Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, September 06, 1917, Image 3

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Published Every Thursday
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ E ntered as second-class m utter, Nov* I
em ber 13th, HWa a t the poet office at Clo-
verdale, Tillamook Comity, O regon,un­
der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1873.
S u b sc r iptio n R at ss
Brief Items of Interest from Various Towns in
rc ta ry of s ta te for approval as to
In response to num erous Inquiries
reaching the office of the governor
and of the sta te f o r e s t e r / Uovernor
W ithycombe explained that his recent
proclamation elosing the hunting se a ­
son indefinitely In Oregon applies only
to the Umbered areas and not to tbe
open country. The season is closed
as a precaution against fu rth e r forest
Hood River county officials Inspect­
ing tim b e r cn which they w ere to
levy a ssessm ents, w ere cut off by
fires in the Green m ountain district,
fcu£ m anaged to «scape by m aking a
long detour through the woods.
Discussion of m easures to stop cai-
tle rustling, num erous com plaints of
which have come in from ran c h e rs of
the upper D eschutes river, featured
a m eeting held at’ Bend by stockm en
on the invitation of county officials.
m ents c -f g iia n a n d food products from
T he survey of irrigation and power
Logan Vernon w as a rre ste d a t Fen-
all sections, the railroads aro facing a
dleton, charged with the m urder of projects in the Hood River valley
d.'m and f ir freight cars tha t is the
Newell Rippey in Mount Airy, N. C., i w hich w ill be used as a basis for the
heaviest in th e ir history an 1 growing
April 29, 1906.
adjudication of w ater rights by the
every dav.
To accom m odate those w ho wish to ! sta te w a te r hoard, is now completed,
K. J . Clancy, A ssistant to vice presi­ ta k e Septem ber vacations, hotels at according to S ta te Engineer Lewis.
At the request of R epresentative
d e n t of the Southern Pacific Co. savs: C rater lake have decided to stay open
White, of the United States geological
The nation has as much right m en fi r until October.
T he su g a r beet crop in K lam ath survey, ha s agreed to send a field
m a n u a l labor as it has for war. Able-
which is being supervised by r e p re se n ta tiv e to westefh Oregon to
bodied hobos should be compelled to
cease laafing and sponging off the public th e Utah-Idaho Sugar company', is look over the prospects of striking
oil and gas in that section of I he state.
and go to work on th e farm or a n y ­ very promising.
F a r m e r s must* increase the Oregon
w here else where labor ia needed. This
e a t yield 50 per cent and rye must
is no tim e for waste of anv kind.
the am ount of postal saving deposits be jum ped up 41 per c e n t in winter
crops. T h a t is the sta te s apportion­
The Am rican people have been a l ­ proportionate to population.
together too lenient in dealing with
Chrome ore discovered on BaMy ment as worked out by calculations
anarchists. An anarchist at any time m ountain in G rant county re c e ntly formulated by the d e p a rtm e n t of agri­
is a public enemv and as such should be has proven rich and indications a i e culture.
A bill passed by the last legislature
r quired to reform his ideas or get out th a t the deposit is extensive.
of t h ' country. The U nited States is a
T he Lower Tcw der Irrigation com­ forbidding the sale of milk or cream
lirg e nation—large in domain, in c h a r ­ pany has decided to rebuild a t onco fo r hum an consumption from cow's
ity and in opportunity—but not large the dam on lower Powder river, which th a t have not passed the tuberculin
te st, unless such cream or milk has
enough for either two flags or two went out in the flood last spring.
sta nda rds of citizenship.
Recall petitions prepared in an a t been pasteurized, became effective
te m pt to oust the Coos county c ourt Saturday.
E dgar Macklin lias come th e nearest have been put in circulation and are
T he P ortland Railway, Light &
to solving th e question of disposing of being signed In various p a rts of the r o w e r company, which operates all
the I. W . W .’s of any one we have county.
Uie trolley cars In Portland, has asked
heard of. H ere is the proposition:
Trollers and purse seinere who have i ¡permission of the sta te public serv ice
Lay out a line of highways on the Pac­ been fishing off the m outh of the ! «commission to be sllow e 1 to charge S
ific coast from Blaine to San Diego. Cal. rive r since the closi-d «oa»-rin a t noon l c e n t3 c a r ia r e instead of 5 re n ts, as
and p u t those fellows t > work . if th
refuse, place the bunch in a stockako ou A ugust 25 arc m t ^ u n b w ith fairly * a f present.
j A ccording to ?’ i*s Corn"*’ a Marvin,
and teed them on bread and water. good success.
Macklin says this would put a crim p in
Fire at tbe G reenback mines 22 j s t a t e librarian, Fac-ilemn i is coMr b-
th e whole gang.
mtie6 n o rth of G ra nts P ass, destroyed ! n te d the moat to o k s for the v a r li­
the tra n sfo rm e r station and seven ! brary, it having furnished 462 vol-
Notice of S heriif’s Sale.
lnrge tran«form ers arul th e mine tocl ! 'umes and 2000 magazines. Baker is
Notice is hereby given, th a t bv virtue house adjoining.
¡ a c c o r d . Corvallis tjjir.d, Euger,e fourth
of an execution and order of sale issued
C. J. Hurd, d istric t a gricultural | a n d ’ Salem fifth.
out of th e circuit Court of the Slate of
To see hyw t h » , fall sown wheat
of Oregon, fur Tillamook C ounty, on the agent, who has been c onduc ting a ailo
illst dav of August, 1017, and to me cam paign in n orthe rn Douglas county, c o m p a re s in yield and quality with the
directed, in a suit wherein F . J . Claussen le p o rts 20 new ones built in th a t sec­ itpring sown, G. R. llyslop, head of
was plaintiff and Thus. Coatee, a d m in ­
farm c r o r s at tbe Oregon Agricultural
istra to r of the estate of Win. J. West, tion this season.
G overnor W ithycombe ha s issued college, has m ade a study of crop con­
deceased, was defendant, and in whivh
th e plaintiff recovered judgm ent against a
proclam ation
nam ing
S a tu rd a y ditions in Douglas, Josephine and
the defendant for the sum of *1,100.00 Septem ber 15, as the d a y for th e .Jackson counties.
together with interest thereon at the
Approximately 35,450 hooks have
rate of ten per cent, per a n n u m from registration of women in th is s ta te
l i n e n ordered for the county school
the 20ih day of F ebruary, 1915, and lor for patriotic service.
$150.00 a ttorneys fees and $16.20 costs
A. E. Hess, of O ntario, purchased J L l raria* for ail t v school d 'stric ts
and disbursem ents, and a decree fore­ 26li0 head of sheep of W illiam N elson * in the state, according to Miss Com e
closing a mortgage upon the real prop
ertv herelnafiei described, and ordering and William McCormack of Bend, i 11a M arvin, sta te librarian. The books
and di recting that th e same be sold to They sold at 13 per bead, making a cosf $17.500. They will be ready for
d e liv e ry on or before O ctober 27.
satisfy th e said judgm ent, and com ­ total inve stm e nt of $33.890.
mandin',; me ns sheriff of said County,
O ovornor W ithycombe appointed E.
A petition is beiug circulated fn
to sell the said property as bv law pro­
V. L ittlefield and George W. Staple-
vided, to satisfy the said judgm ent, a t ­
c ourt to call a special
»1 election for t h e ( ton, of P o r d a n d , as circuit judges for
torneys fee, costs and accru'ng costs;
Now therefore, by virtue thereof, I purpose cf voting s bond issue of ; M ultnom ah county to succeed C. U.
will on Saturday, the 13th day of Octo­ $200,909 fer highw ay Improvement.
Oantenbeirf and Georg® NT. Davis, who
ber, 1917, at 10 o ’clock a. m., of said
signe d a? judges to accept com m is­
Leading Oregon men and womsn-
day, a t th e j C ourt House door of said
in the United S ta te s reserve
County, expose for sale, and sell to the
highest bidder, for cash in hand, all of w ar Issues ar,d w ar problems s t the> array.
the right, title and interest of th* said s ta te fair at Salem, on re q u e st of tb e
L a n d CommisStoner Tallm an has
defendant, and of th e deceased, of, in
S e n a to r Cham berlain th a t per­
and to, all of th e f.>llowing deseiiltsd food a d m in istra tio n of t h e govern­
in g tim ber on Oregon & Cali­
real property, situate in Tillamook
County, Oregon, to wit: The southeast,
Sum pter, Or., which was n early fornia g r a n t lands cannot homestead
q u a ite r of Section Twenty-two in T. 2 S. wiped out by fire recently, has s e n t the land u n til the se c re ta ry of the
R 8 W. Will. Mer., in Oregon, c o n ta in ­
ing 169 acres according to governm ent o u t an u rg e n t appeal to the people of Interior form erly announces th a t the
survey, to satisfy said judgm ent, a t ­ Oregon to help raise a fund for th e rnerenantable .Umber has been r e ­
torney fee, costs and accruing costs.
relief and rehabilitation of th e s tr ic k ­ moved.
Dated at Tillamook, Oregun, August en town.
Because not otte c a r can be had
31st, 1917.
T he freshm an class in. a tte n d a n c e from the S o u th e rn ^gclfic to, haul
W. L. Campbell.
a t the U niversity of Oregon w hen rock, th e paving ccetrac.’t aw arded to
Sheriff of Tillamook County,
State of Oregon. school opens October 1, will n u m b e r the Oregon H assara c o m p l y for five
betw een 290 and 690 student*, ac­ miles n orth and south of th’V Marion
Notice to Contractors.
c ording to a s 'a te m e n t made by John C lackam as c o u n ty line cn the Pacific
Notice is hereby given th a t the Countv 6traub, dean of men.
highway, is to be canceled PV the
Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, will
te h i g h wa y commission
until 10 o ’clock, a. in , on September
According to a report of the sctT "
14, 1917, receive sealed pruoosals for known and most beloved Episcopal
constructing a concrete viaduct over m inisters of Oregon, whose early r e ­ tary of tLie inte.fior, furn ah'-d to Refe
Beaver Creek in tbe town of Beaver, ac­ ligious activities a t P'-ndieton wen r e a c n ta tjv e gjnn **t, th» total amount
cording to plans and specifications on
file in the office of th»- County Clerk of him a high place In church and civic to be pnid to l and g r a n t c ounties of
Oregon by way c t b ick taxes, penal­
Tillamoox County. Each proposal shall affairs, died s t S*n»a Rosa. Cal
be accompanied by a certified check,
Pneum atic valve grinding ma<-hines. ties, c o s ts and scc.*ued Inte re st ia $L-
cash or bidder's bond made payable to invented and m anufactured by Robert 534,906, of w h i c h . «mrtiint 5L346J8.!
F.rwin H arrison, Countv Clerk, equal in
a m o u n t to 3 p«r cent of the total a m ount E. Veitum, of Eugene, have ” been reprea'Aits accrued tax«*» to J u n e 9.
of bid. All proposals m u s t 1>e made on adopted by the q u a rte r m a s te r's de­ 1916.
th e form furnished by R he County pa rtm e n t of tire United S ta te s arm y,
Believing t h a t a ,fede-*l grain In
a fte r te sts made in W ashington.
sp e c te r should be 8»ation«»'l a t Peri
T be County Court reserves the right
Fishing in the stre a m s of Oregon >llet(*i, farm e r.; of t h ° d istr ic t have
to reject any or all bids.
seines, tra p s or fish wheels is petitioned the O r'ic o n paiblic aervice
Erwin Harrison,
County Clerk. absolutely prohibited by the provi : com m ission to th a t « « ! . T hey con
F irst pub ication August 30, 191?.
»ions of s proposed initiative bill . tend t h s t sine- , »uch * large amount
Last publication September 13, 1917.
which has been submitted, to the s e c - I of grain is c own in , th e district it
T he prune outlook along the San
One Year, in a d v a n c e .........................$1.00
rive r is good.
Six Months ............................................. 50
Tliree Monthe .
Every woolen mill in Oregon is now
Single C o p y .................................................05 working on governm ent orders.
Athletics a re to be continued at
A d v e r t is i n g R ates
Displayed A dvertisements, 60 cents per j illam ette university a t Salem this
inch per m outh, single column. All ' fall.
Local Reading Notices, 10 cents per I A gam e preserve of 2020 se re s has
line for each insertion.
been established in Jo rd a n valley,
T im ber land notices
* 10.00
a s t of Scio.
Homestead notices
William G. Furnish, pioneer of U m a ­
Political A nnouncem ent Cards
tilla county, retired farm er, died at
Pendleton, aged 76.
My J o b D epartm ent is complete in every
Twelve distric ts are w ithout te a c h ­
respect and I am able to do all kinds
in Douglas county w ith no appli­
Commercial Jo b P rinting on short
cations to fill them.
notice a t reasonable prices.
Im provem ent# to the n orth Umptfua
involving an expenditure of
^T H U R SD A Y . S E P T E M B E R 6. 1!U7.
approxim ately $10,0C0, have been be
P reparing for the m ovem ent of more
The annual convention of the Ore­
th a n 600,000 recruits for the draft arm y
gon F ederation of W om en's Clubs
th a t is shortly to be assembled, and for
. . tio
. n of . especially
u- -1 i w111
th e , tra n sp o rta
tQ be he,tl a t Prineville, October 15
'■■■■ 1
should ho iurpocica boiuro consign
Cal., and by Clarke! Kendall & Co., of
m e a t to the term inal m arkets.
It is obligatory upou school su p e r­ Portland, has u n d e rw ritte n a $900,000
intendents, in counties which
a r e bond Issue of the Ochoco irrigation
under the high school tuitlou luw, to project, in ('rook couuty, Oregon, ami
pay the tuition of s tu d e n ts from tha t has let contra c ts for imm ediate con­
county who reside in distric ts having struction work. T ins w ork is to begin
no high school uud who a tte n d high on Septem ber 5. To the Twohy Bros,
school in ano th e r d stric t or county, company, of Portland, has been a w a rd ­
according to au opinion given by At . I ed the contra c t for construction of the
tornoy G eneral Brown to J, A. project dam and the f irst 13** miles
Churchill, supe rinte nde nt of public of cnltal.
Notice has been received from
Wasco, Moro and G fass Valley, the W ashington th a t testim ony in sup-
three principal cities of S herm an port^ of the application of the W il­
county, have each granted franchises lam ette Valley L um be rm e n’s a ssocia­
to a group cf promoters said to be tion to the In te rsta te com m erce com ­
working In the Interests of the Pa mission for an order to require tho
ciflc Pow er k company, for a northern railw ay lines to grant Joint
24 hour electric light " ’d power se rv ­ through ra te s from points on the
ice, to be supplied f m the W hite S outhern Tactile to Minnesota and
river falls
Work is expected to be­ the D akotas will be heard before E x­
am iner M arshall in Portland, S e p te m ­
gin w ithin 69 dRys on the Installation
ber 20. T his Is known as the Fort
of the new s; s ‘em
The num ber of Industrial accidents land gateway case and It will bft fol­
continues to climb, according to the lowed by he a rin g of th e case of egst-
frr. Oregon lum her prod u c e rs against
weekly re p o rt of the
accident commission. E'en.--* the past the S u m p te r Valley railw ay for joint
through ra te s to points on the 'U n ­
week 453 accidents were reported,
ion Pacific system in the lntermoun-
this being th s larges*, number for any
week since the w orkm an's com pen­ tain states.
sation law w ent Into effect. T h re e of • A cloudburst In the T erebonne sec­
the accidents were fetal, as follows: tion. which includes rich irrigated
Andrew Denholm, Portland, m i l l e t ; land3, u tte rly destroyed tho r n tir o
Alex An’sWa and Slifnn Kulesbevlch, crop, a»d washed out a num ber of
toads. Seven Inches of rain fell In
Knappa, loggers.
one hour, and huge hailstones aided
IV. TV Ayer, Oregon’s new (y appoint
in beating the crops Into th e ground.
| ed federal food commissioner, chosen
by National A dm inistrator H erbert C.
ooooooooooo ooooooooooo
Hoover to ta k e charge of the con­ ‘ o
servation work in Oregon, has opened o
his cam paign with a strong appeal for o
The rain t h a t ’s edged w ith aunahln* o
the patriotic individual help of every i ; ° O Is hilt a passin g show er.
Oregon man. woman and child In the I ° And so, the p ro v e rb tells us.
It will not last a n hour.
Inauguration and support of the 1 o o Sim
e te a rs a re sa lty raindrops,
Hoover plan.
In ju s t a lit tie white,
Four of the 292 accidents reported o P, . chance, t h e y ’!! flee defeated
If bordered with a smile.
to the sta te industrial accident com o
— L alta Mitchell.
mission during the week ending o
August 16 wore fatal. They w ere: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
Iwachtkie Sueyosht. of Cochran, and
Floyd Hayden, of Neverstill. killed in
logging operations, and J. Acker, Port
land, killed In shipbuilding operations,
Tho Best Antiseptic
and William B. Edmonds, Buxton, kill­
Healing Germicide
ed in logging operations.
Governor W ithycombe has express
I.yseptie it completely soluahlo in
e 1 the opinion that the proclamaMon of water. A teaspoon full to one q u a r t of
Governor Lister, of W ashington, d e ­ water is the average stre n g th to be used
claring tp favor of the principles of fur antiseptic, germicide, deodorants,
the eight hour day In the lum ber cainra wounds, cuts, nail punctures, mange,
of tha t sta te might cram p the lur.i hoof rot, m ud fever, lice, fleas, dandruff,
ber Industry of the northw est if fol­ shampoo, bei.ig of a soapy n a tu re proves
lowed out. He bares his contention very effective for w ashing the a n im a ls’
on the competition wlv h rrvl'3 of the and stable uteneils, and if used in g e n ­
north wet t m ust im-ot f:wtn i 1 null»
eral, improves stable conditions, infect-
ef the south, where wages are lower.
a rsc c g c a iu e , abortion, foul d is­
After seven months cf careful in-
charge and externally to provent the
veiM'gation and a»*-pni»-om''nt of the
sp re id of diseases.
financial and conatruction flofa'lr. a
syndicate headed by Stephens & Co.,
with offices In San F r a r r i s - o I.os
Angeles,. San Diega and Coror* • lo, Dnii vhiflCiuggist, Tillamook, Ore.
i s tia iM ii
Quality Oounts
in over line of Merchandise, hut none
more etjtcci.illj than m
Our largo stock is in «-very instance tho host that can be had
and our aim w ill he to k< <*|> the lii^h standard np.
Builders’ Hardware,
Shell and Heavy Hardware
Stoves, Ranges, Farm and
Garden Tools
And everything usually kept in a first-class hard ware store, and
all goods aro of the best quality.
Alex McNair & Co., Tni«nook,ore.
r n o N Q MiC
a n d
In • M l l l w •• r « n t „ l « l n » « « ■ • • » I «
• r l a n l l l l i • 4 t« jra M « n . o l t i r a lu l l » „ t H u w lft M S r
W * " •»* • flw c tl» * lu p i» « s e r v i r » . Y o u r » .r tn tn r
r v r ü R lt . * » r * ( # » r # r » R iH u c tr a « » * b ® » h U * R . '7 r « M
# *» * r » t « i fo r P o * « » •» W ir " » n d "T l*« W arn »» tm 4
♦fi» U n iv o »n i»/ ,” « 4 < f r « t » W « « | » t r » t .
U E I V C B T i r V Of
O R I S O N . I i w t e r . Orcqa*