Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, August 30, 1917, Image 1

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The N estucca Valley First,
L ast and all the
Time._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
NO. 5
A M ^ A R F IY
A Story of “America First,” Un­
masking A merica's Secret Foes
N o velized From the M otion Picture S erial o f the Same
N am e Released hy Pathe
c .tj’t * tu t,
C a p t . R a l p h P a y n e . U. S. A., Is g iv e n s e ­
c re t p lan s of d efense to deliv er to P a n a ­
m a . H e a t t e n d s a b a ll a t t h e G r a n a d a e m ­
b a s s y w i t h C olonel D a r e ’s d a u g h t e r ,
P e a r l . A s»» c li m a x t o a s e r i e s o f m y s ­
t e r i o u s i n c i d e n ts h e is a r r e s t e d f o r t r e a ­
son. T h e a m b a s s a d o r o f G r a n a d a Is f o u n d
d e a d a n d t h e p l a n s m i s s i n g f r o m P a y n e ’s
c o a t . M a j o r D r e n t , P a y n e ’s r i v a l , e n t e r s
Into a u s p i c i o u s n e g o t i a t i o n s w i t h B e r t h a
B o n n . P a y n e is s e n t e n c e d t o life I m p r i s ­
onm ent. A tra in c a rry in g P earl, B e rth a
B o n n a n d P a y n e o n h i s w a y t o p r i s o n is
w r e c k e d a n d P e a r l s e e s P a y n e ’s lifeless
b o d y a t h e r feet. S h e m e e t s A d a m s , a
m y s t e r i o u s s t r a n g e r , w h o o ffers h e r h is
serv ices to tr a c e th e tra ito rs. S he lea rn s
t h a t he h a s th e plans. G r a n a d ia n s c a p tu re
P e a r l and A d a m s to g e t th e plans. P e a rl
b e g s A d a i n s to let h e r t a k e h i s b e lt w h i c h
c o n ta in s th e d efen se plans. T h e y escape
a n d A d a m s s t e a l s t h e b e lt f r o m h e r.
P e a r l is c a p t u r e d a g a i n b y t h e G r a n a ­
S h e is r e s c u e d b y A d a m s . D is-
u is e d a s h i s b r o t h e r s h e a c c o m p a n i e s
. im i n to t h e c a m p o f t h e c o n s p i r a t o r s
a n d poses as a chem ist. T h ey a re rec­
o g n iz e d ; in t h e f i g h t A d a m s s a v e s P e a r l
f r o m h a r m . C olonel D a r e a r r i v e s w ith
A m e r i c a n t ro o p s. T h e b l a c k s c a r f a p p e a r s .
P e a r l a n d T o k o f ollow A d a m s on h i s w a y
f o r a p p o i n t m e n t a t t h e C h e m i c a l b u i ld ­
in g All t h r e e fall i n t o t h e h a n d s o f t h e
“ A l l ia n c e . ” A d a m s Is a r r e s t e d b y c o u n ­
t e r f e i t s o ld ie r s w h o a ls o t a k e P e a r l w i t h
th e m . T h e y c a r r y h e r a b o a r d s h i p a n d
s h e is a g a i n s a v e d b y A d a m s f r o m t h e
“ fo r e i g n a l l i a n c e . ” T h e s h i p is b l o w n up.
T h e y e sc ap e . A d a m s s u r p r i s e s B r e n t in
D a r e ' s h o m e s t e a l i n g t h e p l a n s . T h e y in
t u r n o r e c o n f r o n t e d b y T o k o . A d a m s finds
a n o t e w h ic h c a l l s t h e S i l e n t A r m y to
a r m s a t t h e C h e m i c a l b u ild in g . Colonel
D a re w ith a reg im en t, a p p e a r s a t th e
spot. T h e y find t h e b u i ld i n g w r e c k e d a n d
rifled. P e a r l is c a r r i e d a w a y b y t h e S i­
l e n t F l y e r . S h e d e s c e n d s In a p a r a c h u t e
and m eets A dam s w ho has destroyed the
Flyer. D u rin g th e p ro g ress of th e defense
b o a r d m e e t i n g a t D a r e ’s h o u s e B r e n t r e ­
c eiv es tile lo c k e t f r o m B e r t h a B o n n . T h e
S ile n t M e n a c e t r a p s A d a m s a n d T o k o a n d
g e t s t h e w a r s e c r e t a r y ’s p o rtfo lio . A d a m s
a p p e a r s in B r e n t ' s r o o m a n d d e m a n d s t h e
lo c k e t.
A d am s forces B re n t to m a rry
B e rth a Bonn.
H e ta k e s P e a rl abdard
s h i p t o s h o w h e r t h e S ile n t M e n a c e a n d
th e "A llian ce."
T h e " A l l i a n c e ” is d e ­
stroyed and A dam s and P e a rl a re carried
on t h e w a y t o P a n a m a .
M ajo r B rent
p r o m i s e s to m a r r y B e r t h a a n d t o u n m a s k
Adam s
P e a rl a n d A d am s escap e from
t h e i r p r i s o n sh ip , w h i c h is m in e d . T h e y
p r o c e e d t o t h e i n n e r c a n a l w a t e r s In t im e
t o i n t e r c e p t t h e p l a n t e d m in e s. A d a m s
m e e t s a s t r a n g e r In u n d e r - w a t e r c o m b a t .
T h e m a n e s c a p e s —h e is B r e n t .
The Flag Despoiler!
With his arm in a sling. Maj. Thorn­
ton Brent sat in n private court of in­
quiry in the general session chamber
of the general army staff at Wash*
Practically every available member
of the staff was present, together with
witnesses, voluntary and otherwise,
bejit upon seeing justice done the ac­
cused officer. One of these was Miss
Pearl Dare, the colonel’s daughter. An­
other was the colonel, himself. Both
came prepared to face any shock, yet
In deep sympathy with the man.
Among the involuntary witnesses
was T. O. Adams, the stranger from
Monk's Corner, Neb., orderly to Colo­
nel Dare, sometime hero, sometime un­
der dire suspicion, hut now openly
acknowledged by Pearl Dare to be her
dance, much to the amazement of so­
cial Washington.
Another involuntary, though perhaps
of all the most inter» sted, witness was
Miss Bertha Bonn. Pearl Dare’s new
friend and house guest.
The charge against Brent was, curi­
ously enough, the same under which
Copt. Ralph Payne, a brother officer,
and Miss Dare's former sweetheart,
hod been convicted and sentenced to
life imprisonment In a federal peni­
tentiary, although he had been saved
thi latter disgrace by an untimely end
in a railroad wreck.
It was treasonable conspiracy.
But while in the case of Payne that
officer was found guilty of disposing
of an army secret—the canal defense
plans—to an enemy, in Brent’s case
the charge was made that he was the
personal representative of the enemy,
ihat lie was the Silent Menace so-called
in government circles.
On the night Adams and Pearl Dare
heroically risked their lives in order
j to discover the location of mines laid
in the canal by the Silent Menace—and
I succeeded—Pearl, in rescuing the or-
1 derly from certain death due to her
own impetuosity, shot the Silent Men­
ace, wounding and breaking his arm.
That same night Major Brent turned
up at the commandant’s quarters at
| tlie canal, in dripping wet garments,
| with a broken arm.
Immediately suspicion centered, and
for the very first time, ou him.
And so the inquiry started.
After the usual preliminaries the
first person called to the stand was
Colonel Dare who upon being sworn
and identified, was questioned closely
on several points, the judge advocate-
general of the army presiding.
"How long have you kuown the de­
“I have been his commanding of­
ficer for five years, prior to which he
was unknown to me.”
Be Prepared to IFeat her a Storm.
HINGS may be going well with you today. You may have
a fine position. Your business may be prospering. You
may be in the full rigor of youth and health. Of course
none cares to look on the dark side. But it always is
well to be prepared for a change in the tide. The greatest prep­
aration is a healthy bank account. Drop in and see us about an
account. We’ll gladly talk it over.
Cloverdale, Oregon.
"Have you always regarded him as
the soul of honor, truth and integrity 7”
“Even now ?”
“Even now.”
“Has the question of the Identity
of the—Silent Menace ever been dis­
cussed between the defendant and
“Very frequently.”
“Hus he ever specifically named any
person In this connection?”
The colonel hesitated. “One per-
sou.” he finally admitted.
“Have you concurred In his opin­
“Never entirely.
Certainly not
now 1”
“Then you believe the defendant to
be the Silent Menace?”
“I do not,” replied the colonel quick­
ly and emphatically.
“Who was the person discussed be­
tween Major Brent and yourself?”
“The major without reason named
my orderly, T. O. Adains,” Colonel
Dare slowly stated.
“Was there to your knowledge any­
thing personal between your major and
your orderly?”
For the third time Colonel Dare
hesitated. “I had reason to believe
thut the defendant was attached to
my daughter,” he answered with em­
barrassment after a painful pause.
“Adams, it seems, has also been a
suitor—successfully ’
“To which you have no objection?”
“No material one,” stammered the
colonel; at which every person except
Peurl and Adams smiled. The colonel
was then excused.
Inquisition now fell upon Miss Dare,
the heroine of the hour. She rose with
queenly dignity and amid a hushed
admiration, took her seat quietly in
the witness box.
But the first question brought the
scarlet into her face. “You knew Ridph Payne?”
“He was my fiance," replied Pearl
tn a low volee.
“Was Major Brent ever discussed
between you and Captain Payne?”
“Only as we would talk of one whose
friendship was dear to us. They were
brother officers.” '
“Was Captain Payne ever discussed
between Major Brent and yourself?”
"Occasionally,” was Pearl’s evasive
“Do you recall the nature of Major
Brent’s remarks
“They were guarded, though not un­
friend'}’. To be perfectly truthful, I
always thought that the major was
jealous of the captola’s place In my
“Has Major Brent ever mentioned
to you this opinion that T. O. Adams
was the Silent Menace?”
“You have not agreed with him?"
“I Intend to marry T. O. Adams,”
Pearl replied with telling directness.
"I would not marry a traitor to my
“Your answer is sufficient and ad­
mirable, Miss Dare,” commented the
ludge advocate-general. “Do you be­
lieve Major Brent to be the Silent
Pearl's hesitation was barely notice­
able. “I cannot believe that, In spite
of everything.”
“You are excused, Miss Dare.” And
Pearl stepped down, returning to her
seat by the colonel's side, making way
for Miss Bertha Bonn.
When she took the place vacated
by Pearl, Brent for the first time
raised his bowed head and ap­
praised her closely; and for the first
time he realized that niter all It was
Bertha Bonn whom he loved, the gir!
of his youth, sitting there now pale,
composed and determined woman of
the world whose momentary glance In
his direction answered every sileDt
question and satisfied him completely.
Adams, alert and watchful, eying
the two between half-cjgsed lids,
leaned back in his chair with an audi­
ble sigh. He also was satisfic’d. In
that passing second It came to all
three—Brent, Adams and Bertha—that
fate was playing strange pranks with
their personal affairs; with Bertha
possibly holding the reins.
“You are a member of Colonel
Dare's household?"
“I am Miss Dare’s honored guest.”
“You knew Capt. Ralph Payne?”
“I did not.”
“Yet, you were the messenger sent
hy the Silent Menace to the Granadian
frontier with the secret canal defense
plans after they left Captain Payne s
“I was.”
“You also acted as his messenger
whpn he returned the stolen national
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terest additions,
4 Fer Cant Paid on Savings and Ti \e Depones. Best Banking Facil­
ities in Town.
Estabii hed in 1902
preparedness budj.t i to Senator War-
field in the committee rooms?"
“I was—not.”
Even Major Brent opened his eyes
wide upon hearing this statement so
apparently contradictory with the
fa ets.
The Judge advocate-general again re­
pented his question. Bertha again re­
plied in the negative.
“Did you not deliver n packet to T.
O. Adams in Senator Warfield’s com­
mittee room in the evening the nation­
al preparedness budget was stolen?”
“I did.”
“Do you know what the packet con
“I do.”
“What did it contain if not the na­
tional preparedness data?”
“The stolen secret canal defense
plans,” replied Bertha In a calm and
distinct voice, not losing her composure
an instant.
“Excused!” roared the judge advo­
Colonel Dare. Major Brent and Pear'
Dare half started f -cm their seats gaz­
ing in unbelief from Bertha as she left
the witness box, bowing smilingly up
■>t the judge, to Adams who > name
being called was in the act of rising
d< liberntely to answer the summons.
“Did the packet you received from
Miss Bonn contain tile stolen secret
canal defense plans?” queried the
Judge advocate-general coming (o the
point as soon as Adams took the stand.
“U did," responded Adams almost
insolently, boldly facing the battery of
accusing eyes.
.Npss Pearl Dare and her father were
rendered speechless.
“DM you know the packet contained
'lie stolen secret canal defense plans?”
"1 did.”
The silence in the Inquiry room be­
came more profound and accusing.
“Where and how then did you obtain
possession of the national prepared­
ness budget which you returned to
Senator Warfield?”
“I g-got It away from that there
canal defense plans which Miss Bonn
brought to you? What did you do
with them?”
“Fur them in Captain Payne’s array
b belt, after I went into service,” con-
fes cd the dumbfounding orderly.
“On a former occasion you swore on
your oath thut you found these plans
in Captain Payne’s army belt. You
now acknowledge that you lied?”
“I didn’t exactly lie. C-couldn’t I
find them after I put them t-thcre?”
“Excused!" vociferated the Judge
advocate-general. “Miss Bertha Bouu
again, please."
As Adams resented himself, two
guards at a sign from the presiding of­
ficer stepped forward and stood behind
his efiair.
With Bertha again on the stand the
judge advocate-general took a new
tack, causing another and equally con­
fusing diversion.
“Who gave you the packet to be
delivered to T. O. Adams?" was his
first question.
“The Silent Menace sent It to me.
It was brought to me ut my hotel by
a uniformed man resembling a senate
building guard.”
“You, of course, refer to Major
Brent as thq Silence Menace?”
“I do not. Major Brent Is not the
Silent Menace.”
Here the presiding officer lutrodueed
his new sensation. "How long have
you known Major Brent?"
"Since girlhood,” was the soft re­
“Since girlhood!" ejaculated the pre­
siding officer, himself taken by sur­
prise, with an tnvi luntury glance in
Brent's direction. "How la thut?”
"We were sv. ethearts, once upon a
time,” the girl answered In tremulous
n cents. She. ventured a timid glance
a; Hie major and insiuntty all Inward
f<vns fled; for he was smiling In man­
ly corroboration to the surprise of
everyone, Adams most of nil.
“Are you sweethearts no longer?"
Aguln the words fell softly from
h> t lii . "r inivi; recently consented
“I Intend to Marry T. O. Adams!” Pearl Replied,
Silent Menace d-down in the basement to marry the major. Our wedding li­
of the senate building Just os he fin­ cense has been Issued.”
ished making a press c-eopy and
Everybody turned toward T. O.
Adnms why was squirming In bis chair
knocked me fiat.”
ond articulating in an Incoherent wav.
"Knocked you lint?"
"Watch that man! He may have
“Biffed m-me on the head, knocking
poisoned himself!” cried the presiding
me out long enough to escape.”
"Then you .kept the stobn secret
V i l l t I lili C l 1