— W" I ! ! I Monday night. LOCAL a A ND PERSONAL a ITEMS a and O other O news W. A. Wise, dentist. The fair is on and no rain yet. Dr. Wall, of Hood River, who has i been on an outing in this end of tlie 1 county, received a call at this place ves-1 Boy wanted, age Id to 18. High's terdav from the department of w ar to ! ^ drug store. report at Ht. Louis, Mo., for special Mia (. lydi Hudson was a 1 illamook J training, preparatory to joining the sur- shopper Saturday. gieal corps. . Q of There was an interesting service on the camp grounds Wednesday evening, with special songs followed by a talk by j Rev. McConnell. He is soon going back 1 to his work and says lie has greatly en- joyed his visit here. He is pastor of a church of 60U members and expects to in t e r e s t * - g w-F 1 I I —0 SU PPLIES School will few days, open Y ou in YfM. A. HIGH. Car and Cow Collide. Cloverd de people wer»- coni iderably Mrs. Halbert is in Cioverdale this agitated last evening w fieri news reached w ek, arriving here from Portland Tues­ I liere that ComiuisHoner Owens’ car which was driven by lii-* son Howard day evening. anti containing Mrs. Owens and children V. Spaulding and family left Sunday had met with an accident. in their new Sasun for Kngenc to spend . Accompanying the Owens family in their vacation. the car was a guest, Miss Zola Carey, of The W. C. T. U met with Mrs. Joe Hillsboro. Howard was driving at a pretty rapid Wilson last Friday and made bandages rate and was nearing the end of the for the Hr-rl Cross. T- i . , I pavctuet4 when s cow started acrii.i -the tim e r i.arl returner! Sunday from i , , . , , , . , . • road and before lie could dodge the um- I>allas w here he has been working for mal or stop the car collided with the bis uncle, Jas. \\ hitman. cow. l lt e car swerved and rolled over. The service at the Louvre is the l est l he occupants of the car were bruised that can be had in Tillamook. Try the and H,’ ake,, UP «»"»id e r a U y . Mi-s Louvre when in Tillamook next. | C-rey aeem« to have fared the worse, | having received two flesh wounds in the My Fall and Winter samples of Suits ,■ u.t, and lio o k s, T a b le ts , Kverything being considered tin- fair inches, each 36 feet long, into town on P en cil*, L t c . their motor truck Saturday. Some load. this year is reported good. i It wouldn't surprise us to see them come We are headquarters for all School j Mr. and Mrip J. I). Pearson, of Dolpli, down the road some day with the entir» Supplies the Youngster» v.ere business visitors in Clovvrdale to­ mill, lumlier yard arid all. day. may need, . . . . . . .. T, A yourtg ion of Mr. and Mrs. L. 1». ihc Honor ible «John htzw^iltr, E fq ., »7 . , . , , (School Books S tr ic tly C a s h ) . . . , 1 1 Heaton was quite badlv hurt last Sun- returned to ( loverdale from Dundee . . iuay whep an automobile in winch the t evt mug. | t,0y Rad accepted a ride went over the Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wade had for 1 grade north of Cioverdale. Hie bov re- Druggist atta Staiiuaer their guest« Sunday Mi Wade’s parents ceived a gash on the fare and had bis ai.d bis sister. foot luce rated. The other occupants of Cioverdale, Oregon. Plusker Bros, for all kinds of dum b­ the car escaped uninjured. ing, bath room outfits and fixtures. Til­ lamook. Ore. I ’ »oiu aienee a series of after his return horue. W e are giving our customers the advantage of the lowest price possible. Another Opportunity to do Your Bit. Anyone w¡siting to do a “ bit in a ihiv no vV and save while you have the patriotic way may do so bv hunting tip all the old white muslins or linens that 1 may be found in tlie home and donating I them to the W. C. T. I'. Tin se g-ods are much needed f -r making lint used in staunching wounds. I It is said that sometimes paper and even | straw have been ustd to staunch wound«' as nothing latter was at band. Our W. C. T. U. is just, now making a { sjiecialty nf collecting as many nounde ol j these goods as possible tiv September "th, the (.late of out next meeting, w hen we will send our collection away. We will meet on that date at the home of Mrs. Joe Wilson and would be glad to have as tnanv as possible to come in per« in and bring don-.ti ms, but if it is not convenient to come, send donations to Mrs. V\ IN n. Airs. Ott or Airs. Blum iu time si it can be taken to the meet­ ing. Ii doesn't matter how old the cloth, jest s , its whit and clean. opportunity. Cioverdale Mercantile Co. Inc. Correspondence Lessons in lE)armcttg an& Composition p.v DR. A L F R E D WOOLER Composer, Teacher and Director In the lait six w i l:s t ns; rn Mult- r.otvah to.;* ty farmers have lest more than K i : .¡mala from the srute cause Hint caug .1 the ilev.h of livestock in Klamath county, ac orillng to S. B. Hall, Multii ui'i.l: t igtnty a ::ueuUur'.it. But the an ar.'iit poi-.-nit.t;, declares Mr. Hall, is a contagious blood poisor, whh.h is Incurable In the advanced stage: All musicians, whether director, teacher, pianist or vocalist should understand Harmony. Instruction in this branch ot study should, whenever possible, be taken from an expert teacher. However, it is not always convenient, nor possible for one to leave town anti study in person with such a teacher. For the accommodation of such Dr. Alfred AVooler, of Buffalo. N". Y., has perfected a most thorough course in Harmony and Composition that is simple, concise and practical, which he teaches successfully by mail. If interested, write for prospectus and rates.’ WOODS ITEMS. A stirring d- b .ie was conducici n the camp gr-wind« Thur“ lay night, rin- vit id tjileytion at issue ! eilig: j Resolved, that an untidy, good nature*) j wife made a better companion than a tidy eros- w ife, and, of con*se. the good nature i wile was chosen, as she should have been. Lovers of tin* t- rpsi-c,trenn ait are wet k and being unable t> pr .curt 4lu- making w<- klv pilgiImages to Pacific proper help and It lievtug a m u or woman require» a little recreation free t ’ity where the g:l\ -!:rls m t the dapper 1 ! from business i are-', we have tleeidt I t. young men gli |e over tin- ilonr the close our store , j,.¡«VX from II a. m. music- furnished bv To!e inner s I r- to ti p. m , beginnii g Sunday , Sept. Und. ehestr.i. The whirl of enchanted i e* H illing this action receive« the ap­ Judging from the amount of clatrs wildertnent seems to have Pmelied the proval of our in my customers and as- impillur chord and great seems to be the •nrnig \ .nt that oui service t" you i« of that are carried past the sawmill cveiv , i day, it will be necessary for them to enjovment ihereof. Saturday, St ptem- Inst importance and that . \oiir needs . I torm a protective aasociation. her 1, st the usual evening hour, ifn 1 will ml mile to receive our most cnrelnl They otneroneol the popular .lane. « ».II I, attention we thank you t... your gener-1 , come in palls, buckets and in sack 8, held ill the resort eitv of this end of the oils patronage iu the past and hoping | carried bv children, by women, in county. The management issues a I for a continuance of tin- same, beg to : bloomers and in r-U i > t«, by old men nnd by voting men, sometimes singly and N|ieeiul invitation for all lover» of danc­ j remain. Respectfully yours, often mi a |>ole between two. ing to attend this Saturday t veiling W. À. High, dance. Should tbi«^|«-ll .,f dry vyr-uther con­ Druggist ai d Stationer. tinue Pacific City water supply w ill be Address Q lffrc S T P oo fer, Q Ylu*. © o c * Suite C, 322 West Utica St., BUFFALO, N. Y. I’ . S.— Dr. AA'ooler also corrects amateurs’ musical compositions, and writes music to poems. Those desiring such service must send their M. S. or poem for estimate of cost. Brices are resonable. j I limited. Phone Us Your Drug Store W ants M.DOM I d.iv p a • 11 t v Ml -to Hot W lit s.iu thing in drug s' r. -1.l>|-ii- - I ' m t lei e->l I, -i-irniy weatlo-r or «1 nv r*-a 1« ^ keep yen from having it. Don't put yourself to inenveniv ice to gv l if. Ju«f telephone n« and we’ll deliver it at Con't lliink you a n Troubling us— W e ssek that Kind ot Trouble. I ui j **n u- x\n ¿)\ y t «U can»i* tu th#* !*■ in brunii T ry Telephone Shopping Air. 1 ¡slier, Amo» Bal'cock, Mrs. Weidner, and Ah«, l.avamler wore Til- I Uniock visitors "ii Saturday. Several of our people are preparing to head ofl the draft by volunteering. The dredge that ha« li«*en doing such extensive work in the l.dfle A*e«taicca riv- r has moved some diitance up the , Rig Nestueca river. B i« «.»id Here are many fi«h coming in along flic beach, suppo»ed)v after the «melt. Not a bad thing for war times. The new truck that is going: to haul louil-er from Pacific City t<> Tilivuiook j 1« . x|H't 1. .1 in thi« ». e k . It is said to !*e a fine machine. The me«ting« '»■in.ljv morning at the! Chapel and in th«' t veiling on the camp g r o u n d s were w- ll attended. Rev. Mc- 1 rinell, of Dallas, «[s.ke at each meet­ ing. Those nu-sing hi« talk missed » treat. Mr. B- it-came to Pacific Citv Satnr-• I iv night. h-«\ in.it bine for L A M A R S D R U G S TO R E Tillamook. Oregon • «‘iirvlay morning bv Wi,lamina, T t\ ri t u r t Is a favorite route for those seeking diversity of scenery, oppor­ tunity to visit tunny attractive cities en route and enjoy the best in travel. One Way Fares Ftrst and second class to the East and South apply via California. The trip can be made very economically. Summer Excursion Fares Round Trip to principle cities iu the East will be on sale certain dais in August and September. The«e tickets apply over practically all routes. A«k your local agent for particulars or write fr-ou which l«oint he u> >k the train to Portland where he expo, ts V «5>eiid a. few day». Dr Montgomery and wife accompanied him as far « « Willamina, returning by the way of Tail, Oregon. They »vv t ' «• -i t- gti at m e-! ..f .,. Silrti country is c r r .*.1. ^ h ' i: V late John M. Scott, Generai Passenger Agent Portland, Ore. Southern Pacific Lines