5 ' LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS a a U n D AND OTHER NEWS OF INTEREST Isaac Ward *-f Portland, is visiting 8ee Taylor, at the Couiiei ofiice for friends in ami around Cloverdale this week. Fire Insurance. While playing around a woodsaw near Herman Bailey visited h< me fo;ks th« tlio school grounds lust Friday Harvey first of the week. Moon had the misfortune to gi t his Mrs. Edward Fogg, of Mohler, is a hand against the saw, cutting the patient at the hospital. hand so that several stitches were neces­ J. M. Traxler returned to Cloverdale sary in dressing it. from Portland Tuesday. Dr. Wise will be at his Cloverdale For Sale»--Team, wagon and harness. office every Monday evening and all Guy Mattoon, Cloverdale. through the day Tuesday and longer if A letter from Arba Sti verson sava he required until further notice. Those desiring dental work done can make ia in the hospital with the mumps. J. E Reedy, of Tillamook, ia spend­ appointment by telephone. W. B A. Wise. dentist. ing a few day* in Cloverdale this week While they Last j Jewelry r.E , VK msteeceived an elgant new line of Jewelry, soma of the latest things in the jewelry line, possibly just the thing you have been looking for. Come in ami look over the many nice things. We also have a nice new line of Hand Painted China and fancy Jardiniere. Just the thing for pre-holiday purchases. Miss DePar has opened a line of Ladies’ Wearing Apparel consisting of Bill O’Connell cut his arm quite Waists, Coats, Dresses, Muslin Cnder- severely last Friday while splitting wear, etc., in the National Building, wood. room 12, entrance near Sanitary market. Mr* Alex Fraser, of Salmon River She has had a wide experience in this line was • Cloverdale business visitor Mon­ of work and you will make no mistake Druagist ami Stationer day.; in giving her an order. DePar Specialty Cloverdale, - - Oregon. Plasker Brofl. for all kinds of ulumb Shop, Bell Phone 136-W. log, bath room outfits and fixtures. Til­ Let me order that new piano for you. LIBERTY LOAN BOND BUYERS lamook. Ore. There will be a 10 per cent raise by the v 1' Dei Moon made a trip to the valley manufacturer, and I have selected this week and returned with a trurk several of the new models which 1 can Lightly Attended Meeting Following the 1<. ad of apples. Moving Picture Show. sell ut .the present price. The instru­ ment will be placed with you subject to O. F. Williams, barber, Beaver, Ore­ gon. Good work and courteous treat your entire approval. Write me if in­ Messrs. Edwards, Baker and Lamb, terested. Leland B. Erwin, Tillamook, of Tillamook, came over to Clovdrdale uient. Call on him. county representative for the Wiley B. last Saturday to boost the sale of Liberty To rent—Ranch of 160 acres near Allen Co. Loan Bouds. At the close of the mov­ Hobo, without stock. Reasonable terms. ing picture show each of the above Enquire at this office. WOODS ITEMS. named gentlemen gave a abort talk on A Hallowe'en Social will be given b\ the necessity and loyalty of purchasing the Orctown Grange in their hall on tin the bonds. Although the hall was un- Mr«. Fisher returned home from Til­ I.ve of October Hist, 1017. ■ comfortably cold and the crowd small lamook Sunday night. Phares Rtiverssn and Herman Smith j the efforts of the speakers has not been Mr. Murray' of Falls City, is night Caine over from Fort Columbia Friday j iu vain as there were quite a few sub- watching at the mill. evening and returned Tuesday. ; scribed that evening and others have D. I). Ilostettler and L. S. Crawford j fallen in line since the meeting. Miss Millie Iler, who underwent u have gone to the valley on business. A committee of three, F. L. Owens, senoua operation at the hospital Sun­ W. A. High and Chas. Ray, were ap­ day, is reported recovering nicely. Mrs. Weidner is with us again after pointed to solicit for the sale of the Lost— Monday, between Cloverdale spending some time with her father, bonds up to tin* time of the closing, Sat­ who was buried last Thursday near and Meda, a heavy overcoat. Find* r urday, October 27. please return to Earl White and receive Sa’em. She lias our deepest gymathy , Following are those who have sub­ in her bereavement. reward. scribed for the Second Liberty Loan Tue Fible study that was formerly Bond up to the present time: For Sale—Ford auto, equipped with Presto lights, demountable rims and conducted Wednesday evenings has been Jack Boon ...................................... $ 100 SO two new tires. C. J. Worthington, din need to Sunday evenings, bi-ginn ^ Frank Taylor.................................. at 7 o’clock sharp, at the Chapel. Preach­ Glenn Taylor,....................... :........ SO Cloverdale. ing to follow at 8 o’clock. John Fleck...................................... 100 Mr. and Mrs. L). T. Wersebkul re­ J. L. George.................................... 50 W e* think that there is not as much turned home yesterday afternoon from C. A. Smith.................................... 100 Portland, where they have been visiting interest taken in tlie Liberty Lean as SO there should be in our fertile little val­ Roland H. Meitzke........................ since Saturday. 60 ley. We all should sacrifice f* r th i Frank W 1 o i................................ Guy Muttoon and family are again great cause. It dollars will win the A. W. Hess....................... SO Cloverdale residents, having recent y war, its much cheaper than our Loy*, Chas. Ray ..................... 100 moved buck here from the Three Rivers and after sending our boys we should Sebra Norton.................................. 50 road district, where he has been em­ see that they are abundantly supplied Kermit Trailer ............................ fO ployed the past summer. 50 with everything essential for their ef­ George Traxler............................... Roy K. Red berg ............................ S O Let the Dr. Turner, the well known eye fectiveness and comfort. Ina K. Burke.................................. 50 Specialist of Portland, will be in Tilla­ women, the boys and the girls each Jas. L. Burke.................................. 50 mook again Tuesday and Wednesday, take a Liberty Bond. The terms of Etta Barks...................................... NO payment are verv reasonable, and this October HO and 31, at Jenkins' jewelry Orin Burke...................................... 100 Store. Consult him. Don’t forget the is not all, the security is good. A. A. lm lah......... .......................... 100 date. Mr. Gilbert spent Wednesday in Til- J. J. McGinnis............................... 100 i imook. I*. M. Kraner in company with a del­ Howard Owens............................... 50 Mr. Beals has bought a new heavy Arthur Ow ens .............................. 50 egation of representative business men lumber wagon for the Tillamook luuibtr Omer Bailey ................................ S O <»f Tillamook.countv, attended a lecture D. A. Bailey.................................... 100 haul. He has several teams and an oc­ Tuesday eveumg in Portland on the Dorothy 8. Christensen................ 100 work of the Y. M -C. A. in the army, casional truck on 'lie road. Anna K. Christensen......... ........ 100 delivered by a man w ho had recently Cliff Mattoon and Roy Mapes are each Zada M. Christensen..'.................. 100 returned from France. building a new house at Pacific City. Oscar E. Taggart........................... 50 i Frank L. Owens........................... 200 W.|S. Boatman ............................. SO 1 ou iron hi go in ilea John Lockwood............................... 50 V. A. Spaulding ................... ... 5(1 to hear Anna Case B. II. Joy ..................................... SO . s in J R. M. Fox ....................................... 50 “ T h e S ta r S p a n g le d W. A High.................................... 250 Net-tinea Valiev Bank ............. 1,000 B anner” L. M. Kraner................................... 100 and Arthur Middle- Elbe D. Kraner.............................. 100 WM. A. HI GH, ton sing “ A m e r ic a .” It has been proved many times in putt- lie that their m ag- fticm— ^ erally Re-Created tty the A ’eir Edison and that their Voices cannot b>' delected ¡'row the .V ir Ed* ¿son’s Re-Creation of them when heard in com­ parison. II e are ri ry anxious to bare you hear these Re-Creations. II e are sure r/ou will appre­ ciate them. There are many sound reproducing ma­ chines, hut there is only one instrument irhieh Re Creates Music. It is the .Veir Edison. " The Phonograph I I '¡th a Soul." L o r S a le on L a s y P a y m e n ts b> J. S. LAMAR TILLAMOOK, OREGON Total........................ $H,9l>0 Two days reman in which to buv a bond. Next week we will print a com­ plete list of the bond buyers in this lo­ cality. The quota tabe raised in Tii.itnot k is $00,000; divided as follows: Tillamook City »80,000; P»y City, $8,000; Wheeler, $7,000; Cloverdale, M.OOO. The subscriptions this morning were af follows: Wheeler ...... .................. ‘ ........$13,000 Bay City......................................... 1,860 Cloverdale...................................... 3,900 Tillamook — Reported bv Fir-t National Rank................. ?8,100 Tillamook Ccuntv Bank ....... 33,100 j Grystal Whi te Soap or Royal White Soap $ 4.65 Gase 100 Bars. O n ? ca se o n ly to a cu s to m e r. Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Inc. b ir d s of f r e y a r e n e e d e d | tor of one of the best systems of anti­ typhoid vaccination, is distribut­ A ustralia Suffering Less of C rops and ing to the soldiers little jars of a Other Dsm age Through Lack of powder based upon Dr. Alexis Car­ Feathered Scavengers. rel's hypochlorite antiseptic fluid, Australia is regretting the laws with glass tubes through which to passed some 30 years ago ordering blow the powder on the wound. Doctor Vincent’s invention is the slaughter of hawks, owls, carrion chloride of lime mixed with boracic erows or other birds that prey on acid, both iu powder form. Its ap­ young animals and birds. For these plication causes no pain, even if have now been almost wiped out, nerves be exposed, only a sense of with the result, as described by W. warmth. The powder dissolves very P. Pyeraft in the Illustrated London ) slowly, so that its antiseptic action is News, that “ decaying bodies, numer­ prolonged for several hours. ous on sheep farms, have been left to According to La Nature, treat­ be demolished by the larvae of blow­ ment with this powder has proved flies, which have now increased to so successful that Doctor Vincent is such an appalling extent as to threat­ instructing all the regimental sur­ en the sheep on the runs with de­ struction, the animals becoming ‘fly­ geons in its use. blown’ and eaten up alive by this dangerous pest. “ Similarly, Victoria is complain­ ing of the difficulty of saving the im­ mense wheat stacks of the country from the plague of mice, which the absence of their natural enemies has be-gotten. Some protection has been secured by inclosing the stacks with­ in sheets o f galvanized iron, leaving convenient holes opposite tins sunk in the ground and filled with water. In this way as many as 10,000 mice have been caught in a single night. At Minvip recently the catch for two nights weighed rather more than a ton. Contemplate the cost of the corn bill for a ton of mice fQr a sin­ gle week, and weigh this against the cost of a properly organized bureau of ornithology!” And Mr. Pyeraft warns Great Britaiu that she is rapidly nearing a similar condition by reason of her passion for protecting game birds against owls, hawks and their like. HUNGER CAUSES NEW DISEASE JAPANS Bl^ NEW WARSHIP. Rapid progress is making on the great battleship Nagato, 32,000 tons, on the stocks at the naval yard at Tv ure, says the East and West News. She will be larger and faster than the Iso, now building at Kobe. Her speed will exceed 21 knots, that of the Ise; her principal arms will be larger and heavier than those on any battleship ever built in Japan. Prep­ arations are making at Kure for the construction of a 40,000-ton war vessel. The shops at Sasebo are very b'isv overhaul'll? wnr«hins. Office Ground Floor National Bid, Bell Phone 5H-J •P. < 1 . Box 117 With Rollie Watson Abstracts on Short Notice by the PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -— M anifests Itse lf by Swelling of Feet L. V. EBF.RIIARP. Manager.] and Lege— Bed and Hospital Diet Found Necessary. Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook Countv, Oregon. One of the results of the restricted OREGON diet now enforced in Germany is a TILLAMOOK. new disease due to malnutrition. This, which is called an “ oedema dis­ tlXTHE'COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR TILLA­ ease.” and is now very prevalent, hs MOOK COtNTY. discussed in the Deutsche Medizin- I n the matter ok the e - t . te of john iiche Woehenschrift by four physi­ rock , DfCtASFD. OrJer for hearing cians who have been studying it. final account. Register No. 116. two in the general hospital of Iiam- Notice of Hearing of Final Account. burg-Barmbcck, one ameng indus­ Notice is hereby given.—That the un­ trial workers in West Prussia and dersigned, administrator of the estate of J->hn Rock, deceased, ha? filed in the one in the prison camps. Countv Court «*f Tillamook County, This disease manifests itself by Oregon, his fifial account »9 such ad­ swelling of the feet and legs, some­ ministrator. and that sai.l Court times of the hands, and often of the has appointed 8atuiday, the 3rd day of November. 1917. «t the hour of l o'clock face. The blood is found to be p. m. of said day, at the County Court watery. Res! in bed on ordinary hos­ room in th<* County Court Hon** in the city of Tillamook City, Tillamook pital diet is followed by recovery, County, Oregon, a the time and place but this is verv slow. for hearing of objections to »aid final account and the settlement thereof. This notice is pnl>li?h*-d by order of the NEW ANTISEPTIC IS USED County Judge of said Court, date»] the Tot »1.............. . $*>.050 I 36th day of September, 1917, the first A I rift# P'Mh. French Sold'era Supplied W ith Powder publication of which i» Thursday, the "Pir," said the fair canvasser, *T am 27th day oi September, 1917* ami tlie Intended fo r Immediate A p p lica­ last publication is Thursday, the 25th •etllnjr stock In a peach orchard'* tion to Wounds. i.ir <>f October, 1917. and the tin*:* in “ Are ysu a fair sample of the or which it has to run is 1 weeks and 5 in­ chard output 7” be Inquired “If ao I : As an antiseptic for immediate sertions thereof. think I'll Invest"— Kansas City Jour nse upon wounds. Chief Surgeon S. H. Rook, Administrator of the estate of John Vincent of the French army, mven- Rock, deceased. ‘ - .