfield flourirfg m ill; owned Short, an aged rancher c f northern
Umatilla county,
flie boy admitted
m isdoned as a Second Lieutenant tin by th° Eugene Mill & Elevator com
pav is $> 00 per day.
panv, started its machinery last work the shooting, but. pleaded self-defense
Secretary Lane has formally notified
As this popular branch of the servict having
is not likely to remain open very long months, during which it!was thorbueh •members of the Oregon delegation tha
intending applicants are urged to c m ly overhauled and put in thorough up- j he cannot approve the Malheur ir; iza
munioate with the British and Canad
tu n projects in eastern Oregon, sn
te-date shape inside.
ian Recruiting Office, as soon as pos- ■ A chronology o f election dates as there are no fund.s available. If con
i applying to the primary and general gress will make available a further
| elections com ing up in the state this lump sum tor building new projects,
| year, has jus» been com piled by Sertre- the secretary promised that the Mat
i fary of State Olcott agid will be pub­ lieyr pr jf ct w ill l ainikt
Leland B. Erwin
lished for distribution within a short) adopted.
Lumber ord“ T3 placid In O '- ? " '
! time to those lnt«re^»d.
{ p ia n o in s t r u c t io n
In a written opinion given to Ad. i with mills at Portland. Rain!- r, Tilla
monk. Silverton and Daila.3 a p p r t l
tant General Williams. Attorney Gen
Diploma from the Chicago
eral Drown advises that th<- < <v i 4( mating lO.OOU.OUO fr ,t and vh: li
Musical College
Marshfield's title to the block off -r ’ said to Lc only “ a art r," wid ¡ '
Will lie in Cloverdale on Thurs­
as a site for a new armory is not ‘ leading role ;n th" cons —uc*ion of th
day of each week.
clear H" suggests that a suM. shorn 1 j Hog Island shipbuilding p r e r c t .
Those desiring to take les­
j Philadelphia, which ia to be th- largi at
be instituted to clear the title.
sons please engage a le—*i-n period
Migratory birds have Increased 59 plant o f the kind In the world and
now . Leave wor i at the Cloverdale
per c “ nt as a result of Hie new federal Vvill employ 40,000 men.
or write me at Tillamook.
laws which now cover not only the * ' Anticipating apparently that legis­
Terms SJ.00 Per Lesson.
United States but t'anada. according lation will be enacted t y congress
the utilizing of water sites
to a statement made by District Tn-
fcat have been withdrawn by the gev-
— j specter Gattron. 'ch o has charge of th"
< irmivenf. H. S. M< Gowan. o f the state
» « # « • « • « fir
of O r -.
\\V . . .
• f I Washington,
1 dfllllll ÄIWII, has filed two applica-
for the : agjpropriation c f water
Organization for Oregon s part in
One calls
the Descl bates river
• the third Liberty Loan campaign is f
An adv Gisement th s
: 1
• committee com posed of Edv,i"*l > ck WaaPO U d 8h"rman ccuntie-
size in the Cloverdale
Courier at o n lr 35c the
Z ingham. chairman. J r .^la^
in Jefferson county. The esii-
D oa’ t let the
! flth. William A. MaeRae A L. M ils, ta i! \
’ and for the last named
do<>r hinge* of vour busi­
ness place get rtietv for
Emery Olmatead, E. B Piper and Na
than Strauss.
! . T h a t! hundreds of tho isanda of dot
the want of a little adver­
Within two years from now, high- ¡art
rth of the beat land In the
way commission officials predict, tt M c K e a n • river valley from Thurston
will be possible for a man to r i l e to Cogs«» 11« hril is m enac'd by the
between Salem and W alla W ai’.a Mi K<-nz;A river, and that unless imroe
Waahina*on. without gen in g , off o f a dla*"
1 is ’ ak- r It w id tv
iv i n
f i l l
L v‘
► '• •*■>. - •
U * '? I VTT-.
fc . :v . : . >., ¿U, ,.-.-*,
. av .
H e who wastes
a cru st c f bread
preloads the war
• * r
. '«•
s S f c T : ‘i
[E:|\ye i
¡•er' ' ' d-
h a s t e n e d r j s s ia n c o l l a p s e
The 1917 vrlient crop in France waa
“ We m it not overlook the fact Hint
less than half normal, using llio crop !'.
hi cidlaj’.sed, not because o f the
o f 1913 an a basis o f comparison. g e
. i n In r borders, hut because
There was a ali<>r;a e o f 17(5,000,1 MX) '.she tailed to organize and feed her
bushels, or 53.3 ji'T cent. The potato
>« - • i.'.i'i hip," the food administra­
crop was only wiihln ono-thlrd of nor­ tion announced
mal. The sugar beet crop showed u
"W in . a. lie warned that if we are to
deficit o f 97.9 per cent.
Her meat I “ incur vb irious from Hilft war we can­
herds In the curly full showed a short­ not rl.-k tl • collapse o f another o f our
age <if 1,8(H),OOO animals.
• - aies in tills war from this muse.
Th se are at r. w o f u e k u o d i
“ Anybody that Is looking for ¡lie col­
America'' most feed lmr associates In
ui the German people on the food
llio war. They are no longer able to
on had heller turn around and
feed themselves, and unh-ss we come b , ; u the munti, because Hin results
to the rescue are face to face with
• .11 be the same. Germany Is In no
«'arvatlon. And starvation means de­ I..ore danger o f collapsing on that
feat in the war.
•core than we arc, If as much.'’
iway, is the statement made by C. R.
3oitz, forest supervisor of the Cas­
cade forest, who made an examina­
tion of the situation at '.he request of
» number of the farmers. Already the
river has washed away a number of
good buildings, and Is within 10 f'-et
if one of the best barns in the valley.
"Oregon farmers must turn to the
jullt method of ban
-*raln,' said
T. C. Hawkins, of tli<- United F :a'es
lepartnicnt of agriculture, co o p e ra t­
ing with the Oregon Agricultural col­
lege, who In company with a ro work-
B. Ol lham. i» speilding two
veeka In and near Heppner. “ The“
rnment has com-
United States
0 sacks for army
atandt -ed 69,
nMnu d Mr Hawklr.:.
Bt year there were ah ipped Into
this country from Calcutta only 9,-
990,600 sacks.
I predict that grain
bags will be selling for 25 cents a
piece and I doubt it they can be had
i: that price on account of the short
ipe.1' Mr. Hawkins advlaea every farn»-
r to hold on to ill su ks Um has
wh> ther #:rst or second hand, and sh.p
,ut ail hia grain in bulk.
A u. ntle Hint.
• diii.r Hu• little w aves;
they're so iiii>» Hoilllte.
G cor.c■- Af.’t Ii.male?”
M h I. c I Yi : H:-y'n- always kleslng
the sand.
Useless Trouble.
“ Why don't you chm i that dirty
u -ck r’
‘ Th-g pardon, sir. but I understood
you to -my it miyht l>e swept t*y heavy
“ il
'• LE
v d yiu llki
to bs a fire nan?
Tlu>y has c snap!”
"kV s; but not fer mine. I sawr a
tl: lii.-in git
.iked wid water w-tinst.“
I ir .g i> the ruin o f Agricultural
us ind the life of manufacturing