Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, January 03, 1918, Image 3

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Published Every Thursday
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ E n te re d as second-class w a ite r , Nov­
ember 1,‘Hh, 1905 a t the post office at Clo-
verdale, Tillamook County, O reg o n , u n ­
der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878.
Brief Items of Interest from Various Towns in
H P. Edw ards, pioneer of 1854. died
in Eugene, aged 69 years.
S u b sc r iptio n R at '»
Charles W a lk e r Young, for 65 years
One Y e a r, in a d v a n c e ........... ......... .$1.00 a resident of Lane County, died in
Six M onths ..............................................oO
T hree M o n th s ............................................. 35 Eugene, aged 87 years.
T he annual convention of the O re­
Single C o p y ................................................. 05
gon Irrigation congress is being held
A d v e r t is in g R ates
in P ortland J a n u a r y 2-5, inclusive.
It is reported th a t the new highway
Displayed A dvertisem ents, 00 cents pci
inch per m onth, single colum n. All from C latskanie to Mist was consid­
lo c a l Reading Notices, 10 cents per erably dam aged by the re c e n t h e a v y
line for each insertion.
T im ber land notices
$10.00 rains. Feveral large slides occurred.
The re p o rt of the financial condition
Homestead notices
Political A nnouncem ent Cards
$10.00 cf Lincoln county ju st issued shows
that for the first tim e in m any y e a rs
J ob D epartm ent
the county is practically out of debt.
Upw ard of 1000 delegates from
My J o b D e p a rtm e n t is complete in every
respect and I am able to do all kinds towns of Oregon w ere in a tte n d a n c e
Commercial J o b P rin tin g on 6hort a t the ann u a l m eeting of the Oregon
notice at reasonable prices.
S ta te T e a c h e rs ’ association a t P o r t­
T H U R S D A Y . JA N U A R Y 3 1918.
Revised figures of the recent drive
for subscriptions to the w ar libraries
AN ABUSE THAT NEEDS CORRECTING. fund show’ th a t Oregon far exceeded its
Conservation is th e “ w atchw ord” but quota of $9000 and actually subscribed
we find in thi9, a * in other things, “ let $19,940.68.
Total farm products of Oregon for
the oth e r fellow do th e conserving.” We
1917 showed a value of $327,063,000
are urged to conserve by a host of people compared' w ith $325,865,000 in 1916.
who are not practicing conservation. This y e a r ’s value is the greatest know n
This makes it a harder pill to swallow. in the state
W hat reserves of food are being held
Every person should conserve as best
in local m a rk e ts will be determ ined by
they can. Not conserve only on food, b u t
the government tn a survey which will
on everything else, on am usem ent, on s ta rt immediately.
The “Inventory-’
pleasure, in fact on everything th a t will will be nation-wide.
A 15 per cent increase in fre 'g h t rates,
tend to m ake production greater and
on fuel wood, w as granted by
consum ation smaller.
the public service commission to the
The d e p a r tm e n t of the governm ent
Portland Railway, L ight & P ow er com
sending out bublieity letteis would do pany on all the in te ru rb a n lines.
well to conserve on the paper they nse
T he storm y w e a th e r for the p a st
as th e re is as great a shortage on paper two weeks, causing n um erous slides
as on other commodities. Tons and tons and w ashouts has resulted in a n a l­
most total absence of the usual crowd
of paper are wasted daily by affiliate
of m idw inter visitors a t Newport.
boards of the governm ent. Publicity
A sub sta n tia l grow-th in the m in t
m a tte r a ppropriate only for the city is producing in d u stry in Oregon d u rin g
transported hv mail to rural districts the past year wa® shown at the a nnua l
and we presum e m atters pertaining and meeting of the W illam ette Valley Mint
Growers’ association held at Albany.
of particular in te r ts t onlv to rural dis­
Multnomah and Clarke counties will
tricts find lodgm ent in the city homes. realize a net profit of more th a n $110,-
F ra nke d letters of little or no im p o r t­ 000 a year in receipts from the in te r­
ance are received a t the Cloverda’.e post state bridge, according to figures and
office and handed out to parties th a t are estim ates which have been compiled.
destroyed w ithout being looked a t.jT lb a
The a irc ra ft production board has
waste shoiild be stopped.
a d ’,¡¡sal S: n:itor McNnry tha t It is
And again th e re are num erous i n ­ strongly disposed to aw a rd contracts
dividual concerns not connected with for a irp la n e construction to properly
th e governm ent th a t are lavishly w ast­ equipped factories on the Pacific c^ast.
ing paper by mailing u n im p o r ta n t p u b ­
The Valley & S tle t: railw ay, which
licity letters to county newspapers, was to have commenced operations as
hoping possibly t h a t they m ay land in a common c a rrie r J a n u a r y 1 1918. had
the h a n d s of some publisher who will its line blocked by sevcral landslides
use a portion of t h t m a t least. These near Hoskins, dim to the heavy r e in 1-
letters are dangerous in th e mails by
T he Portland Railway, L ight & Pow­
reason tha t they are carried unsealed, er company has filed with the public
leaving a splendid place for sm aller first service commission its application for
class mail to creep in a n d be miscarried. an increase of rateB in the p essenger
To prove this we w ant to illustrate one fares on the in te ru rb a n lines cut of
circum stance th a t occurred recently in Portland.
our own county. A concern in New York
Gua C. Moser, p re sid e n t of th e Ore
mailed a letter to a n o th e r concern in the. gon sta te eenate, ha s made public a n ­
city on the same street a t a different nouncem ent of his candidacy for the
n u m b e r. Now this letter, accidently of republican nom ination for governor a t
ciurse, got in one of these open envel­ the coming p rim a ry election which
opes and « a s carried from New York will be held on May 17, 1918.
acros/i th e c o n tin e n t to Oregon and then
The N o rth w e ste rn Electric company
to C ljverdale and was found in one of has let c o n tra c ts ip Po rtla n d for th e
these open envelopes directed to ttie im m ediate c onstruction of an addi­
Nestucca Valley B ank. Of course, we do tional plant by which the com pany's
not know how im p o r ta n t this drop le t­ capacity for supplying electrical pow­
te r was to th e sender or the party to r e ­ er will be increased 50 per cent.
ceive it, but nevertheless it traveled an
The outlook for the lum ber industry
im m ense distance to reach not moie in th e lower Columbia river d istr ic t
th a n a few miles at least.
for the coming year is m o st e ncour­
Those open-envelope letters are con- aging and the indications a r e t h a t the
sideced so u n im p o rta n t th a t scarcely output of the plants will be greatly in
anyone ever stops to look a t th e m , and 1 excess of th a t of th e p r e s e n t year.
a n o th e r incident we wish to m ention is
The s e c re ta ry of th e in te rio r ha s
the fact th a t not long ago a letter of the w ithdraw n from e n try for pow er site
first class mailed to a party a t this place purposes 196 ac re s of public land on
a t this place was discovered by th e e d i­ th e Big Sandy rive r b elow th e mouth
tor of th e Courier just before being of the Salmon river. T h e land may
burned u p in one of these open a n - ' be used only for power developments.
W h e th e r or not th e Grange, F a r m ­
velopes where the letter had found a
e r s ’ Union and S ta te Federation of
resting place for m oie th a n 30 days.
One of the thing- th e government Labor shall unite in fostering the o r­
should do to increase its postal rates and ganization of the F a r m e r s ' Non P arti
protect its patrons against loss is to pro­ san League tn this sta*e will be decid­
h ib it any letter being mailed in open ed by those organizations w ithin the
envelopes and at a reduced rate of next month.
Until it receives definite information
Sealed envelopes with full rate of as to the plans of the governm ent In
postage would increase postal earnings handling *he railroads of the country,
and stop a flagrant abuse of postal the public service commission will
privilege as well as in ju r e to tnose who pursue its accustom ed course In all
pay full postage on first-class, a better | m a u e r s coming before It pertaining
to railroads.
a n d a m ore secure service.
For the first time in th e histo ry of
For Sale.
Hood River valley, vinegar and cider
Young team , 1,300 lbs, horses, harness m anufacturing plant» find it necessary
and wagon. E nquire J. E. Cochran. to Import cull apples from oth e r north
w estern distric ts in order to keep
presses ru n n in g and to fill th e ir
Monev to loan—The f ’acifie Building
and l o a n Association has an agent tanks throughout the w inter season
here. E nquire a t th e office of Tavlor
Suit to quiet title of 2 873.861 acres
Real E.-tate Agency.
of O r e g o n f a llf o r n ia g ra n t lands wan
filed in the federal court at Portland
by the governm ent against the South-
n e r Pacific company.
The govern­
ment, through the court, seeks to
quiet title to all lauds the company
sold prior to the forfeiture suit and to
compel It to account for money se­
cured by alleged illegal sales where
p urchasers bought more than 160
acres or paid more than $2.50 an a c r e
An appropriation of $500,000 will be
asked of c ongress by S e na tor McNary
to enable the government in co opera
tlon with th e city of Portland to im­
prove Columbia slouch from Sandy
river to the W illamette, in o rd e r to
provide a n outlet for sew erage and
T he Coos County Good Roads asso­
ciation a t a m eeting held in Ccquille,
decided to ask the suite highway com­
mission for the 26 miles of asphalted
concrete highwp.y 16 feet wide be­
tw een Coos Bay and Myrtle Point, the
sam e as prem ised by the com
Oregon-grown potatoes a re to be
graded and inspected officiaJly ju s t as
soon as the public service commission,
through its grain inspection d e p a r t­
ment, can establish the grades, dis­
tric t the s ta te for purposes of inspec­
tion and form ulate a schedule of in­
spection charges.
T he anti picketing oi dinar» p of the
city of P o rtla n d w as declared void by
the s ta te suprem e court. The court
held the ordinance in 'a lid because it
prohibited strik e s and boycotts as well
as picketing T he derision declared
th a t strik e s a r e c c u n tenanced by all
sta te and federal courts.
F o r a consideration said to be in the
neighborhood of $125,009, S m yths
Brothers, prom inent Oregon sheepmen,
have purchased the sheep ranch ami
plant of H orst & Wheelhouse, south­
west cf Arlington. Included in the
deal are 9000 acres of land, 130 h e a l
of cattle. 2000 sheep and all equipment.
T h re e cf the 394 accidents reported
to the sta te industrial accident com ­
mission for the week ending December
27 were fatal. They were those of E.
G. W hite, of Canby, killed In railroad
operations; * Louis W lnert, of Airlie,
killed in logging operations and Jam es
A. Conway, of Portland, killed In ship
building operations.
Sixty e ight soldiers from Vancouver
b a rra c h s. W ash . have arrived at
M arshfield to work tn the Smith Tow­
ers logging cam ps at Powers, to h a s t­
en *he production of airplane arid ship
lumber. T his is the first detachm ent
s e n t ?»ijt hv Colonel Dieq le. Several
hundred m ore a re expected to join
the various cam ps soon.
T he Malheur Irrigation company has
ftted a petition with the sta te w ater
board asking for an extension of two
years, from J a n u a r y 1, 1918, in which
to com plete th e w-orks and apply the
w a te r in connection w ith its irrigation
project n e a r Brogan, in M alheur coun­
The com pany’s operations have
been delayed on account of litigation.
F in d in g th a t the Central Oregon Ir-
rle a tio n company, which has a large
Carey act project in centra! Oregon,
ha s been giving b etter w a te r service
to some land holders th a n others, the
public service commission has issued
an order directing the company to in­
stall w ater m easurem ent devices and
m ake other im provem ents before the
beginning of the 1918 irrig a tio n sea­
T he federal authorities have begun
an investigation of the re p o rt of an
arson plot, having for Its purpose the
destruction of a chain of mills and
grain w arehouses extending from Gas
ton, W a shington county, to Salem and
o th e r Marion county towns. T he exis
te n r e of such a conspiracy has been
The Best Antiseptic
Healing Germicide
Lyseptic is completely eoluahle in
water. A teaspoon full to«one q u a r t of
water is th e average stre ngth to be used
for antiseptic, germicide, deoderants,
wounds, cuts, nail punctures, rnange,
hoof rot, m a d fever, lice, fleas, dandruff,
shampoo, bei.ig of a soapy n a tu re proves
very effective for washing the animals'
and stable utencils, and if used in gen­
eral, improves stable conditions, infect­
ion, among cattle, abortion, foul dis­
charge and externally to prevent the
spread of diseases.
Reliable Druggist, Tillamook, Ore.
The Place Cloverdale People
Should V isit
G o l d e n ’«
in New and up-to-date Quarters B,fieBdt™in
Unlva s hort time ago the Golden Co. started business in Tillamook City.
Its birthplate was in a $20 rented store on First street. I t Boon created
favorable impression with its high quality goods and low prices and now
it oecupies the best 6tore on the m ain business street, (the store formerly
occupied bv Mr. Williams.)
Our success is the reward of reliable
M erchandise at decidedly lower
prices than charged elsewhere
Every woman who desires Stylish well-fitting Clothes will bo
interested in the new Fall and Winter
Coats, Suits and Skirts
at Golden’s W omen’s Shop
Showing the most wonderful values in the season’s latest and rno»t a p­
proved styles in
W omen’s and Misses' High Cla^s
Suit*, Coats, Dresses and Skirts
Made to your measure, to fit von perfectly, in any style and m aterial of
your own selection, or of \uiir own material.
A complete’line of Roady-to-wear Suits, Coats, Skirts, Dresses, etc., in
beautiful styles and fine materials. Every g a rm e n t is perfect in fit and
faultless in workm anship. Come and enjoy th e pleasure ¿of looking
through this beautiful line w hether vou wish to buy or not.
G o ld e n ’s Womon’Sfr«5ro.t
East Through
Costs but little more
When you ro East via California you may
visit San Francisco, all the resosts along
the Road of a Thousand Wonders,
Los Angeles and
Sunny Southern California,
The Apache Trail of Arizona,
Liberal Stopovers are permitted at various
points en route.
Four trains a day' from Portland offer
ample accommodations.
Ask nearest ¡8. P. agent for particulars
J o h n M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Southern Pacific Lines
strongly suspected since the m y ste r­
ious burning of a grain elevator at
Oregon is looking forw ard to the
biggest h a rv e st of w inter w heat ever
garnered In the history of the state.
During the last fall farm e rs of Oregon
have sown a larger area of this grain
than those of e ither W ashington or
According to statistic» of
»he d e p a rtm e n t of se ric u ltu re , Oregon
has 582,000 acres seeded to w inter
wheat, or an Increase over the pre-
vious year of 25 per cent.
In subm itting the, annual re p o rt of
the state lime b^ard to Governor
W lthycombe, W arden C. A. Murphy,
of the sta te penitentiary, said th a t the
hoard would probably not he able to
put any lime on the m a rk e t until next
J u n e The delivery cf the machinery
has been delayed, and a fte r its arrival
it will require considerable time to
install it and put the plant Into o p e r­
ation, he said. The board has selected
the Beeman quarry n e a r Gold Hill for
its Operations.
R e p re se n ta tiv e M cArthur, who re­
cently received te le g ra m s from p a r­
ents of Oregon boys, m em bers of the
23d engineers, c h a rg in g th a t condi­
tions a t Camp Meade, Maryland, a r e
far from sa tisfactory, and th a t the
men a re being subjected to hardships.
Interviewed a dozen Oregon troopa a t
the cam p W ithout exception the sol­
diers said th a t they w ere com fortably
quartered, th a t they had a b u n d a n t
clothing of the r ig h t sort, and th a t
food was plentiful and good.
If re g is tr a n ts for a r m y duty who are
adapted for service in logging camps
and saw mills desire to fill th e ir p a rt
tn th e w ar by perform ing the work
they a re best suited to do, they m ay
b» granted th e ir w ishes, according to
instructions received in P ortland by
Colonel Brice P Disque, from Provost
Marshal G eneral Crowder. None can
be enlisted now. Hut they mav apply
to th e ir d istric t exem ption boards and
those who are acceptable will be ad
mitted to the s e rv ic e of fh® t r r i » *
production dlvdaion of the U n l e d
O M T««
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