i _ —_— . The Nestucca Valley First, Last and all the Time. GOOD ROADS, GOOD HOMES, BEST CHEESE t CLOVERDALE, TILLAMOOK COUNTY, OREGON. NOVEMBER 15,1917 VOL. 13. NO. 16 which was much used for transport we noticed that nearly every night some of our officers would be shot T his went on for some time, and uo one could explain It. One day one of our A widow in speaking of her late husband said: “ He was always a good fellows brought ih this kid and said tha t he had found him with a German provider.’’ In the mind of this bereaved woman, this was a high tribute to rifle and am m unition in his possession her hu sb a n d ’s character. It is often true th a t th e best husband is th e one T he boy w as cross examined ami who saves a part of bis income for th e future. By this plan he is able to finally adm itted th a t .it was he who had been shooting officers c>ti theO uder- provide all necessities and m any of the luxuries; but constantly accumulate ' A T dom road, l i e said that he had been money and property tha t will safeguard bis family against w ant wheu he is furnished with the rifle and told where unable to work or after his death. • he got his amm unition every day. lie sa-id he had instruction, not to shoot A n A m e ric a n B o y ’a 4 Pir Cent Paid on Savings and Tima Deposits. Best Banking Facil any officers with red on their uniform B a p tism o f Fire (staff officers!. Now, why he should ities in Town. have received su it an order ns this was a m ystery to me. He said th a t I'e had been at it for Copyright, Little, firown & Co. two weeks, and during that time he Established in 1902 The m o s t g r a p h i c a c c o u n t o f the had bagged sixteen officers, lie said g r e a t w a r t h a t h a s y et been w ritten he received tl francs (about i'>1.2tb for c o m e s f r o m t h e p e n of a t w e n ty - t w o * Tillamook, Oregon every officer lie shot. He w as taken y e a r - o l d B o s t o n boy, w h o h a s j u s t r e ­ tu rn ed from F rance, w here as dragoon to the real* 1 and shot a t once. We tried i g u a rd sm an , d ispatch ruler and m o to r­ to follow tip the information lie had c a r d riv er he served fo u rtee n m o n th s given as to where he had received his u n d e r t h e B r i t i s h flag O u t of t h i r t y - I had taken a shorter way comiug Supplies arc brought iwvoss the c h a n ­ ammunition, hut his friends had all one m oto rcy cle d isp a tc h rid ers he was back, and it was along a very narrow nel daily. The railway’ lines run or.e of tour s u r v i v o r s gone, so 1 suppose they had been W IL L IA M J. ROBINSON road. Have was sitting In the front straight down to the «locks, s«> the warned. 'V e r y quietly w e craw led back in tbe with me. and the captain tin s in the goods nr«* put on the tia lu s as they About this time, too, we caught nh Aliuction from which the report had u nbc’-ievaljle. T h e y cthiTeFscd lb lia \'- tonneau. We were bowling along at are taken out of the ship. Each divi­ old man eighty-two years old. In ing patrolled the road every night and come. A fter going about 100 yards we a fail ly- good pare, ami I had visions sion. a rm y corps and arm y has Its own lay still and waited. T re tty soon we actually greeted any of our chaps they broad daylight he was «nil with a pair of being back In time for dinner. it,. I, or. in o th e r words, each ono of nippers cutting our wires. We chanced to pass. T hey knew the heard the rifle crack again, and it I noticed a few cavalry men away of these units lias Its own station In w a sn 't very f a r away, but was still names of most of the regim ents In th a t caught men dressed as women and ahead of us, but they were so f a r ahead which Its supplies are delivered. E v ­ behind us. W e went a little farther, vicinity, a n d some of them even knew women dressed us men. AYo caught I didn't pay much attention to them. ery unit has its «»wn supply column, and the lieutenant whispered: “ Keep the nicknam es our fellows had for people flying pigeons from their houses. The first th a t I knew we were striking which is made up of any num ber of In fact, we caught spies doing almost their officers. It is a Job th a t requires your eyes skinned. W atch the trees.” anything out of the ordinary w as when motor trucks, the tmtal varying accord­ I could see no sign of life anywhere, heaps of nerve, but it is a dirty, despi­ everything to give Information. Have grabbed my rifle out of th e buck­ ing to the stre ngth of the unit. T hese We were alw ays trying to make the but I knew th a t the sniper m ust be cable game. et pml began tiring over tjie wind motor trucks pull op on each side of A Germam sniper was killed one trenches we had taken over from the shield. Then I took another look and very close. A fte r several m inutes' wait the train, and the supplies are shifted the report cam e again, and this time it night, a n d th e fellows who brought French a little more comfortable. We saw the cavalrymen were Germans, in a very short space of time. Each made worden gratings f r the bottom was so close t h a t I jumped. We heard him dow n decided to play a Joke on and there w ere seven of them. motor truck Is loaded w ith only one the ejector fly back and th e belt snap an Irishm an in their regiment. They of them, besides the lookout platform The toad was so narrow tha t there kind of goods, and a s the column leaves From empty oil drum s we made b ra ­ took the body of the sniper and carried home again. And then I saw him! w asn't a ghost of n chance to turn the station yard all vehicles carrying T he sniper w as well up in a tree, it about a hundred y a rd s off the road, ziers. and those in particular were around, a n J I figured that if we rushed the same kind of goods group th e m ­ mighty agreeable at night. and he was alm ost invisible, so well where they propped it up against a them we could bluff our way through, selves together, so th a t wbeu they final­ The country for a couple of miles w as a screen of branches dra w n up tree a n d also fixed a rifle to its shoul­ w hereas if we stopped they would see ly move off ten truc ks of meat m a y be back of the trenches was deserted. around him. I lis rifle was fitted up in der. Then they went in search of the that they outnumbered us tw o to one leading the cohitnn, followed by vari­ a tripod, and the legs of this tripod Irishman. W hen they found him they The people had lied, leaving practical­ and the chances were we would get the ous num bers otf truck loads of bread, ly everything. Chickens and pigs were were nailed to th e branches of the tree. told him t h a t he had been ordered to w o n t of it. 1 was so excited 1 was groceries, clothing, hay and grain, All he had to do was to sit there and go up the road and hunt for a sniper running wild, and it was surprising trembling all over, and the captain wa-s petrol and mechanical supplies. In this how quickly they got almost as wild pull the trigger. I eased back the bolt who w a s p o ttin g a t the passing traffic. shouting orders a t the top of his voice. way the goods are all (lumped together, T he Irish m a n took his rifle and went *s the wildest animals. of my rifle so as to m ake no noise, p a v e was the only cool man In the aud they practically form separate lit­ A pig hunt with fixed bayonets is .» out in search of th e German. Of and I eased it home again. The lieu­ car. and he v a s sending shot a f te r shot tle stores for each article. te n a n t drew his revolver, and we took | course he found him, for he couldn't at them ns calmly as if he were on a The "first d um p,” a s it Is called. Is n very am using thing to watch. Get have i» s s e d w ithout seeing the trap a steady aim together. rifle range. He shouted to me: "Go place cleared a w a y dn the side of tbe about tw enty fellows a fte r a pig and “ Fire,” he said softly, and the two which had been laid for him. The like h —I! Crowd ’em off the road!” road where the men m ay deposit the shots ra n g out as one. Mr. Sniper m inute he caught sight of the gray they have their work tu t out for them. supplies so th a t It will be convenient When they saw how we were gain The pig gives them a good run for uniform he dropped behind a hale of came down like a thousand brick. lug three of them left the road and hit for Hie horse tra nsport to come atnl I climbed file t.e e to have u look at hay which w a s lying on the side of the their money, but in the end they gen­ «uit across country. I thought Have get them. H ere (he goods are unload- erally get him, uad then comes the his nest, and it certainly was bigenious. road a n d sta r te d tiring ut the supposed must have hit the other fellow, for he ed, nnd the motor column re tu rn s to T h a t rifle w as fixed dead across the sniper. T he fellows who had sent him march back to c n itip with the pig held A fte r It la dark the simply pul the spurs to his horse and hendiiuni'ters. aloft on th e ends of several bayonets. center of the bridge, so nil lie had to up there cam e along a n d without being hors«* tra nsport comes down from the Chicken fishing is great fun, too, but stuck right to the middle of the road do w as to pull the trigger when he observed by the object of their joke He «lidift attem pt to tire at us at all trenches, loads Its wagons and Imme­ heard a nything strike the wooden proceeded to enjoy the fun. T he Irish­ It requires patience. You take u long He w as just going for all he w as worth diately returns to the trenches, where planking of the bridge. It was a pret­ m an couldn’t understand how it was piece of string and tie a little piece « f When I saw this I started a f t e r him the supplies nre Issued to each unit for bread to tile end of It.. You find a ty little scheme, but it cam e to an end. possible for him to miss his m a rk at iu earnest, and he didn’t have n chance distribution to the smaller units. spot where there are clftckens about. such a sh o rt range, and at each shot as all things, good or had. must. The motors complete their work In I i the world. T h a t car had done seven S catter some crum bs around anil also O ther tra p s such as this were all too he was s w e a rin g at his luck. Finally an Incredibly short time. They have fy-eJglit ntlles an hour on her test, and drop the piece of bread you have < > n the common along this road, but eventual­ he hit th e body so m a n y times it fell seven or eight miles to carry their ly w e cleared the most of them out. over, and it w a s not until then tha t he end of the string. Then you find a 1 hardly gave German horses cr«*dlt for lends and In some cases even farther, such speed as that. As we got closer convenient tree and sit down with the Many of the snipers w oifd w ear civil­ realized how he had been fooled. yi*t within tw o or three hours from tho to him Have quit firing, for It would other end of the string hi your h ind ian clothes, some would lie wearing and wait for the chickens to “ bite." have been m urder to shoot a m an In a time they leave their cam ps In the the British uniform, and some would C H A P T E R IV. When one comes to your piece of bread trap such ns he was In. He kept to the morning they nre back again, a n d tbe have the nerve to use their own uni­ T h e Boy Sniper. you begin Jerking it n enier to the tree center *»f the read, though, and he nrmy has been provided for another forms. NOTKF.it sniping incident wn« behind which you are hiding. When it wouldn't give an inch. day. W e captured a few of these beauties the ea.-e of n Belgian boy only I was blowing tha t old siren for *11 alive. T heir admissions were almost l fourteen year« old. On a road it was worth, and 1 opened the cut-out to make all the noise I could, trying to scare his horse off th e road, and the animal wanted to get out of the way. too. but the rider held hitn In. At last Have said, “ I'll m ake him inovo.” and he s«*nt n lmllet so close I'll bet he could have kissed It as It went by. He gave way then all right, and as he did I pulled up alongside of him. As we came up he pulled a re­ volver and fired tw o shots, which Just went over tnv head. I»a«e leaned over arul caught him bv the belt. He yank «si him c1‘*nr of the saddle and slung him into the back of the « ar. He land- «*d on toft «if the captain, nnd those two were so mixed up you couldn't tell one from tin* other. I stoppe«! the ear as quickly as 1 ro ild. and we soon had him “saying I’lKle.” though lie fought like a wild r r t for a few minutes. The captain got the worst of If. for he had a beau­ tiful “sinner” and the skin off his knuckles When we search**«] him we found thirty three English ten shilling n«ros on him. He had taken them from some of nnr fellows, of course, but what made us mad was tha t the c a r ’aln wouhl not allow us to keep them. j T>.s Horse Tran sp o rt Com es D o * o Ot~R money will pile tip rapidly if. »lien you get a surplus Mr* said It would not lie honest, but 1 From tbs Trenches. notice«] tha t when we hande«l him over of cash, you take it at once to the bonk. If you carry a To each motor vehicle three men are to some F r rtn li ca val ry a little lite r large sum of money on your person there always is a »«•signed They are known as the first, tl ey didn't lieslfa»«* about ta'rlng t l e m temptation to sperd. o f t e n is it -aid that “ m one y Then I Took Another Leo'« and Saw and Have and I sat in the car and se on'] an«] third «lilvera nnd are all of the Cavalrymen Were German*. burns a hole in his pocket?” It will not bum a hole in your them quallfie«] chauffeura. In case any- watched f h 'n i splitting It among them pocket if you bank it. Don't procrastinate. Open an account comes within s t i l k i i s distance you reives. I felt ra th e r sorry for the poor i thing happens to the first driver the vrith us today’. Jump as if you were falliug on a foot­ devil, for he sai«l that he nnd the rest others are there to take his pla^e. The ball, and If you a re lucky you will have of his squa«l ha«l been hiding for five first d riv e r has the care of the engine rlii .cii for «¡inner. days and five nights and tha t they and th e driving of »he truck, while the t* 1 w as out one day hi a motor with d.dn't know where they were They other tw o men h a r e tbe greasing and a staff c aptain and Have Smith, the had become desperate and decide«! to oiling and cleaning of the vehicle, and heavyweight champion, whom I bum p­ run for It In the open. T he others they also assist In the loading an«] un­ ed against during my first days in the came la and surrendered late.* la the loading of aunnll«*s. The motors are tn- army. We had keen tip to a brigade day. Continved on last page. h eadquarters and were on return trip. • • • • • • a ($ <5ooi> (protnfcei’ for fourteen ^ome MONTHS THEFRONT By WILLIAM j. ROBINSON TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK A Does Aloney 'Burn a Hole In } otir Pocket ? Y NHSTL'CCA VALLEY BANK Cloverdale, Oregon. j