í Dead Man’s Luck By DONALD CHAMBERLIN stum a oi o iv »»i the m ines cui.ed (he CARDS Lono 1‘lne troui a tree g ru v lu ' near It. PROFESSIONAL ■ .. One day It got out that these pnitlc-s had struck a bonanza. T hey w as try- I Tillamook Abstracting Co In' to buy up th e shures. but couldn't T h o m . C o a t ic s . P k k s i d e n t . find who o v m d ’em. Andy Slinmoiida' w lihl-r heard of tlje strike and looked CO »1 PI. RTS S E T OP A B S TR A lT BOOKS over th e certificates her husband bad OK TII I.AMOOK COCN'TV, ORKiiON. I won when he w us a-dylu’. Slie found alio ow ned th e biggest h alf of Lone TILLAM OOK CITY . OREGON. Pine stock. “O f course alie w ouldn't sell now- for eny price. T h e com pany »»as reorgan­ T.H. GOYWE, ized under the nam e of Dead M an's Luck And w hat do ye th in k ? Andy’s d a rte r la now the Princess G obterloli." C onveyancing, E tc. W hen I wa* a young man 1 practiced lull ling eti/1 nee ring 1 wan sent out to report on som e property with it »lew to form ing a coin puny to develop It an d found th a t It wan an extension of a m ine called In-ad Mau'a Lin k Thia Tillam ook. Ore. - Opp C ourt H ouse, nam e whs n o sin g u lar and so suggea- tive th a t 1 aaked a m iner who »»«a an old In h ab itan t of (tie region w hat It Leland B. Erwin u e a ttL . "D id n ’t you ever h ear th e y a rn about D ead Man'« Luck?" he asked. "W ell. • a I ’ll tell you. It w as when thia yere Diploma from the Chicago W rite for L iteratu re. country wa« m ighty new. T he Dead Musical College .TILLA M O O K , OREGON M an a Luck m ine w as the first gold th a t w as diacovered about here, aud Will he in Cloverdale on Thurs­ day of each week. there'« never het-u m elt payin' d irt A. C. EVERSON found here since. W but'e more, the Those deRiring to take les­ TILLAMOOK. ORE. deeper tho com pany w ent dow n the sons please engage a lesson period rich er the vein now. Leave word at th e Cloverdale •T h ere wa* a feller nam ed Simmond* Hotel or w rite me at Tillam ook. com e here—Andy Slmmond*, prospec­ Terms JJ.0 0 Per Lesson. tor. J u s t why he prospected In thia location 1 don’t know , for a t fhut tim e See n*e for realty deal*. th e re h ad n 't any gold been found here, though th ere'd been p u rty good wash- ▼ M • • f i VVVMf VVVf VVVWWVw Tillamook Undertaking Co. in' up th e crick. Aiuly reasoned th a t R. N. H E N K E L , P ro p rieto r. w here th ere wuh w aahlu' th ere waa liable to he som eplu better, aud he N ight and Day calls p e t In his pick m ost anyw here. prom ptly attcnd«-d. "P eople a re like cattle—let one fel­ S ix th S tre e t a t Second A venue E ast ler a ta ri off unyw here and the rest TILLAMOOK, - - OREGON w ill follow. W hen they saw Andy ; dlggln' they thought th ere m ust he som e allow for gold, and they begun to FRANK TAYLOR, dig them selves. Some < f 'em found gold In q u an tities th a t they thought Notary Public would pay, and ab o u t th a t tim e there w as plenty of people ready to form u Cloverdale, Ore com pany on any hole In the ground I ----------------- FOR------------------- th a t any prospector had to sell. Com­ panies sp ran g up like m ushroom s, Notice for Publication. hot n one of ’em m ade good. T he cer­ [prai.isHRBl 0.Î298 tificates of stock was floatin' about DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR like C onfederate money in w artim es. U 8. LAND O F F IC E at P o rtlan d . O re ­ 1 rem em ber 1 hud l.bUi* shurca of the gon, S eptem ber 4, 11117. Mapp.v Fam ily and couldn't buy it meal NOTICE is hereby given th a t Alvy F. of T ittles w ith it. Ball, of O retow n, Oregon, who, on De­ "B u t aotue o' the shares was w orth -A N D- cem ber 11, 1V11, m ade H om estead E n try acnnethlug. 1 suppose if th ere hud been No. 0112118, for th e s e >4 •> w Section a stock exchange in th e region th e pub­ 17, and n e 1« n w l -4 . n ri »• ‘4 Section 20, Tow nship «% South. Range 10 West. lic would have gambled for th e shares W illam ette M eridian, has tiled notice ot Safe and Comfortable th a t w ay: hut. aeelu' th ere w asn't, a lot in te n tio n to m ake live-year proof, o' men used to git together in the Al- | to establish claim to th e land above de- huuibra saloon and play poker for fun. Leave Cloverdale daily at scrils-d, before th e Regi-tcr and Receiver "A ndy NlmmoinU, who had Hturtcd • 7:1)0 a. m , arriving at Tilla­ of th e U nited States Lund Office a t th e w hole thing, w as th e w ust rundow n P o rtlan d , Oregon, on th e 24th day of mook at 10 a. m.— in time for feller In the lot. Me was u gambler O ctober, 1017. morning train to Portland. In dlgglu’, atal when the diggitt' w as C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: Leave Tillsmook at 3 p. m , over and the stock o' the dead com pa­ Thom as H. Foster, of M cda. O regon; arriving ut Cloverdale at 5 D arius J . D unn, of Meda, O regon; Har- nies w as the only thin g left to gamble rv D. B eckw ith, of Meda, O regon; Ole w ith he played th a t for ail It waa # p no. w orth. T he shures of all tlio inities X M. TR A X L E R , Prop. 5 B. Redherg, oi O retown. Oregon. N. C am pbell, « me on oil the pais1 paper I * . w as counted the sume R egister. IM « t board, for they waa all considered Proof m ade according to law under equally w orthless. And they played w hich enf.rv waa made. w ith certificates instead of chips. "Aa I w as tollin’ you shout Andy Notice of Sheriff s Sale. Blmmonda. he got terrib ly run down, Notice is hereby giver., th a t hv virtu e l i e hail a wife and a couple o' kids, >f an execution and order of sah-Jsstied aud since he couldn't give ’em any­ .>ut of th e circu it C ourt of th e Slate of >f Oregon, for Tillamook C ounty, on th e th in g to w ear or to cut they w : in In a Tillamook, Ore. 31st dav of A ugust, 1017, and to ine m ighty bud fix. But th ere’s no fellin' directed , in a su it w herein K. ,1. Claussen If they w as In n worse fix tliuu Andy L S. HUSHBECK, Proprietor. was plaintiff am t Tims. Coates, adm in- hliusctf. for it's m ighty la n d on a man [ is tra to r of th e »-state of W m . J. W est. to ace Ills fam ily sufferin’ and not be J »leceas»-d, was defen d an t, am i in whivh able to d o uitylltiug for ’em. th e plaintiff recovered judgm ent against "B ut In one thin g Andy laid over j th e defendant for the sum of $1,100.00 everybisty. lie had th e most m arvelous Dining R o o m run on Family S t y l e to g ether with in terest thereon at the i rat«* of ten per eent. ,*-r annum from luck at poker. They s lid at one time» Meal« 2 ' k *. I the 20th »lay of February, 101 fi, and for If tin* oeriideates of t linin' Mo k» lie j $150 00 atto rn ey s fees and $10.20 costs hud won was w orth th e ir face lied and d isbursem ents, and a d«*»-ree fore­ I t w orth millions But »» hat waa ihe closing a m ortgage upon th e real prop­ use o' ow nin' a lot o' tm er th a t yon erty hereinaf-ei d>-s» rilx-d, and ordering couldn't buy anything »vlth? If he and ilire»-ting th at th e sam e he sold to lo'.del have got u calico dress for his satisfy th e »ai-i judgm ent, and com ­ w ife or put som ethin' In th e stum uilcks m anding me as sheriff of said County, to sell th e said property as hv law pro­ o' hi» chlldi'i n »i Itb 'em therc'd 'a lu*vi vided, to satisfy I he said judgm ent, a t ­ some com fort in It But lie couldn't to rn ey s fee, costs and accru-ng costs; have» bought a p air o’ sh-*»' lings with Now therefor«», by virtue thereof, 1 th e whole ti m e or Lu.r millions of wilt on S aturday, the 13th day of Octo­ wtock. ber, 1017, at 10 o’clock a. m ., of said The Be3t Antiseptic "Andy was usually ahead In the day. at the Court House door of ¡¡aid Healing Germicide gam e, and th ere w as one tim e when he C ounty, expose for sale, and sell to the highest ladder, for cash in hand, all of happened to i ei a 1 I o' share-» In one Lv«» ptic is c.>ioi.lct*-l\ * sobuitile iir th i | j e r i rig i u ' h u t, , m *< m m i interest n title and of th e said <>'»r ,-t cnsnj-fltiy Into his liu’ids. lie tin le»'eas**-l, of, in | w asn 't lookin'vt-ry w e'l. Borne» said ho w ater. V toa«p*>on lull to vine q u a rt of» d efen d an t, and »vj»s »vo ly in ' because h 's wife an I ch il­ w ater is th e average strenw tb to he used and t->, all of th e following described i r«-al property, situ a te in Tillam ook dren w ere In m .-y and hadn't decent loi an tisep tic, germ icide, d i-s lc ra n ts . C ounty, Oregon. to_wit: T he southeast ' clothe» to cover ’em T he tru th I* wuutxl», cuts, nail p .in c in r.s. m ange.« ( , lw llt;r (,f sectio n Twenty -two in T. 2 S I Andy ». ns r ta r r tn ' hltnself. W hy he hoof ro t, iiiu -I fever, boi-, fleas, d a n d ru ff. ? R 8 W. Will M.-r , in «Ir* gon, contain-1 stuck 1 1 gam I'm' f-»~ w e rt'-' -sa short's sham poo, b»*i.ig of a soapv natur«* |>n»v«*t»t ***** DW acres ace -rding to governm ent I nob.s’y knew, but he must have had veiy effectiv«- for w ashing th e an n u al« ’ sm vey. to -atisfv sii-l j-i-lgnient, at- | som e kind o' lu>i»e about som ething or and »table utcncils, and if used in gen- torncy fee, costs and accruing costs. Date-1 at Tillam ook, Oregon, August other or he w ouldn't have done It. "W ell, as 1 w as s ta rtin ’ In to tell «-ral, im proves stable conditions, in fe c t­ 81st, lt»17. W. L Campbell, you. there »vut one night when the ion, am ong cattle, ab o rtio n , foul d is ­ Sheriff Tillam ook County. beya w as pU ylu' poker for »le« 5 ,*er o - n tn l th e total am ount of hid. -Lll l*coposals m ust l-e ma lc on j w as alazed aud sta lin '. the* form lurnisl.ed by the County I “ T hat w as the last gam e of poker Cl- irk. played In th ese p arta for m inin' share» I. Y. KBERNARD. Manager. ftn* C ounty C- art reserves th e ri«ht Sluum-nda' w lnuln’a w as tu rn ed »»»er to Ida w Ulder. and It waa said abe irlc*l Com plete S-t of A lw tractsnf the Record* to rej-A't an» or all bids Erw in H arrison. to sell th e lot for money eiunigU to get of Tillam-Mik C ountv, ib egun. Count»- Clerk lan k bocue But ik -I hs I ; s t u l e l '«in Final pub'ication August .10. 11*17. • • o B F tiO N L ast puhli--ati-»n ^eptem lier >J, 1017 "Swu^body had bought up aotpr* TILLA MOOK. %[} ECONOMIC - A N D MILITARY PREPAREDNESS THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON If In a d d itio n to c o m p lo to co u rs o a In a o n a ra l and s c ie n tific e d u c a tio n , o ffe rs fu ll o p p o rtu n itie s In M IL ITA R Y D R ILL, D O M E S T IC S C IE N C E A R TS AND CO M M ER CE P la n fo r o ffa c tlv a fu tu re s e rv ic e . Y o u r e o u n try nooda It. S o n d fo r froo lllu s tra to d b o o k le t* ."T ra in th o B ra in f o rP o a c a o r W a r " and " T h a W o m a n and th a U n iv e rs ity ." A d d re s s R e g is tra r, ATTORNEY AT LAW UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Euoeiie. Oregon F. R. BEALS REAL ESTATE PIANO INSTRUCTION Correspondence Lessons in l)armon£ ani> Compoetiton EY DR. ALFRED W00LER Composer, Teacher and Director Money to Loan ¡ Real Estate Agency 1 All m usicians, w hether d irecto r, teach er, p ian ist or vocalist should u n d erstan d H arm ony. In stru ctio n in tliia branch ot study should, w henever possible, be taken from an ex p ert teacher. H ow ever, it is n o t alw ays convenient, nor possible for one to leave town and study in person w ith such a teacher. For th e accom m odation of such Dr. Alfred W ooler. of Buffalo, N. Y., has perfecteil a m ost thorough course in H arm ony and Com position th a t is sim ple, concise and practical, which he TAKE ! THE WHITE! I AUTO teaches successfully by mail. If interested , »vrite foi prospectus and r a te s .' i STAGE Tillamook- Clo veniale : AII Wav Points i The Todd Hotel Rooms 50 din! 75 Cents, Special Address Q iffr e b IC P oofer, Q T tu e. © o c * Suite C, 322 West Utica St., BUFFALO, N. Y. S.—Dr. Wooler also corrects a m a te u rs’ musical com positions, 'a n d w rites music to poem s. Those desiring such service m -iit send th e ir M. S. or poem for estim ate of cost. Prices are resonablc. It Pava to Advertise in the Courier *(•« Quality Counts In ever line of Merchandise, hut none more especia lly than in HARDWARE Our large stock is in evert’ instance the best that can he had and our aim will he to keep the high standard up. j Builders’ Hardware, Tools Shelf and Heavy Hardware Stows, Ranges, Farm and Garden Tools And everything usually k< pt in a tir-t-ela«« hardwarestore, and all goods are of the heat quality. Alex McNair & Co., T illaaiook.O re. 0~HE GOOD JUDGE AT A PAL l TA r - 's v i YOUR HONOR.l— RICH TC BACCO IS JUST THE THING FOR T H E B O V S -j SAVES LUGGAGE lY E S -A WEEK'S I 5UFPLY OF C U T IS EASY I TO CARRY. i J U S TO N E W O R D ] -------MORF ANO r* TH E GO OO l JUDGE WIU. l ADO^ESÒ YO U! m, / ;N CHAS. I. CLOUGH. A bstracts on Short Notice by the PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. r T ^ H E C a irto the Colors calif for thrift cJid common sense by everybody , A 10c. pouch o f W -B Cut Chewing goes twi a £ as far as lOc.’s "orlh of ordinary tobacco. T ’a', it’s the big point: W-B Cut isn’tordinary tobac ¿jo, it’s rich tobacco, and a lasting chew. Ma* I t VTTMAH MUT0* COMPANY. j|(7 ^ ,4 ,,;. N«w Tw% Q*r