Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, December 27, 1917, Image 3

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Published Every Thursday
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ E ntered as second-class m a tte r, Nov­
ember 13th, 1905 a t the post office a t Clo-
verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, u n ­
der Act of Congress, March 3rd. 1878.
S ubscription It at is
One Year, in a d v a n c e ........................ $1.00
Six Months ............................................. 50
Three M o n th s.............................................25
Single C o p y ................................................ 05
A dvjektising K atks
Displayed Advertisements, 00 cents per
inch per m onth, single column. All
Local Reading Notices, 10 cents per
line for each insertion.
Tim ber land notices
Homestead notices
Political Announcem ent Cards
J ob D epartment
My Jo b D epartm ent incomplete in every
respect and I am able to do all kinds
Commercial Jo b P rinting on short
notice a t reasonable prices.
TH U RSD A Y . D E C E M B E R 27 1917.
“ Let there be no misunderstanding.
Our present and im m ediate task is to
win the war, and nothing shall tu rn us
aside from it until it is accomplished.
Every power and resource we possess,
w hether of men, of money, or of m a­
terial, is being devoted and will continue
to be devoted to th a t purpose until it is
“ We shall regard the war as won
only when the G erm an people say to
us, through properly accredited re p re ­
sentatives, t h a t they are ready to agree
to a settlem ent based upon justice and
th e reparations of the w rong 9 their
rulers have done.
“ When this in to le r a b le Thing, this
G erm an power, is, indeed, defeated and
th e tim e come th a t we can discuss
peace—when th e G erm an people have
spokesmen whose words we can believe
and when these spokesmen are ready in
the nam e ot their people to accept tbe
common judgm ent of the nations as to
w h a t shall henceforth be tb e bases of
law and the covenant for tbe life of the
world—we shall be willing and glad to
pay tb e full price for peace and pay it
We know w hat th a t
price will be. I t will be full, im partial
justice. Justice done a t every point
and to every nation tbal the final settle­
m ent m ust affect our enemies as well as
our friends.”
Notice of Goutest.
(For Publicationj
D epartm ent of the Interior,
U nited States Land Ottice.
Portland, Oregon, Dec. 21,1917.
To Joseph Tondresu, of Cloverdale, O re­
gon, C o n te ste e :
You aie hereby notified th a t I, Leon­
ard Ferguson, who gives Gladstone, Ore­
gon, as his postotbee address, did on
Nov. 22, 1917, tile in this office his duly
corroborated application to contest and
secure th e cancellation of your borne-
stead e ntry No —, Serial No, 04502,
made May 12, 1915, for w % n e ‘4 and
n e 34 n w ' 4 Section 34, Townsldp 5
South, Range 10 West, W illamette M er­
idian, and a- grounds for his contest he
alleges tha t sai l e n tiy m a n has a b a n ­
doned the said land for a jx rirxl of two
years or more and th a t he has made no
im provem ents whatsoever nor culti­
vated no part of said ¡and. T h a t saiJ
e n tr y m a n ’s absence from tb e land was
not due to his em ploym ent in m ilitary
services rendered in connection with
the operations in Mexico or along tbe
border thereof, or in mobilization camps
elsewhere in military or naval organiza­
tions of tbe United States or the
National Guard f t any of the several
You are, therefore, fu rth e r notified
t h a t the said allegations will be taken
as confessed, and vour said entry will be
canceled w ithout further right to he
heard, either before this office or on
appeal, if you fail to file in this otficp
w ithin tw enty davs after th e fourth
publication of this notice, as shown be­
low, your an«wer, under oath, specific­
ally responding to these allegations of
contest, together with due proof tha t
you have served a copy of your answer
on the said contestant either in person
or by registered mail.
You should slate in your answer the
name of th e |x>stoffice to which you de­
sire future notices to l* sent to you.
N. Campbell, Register.
Date of first publication Dec. 27, 1917.
Date of second publication Ja n . 3, 1918.
Date of third publication Ja n . 10, 1918.
Date of fourth publication Ja n . 17, 1918.
Leland B. Erwin
Diploma from the Chicago
Musical College
dA ill be in Cloverdale on Tlaira-
day of each week.
Those desiring to take les­
sons please engage a lesson f>eriod
now. Leave w ord a t the Cloverdale
♦ “ °t*l ° r write me a t Tillamook.
Terms JJ.00 Per Lesson
Brief Items of Interest from Various Towns in
The Crook and Deschutes county
agricultural council held a meeting in
T here a re 53,254 children betw eea
the ages of 4 and 20 years in Multno­
mah county.
Mrs. Rosalie McMahan, 78 years old,
died a t Salem. She crossed the plains
to Oregon in 1846.
The Douglas county co u rt has ap
proprlated $50,000 to buy liberty bonds
to be held as a court-house fund.
Every one of the 71 re side nts of
the town of Izee, in G rant county, has
joined the Red Cross, it is reported.
F r a n k W lencrt, a young man, resi
dent of Airlie, was drowned in the
Luckiam ute while helping on a drive
of logs.
As soon as the right of way betw een
Bend and F o rt Rock can be secured
the S trahorn railroad will begin con
Ja so n Machado, a pioneer m erchant
of Coos county, is dead. H e w as a
resident of M yrtle Point, w here he had
accum ulated a large fortune
Petitions are being circulated In o u t­
lying p a rts of Lincoln county d e m a n d ­
ing recall of County Judge Miller and
Commissioners H u rt and Wakefield.
A barreling plant will be established
in Albany in time to handle next y e a r ’s
crop of straw berries, loganberries, phe­
nomenal berries and other small fruits.
By a vote of 194 in favor to 81
against, the Central Oregon Irrigation
district w as formed in D eschutes coun­
ty a t th e election held on the project.
Ceos county dairym en claim th a t
more thoroughbred dairy stock has
been purchased there in the last th re e
years th a n in any other section of the
The second and third companies of
the Oregon coast artillery were each
presented with a Christm as gift of a
phonograph by the girls’ honor guard,
of Eugene.
The federal government ha s sent
Miss Anna Barrows as its r e p re se n ta ­
tive in food conservation work to Ore­
gon A gricultural college from Decem­
ber 31 to J a n u a r y 5.
Members of the Loyal O rder of
Moose in Oregon will organize a sta te
field day association at the tim e of
dedicating the new Moose temple in
Portland, J a n u a ry 2.
State Game W arden Shoem aker has
issued an order to close commearial
fishing on Tsiltcoos lake, on the S o u th ­
ern Pacific railway, between the Ump­
qua and Siuslaw rlver6.
The s ta te highway d e p a rtm e n t has
prepared for submission to the gov
e m in e n t for approval a project, for
hard surfacing 21 miles of the Pr»eific
highw ay in Marion county from post
road funds.
T he heavy rainstorm of the past
week did considerable dam age in
Lincoln county.
Two bridges w«re
damaged on the lir e of the Corvafllis
& E a ste rn railroad n ear H a rris on
M ary’s river.
After a long and re m a rka bly b r il­
liant career es a m inister of the gos­
pel, ten of which he spent as paator
c l the F ir s t Congregational church, of
Portland. Dr. L uther R Dyott died at
his home In tha t city.
A ttorney Genera! Brown has inform
ed the s ta te industrial accident com
mission th a t pension aw a rd s m ade to
citizens of A ustria H unga ry are su s ­
pended during the w ar on the ground
th a t they are alien enemies.
E. D. Cusick, of Albany, sta te se n a ­
to r from Lane and Linn counties, has
announced his candidacy for t h e re­
publican nomination for state tr e a s u r ­
Mr. Cusick is the first a s p ir a n t
for thin office formally to declare his
Approximately 15,000 men are build­
ing ships in Oregon, according to a
report which has been compiled by
R P. Eonham, United States im m i­
gration inspector in charge a t P o r t­
land. for forwarding to the d epart
m ent of labor.
th a t
S outhern
Pacific has ears in the firewood serv
ice with racks that will only hold from
•ig h t to nine cords of wood, Public
Service Commissioner Bucbtel wrote
the company asking th a t it im m ediate
ly remedy the situation.
F arm ers living near H arrisb u rg have
formed a co-operative association and
»ropose t’o build 25-barrel mill a t that
Plana for the s tru c tu re have
been ordered draw n up and th e mill |
will be financed by a atock com pany |
of farm ers lit ing in th a t aectaon.
Bank aid to bora and girla on farm*
who wtsh to join "pig cluba" la being
arranged for throughout th**ataae toy
L. G. Alien, leader of pig club work.
Under the conditions arrunged by Mr.
Allen the banks agree to lend the chil­
dren niouey for purchasing pigs or
brood sows at 6 per cent interest.
Only pure-bred stock uiaj be raised by
the club members. The children have
meetings and dem onstrations and are
organized through the aid of school
W illiam Albers, C. C. Chapman and
W. B Dodson, of Portland, were named
by Governor Withycombe as members
of a commission to investigate cream ­
ery and dairying conditions in the
state. These men will act with Dairy
and Food Commissioner Mickle and
W. K. Newell.
W. K. Newell, of Portland, a ssista n t
federal food a d m in istra to r for Oregou,
will go to W ashington, D. C„ to :>e
present a t a conference of state ad
m in istra to rs to be held there J a n u a r y
8 and 9. He w ill represent W. B Ayer,
sta te a d m in istra to r, who but recently
re tu rn e d from a sim ilar session.
Monmouth high school has the honor
of having raised more money per ca­
pita for the Y M. C A. fund than any
other high school in the state, accord­
ing to figures just made public by the
state organization. With an apportion­
m ent of $80 the school raised $283, or
354 per cent of the ouota asked for.
During the past week 508 industrial
accidents w ere reported to the sta te
industrial accident commission.
th is num ber four were fatal, us
follows: Adolph Asplund, Scappoose,
logging; Alfred Leise>, Powers, log­
ging; Carl E verest, Portland, steel
works, and M. Hansen, W estport, saw ­
C hairm an
Hurley, of the United States shipping
board, th a t 150 wooden hulls can be
completed in 1918 for governm ent pur
poses in yards along the W illamette
and Columbia rivers and those at O re­
gon coast ports. On a basis of 3500
tons, deadw eight for each ship, th a t
will m ean 525,000 tons.
Captain W. A. Arnold, who has been
organizing the loggers and lumber
workers of Coos county, has visited »'1
but one logging camp in the county
and has sirne d approximately 1150
members in the legion, of I,ot
gers and L um ber Workers. All camps
returned practically 100 per cent of
the employes as m^rabf re.
T he sta te board of eugenics, which
comprises m em bers of the sta te board
of h e a lth 'a n d supe rinte nde nts of both
insane asylums, warden of the peni­
te n tia r y and superintendent nf the in­
stitution for feeble minded, has ap­
proved for sterilization several cases
a t the Oregon sta te hospital for tha
insane and at the state penitentiary.
S ta te Highway Engineer Nunn has
sta rte d assem bling a force of men to
re su m e work on the Svenscn and Clat-
skanle jobs on the lower Columbia
riv e r highway. Mr. Nunn has served
notice on the W arren Construction
com pany of the term ination of their
c ontracts on these jobs because of al
leged discrepancies in handling the
T he Valley & Siletz railw ay c o m ­
pany, which has just completed its
line as far as Valetz, in the Siletz
basin, will begin the operation of reg
ular passe n g e r and freight tra in s on
J a n u a r y 1. The road will operate be­
tw een Independence and Valetz, and
will tap some of the richest agricul
tural and tim ber lands in w estern
Hood River valley produced only
about two-thirds of its 1916 apple crop,
according to a special apple report,
ju st issued by the bureau of crop es
tlm ates A better showing in the rest
of the state tends to make up for this
The Place Cloverdale People
Should V isit
G o l d e n ’«
W O M E N ’S S H O P
In New and up-to-date Quarters lkS ^ ^ .iu
Only« s hurt time ago th e Golden Co. started business in Tillamook City.
Its birtbplate was in a $20 rented store on First street. It soon created
favoraide impression with its high quality goods and lo<v prices and now
it occupies tlie best store on the mum business street, (the store formerly
occupied by Mr. W illiams.)
Our success is the reward of reliable
Merchandise at decidedly lower
prices than charged elsewhere
Every woman who deni res Stylish, w ell-fitting Clothes will be
interested in the new Full and W inter
Coats, Suits and Skirts
at Golden's Women’s Shop
Showing the most wonderful values in th e season’s latest and most a p­
proved styles in
Women's and Misses’ High ’Class
Suit*, Coats, Dresses and Skirts
Made to your measure, to fit vou perfectly, in any style and m aterial of
your own selection, or of vour own m aterial.
A complete line of Ready-to-wear Suits, Coats, Skirts, Dresses, etc., in
beautiful styles and fine m aterials. Every ga rm e nt is perfect in fit and
faultless in w oikm anship. Come and enjoy th e pleasuro of looking
through this beautiful line w hether you wish to buy or not.
i inlr8tf
V H I I U t ;i I O
W o m e n ’s S h o p
M a in S t r e e t
East Through
G aSifornia
Costs but httle more
When you go H ist vii California you may
vL-qt .San Francisco, all the resoatg along
tlie Road of a Thousand Wonders.
L os A n g e l e s a n d
Sunny Southern California,
The Apache Trail of Arizona,
Liberal Stopovers are permitted at varioue
points cn route.
Fonr trains a day from
ampie accommodations.
Portland offer
Ask nearest S. I’, agent for particulars
Jo h n M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Southern Pacific Line3
decrease, although the state a* a whol* service commission a proposal for the
will fall a little short of last year, establishm ent of a new system of long
producing 650,000 barrels, or 1.950,ooa distance rates in Oregon, the proposed
«'•stem to be established on the zone
boxes. In 1917.
block basis, sim ila r to the system s
nounced th a t at the request of Mav®r used by the telegraph end express com­
H ackett, of Oregon City, ai d Sheriff panies. It is stated that, u nde r tbe
Wilson, of Clackamas county, about proposal, If it Is accepted by tbe com
h a lf'o f the force of special agents th»t mission, a reduction will be shown in
have been*stationed In th a t county to 63 per cent of the rates, while about
The Be3t Antiseptic
wetch for troubles which might art»« 22 per cent will rem ain the same and
Healing Germicide
b< cause of differences between paper the balance will show.- Increases.
Reclam ation directors of the federal
Lyseptic is completely soluahle in mill employers end emploves will ce
ent have approved the reclam
w ater. A teaspoon full to one qu a rt of retained for a tim e at least.
Oregon students will visit and sp»ek etion of the lower K lam ath lake marah-
w ater is the average stre ngth to be used
for antiseptic, germicide, de< derants, at nearly every high school in the lands by usv of a r a t e Installed at the
wounds, cuts, nail punctures, mange, ■tat» du rin g the university Thristma» flouthern Pacific c o m p a n y * c ro w in g
hoof rot, mnd fever, lire, fleas, dandruff, holidays and encourage the pupil* to over K 'e m a th *ft*lt. This mark* th*
shampoo, bei.ig of a soapy nature proves , continue th e ir education ra th e r than •t»d of five ye*r*' effort devoted to
very effective for washing tbe a n i m a l s ' j give it up at the end of th e ir high providing reclam ation for a tr a c t of
All boys under the 64,009 acrea of the m eet fertile land
and stable utencils, and if us*d in gen­ school course.
It te p r o t« s te »hit
eral, improves stable conditions, infect- dra ft age will he urged to enter col tn thia locality
available for past
ion, among cattle, abortion, foul dig- j lege and prepare themselves for more
charge and externally to prevent t h e ' efficient service when they a re called urage next year. T he gate al-cady
| Is Installed An effort will b«> r .a u j *t
or needed.
spread of diseases.
The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph 1 W ashington to have the national b in
eompany has filed with the public reaerve now on th is land r - m o v t d to
ground unsuitable for a g r k u l t ira.
BeiiahleDruggist, Tillamook, Ore.