CLOVERDALE COURIER Published Every Thursday Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher. “ E n te re d as second-class m a tte r, Nov­ em b er 13th, 1905 a t th e post office atC lo - verdale, Tillam ook C ounty, Oregon, u n ­ der A ct of Congress, M arch 3rd. 1878. STATE NEWS NOTES S ubscription K a t ; s Fall w heat tn L inn county la ru n ­ H ill on th e Jo h n Day riv e r, p art of the One Y ear, in a d v a n c e ........................ fl.00 ning from 15 to 30 bushels to th e acre. false work collapsed, dropping the Six M onths ............................................. 50 T he minimi U m atilla county ho rse crew to rocks below. E veryone was T h ree M o n th s............................................. 25 Single C o p y .. ........................................... 05 and m ule show will be held O ctober h u rt. 6 In Pendleton. C am pers in th e forests a re very care­ A dvkrtisinq R atks A course in d ietetics h as been added Displayed A d vertisem ents, 60 cents per to the d ep artm en t of hom e econom ics less this season, according to reports m ade to C. C. H all, su pervisor of the inch per m onth, single colum n. All S an tiam n a tio n al forest. R angers re­ Local R eading Notices, 10 cents per a t the O regon A g ricultural college. T he s ta te highw ay com m ission hae port finding m any unextinguished line for each insertion. T im b er land notices $10.00 selected 16 feet as the sta n d a rd w idth fires. H om estead notices 5.00 of pavem ent on the p rim ary roads. M ayor Rice of Roseburg has offered P olitical A nnouncem ent C ards $10.00 Bids w ere opened T uesday by the a cash rew ard of $50 to any person s ta te highw ay com m ission for a half who will fu rn ish evidence sufficient J ob D epartment My J o b D ep artm en t is com plete in every million dollar issue of s ta te road to bring about a conviction of those respect and I am able to do all kinds bonds. who h av e been robbing gardens in C om m ercial J o b P rin tin g on short S u b stan tial deposits of chrom e iron th a t city. notice a t reasonable prices. ore in th e Jo h n Day valiey, so u th of B ids w ere opened T uesday by the P endleton, will be opened up th is s ta te highw ay com m ission for the con T H U R SD A Y . A U G U ST 9, 1917. sum m er. stru c tio n of 10 co n crete bridges on the E dw ard O stran d er, se c re ta ry of the C olum bia riv er highw ay in Columbia THE END OF THE WORLD. O regon public service com m ission, has co u n ty a t an estim ated cost of ap F an atics are predicting th e end of the su bm itted h is resig n atio n to th e com proxim ateiy $60,000. w orld, and we presum e th e ir predictions m issioners. T he larg est app o rtio n m en t of in ter will co ntinue u n til th e war clouds have A t a special election th e vote c a r­ e st m oney on th e irreducible school faded aw av and peace reigns suprem e. ried for bonding for $15,000 th e con­ fund ever m ade to the counties of A recen t circu lar issued stated th a t solidated school d istric t rec e n tly form O regon was rep o rted hv *he office of th e eventful period would begin August ed a t Crane. S ta te T re a su re r Kay. T he total T otal earn in g s of 288 m en on parole am ount is $382,012.38. 4 th , an d a copy was received by several of th e leading p u b lications of A m erica, from the Oregon p e n ite n tia ry fo r July T he A storia police and ju stic e court w as $16,174.45, according to Jo sep h F. d ep a rtm e n ts w ere m ore th a n self sup­ 6uch as th e C loverdale C ourier, et al. On A ugust 4 th , how ever, everything K eller, s ta te parole officer. p o rtin g in Ju ly . The receip ts from P e a r grow ers of D ouglas county fines in the police d ep artm en t w ere seem ed to be all rig h t w ith th e world— m an excepted, and they seem to be all have appealed to th e E ugene F ru it­ $1067.50. w hile the salaries of the offi­ w rong. B ut th e n , they alw ays were g row er's asso ciation to aid th em in cers am ounted to $925. w rong and th ere is no occasion for u n ­ co n serving th e ir crop th is year. A com m ission of federal agents, ac­ Ed W right, of La G rande, h a s been due e x citem en t in th is respect. com panied by rep re se n ta tiv es of the The circu lar goes on to say th a t on appointed by th e O regon public se r­ allied governm ents, will visit P ortland th is d a te th e h e a v e n s will be on fire,there vice com m ission as s e c re ta ry to suc­ on Monday, A ugust 13, to confer with w ill be ihe agony of hell, d e a th will be ceed E dw ard O stran d er, w ho resigned local spruce m an u factu rers for the pur­ everyw here, all business will end, rivers A ugust 1. ch ase of a irp lan e stock. T h* city of P o rtlan d , w ith 26 hanks, will d ry up, all crops will be destroyed, More th an $100,000 w orth of new th re re will be th re e days of darkness holds 52.2 pc« c e n t of th e to ta l de­ buildings ran ging in value from $1200 an d e a rth q u ak es will tak e place evety- posits of Oregon, according to a s ta te ­ to $20,000 have been sta rte d or been m ent issued by S. G. S arg en t, su p e rin ­ announced for im m ediate co n stru c­ . w here.—H av en ’t noticed an y yet. T h en th e circu lar goes on to say th a t te n d e n t of banks. tion a t K lam ath F alls since the dedica O ut of over 200 tu h ercu lin te sts tion of th e new S trah o rn railroad th e re will be forty days of w arning. N oth in g to it —M an has been w arned am ong the dairy h erd s of L an e coun­ B ulah Dale, d au g h ter of J. E. Dale; ever since he has been able to th in k . ty, only five of the cowts rea c te d , ac­ Athol G. H iekox, dau g h ter of E. E. H e hae had am ple w arning and has cording to Dr. C. E. G ardiner, a s s is ta n t H iekox, and M yrtle Cooper, d aughter heeded not, and u n til he stops in th is s ta te v eterin arian . of Jo h n Cooper, ages 9, 13, and 15, re D. W a lte r M orton, dean of th e school spectively, w ere drow ned in th e mill m ad rush of life an d take9 tim e to th in k th e re w ill be w ars an d bell upon earth of com m erce at th e u n iv e rsity of O re­ pond a t S cotts M ills while in bathing. w ith a possible g reater hell to follow. gon, has been g ran ted a leave of ab ­ T h e s ta te of O regon is going a fte r T he outlook is n ’t very encouraging to sence from the college ftjr th e school n atio n al business and to th a t end will th o se who pray for victory, rig h t or y ear of 1917-1918. E leven o u t of 15 c a n d id a te s for have an o th er paid re p re se n ta tiv e in wrong. p harm aceutical pr.pi ru g ran ted by the W ashington. T he P o rtland cham ber BEWARE OF HIDDEN GERMS. O regon s ta te b o ard of ph arm acy of com m erce sh o rtly will be rep resen t A chem ical analysis m ade of court passed the ex am in atio n held in P o rt­ ed th e re by a tra d e com m issioner or se c re ta ry to be appointed by H. L p la ste r sold by a peddler a t F reep o rt, land Ju ly 17 and 18. Illin o is, says an exchange, disclosed B ecause of a sh o rta g e of fuel oil C orbett, p resid en t of the cham ber M aintenance work on th e old m ili­ te ta n u s germ s. F rom tim e to tim e re ­ for s ta te in stitu tio n s th e s ta te baBrd ta ry highw ay, now officially known as ports h av e been in circu latio n of th e of control has appointed a co m m ittee th e W illam ette highw ay, which when discovery of infectious disease germ s on to in v estig ate w ith a view of arrang- com pleted will sh orten th e d istance p lasters sold by peddlers. Suspicion ing for som e o th e r fuel. P lan s are being w orked o u t in Lire by ro ad from P ortland so C rater Lake th a t on enem y n a u o n of th is county is 160 m iles, has been com pleted as far responsible for th is nefarious schem e is coin county for a bond election to be as C row bar point, one of the m ost held th is fall fo r th e purpose of n a tu ra lly aroused. d an g ero u s points on the highway. ra isin g funds w ith w hich to im prove In tim e of w ar, it behooves every­ S ta n d a rd s for w heat, corn, hay and body to be on his g u ard . H e should re ­ about 100 m iles of co u n ty highw ays. o th e r ag ric u ltu ra l products a re fixed, W ith h arv est well u n d er way In the m em b er alw ays th a t th is c o u n try is at ru le s a re prom ulgated covering weigh war. W h eth er th e co u rt p laster germ s as lig h ter land sectio n s and s ta rtin g on ing. Inspecting and sto rag e of these the h eav ier lands n e a r P endleton, a schem e for spreading disease was p u r­ com m odities and th f m anagem ent of posely in vented or n o t, it becomes o n e’s indications are th a t the yields will he public and term in al w arehouses Is reg ­ d u ty to buy no c o u it plaeker, nor in b e tte r th an an tic ip a te d a few w eeks ulated in an o rd er which has been Is­ fact a n y th in g else for ex tern al or in ­ ago. sued by the O regon public service W hile the crew of 15 m en w ere te rn a l use from itin e ra n t peddlers. com m ission. A rticles of th is discrip tlo n should be at w ork on the steel bridge a t Cotton F iv e fatal accidents w ere reported p urchased only from druggists of know n to th e s ta te accident com m ission d u r­ Notice ol Sheriff's Sale. stan d in g . N otice is hereby given, th a t by v irtu e ing th e la st week, according to the An Appeal From the Pacific Coast Rescue of an execution an d order of sale issued w eekly report. The fa ta litie s w ere: and Protective Society. o u t of th e C ircuit C o u rt of th e S ta te of Mr*. B lanche C ronder, Seappoose, ra il­ To th e M others an d Sisters of Oregon : Oregon for th e C ou n ty of T illam ook, on road tre s p a s s e r; George K akeurous. I t w ill he needless for m e to go into th e 23rd dav of J u ly , 1917. a n d to me U m atilla, railro ad o p eratio n ; Matt d etail an d exp lain to you th e problem directed, in a su it w herein E . J . K ulja, S ilverton, Jogging; C. Metcoff, of feeding 35 girls an d 60 babies. The C laossen was p lain tiff, an d Thos. Blind Slough, logging; A. G. Fisher. Coates, a d m in istra to r of th e e sta te of task is difficult a t an y tim e, h u t a tre ­ W m . J . W est, deceased, was defen d an t, Black Rock, logging H olding th a t free service allowed m endous burden a t th is tim e. I appeal and in w hich th e plaintiff recovered to you to rem em ber th e girls and babes ju d g m en t ag ainst th e d efen d an t tor th e new su b scrib ers for a given tim e would d u rin g th is cann in g season, and p u t up sum of $1,100.00 to g eth er w ith in te re st be unlaw ful d iscrim ination ag ain st old thereon a t th e ra te of ten per c en t, per a tittle e x tra to sh ip to th e Louise Hom e a n n u m from th e 20th day of F eb ru ary , su b sc rib e rs and bo lsterin g its order by an d th e A lbertina K err N ursery H om e, 1915, and for $150.00 a tto rn e y s fees and citin g ru les in sim ilar cases in other w here we are carin g for abandoned $16.20 costs and d isb u rsem en ts, an d a state.s. notably P en n sylvania and Min­ m o th ers and balies, and we assure you decree forclosing a m ortgage uj>on the nesota. th e O regon public service com ­ th a t w hatever you can do in th e ir be- r**ai property h erein after described, and m ission denied an application of Os hall will be greatly appreciated. W hy ordering and directing th a t th e sam e l»e not form a club in vour tow n and sh ip a sold to satisfy th e said ju d g m en t, and wald W est, receiv er for th e Home b a rre l of canned fru it or canned veget­ com m anding me as Sheriff of said T elephone ft T elegraph eom psny of C ountv, to sell th e said property as by P o rtlan d , asking th at th e com pany ables a t T hanksgiving. A ddress correspondence to Gen. S upt. law provided, to satisfy th e said ju d g ­ be allow ed to g ra n t new p atro n s free W . G . M acLaren, )86 B urnside S t., m ent, a tto rn e y fee, costs and accruing telephone service for th re e m onths. P o rtla n d , O re., for shipping in stru ctio n s. co sts; A new board, to be know n as the Now therefore by virtue thereof, I will on S atu rd ay , th e 1st day of S ep­ heard of conciliation and m ediation, tem b er, 1917. a t 10 o'clock of said «lav, th e d u ties of which will be to ad ju st at th e C ourt H ouse door of «aid county, d ifficu lties th a t may arise betw een Leland B. Erwin expose for sale, and sell to th e h ig h e s t' bidder for cash in h an d , all of th e right lab o rers and em ployers In Oregon, was title and in te re st of th e said plaintiff nam ed by G overnor W tthycom be. On and of th e deceased, of. in and to, all of th e board are five m em bers re p re se n t­ Diploma from the Chicago th e following described real p roperty, i ing th e w orkers and five m em bers situ a te in Tillam ook C ounty, Oregon, j ■ailcal College to w it: The southeast q u a rte r of sec-; re p re se n tin g th e em ployers. The mem tion tw enty-tw o in T. 2 S. R. 8 W. W il. hers a re : For organized labor—C. P. W ill be in C loverdale on T h u rs­ Mer. in Oregon, containing 160 a c r e s ! H ow ard, p resid en t of the P o rtlan d cen day of each week. according to governm ent snrvey, t o 1 tra l labor council; B W. Sice m an. dis­ Thoee d esiring to take les­ satisfy said ju dgm ent, a tto rn ey fee, tric t council of c a rp e n te rs ; P. A. sons please engage a lesson period coeta and accruing costs. now. Leave word at th e Cloverdale Dated a t T illam ook, Oregon, th is 23rd W illlson. s ta te building tra d e s coun­ H otel or w rite me a t Tillam ook. day of J u ly . 1917. cil; V era Ha > bark er, s ta te m etal W. L. Cam pbell. tra d e s council. J. B R hodes, general Taras SI 00 Per Leaaon. ( SheriT of Tillamook County, S tate of Oregon. ch airm an of th e o rd er of railw ay con PIANO INSTRUCTION ........ .................................................... EAST THROUGH CALIFORNIA Brief Items of Interest from Various Towns in Oregon. Is a favorite rout# for those seeking diversity of »canary, apper­ tain tv to visit uiuuy ttttn$$tire cities en route and enjoy tha be»t in travel. One Way Fares First and second class to the East and apply via California. The trip can be made very economically. S o u th Summer Excursion Fares Round Trip to principle cities iu tha East will be on »ale cartain day» in August »nd September. Those ticket» apply over practically all routs». Ask your local agent for particu lars or w rite Jo h n M. Scolt, G eneral Passenger Agent P o rtla n d , Ore. Southern Pacific Lines d u ctors of th e O-VV. R ft N. Uo. For the em ployers- W. B A yre, E astern & W estern L um ber com pany; F ra n k ­ lin T. G riffith, president of 111« Port lend R ailw ay. Light ft Pow er com panv; Jam es Dugan, bnild'ng contract o r; J. R. Bowles, presid en t of the N orthw est S teel C om pany; C harles L ead b etter, p ap er mills. FRANK TAYLOR, Notary Public Cloverdale, Ore. "i Quality Counts ® n In ever 1 i line of Merchandise, hut none more enpecially than in Tr » n w n r t HARDW ARE «a O u r la r g e sto c k is in e v e ry i n s ta n c e th e b e s t t h n t c a n he a n d o u r a im w ill be to k e e p th e h ig h s t a n d a r d u p . had Builders’ Hardware, Tools Shelf and Heavy Hardware Stoves, Ranges, Farm and Garden Tools And everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store, and all goods are of the best quality. Alex McNair & Co., Tillamook,Ore. Correspondenco Lessons in f)armon£ anb Compoetfton BY DR. ALFRED WOOLER Composer, Teacher and Director All m usician*, w hether d irecto r, teacher, p ian ist or vrjcalist should und erstan d H arm ony. In stru ctio n in th is b ran ch of study should, w henever possible, be taken from an ex p ert teacher. H ow ever, it is not alw ays convenient, nor poetible for one to leave town and study in person w ith such a teacher. For th e accom m oflaiion of such Dr. All re 1 W ooler, of Buffalo. N. Y., has perfected a m ost thorough course m H arm ony an«l Com position th at i* sim ple, conn»«« and practical, whleh ha teaches successfully by mall. If intereeted, w rite for prospectus and rates * Address Qtffrefc Roofer, QYlue* ©oc. Suite C, 322 West Utica St., BUFFALO, N. Y. P. 8 .— Dr. W«a»ler also corrects am ateu rs’ m usical com position»,"and w rites music to poems. Those desiring such service m ust se n d ^ th e ir M. 8. or poem for estim ate of coat. Prices are reaonable.