PROFESSIONAL I T FOURTEEN MONTES V/ben this w as all over 1 w as so j scared 1 w as beginning to think th at AT THE FRONT C ontinned Irom first page v I ouh w a r ILe regim ent becam e su r­ rounded by the enem y, and, turning back to back, they fought until relief reached them . A nother regim ent has th e nicknam e of th e “C herry T ickers." In some w a r of long ago th is regim ent w as ordered to m ake a ch arg e through a cherry or chard, and w hile p assing through they forgot th e ir duty and stopped to pick th e cherries. From th a t day to this they have lieon know n os th e "C herry P ickers,” and th e tro u sers of th e ir dress uniform a rc of cherry colored m ate­ rial. T h ere la a certain Scotch regim ent w hich fo r acme reason had its kilts tak en aw ay and now has to w ear tro u sers m ade of th e sam e kind of p laid th a t th e kilts w ere m ade of. The xnen a re w orking like T ro jan s In this w ar to win th e ir kilts back again, and they will very probably he successful, us they have done some w onderful work. Euch regim ent finds som ething to boast ubout, and the men never m iss an opportunity. T h e S eventeenth L ancers a re know n as the “ D eath or Glory ^loys,” a s th e ir regim ental badge is the •k n ll and crossed bones uud “ D eath or G lory” is th e ir motto. T he Royal E ngineers have m ore Vic­ to ria crosses th a n any oth er regim ent In th e B ritish arm y, an d it Is no w on­ der, for th eirs is a very dangerous Work and affords plenty of opportu nltles fo r men to distinguish them •elves. The first Vlctorlu ero.-s a w a rd ­ ed in th e present w ar wus won by u d riv er of an autom obile, a m em ber of th e Arm y Service corps. T w o dn>s la te r w ord cam e around th a t th e regim ent w as going to the fro n t w ithin th e week, l ’.y th a t tim e 1 w us coveted w ith saddle sores uud w as iu agony the whole tim e. Al­ though It retin ites nine m onths' tra in ­ ing to tu rn out a full fledged cav a lry ­ m an, 1 decided to try to go with the regim ent som ehow, uud 1 d idn't cure how 1 w ent. A nything to get out of th a t rid in g acliool. Mo 1 Went to a captain and told him the whole story, and I begged him to tak e me. lie w as certainly m ighty nice about It. and In the end ho attach ed me to his personal stuff and took me th a t way. Up to th is tim e i h a d n 't thought m uch about w hat w as going to hup. cu when we reached the front, hut w hat we got Just before wo sailed certainly m ade uie do some tall thinking. We w ere Issued Identity disks lh--t. These a re hung around the neck, and on them a re stum ped th e soldier's nam e, regi­ m ental num b er and his religion. Then wo w ere g l\c u o u r pay b" or us. the riding sch*ool might have Its ud- vantages. And all th e way over on the tra n sp o rt I w as feeling m ighty blue, and 1 w as certain th at 1 w as never going to see E ngland again, let alone th e old U. 8. A. Crossing th e channel, we lauded at O s'end a t 4 o’clock J*i th e m orning on the eighth day o f October, 1014. We hail had nothing but bnllybeef and hard biscuits ail the way over, so the first place we sought when off duty w as a restau ran t. I bad chum m ed up w ith a fellow nam ed H arry M cG arrow and also with the heavyw eight. The la tte r w as un old soldier and had served more th an tw euty years In the arm y. Nine years I j of his service had been done in I n d ia , so he kuew the ropes pretty well. As soon as w e w ere off d u ty we three m ade fo r th e n earest estain in et (or sm all cafe) in the Flem ish tow u. We were ju st p u ttin g aw ay some bread and eggs and coffee when the general com m anding th e division w alked iu with tw o of his officers.- Of course we Jum ped to atten tio n and were about to w ithdraw , but he told us to finish our meal. We w ere the only B ritish troops to land at O stend, and, being th e first the Belgians iu th a t p a rt hud ever seen, we a ttra c te d a great deal of attention. O ur horses and equipm ent seem ed to am aze them . T hey would come up and handle the saddlery and ask, "ofii- cier?” W hen we would tell them th at It w as Just a trooper's equipm ent and th a t all th e others were th e sam e they could not seem to got over it. A lthough it was a fte r 4 o’clock In the m orning, everybody seem ed to be up und a t work. T he Belgian peasant bus no in te re st in the eight hour law. H e w orks from before daylight uutil loug a fte r dark. The peasan ts seem to be very poor, und u frui • m eans more to them th an several d o llars would to our farm ers. We left O stend about i> o'clock iu a hurry. No one seemed to know whore we w ere go'ug. and u 11 su its of wild rum ors w ere flying. As u m a tte r of fact, we left a t t) and the G erm ans were iu th ere ut ti the suiue night, but we didn't know this until long after- w ard. T he Belgians Were m ost kind to us. They would bring us bread, eggs, wine, e tc ., und would not tuke any pay for the things. They were kindness itself and couldn't seeui to do enough fo r us. We did m ost o f our traveling at night, and it w asn 't much fuu. We w ere not allowed to show a light of any kind and w ere even forbidden to smoke. As l said before, we h adn't any idea w here we w ere going, b u t We w ere all su re we w ere on our w ay to m eet th e G erm ans, and there w as a g reat deal o f speculation as to when the m eeting would come. On the m orning of the third day we cam e to the tow u of Borders. A halt w as called, and we went about m ak ­ ing ourselves com fort able. T he peo­ ple were extrem ely cordial, too, und there w as nothing th a t w as too much trouble for them to do for us. 1 got Into u house w here the man spoke English, lie had been in the shipping business In A ntw erp uud knew u great m any o f the firm s my la th i r had dealt with. 1 really felt quite at home. They asked me if 1 thought they had I b etter m ove o r w hether the G erm ans ! would over get as fa r ns Koulers. I'll ! never forget how 1 scorned the Idea and assu red them th a t they w ere as • cfe th ere us they would be In Eng luud. , C ontinued N ext W eek. j CARDS Tillamook Abstracting Co E ast V ia California T h o b . C o a t e s . P r e s id e n t . COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS i OF TILLAM OOK Is a pleasant winter j • through a land route, where it Travel iu is always comfort COUNTY, TILLAM OOK C IT Y , OREGON. O REG O N . summer. T.H. GOYNE, ( | There’s San | J Monte, j | i Barbara, San Monterey, Pacific k | Francisco, Los Angeles, Jose, ATTORNEY AT LAW Del Conveykncing, E tc. Grove, Santa Long Beach, Opp. C ourt 11oírse, T illam ook, Ore. g Venice and many other charming sorts, and much beagtifnl re­ F. R. BEALS scenery REAL E S T A T E enroute. ■Write for L iteratu re. T hree Daily T ra in s TILLA M O O K . to San Francisco. Standard and tourist sleepers, dining cars, steel equipment. - OREGON FRANK TAYLOR, » Portland - Notary Public solid Particularly attractive Gloverdale, Ore. at this season of the year. A. C. EVERSON Ask your local agent for p articu lars. TILLAM OOK. ORE. Jo h n M. Scott, G eneral Passenger*Agent P o rtlan d . Money to Loan I Southern Pacific Lines Real Estate Agency See me for realty deals. Counts Tillamook Undertaking Co. "i R . N. IIE N K E L , P ro p rieto r. I N ight an d Day calls p ro m p tly atte n d e d . In ever line of Merchandise, but none more especially than in HARDW ARE Our large stock is in every instance the hest that can be had and our aim will be to keep the high standard up. S ix th S treet a t Second A venue F.ast I TILLA M O O K , - ¡J. N. PEARCY - OREGON E . J . MENDENHALL ATTORNEYS AT LAW I 928 C h a m b e r of C om m erce, Builders’ Hardware, PORTLAND, - - OREGON Tools Shell and Heavy Hardware I i Attorney a n d C ounsellor at Lav/ I j Stoves, Ranges, Farm and Garden Tools NATIONALBLD., - TILLAMOOK, ORE. » ♦ • ♦ • ♦ g o a o s o to a o c « And everything usually kept in a first-class hard ware store, and all goods are of the best quality. AleX McNair & Co., Tillamook, Ore. Something Different. C. W. TALMAGE, 5 $ ; x • • ¡2 j # CLOUGH’S LYSEPTIC “M other,” said little Evelyn, “m ay I i ♦ go out and play w ith the other chil dren now ?” Thu Best A ntiseptic "You may play w ith the little girls, I’hrsker Bros, for all kinds of (dum b­ sw eeth eart, but not w ith the boys. The Heading Germ icide ing, bath room outfits aiul fixtures. Til- little boys are too rough.” lunnmk. O re. “ But, m other,” rejoined the little Lyseptic is completely soluahle in miss, “ if I find a nice, smooth little | water. A teaspoon full to one quart of j boy. can I play w ith him ?”—New York water is the average strength to be used 1 Money to loan—The I arillo Hu 'ding Times. \ for antisepkicj germicide, deodorants. | and Ì oan Ass « iuBon has an i gent here. E nquire at th e oflic* c f T a v ltr “ My Fourteen M onths at the F ro n t.” ' wounds, cuts, nail punctures, mange. 1 hoof rot, mud fever, lice, fleas, dandruff, First m stnllm ent this week. Read it. Beat E state Agency. f * An a d v e rtise m e n t th is size in tlie Cloverdale C ourier a t only 3oc th e isssue. D on’t le t th e door hinges of y o u r busi- ness place get rn a tv for th e w ant of a little «river* tilin g . i shampoo, tieiug of a soapy nature proves i ! very effective for washing the animals' | OL W H Y . THAT W AS PRESIDENT ANDREW JACKSONS FAVORITE CHEW O LD HICKORY WAS MIGHTY PARTICULAR ABOUT HIS TOBACCO^ U G R A V E L Y -S CELEBRATED — C h e w i n g P lu § B E F O R E T H E IN V E N T IO N O F O U R PATENT A IR -P R O O F P O U C H G R A V E L Y P L U G TOBACCO H A D E S T R IC T LY FOR ITS C H E W IN G Q U A L IT Y WOULD NOT K E E P F R E S H IN T H IS S E C T IO N . N O W TH E PATENT P O U C H K E E P S IT FR ESH AND C LE A N AND G O O D A L IT T L E C HEW O F G R A V E L Y IS E N O U G H A N D L A S T S L O N G E R T H A N A B IO C H E W O F O R D IN A R Y P L U G . 9 r » v e ty & A u x c Ce A w He "V JW * 0 and stable cte.icils, and if user! in gen­ eral, improves stable conditions, infect­ ion, among cattle, abortion, foul dis-j charge and externally to prevent the j spread of diseases. CHAS. I. CLOUGH, RfliiahlftDruggist, Tillam ook. Ore. The Todd Hotel Tillamook. Ore. ¥ 9 f 1 B EFO R E B IL LY P O S TER GETS THROUGH, A L O T O F o t h e r p e o p l e w i l l BE G ETTIN G PARTICULAR TO O L. S. HUSHBECK, P roprietor. J Dining Boom run on Fam ily Style Meals 35c. Rom s50 and 75 Cents. Special Rates bj the Week. ^ 9 2 X ♦ I i j Th# Gorman* Wort In Thor# at 6 the • £ TAKE J ¡ THE W HITE/ AUTO STAGE Tillamook” Cloveriiale i ------------------ f o r ------------------ - -AND— All Way Points Saf.e and C o m b v r ta b le Leave L loverdale daily at 7:30;». nj .a r r iv in g at T illa ­ mook at 10 a. in.— in time for inorninr train to Portland. Leave Tillamook at 3 p. U . arriving at Cloverdale at 5 ! p. m . J M. TK A X LK R . Prop.