Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, October 25, 1917, Image 3

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Published Every Thursday
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ E n te re d as second-class m a tte r, Nov­
ember l " t h , 1905 at the poet office at CTo-
verdalo, Tillamook County, O regon,un­
der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878.
The Place Cloverdale People
Should Visit
Brief Items of Interest from Various Towns in
Portland now has a woman d e te c t­
S ubscription R a i t s
• ive.
T he seventh a nnua l potato show
One Year, iu a d v a n c e .......... .......... fl.OC
Six M onths ............................................. 50 was held a t Redmond.
Three M o n th s .............................................25
Lane county will s ta r t a system atic
Single C o p y ........................... •....................05
plan of w inter upkeep on its roads.
Convicts a t the sta te pe nitentiary
A d v e r t is i n g R ates
for $1250 of L iberty loan
Displayed Advertisements, bO cents per
inch per m onth, single colum n. All bonds.
Local Reading Notices, 10 cents per
Mrs. Caroline R. P a rk e r, pioneer of
line for each insertion.
Tim ber land notices
♦10.00 Lane county, died a t h e r home n e a r
Homestead notices
5.00 Dexter.
Political A nnouncement Cards
Two-dollar w heat is cre a ting an ac­
------------------------------------------- — ----------
tive dem and for farm lands in Linn
J ob D e p a r t m e n t
My Jo b D e p a itm e u t is complete iu every
Hood River lum ber concerns are be­
respect and I am able to do all kinds
Commercial J o b Printing on abort ing affected seriously because of lack
notice a t reasonable prices.
of cars.
W illiam H. Reeves, a prom inent
T H U R SD A Y . OCTOBER 25, 1917.
stock buyer of Linn county, died at
th e Lebanon hoepital of pneumonia.
Portland has been selected as one
Buy a Liberty Bond and go to sleep
cf the five distributing c e n te rs for
vitli a clear conscience.
publicity for the big pledge card cam
After the war is over watch the Lib­ paign.
Furnishings for th e ir own class
erty Bonds advance in price.
rooms are being constructed by Bend
Speakers have told us of the reason boys who a re taking m anual training
by Uncle Sam was
w as urging th
ttn e citizenry j in the high school.
to buy Liberty Loan Bonds. Among j Forest fires, although not yet do-
the most p rom inent reason was th a t it ( ing any dam age to g re e n tim ber, are
showed loyaltv to th e goverment. This creating concern am ong tim b e r own
is all very true and it shows th a t the ers in Coos county.
hearts of th e American people are in the
An effort to prevent wsaste of food
right place. But there is an added in the two girls’ d orm itories a t O re­
good reason and one we th in k of vital gon Agricultural college is being in­
im portance.
We can see th a t this stitu te d by the girls.
reason is reasonable w I i p i i we realize
S ta te Fire Marshal H arvev Wells
t h a t Uncle Sam could have sold these; has issued an appeal to all school
bonds to the banks of New York ai d teachers in the sta te to h»old a t least
tlie east with less trouble and expense. yveekly fire drills in th e ir schools.
Then you ask why he did n o t do it.
On D ecember 3 the tim b e r on a
The reason is obvious. At all tim es the portion of the Oregon ft California
U nited States is looking far into the gra n t lands in Coos c o u n ty will be
future. The goverment realizes th a t auctioned off to th e h ig h e st bidders.
th e time is coming when th e war will
T he grand lodge of Friks has a d ­
close, th e n w ha t!
The question is vised Senator C ham berlain th a t it had
m any times asked w hat will the times allotted $60,000 to equip a Red Cross
be when the war ends. This is just the hospital unit for the U n iv e rsity of
point. Uncle Sam would like to see Oregon.
$50 of th e coin of the realm in the hands
T he auxiliary schooner
of each and every individual citizen. sister ship to the May and Che sixth
W ith this a m o u n t of money scattered vessel constructed at th e M oEachern
throughout the country hard times or a shipyards, w-as successtfully launched
panic of nnv discription could not oc­ a t Astoria.
cur. If each individual has a Liberty-
P ortland's se rv a n t pint- a re p r fv
Loan Bond of $50 it can be easily con­ parlng to form a uninm for th e uplift­
verted into gold or currency and busi­ ing of their craft a n d for th e im
ness will progress u n in te rru p te d when provement of conditions und'-r wjiich
th e word has been heralded over the they work.
wires t h a t peace again reigns s u ­
No hope for im m ediate relief in the
preme over the e n t i r e world. Two car shortage in thl3 sta te is held out
days yet rem ain in which to buy a in a telegram received by th e public
Liberty Loan Bond.
service commission from Commission
er F. J Miller.
T he 49th annual convention of O r e ­
Baptists is being held th is week
Berton Bralev tells us in a few words
he Dalles, beginning Monday
his mind of a bunk p a trio t:
and continuing th r o u g h Fri
“ I prefer th e elacker to th e bunk
day afternoon.
The. Oregon Irrigation S e c u r itie s
“ For at least, the slacker is frankly
has certified the issu e of
dodgtng his dutv. while the bunk patriot
by the Payet'ie-Oregon
is trving to get by with loud promise
Riope irrigation of I §aho and
and no performance.
e a ste rn Oregon.
“ Who is the bunk patriot?
Superior w eight and b e t t e r te a m ­
“ He is the corner grocer w ho drapes
g a v e the Orogon' foot­
the flag all over the front of his shop
the big end of a 2« to 6
a n d nuts u p his prices 50 per cent, ‘on
account of the w a r ;’ the re sta u ra n t score in the ir game with t!m UWlver­
keeper who serves Hoover’s war rations sify of Idaho at Pendleton.
The $100 cash prize o ffe re d for the
a t enhanced schedules; th e business
five bushels of p o ta ’eves exhib­
tnan who subscribes to two Liberty
bonds and gets it hark im mediatelv ited a t the seventh a n n u a l p otato
with 200 per cent a ided from th e pub­ show a t Redmond was a w a r d e d to S.
lic lie is supposed to serve; th e landlord D. Mustard, of Powell But*»
Charles Otis, of K lam atji Flails, was
who sends out notices of increased rents
a t Odessa when th e logping
on paper with an embossed flag in the
locomotive of the O d e s « L a r g in g ft
“ He is the employer who talks about T im ber company, of wlhich he w.vs
th e disloyal and u npa triotic w o rk m a n ’ m anager, got out of c ontrol a n d ra n
th a t strikes for a n o th e r dollar a day to down the mountain.
The United State« has» filed a pa te nt
meet the increased cost of living d u t to
th e activities of other bunk patriots, and w^*r h deeds the Saddle m o u n ta in and
in th s next breath denounces th e con- Humbug forest d is tr ic ts near- Astoria
fiscatory and socialistic policy of taking *°
sta te of Oregcfn. This, i t part
ten p>er cent of the e x tra war profits to °* ' " e *an<* which pill com pose the
carrv on th e war.
, S a'1'11« m ountain p e r t .
“ He is the banker, the financier, th e _
8Chool of c o m m erce of ttie
mo..ey lender who cheers for our boys 1 r-iv*r *‘‘, V of Oregon is m a k in g a n r -
in khaki and forecloses notes and m^rt-
**** wool situation lq O regr p
gages on the families they have left be-j
* view of finding out how th e in
| d*i8*r y
affected by c om pe tition
“ He is anv and e v e n - mem ber of tbe ’rom foreign countries
trilie of T l l - g e t m in e ’—and when th e
Sixteen mllcg of new re*ad suitable
real patriots who are suTering and sac- or a u ,°m oblle travel ha r e been com-
rificing and toiling and fighting to win P‘8ted ***** *a ** nn *h® oTd W illa m e tte |
th e war for democracy and decency find Tr“ l-tary road to F o rt K la m a th by .
tim e to attend to him lie’s going to ’get **ie f ° r®B* forces and file F a n e c ounty
h is’ with com pound interest and- a r o u r * working together
t>inas. W hen th a t gla I period arrives
G rants Pass has ctjm pR fed Its rjjn.
th e rest of us will be present and yell— ’* f ° r **** n#w • ’•r ^ a n y p rornm unftv
“ ’Hit him again, he has n o f r ie n d * !’’ r*r r p * * Ion fund, th e firsi in the* Unit-
! ed States to turrt In Its sh a r e , -accord-
Monev to l«»an—The Pacific Building Ing to a n n o u n c e m e n t from w e ste rn
and Loan Association has an agent h e a d q u a rte rs of this fund,
here. E nquire a t the office of Tavlor
John Proebstel, P ra irie Cre»k fa»™.
Real E state Agency.
er, was insta ntly, killed and II. L.
Fisher. of Silverton, automobile safes
man, was seriously injured in an a u to ­
mobile accident on Creighton lane, a
mile and a half north of Joseph.
At th e m eeting of the s ta te highw ay
commission, scheduled for November
6. bids win be opened for the grading
of the section of the Columbia river
highway between Hood River and Mo
sier. which it is estim ated will cost
T he building of the new county jail
for Malheur county has been at a
standstill for several weeks owing to
the inability of the contractors to get
steel. It arrived last week and is
being placed in the new building.
W. B Ayer, food a d m in istra to r for
Oregon, lias received definite
structions from H erbert Hoover to
notify all dealers in foodstuffs doing
a business of $100,000 or more that
they must take out licenses before
Novem ber 1.
Fire, which ignited un d e r suspi
cious circum stances, practically d e ­
stroyed the sawmill of J. H. Chom
bers, located about a mile from Cot
tage Grove. The damage to the plant
probably will total betw een $75,000
and $100,000.
Out of 365 accidents reported to the
industrial accident commission for
the week ending October 18. only otic
was fatal, according to a report of the
commission. T ure Johnson, employed
hy a fish packing company at Astoria,
was the one fatally injured.
The first box of fancy "Oregon jum
bo” c ra n b e rries produced on the C’lat
sop county bogs n e a r W a rre n to n has
been received by Governor Withy
combe from William E. Schimpff,
Clatsop county legislator and secre
ta r y of the Clatsop C ranberry associa
Sets of educational slides, films and
exhibits for schools and rural com
m unities of Oregon, to be handled
through the extension division of the
U niversity of Oregon, is one of the
lines of public service upon which the
d e p a r tm e n t of social welfare Is now
a t work.
T he passing cf the little district
■ ebnol in O rernn
prpdtcterl in an
ad d re ss uj 7.L J. i ’iUu.en, br ad cf the
rural school d epartm ent of the M< n-
mouth normal sthool, in fin address
before the Oregon C ongress of Moth
er and P a re n t T eacher associations
a t Eugene.
George A. W hite, adjutant general
of Oregon, left Portland under orders
from the war d e p a rtm e n t to report
im mediately for active service a t "an
Atlantic port.” While he was reti-
ceut about his orders, Urn Indications
axe strong that lie will soon be bent
to France.
F a rm e rs of the sta te are endeavor
ing to organize their work to meet
the changed conditions in m a rk e tin g
and other phases of farm ing brought
about by the war. A num ber of conn
tics are fore.Ing agricultural councils
w here the men will meet and plan
their work.
T he director of the geological s u r ­
vey has notified Senator McNary he
has sent six land classifiers into the
Vale land district in e a ste rn Oregon
to classify and list lands for e ntry
under th e 640 a c re hom estead law
T hey will work until w eather In te r­
Bids will soon be asked for by the
Douglas county court for the building
of about 11 miles of road on the Pa
ciflc highway to elim inate th e Rob
e rts mountain road, eight miles south
of H o s e burg, which is one of the most
dangerous pieces of road In this sec­
tion of the state.
T he sta te highw ay commission has
finally approved and sent to the fed
eraJ authorities for th e ir approval, a
post-road project on the John Day
highway between Fossil and Sarvice
T he road proposed is 9 47
miles long. »0 be c o nstructed a t a
cost of $36.733 49. It lien In Wheeler
b o u n ty
Hawmill and logging cam p o p e ra t­
o rs in e a ste rn Oregon believe that
h«cav 98 p a r *".'*?**
***®y *
* compe .
o em p ny wo-
men f o r lighter work, according to a
re p o rt An labor conditions in Baker
c ounty m a d e by S ta te L abor Com
mission er Hoff a fte r a visit to that
T he final a ction of the Oregon r*»n-
gress of M others and P a r e n t T e a c he r
asso c ia tio n s in closing Its four days
c onvention a t E ugene was a vote to
autf-.onae thy investm ent of $250, the
G o l d e n ’s
A few words to the consumers of wearing apparel. It
will pay you to rem em ber when you think about
Suits or Coats to See Cs.
We have no competition. We m anufacture ail our
Coats and Suits right in th e store and sell direct to
YOU lit m a n u fa c tu rers’ wholesale prices. We save
you the sto rek eep er’s profits a n d th e traveling e x ­
pense, h>gh rent expense a n d middle m a n 's profit«.
J u s t th in g for a m om ent w hat this m e a n s to you.
Absolutely half the prices you would
have to pay in any other
store in our town.
We m anufacture new stvles in Coats and Suits for
Ladit-s and Misses. Exclusive new styles every week.
Out of town people
yo«i to speml yo« fares
and come and inspect our beauti­
ful line of Coats and Suits. Our Ladles’ Tailoring d e p a r tm e n t will be
glad t.o m ake up to your order exclusive stvles in any style you may d e ­
sire. Ill m aking your Coats, Suits or separate Skirts we guarantee to give
you satisfaction.
We Make
Men’s Suits and Coats
Tailored in c u r store on premises.
VVonicn'8 » h o p
f i r s t Stroot
Pays to
Advertise in
the Courier.
Sast Via California
Is a pleasant winter route,
through a land
Travel in comfort
where it is always sumnqer.
There’s San
Francisco, San Jose, Del
Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Santa
Los* Angeles,
Venice and
many other charming
Three Daily Trains
lo San Francisco.
and touiiat sleepers, dining csrs, solid
steel equipment.
Particularly attractive
at this season of the year.
Ask your local agent for particulars.
J o h n M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Southern Pacific Lines
annual pledge to th e U niversity of
Oregon w o m a n s building fund in lib
e rty bonds to be held in that form
until money is needed
A real e sta te deal of «erne msgnf
tnde was made when J W D'etre and
J. M McDade purchased 12,900 acre«
of the choice lands of the famous
T rout Creek ranch, in the southe rn
portion cf H arney county, frr.r»
Thoma? A. W aiter« of Chicago
it is
the intention of th e present owner*
to stock this ranch with sheep and
Published reports to the effect that
the s ’ate lime hoard con te m p la te s no
lime developm ents are untrue, accord
ng to W arden C. A. Mnrphv. T be
board is now neg o tia tin g with J. H.
Deeman, of Gold Hill, for a lease on
V3 lime deposits, and m soon as It in
entered Into a plant will be installed,
he declared T he ro y a lty proposed is
e ig h t ce n ts a ton, he said.
Perm ission for th e offering of $169
as a prize to th e shipper loading fruit
c s r s the h eaviest over th e Mount Hoed
railroad during th e season is re q u e st­
ed hy P resident Early, of the road
He believe« tha t such a prise would
stim u la te c a r conservation The com
mission is investigating to determ ine
w h e th e r or not th e offering of the
prize would con stitu te rebating.