Perhaps tills ih lie Incident will show M I FOURTEEN MONTHS what condition our nerves were in. A AT THE FRONT young fellow named Lewis and i had Continuel] lrom tiret page time of tie gas attack was one of the most remarkuhle men I ever met. For several years before the war he had been In the British secret service in Germany, so he spoke German almost as well as be dill English. One day we stopped at a hospital In Rallleul, and one of the orderlies told us that there were some German wounded there. The officer asked me if I would like to go In and see them. 1 suid I would like it very much, so we went In. There was one poor devil all by himself among some English pa­ tients. The officer went over and sat on the edge of his bed and began to talk to him. If you could have seen that poor fel­ low’s face when he heard himself ad dressed in his own language! His whole countenance lighted up. and he began to talk. Pretty soon the tcurs began to tun down bis cheeks, and I felt awfully sorry for the poor chap, who was away from all his own peo pie. severely wounded. He said that he hud Just been mar­ ried before the beginning of the war, and iie and his Wife had saved nil they could, and two days before be was called up they hud bought a cow. 11c was ns worried us lie could lie f o r fear Hornet hiug had happeued to the cow. chummed together for the time being, and we rode the same route during the entire battle. One night he came down to beadquurtera Just ahead of me, and, 1 as ure you, we came through some mighty hot territory. I was in awful condition myself, hut I think he was ! even worse. I Landis] my ease in, and while I was waiting for orders I went out to the j petrol stores to fill up the tank on my ! bike. Lewis was talking to the officer | in charge of the riders and was stand ing with his back to the door. Another fellow came in carrying two empty petrol tins, and—unintentionally, of course—he dropped them Just behind Lewis. They made quite a racket, and, coming so suddenly, Lewis jumped over a table and fainted dead away. We were all in about the same condi­ tion. and it didn't take much to get a rise out o f us. Poor Lewis was killed the nest night by falling into a shell hole. THE WHITE Tn <»wpr In erer lini line of Merchandise, but none more especially than in HARDW ARE STAGE - FO R— Our large stock is in every instance the best that can be had and our aim will be to keep the high standard up. Tillamook- Builders’ Hardware, Cloverdale j Tools All Way Points She f and Heavy Hardware ) -AND- Safe and Comfortable Leave Cloverdale daily at 7:30 a. m., arriving at Tilla­ mook at 10 a. m.— in time for morning train to Portland. Leave Tillamook at 3p. m , arriving at Cloverdale at 5 p. m. J M. TRAXLER, Prop A. C. EVERSON TILLAMOOK. ORE. Money to Loan Real Estate Agency * •/ Stoves, Ranges, Farm and Garden Tools And everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store, and all goods are of the best quality. * Alex McNair & Co., TUlamook,Ore. I «B A A A A M A M A M A M Ah A A A AAA A B A l A A A A . See me for realty deals. SEE TAYLOR LA N D BARGAINS for your We have several excellent buys in either large or sniail F IR E INSU RAN CE tracts of land. There never was a time in the history when I The Todd Hotel jXj I Tillamook, Ore. L. S. HUSHBECK, Proprietor. of the country profitable were better. land buys Now is the op­ ffi ffi Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special Rates by (he Week. CLOVERDALE, OREGON LOTTO The Best Antiseptic Healing Germicide ffi Taylor Real Estate Agency T h o 8. C o ates . P r e s id e n t . COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BCO K 8 TILLAM OO K COUNTY. OREGON . OREGON. T .H . GOYNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW_ _ Conveyancing, Etc. M CC CLOUGH’S Price your ranch right, then come in and give us the ex ­ clusive I igllt to Sell it.] CARDS Tillamook Abstracting Co OF tri By tomorrow the other fellow the other fellow may have bought just what you wanted. See us todav. PROFESSIONAL Dining Room run on Family Style TILLAMOOK CITY. ffi Meals 35c. ffi portune time. M $ ^ AUTO Continued Next Week. The bombuntment of Ypres begun the night of the April day we experienced the gas, and with the bombardment be­ gan the infuutry attack. 1 was up ut a little place called Itlieulnghlest, and 1 could hear the titles and machine guns at It for all they were worth. 1 was thanking my lucky stars that I wus on my cur Instead of u motorcycle ma­ chine gun, when an orderly rode up ami told me that 1 was to report ut head quarters at once. All the way buck to camp I luid the feeling thnt something was going to happen, and when 1 nrrived there 1 was told to repoit myself to ttie signal company fur duty with my motorcycle. Then 1 knew that 1 was to carry dis­ patches through the coming buttle. I wish to make particular note <>f the fact that at the beginning of this but­ tle, which lasted three weeks, we dls puteli rldet.- numbered thirty one in all for our corpN. Half an hour later we were fully equipped uinl on our wav to the advanced report center, w^h-li would be the scene of our activities until the light w as over. We were about MX> yards to the rear of the first line if lieut-hes and were given an old hum to ourselves, and we laid out our blankets and made our bods, for it was 10:110 o'clock. The at­ tack was Increasing in fury, all kinds of shells landing around us, and the Uermuns were using their same old tuetles of hurling great masses of troops against our position. Our machine guns gave the usual good account of themselves, and the German dead were piled up over our wire entanglements In great heaps. Tlie Germans would full back, reform and come on again in their usual close | s^i formation. Bo it went all night, and ^ when tlie morning came the “ dead ground" lietween the two lines of ffi trenches was a grewsome looking place. I Hiring tlie day the Germans bom hurded our first and second line trench t*s with high explosives and schrapncl f f i nil day. and at night they resumed their Infantry at tuck on our position Hay after day and nigh* after night (tie battle continued until we ull felt dead and numb ull over Sometimes the Germans would peu- f f i etrute our lines for a few yards, and :bcn we would immediately “ counter" before they hud a chance to strengthen their position. We lost an awful lot of uien, but cveu though I don’t know the exact figures I know I am snfo In say­ ing that Hie German losses were more, than double what ours were. We dispatch riders were certainly kept busy during this time. Our work was to tie standing by every nU» ,ute of the day and night, uud the tUPjicnt we were wanted to sling the d.ra’patch case over our shoulder and ue*. a'way for the headquarters to the reui*. The riding at night w ay terrible. The Germans were sheUtng nil the roads In the vicinity, and wu fij,,! to go dashing •long through the inky blackness at breakneck pace. It w «» lm|a>ssible to see more than a yard <»r two ahead, • nd so it was a case o f ride like the dickens and tntst to luck The road was covered with shell holes, atul the I first Intimation we would get uf tin fact w as when we would feel the mo­ torbike drop beneath ur» and feel ou r solves abootiug througii the atr like amateur skyrockets. l\o would pick tnitticlvc* up, drag the motorbike out s.f the hole and. If It : would still run, jump on It and get ! • way again. W r certainty got some | terrible spills. wr*l rla're wen* a good , many who got broken boors and a few w lio fiad their w.s ke »end b« -ks b rok i« imagination cannot conceive o f our utter misery. Kerry when« I ’ -rted at all hours o f tin» »lay and night It was Just nightmare Most of tlie time we wen» kept list bue.v to sleep, and we would Is* so '.Irvd we could hardly m oe. The ropmajit din o f the guns o? »11 si*«-* and o f the «exploding «hells was enough to dr.*« jc r.^j u-ljr ah of us Utsaac- •i i! Quality Counts TAKE Opp. Court House, Tillamook, Ore. F. R. BEALS REAL ESTATE Lyseptie is completely soluahle in water. A teaspoon full to one quart of Write for Literature. water is the average strength to be used for antiseptic, germicide, deoderants, OREGON TILLAMOOK. wounds, cuts, nail punctures, mange, hoof rot, mud fever, lice, ileas, dandruff, shampoo, being of a soapy nature proves FRANK TAYLOR* very effective for washing the animals’ ffi and stable utencils, ami if used in gen- Notary Public | oral, improves stable conditions, infect- ffi un, among cattle, abortion, foul dis­ Cloverdale, Ore. charge and externally to prevent the spread of diseases. ffi Tillamook Undertaking Co. fiHAS. I. CLOUGH, ffi M RfliiahlfiBrn jgist, Tillamook. ffi Ore. R. N. HENKEL, Proprietor. Night and Day calls promptly attended. Monev t,o loan—The I'acific Building Sixth Street at Second Avenue East f f i I and l oan Association has an agent I here. Enquire at the office of Tavlor OREGON TILLAMOOK. | Real Estate Agency. æssassæ; 2K2K35as333S3S3S3sæ:3sssi J. N. Pfc ARCY I V K ATTORNEYS AT LAW CRAVELY’S C £ L E 8 R\TED L S ii! 1 C K c w ing P lu g resi 1 or .it C\t~rif f- C c 's * r th e Invention r ’ t j r l- n ■ -t t : • 3-aof Pouch l.'tn y D ealers Ct ild Net R e t » t.ic r ia v c r .n o > reshness In r .^ A U C R A V LY P. UG TO B A CCO . A U ’. ' . M C H r v o f C r .v el* is C n o u g S • A. ' _** _ « * i • : ar.d la :* Lnieerthan a big c h in i f oriii.ary plug. .«TJo.irwrvfy TAr-vC’ A « i / A *- • I A V iYS IAAE MV HAT CFf a® fa L ' A3 : H? LIKES GO^D iii I MING.» TO CHElv-OUT HF Ttl i «I 7 OEAD THAT BILL3CA«D| V> -°OSS K” PICKS Off ME '-• > ■ £& n ! PORTLAND, - - OREGON C. W. TALMAGE, & J t’ R t J T r t i K i N y i l U Attorney and Counsellor at L av NATIONAL BLD., - TILLAMOOK, ORE. Office Ground Floor Bell Phone 53-J National Bid. P. O. Box 147 With Rollie Watson Abstracts on Short Notice by the PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. * i.u 928 Chamber of Commerce, Mow t'»? P a t--it Pouch K eep* I* Frerh and Clean «md G ood. ‘y - v . V (TV t u \ >