Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, August 23, 1917, Image 3

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Published Every Thursday
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ E ntered as second-class m a tte r, Nov­
em ber 13th, 1905 a t the postollice at Clo-
verdaJe, Tillamook County, Oregon, tin­
der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878.
S u bscription R
a ix s
One Year, in a d v a n c e ...................... $1.00
Six M onths ............................................... 50
Three M o n th s .............................................25
Single C o p y ................................................ 05
A d v e r t is i n g K ates
Displayed Advertisements, 60 cents per
inch per m onth, single column. All
Local Reading Notices, 10 cents per
line for each insertion.
Tim ber land notices
Homestead notices
Political A nnouncem ent Cards
J ob D e p a r t m e n t
My J o b D e p a rtm e n t is complete in every
respect and I am able to do ail kinds
Commercial J o b P rinting on Bhort
notice a t reasonable prices.
T H U R SD A Y . A UGUST 23, 1917.
If th e price of soap goes up and a
washless dav is proclaimed th e n the
small boy will have one day in the
week to be jubilant.
The most welcome news of the year
would be a dispatch telling about the
abdication of the kaiser. T hen the way
to peace would be cleared.
T here are several kinds of hogs, but
th e only kind th a t has any place in the
U. S. A. during war time is the one
with th e curly tail, but there are others,
we are sorry to say.
The daily papers of Portland are
boosting for th e conservation of labor
and are strenuously urging th e people
of P ortland to pack home the articles
they purchase instead of having them
delivered. This is a m ighty sensible
thing to do. There is a n o th e r oppor­
tu n ity for the conservation of labor th a t
we might call a tte n tio n to. The other
m orning we took breakfast at the Hotel
Benson and here we found no le6S th a n
a dozen waiters, with n apkin towels
flung over their arm s, w hen three could
have rendered all the service necessary.
W h a t can be said of the Benson we be­
lieve is true of the M ultnom ah, P o rt­
land and several oth e r of the first class
hotel cafes. We issue this as a tip. Let
conservation of labor take place in the
higher walks of life as well as elsewhere.
To have a man to wait a t your elbow to
serve you w ith w h a t you may wish is all
right when their is no shortage of help
but a t the present time let us make this
conservation of labor general.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given th a t the County
Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, will
until 10 o'clock, a. m , on September
7th, 1917, receive sealed proposals for
constructing a concrete viaduct over
Beaver Creek in the town ol Beaver, ac­
cording to plans and specifications on
hie in the office of th e County Clerk of
TillamooR County. Each proposal shall
he accompanied by a certified check,
cash or bidder’s bond made payable to
Tillamook County, equal iu a m o u n t to
5 p«r cent of the a m o u n t of bid. All
proposals m ust be made on the form
furnished by the County Clerk.
The County Court reserves the right
to reject any or all hills.
Erw in H arrison,
County Clerk.
First publication August 23, 1917.
Last publication Septem ber 6, 1917.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby given, th a t by virtue
of an execution and order of sale issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Tillamook, on
the 23rd dav of Ju ly , 1917, and to me
directed, in a suit wherein E. J.
Clanssen was plaintiff, and Thos.
Coates, a d m in istra to r of the estate of
W m . J. West, deceased, was defendant,
and in which the plaintiff recovered
ju d g m e n t against the defendant tor the
sum of $1,100.00 together with interest
thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per
a n n u m from th e 20th dav of February,
1915. and for $150 00 attorneys tees and
$16.20 co«ts and disbursem ents, and a
decree forclosing a mortgage upon the
reai property hereinafter described, and
ordering and directing th a t the same be
sold to satisfy th e said judgm ent, .and
com m anding me as Sheriff of said
County, to sell the said property as by
law provided, to satisfy the said ju d g ­
m ent, a tto rn e y fee, costs and accruing
c o s ts ;
Now therefore by virtue thereof, I
will on S aturday, the 1st day of Sep­
tem ber, 1917. at 10 o’clock of said dav,
at the Court House door of said county,
expose for sale, and sell to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, all of the right
title and interest of th e «aid plaintiff
and of the deceased, of. in and to, all of
th e following described real property,
situate in Tillamook C ounty, Oregon,
to wit: The southeast q uarter of sec­
tion tw enty-tw o in T. 2 S. R. 8 W. Wil.
Mer. in Oregon, containing 160 acres
according to government survey, to
satisfy said judgm ent, a ttorney fee,
costs and accruing costs.
Dated at Tillamook. Oregon, this 23rd
day of Ju ly . 1917.
W. L. Campbell.
SfceriT of Tillamook County,
State of Oregon.
____ ____
, supe rintendent« being filed iu the
T he sta te board of control received office of J. A. Churchill, superiuteud-
bids for a second time on the $400.- eut of public instruction.
00O Issue of B ean-U arrett road bonds,
Seventy nine P ortland physicians
the second bids being asked for to
ascertain w h e th e r a b e tte r figure could snd surgeons have already beeu called
be received on s h o rte r term bonds. or have volunteered for service iu
The highest bid was from E. H. Rollins various branches of the U nited S ta te s
& Sous, of Chicago, through the Capi­ 1 arm y and navy, r e p re se n tin g about
tal National bank, of Salem, for $388, IS per cent of the 375 doctors in th e
040, or 97.01 on 100. T his Is approxi­ 1 city.
Alarmed by a tem porary sho rta g e
m ately $16,000 better than the highest
of distillate, U m atilla county farm ers
bid the last time.
Out of every 100 pupils attending telegraphed to G overnor W ithyeombe
the public schools of the state, a p ­ and to the s ta te council of defense,
proximately 95 never missed a day asking relief from the possibility of a
during the last school year, according more serious shorta ge during the h a r ­
to the annual re p o rts of county school vest season.
Brief Items of Interest from Various Towns in
Oregon apple m en will be given an
Fires have done much dam age this
to get additional training
season In Curry county.
and b e st methods of
Mid-Columbia fisherm en are plan­
grading and packing apples ami pears
ning for a rich harvest this season.
at a fruit packing school to be held
T he suprem e court, now on its va­
by the h orticultural departm ent of the
cation, will reconvene Septem ber 4.
Oregon Agricultural college, S eptem ­
Albany may have an agricultural and
ber 4 to 15.
stock fair and race meet O ctober 11,
12 and 13.
A storia will celebrate its 22nd
annual re g a tta August 31, Septem ber
1, 2 and 3.
The Best Antiseptic
Telephone girls of P ortland have or­
Healing Germicide
ganized a union affiliated with the
Lvseptic is completely soluahle in
American F ederation of Labor.
water. A teaspoon full to one q u a rt of
Rpports to the public service com­
water is the average strength to be used
I n A d d it io n t o c o m p u t o c o m « « » In « o n o r a i a n d
mission indicate an increasing car for antiseptic, germicide, deoderants,
• c to n tlfic a ilu c a t lo n , e t f o r a f u l l o p p o r t u n i » ! « « In
shortage on the Southern Pacific lines wounds, cuts, nail punctures, mange,
in Oregon.
hoof rot, m ud fever, lice, fleas, dandruff,
Shock caused by the fire t h a t de­ shampoo, being of a soapy n ature proves
rt-n- !« * “ H r (I v o f u t u r o o o i v l r o . V o n r o e w n try
stroyed S um pter and took all his pos­ very effective for washing the animals'
n "tf U It. R«iit-I 1 « f r o « lllii « t r « lo < t b o o M o t s , T r a in
I n o i l » ili* f* t ! * « . . « # ot W o t " ontl " T H t t W a n t o n ottd
sessions caused the death of V. R. and stable utencils, and if used in gen
Hitt U n K o r « l t y . ” A - M t o » * R » g l t l r « r ,
Meador, aged 76.
eral, improves stable conditions, infect­
UBIVIRSITY OF cnrcOM. lug™*. Oicnon
Corvallis will vote on S eptem ber 4
ion, am ong cattle, abortion, foul dis­
on several bdfcd issues and a referred
charge and externally to prevent the
ordinance to close the moving picture spread of diseases.
th e a te r s on Sunday.
Orlo D. Center, director of exten-
Lion a t the U niversity of Idaho, has FniinhlnDraggist, Tillamook. Ore.
been appointed extension director of
the Oregon A gricultural college.
Shipbuilders in Po rtla n d and on the
Columbia river are protesting against
In ever line of Merchandise, 1 ut none
insurance ra te s tha t they a re required
more especially than in
W h i r r t r a i n r d r p r r i i i i s t » w ith m o d ern l»b
to pay on vessels under construction. o r s t o r i r a a n d a d e q u a t e e q u ip m e n t give ¡a-
T he elevator a t S huttle r s Station, » t r u e t io n l e a d i n g to collegiate degree» ia the
Gilliam county, is nearing completion, fo llo w in g sc h o o ls:
AGRICDT.TTT'RE, w ith 15 d e p a r t m e n t » ;
and is alm ost ready to receive grain.
C O M M E R C E , w ith 4 d e p a r t m e n t s ;
The elevator will hold 125,000 bushels.
E N G I N E E R I N G , w ith fi d e p a r t m e n t s , in
Our large stock is in every instance the best that can be had
L ane county farm ers a r e enthusi­ » lad in g Civil, F l e c t r ie a l H ig h w a y , I n d u s t r i a l
and our aim will be to keep the high sta ndard up.
astic over re su lts obtained by using a A rts. I r r i g a t i o n a n d M echanical E n g in e e r i n g ;
F O R E S T R Y , in c lu d in g L o g g in g E n g i n e e r ­
squirrel poison form ula prescribed by
the United S ta te s d e p a rtm e n t of agri­ i n g ;
H O M E E C O N O M IC S , with 4 m a jo r d e p a r t
m e n t s , i n c l u d i n g t r a i n i n g in t h e P r a c t i c e
The Pacific highw ay through the H o u s e ;
n o rth e rn section of Linn county, from
M IN IN G , w ith t h r e e d e p a r t m e n t s , includ
Albany n orthw ard to the county boun­ in g Chemical E n g in e e r i n g ;
dary line a t Jefferson, will be paved
T H E S C H O O L OF M U SIC , o ffers i n s t r n c
next year.
lio n in t h e p r i n c i p a l d e p a r t m e n t s of vocal
T he heaviest run of salm on in a n d i n s t r u m e n t a l m usic
several years is in progress a t the
T H E M I L I T A R Y D E P A R T M E N T , enrolled
m outh of the Columbia riv e r and every 1 0S5 c a d e t s in 1918-17. an d won r a ro m m e n
c annery is w orking to capacity pack­ d a t i o n for O. A. C. from th e W e s t e r n D e p a r t
m e n t of t h e IJ. S W ar D e p a r t m e n t as m e of
ing the fish.
t h e f ifte e n “ d i s t i n g u i s h e d i n s t i t u t i o n s ' of
Governor W ithyeombe has issued an \ h i g h e r l e a r n i n g All c a d e ts will be f u r n i s h ' d
appeal to the c itiz e rs ot Oregon asking c o m p lete u n if o rm s by th e U S. G ^ v e r o m e n t
them to give aid to the sufferers from an d th e j u n i o r mid se u . o r earieta enr, lied in
Ami everything usually kept in a first class hard ware f tore, ar.d
the fire which practically wiped out t h e R O. T. C., will be given c e m m u t a t i o a for
all gonds are of tin best quality.
su b s i s t e n c e , as well as all t r a n s p o r t a t i o n and
the tow-n of Sumpter.
a u b s t s t e n e e at t h e six w e e k s ' Si rnmer c.,mp
G overnor W ithyeom be says «hat be­ j R E G I S T R A T I O N B E G I N S O C T O B E R 8,
Address .
cause of the dry w e a th e r th a t has 1 9 1 7 . I n f o r m a t i o n en req u est.
O regon
A gricultural
prevailed the 300 ac re s of flrx being R e g i s t r a r .
_ !
CorvalMa, Oreg on.
»R r r r m m
harvested by the sta te will be p ra c ­
tically a total failure.
The Eugene Woolen Mills company
is delivering khaki cloth to the United
S ta te s governm ent at tlm r a te of 3000
yards a month. T he mill has con­
tracted to supply 25,000 yards.
Dr J. L. Masson of Myrtle Point,
who is exam ining da iry cows for the
sta te livestock board, has condemned
36 head of cows afflicted with tu b e r ­
culosis in the Ccquille valley.
Milo Lantz, aged 49, well known
resident of Molalla. was in sta n tly kill­
ed while putting hay into his barn.
Mr. L antz was sta n d in g on the load,
using a hay ralte, which fell and struc k
his heart.
Because of high price of feed small
flocks of poultry in th e sta te a re being
reduced at an a la rm in g rate, accord­
ing to E J. M cClanahan, p re sid e n t of
th s Oregon S ta te F o u ltry B re e d e rs’
T h a t stu d e n ts m ay 3ive all possible
a ssistance in getting in the crops, the
authorities of Pacific college a t New
berg, have decided to postpone the
opening of the fall term which w as to
have been Septem ber 17.
T hough it was held alm ost a month
la te r than ordinarily because of the
The Youug Business Man whose duty lies in store, shop
lateness of the season, the Cotve cherry
or office will find here the Clothes appropriate to the season.
fair, held last week, was altogether
successful. T here was a lange a tte n d ­
ance from surrounding districts.
Clothes that are standard of measure for right fabric,
For the third time in it* history the
right making and right styles, the three combined into the
30-year-old town of R uthtcn, an O-W.
very essence of right character.
R. & N. station and home of a b'g
ulaning mil! of the Stanley Smith
L um ber company, burned, the fire
Each Garment Must Fully Satisfy You
entailing a loss of more th a n $25,000
. . . . else I do not want your Money
G overnor W ithyeombe ha* appoint
ed AV. G. Trill, of Fossil, as distric t
a tto rn e y for W heeler county, to suc­
ceed J. K. S tarr, who resigned to go
to the Presidio. San Francisco, where
Brsndegee-Kincâid Clothes
he hopes to obtain a commission in
the army.
Despite the drouth. L ane county
farms will produce an a v erage crop
this y e a r and the fa rm e rs will re ­
ceive more money when it is m a r k e t­
ed than for m any years, according to
a sta te m e n t issued by County Agri­
cultural Agent Robb.
O o u n ts
TT>e O r e g o n
A g r ic u l t u r a l C o lle g e
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
Stoves, Ranges, Farm and
Darden Tools
Alex McNair & Co., Tillamook, Ore.
The Quality Store at Tillamook
I)o not fail to give us a call while doing your
Fall and Winter Trading. Our store is crowded
to the garret with Fall and Winter goods, and
the superior quality of our goods
Cothesforthe Boys and Young Men
$ 15 . 00 ,
$ 18 . 00 ,
$ 20 .
$ 25 ,
$ 27.50