Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, October 25, 1917, Image 1

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    C loverdale
T h e Nestucca Valley First,
Last and all the
VOL. >3.
For Purchasing Liberty Loan
If you haven’t pnrehused a Liberty Loan Boud up to thid very
minute do not hesitate any longer. Step right to the telephone and
call up the secretary’, Dr. George, at tLe Nestucca Valley Bank, or any
one of the committee, Frank L. Owens, W. A. High or Chas. Hay, and
tell them to have an application for a Liberty Bond filled out for you.
Fifty dollars of Uncle Sam’s security will come in mighty handy
at the close of the war and a splendid document to demonstrate your
loyalty to the country in which you reside.
Order voor Liberty Loan Bond now.
M y Fourteen Months at the Front
Owing to a delay in shipment our new serial story *‘My Fourteen
Months at the Front,” will not begin until our next issue. This real­
istic story o® the war will be both interesting and instructive. Read
the first installment and you’ll want to know the whole story.
♦ 1 <*
» *
Leland B. Erwin
t * ft
* Diploma from th e Chicago !
Musical College
W ill be in C loverdale on T h u rs ­
day of each week.
The Toiiii Hotel | Cloverdale
© ____________ a
V n ______________
Tillamook, Ore.
A ll
L. S. HU8HBECK, Proprietor.
($ (Boob (protnber for
A widow in speaking of her late husband sa id : “ lie was alw ays a good
p rovider.” In the m ind of this l.u ii ivc I w om an, th is was u high trib u te to
her h u sb an d 's i hoi :c.-tcr. It i - ften tru- th a t th e tit t husb an d is th e one
who saves a p a rt of his inc ine for th e future. By th is plan lie is aide to
provide al! necessities and m any of the lu x u ries; b u t co n stan tly accum ulate
ni-n cy and property th at will safeguard his fam ily ag ain st w ant when lie is
unable to work or a fter hie d eath .
T h e Rev. W a lte r Blakeslee called on
tlie Rev. Joseph Clark.
“ I have t;oeu called. B ro th er C lark,"
said Blnkesie?. “to the F irs t ch u rch In
4 P e r C e n t P a id on S a v in g s a n d T im e D e p o s its . B e e t Banking F a c il­
yo u r place. 1 would like to g ain from
itie s ia T ow n.
you som e Inform ation w ith reference
to th e c h a ra c ter of th e congregation
over wbL-h I am to preside. 1 have
understood th a t you resigned the p as­
E s ta b lis h e d in 1902
to ra te an d jo u r resignation w as ac­
cepted relu ctan tly .”
“ Yes. I resigned.”
Mr. Rlakeslee did not like to ask th e
ivlignt Be B e tt e r .
reason for the resignation, b u t w aited now 7
“ D on't you Bud yo u r telephone a
for it.
" D o n 't you tlii: j e u hail b etter s it
g reat convenience?'* bubbled Mrs.
“ It w ouldn't do," said C lark-. ’ for tie d o w n w ith B lu k ts lte ;"
me to give you th e tru e rcu. on. 1 will
f.lghtnlt. "You can sit a t home and
“l i e Is verj' nice." 1
say, how ever, th a t 1 have no rig h t to
“ W ell, put th e landing net under talk all over tow n."
assum e th a t you will m eet w ith a aim', him, and w hen you have done so take
“ Yes." ad m itted A unt Susanna dole­
ta r reason. W hat will apply to one him In and a p p ro p riate him to your fully, ‘ it is handy, b u t It's only a tw o
does not necessarily apply to another. self.”
p a rty line. My sister, D eborah, dow n
You m ay be su b jected to th e sam e te s t
Mr. B lakeslee h a d noticed Miss H a rd ­ in the country, is on a six p a rty line,
to w hich I w as subjected. B ut it m ay wick, a dem ure looking girl in his con- and she can h ear th e gossip of th e
not annoy you. Yon m ay like It.”
gregation w ho did not Join in the siege w hole d istric t.”—T elephone Nows.
B lakeslee tried hard to g ei ¡be secret Of th e o th er unm arried women of tie-
from th e m an lie w as to succeed, but congregation. A fter th is young lady's
“ My F o u rteen M o n th s a t th e F ro n t."
failed. C lark advised him to en ter Interview w ith her fa ttie r she m an i­ l- irst ln stn llm o n t n e x t week.
upon his charge and learn for him self fested a deep Interest in th e clergy­
w h at d raw b ack s w ere atta c h e d to it.
m a n 's serm ons, though she m ude no e f­
H e found a congregation m ade up fo rt to secure his a tten tio n . H e m ade ♦
largely of women. W hen he took the a m ove to a b e tte r acquaintance. It
pulpit for his first serm on he met a w as th en th a t Miss K ath erin e H urd
b attery of fem inine eyes th a t w as a wick put o u t her d elic a te ten ta c le s and
trifle disconcerting. It did not seem drew him in.
An ad v ertisem en t th is
to him th a t w h at he said w a s engag­
size in th e C loverdale
“ B ro th er C lark," said Mr. Blakeslee
ing th e atte n tio n o f the ladies. H e ra th ­ a fte r his engagem ent, “ I th in k I have
C ourier a t only 35c th e
e r fancied they w ere sizing him up. tearned th e reaso n w hy, you le ft tbs !
D on’t let th e
T h is seem ed especially tru e of the F irs t church."
door hinges of your b u si­
younger, u n m arried portion o f th e 'c o n ­
“ W h a t w as it?"
ness place got ru sty for
"You w ere driv en out by th e effort
th e w ant of a little ad v er­
A fte r th e services he w as su rro u n d ­ o f every u n m arried w om an in th e con­
ed, com plim ented on the excellent ser gregation to c a p tu re you.”
mon he hatl preached an d received
“ You are w rong." suld C ur!;. But he
m any in v itatio n s to accom pany pep did not set th e o th e r right.
sons to their home* fo r dinner. H e
accepted the firs;, nod n r sf o f th e O'h *
U--ad th e new story next week.
ft <*• * « © ♦ « 0 + 0 « • ♦ #
er woinen Invitee! h'in go tea. A g u n
he accepted the first invim tlon, and
th a t closed Ids engagem ents for his
first Sunday In his new i as orn'e.
T h e n e x t m orning he received n note
from M iss H a th a w a y , su p erin ten d en t
o f th e Sunday schoi 1. nuking for nu
Interview in w hich he w oukl express
ills view s US to llt’W the rein ml should
be conducted Miss A ckerm an sent nn
Invitation to d in n er T>r (lie sam e even
ing. M iss W adsw ortli wu; laid l.irn
on llio stre e t and volunteered to give
him such Inform ation as to the re­
quirem ents of th e parish as lie “ought
to know .” T his Involved a w alk with
her o f nri hour or more. Invitations
for this and for th at rain ed upon him.
and in due tim e em broidered slippers,
sm oking caps, pipe holders and other
articles th a t fem inine fingers wei -
adapted to m ake cam e In so fast th at
he could scarcely find tim e to cull and
offer the th an k s such Kindly interest
w arranted.
W hen Mr. C lark h:td he’d the p asto r­
a te o f the r i n t church a couple of
25N A cres
m onths the idea got into his m odest
b rain that, there w orn a large num ber
o f un m arried wdinen In th e congrega
tion w ho would like to be m arried. He
w ondered if th ey had not advanced In
such large num bers upon bis predeces­
so r a s to b rin g about his re tre a t.
T he m in ister w as well satisfied w ith
his position
T he sn 'a ry w as more
th a n a m an o f Ids age should expect.
T h ere whs only t he one d raw b ack —a
h alf dozen young women w ho w ere
b en t on m a n n in g him. H e could not
m a rry m ore th a n one o f t he m, and if
he m arried one In* feared th e rest
would consider them selves slighted
and ren d er his position untenable.
Upon reflection he w en t to Deacon
H ardw ick, the m ost influential m an in
the church, and told him o f his dl
“L eave it to m e," said th e deacon.
T h is b rief sentence w as all th e min
later could get o u t of th e deacon.
“ K it." said th e la tte r to h>.t dangli
te r sooi^ a fte r B lakestee's sta te m e n t of
facts. “ I th in k I *11 have to unleash
"W hat do you m ean, p a p u ?'*
"You prom ised n: • T hen C lark re
signed th a t you would ha«-«* nothing tc
do w ith ty in g up his successor In the
sam e w ay C lark w a , tied up."
“ I bad nothing to d i w ith the ef 1
fort to catch Mr C lark .''
“ You were th e only one who did not
w a n t him . H e w as n«l driven u w aj I
by th e siege o f th e o th ers; he left bo j
cause you cap tu red him to throw him !
over yo u r shoulder."
“ W ell, w h a t do you w ish m e to d-
Term s $1.00 Per Lesson.
Those d esiring to tak e les­
sons please engage a lesson period
now. L eave word at th e C loverdale
H otel or w rite me
Tillam ook.
W h y the Rev.
Joseph Clark Left
T he First Church
NO. 13
3gS3S3323S332K2S ÎS3Z 2Z3333SS523BKS
W a v P o in ts
Safe and Comfortable
t 0
Le%ye Cloverdale daily at
Dining Room run on Family Style * 7:3:) a. m . arriving at Tilla­
S mook at 10 a. m.—in time for
A morning train to Portland.
Meals 3tic.
Leave i iiiamnok at 3 p . tn .
: * arriving at Cloverdale at 5
p. ft).
Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special
Rates by the Week.
o ------
Have Y mi Your First Thousand?
‘2N7 Acres
(iood house, t wo barns and
other buildings. 15 head cat­
tle, 3 horses. Plenty ol feed
to winter stock. Price, $(¡.500
Full particulars at this office.
This ranch is now support­
ing 40 head of stock. House
and good barn. It takes $17,-
500 to buy this ranch. This
ranch has a quantity of fine
spruce timber.
Small Ranch
House and barn, Just the
place to make a good living.
Will run about 10 head Price,
R L)VISING young men seeking a fortune, A n d re w Carnegie
is quoted os saying, “Get your first thousand and the
/ \
rest w ill be easy." Have you accumulated your first
tl euonnd, y o n g man? If you haven’t, start today by
opening a bank account. Money in the bank gingers you up. It
gives you confidence. If a business opportunity offers, you have
the cash. Everybody knows that money makes money. You’ll
find that a bankbook is your best friend.
Taylor Real E state
Cloverdale, Oregon.