Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, August 09, 1917, Image 2

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Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Christen­
W. A. Wise, dentist.
Glenn Tavlor in in Tillamook assist­ sen, of Portland, are the guest» this
week of their son ami his wife, Mr. and
ing in the Herald office.
Mr». Will Christensen, of Oretow n.
We want your eggs. 40<- per dozen
It is understood that County Commis-
Cloverdale Mercantile Co., Inc.
Mi»» KIei• Colwell, of Beaverton, wan »ionerS. G. Reed has accepted a posi­
the fcuest of Ben Joy over Sunday.
tion as president and manager of a
Plasker Bro». for all kinds of ulumb- large ship building company at some
iug, hath room outfit» and fixture». Til­ port in Texas. This will leave a vacancy
on the county board and there i» con­
lamook. Ore.
Mr and Mr». Elliott, of Tillamook, siderable speculation as to who will be
are guei .*.t the home of their grand­ appointed to fill the place. Whomever
it may be it is hoped he may he a man
son, Albert Wade.
of good, broad business capacity and he
The »erv'ce at tlie Louvre ¡» the best really should be a man of some engineer­
that can he had in Tillamook, fry tiie ing experience as there will be a large
Louvre when in Tillamook next.
amount of constructive work passed
For Sale— A 21-foot launch, with a [upon by the commissioners in the next
6J6 h. p. i erro engine, all complete. year or two.*—Wheeler Reporter.
Addreegt box 7, Cloverdale, Ore.
"Camping, Hunting and Fishing
Mr». V A. Spaulding ami children are
is the title of a recent booklet
enjoyingtln ir vacation at Rookaway the
guilts of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hadley. compiled by the Forest Service and
Mv Fall and Winter samples of Suits published by the Southern Pacific Com-
and Overcoats are here. Call and look 1 pany. The Forest Reserves of Western
look them over. V. K. Learned, ClovtV- | Oregon with roads, trails, resorts,
j camping places,
mountains, fishing
th In.
! streams and lakes are described in de­
George Worthington, formerly of tail. Complete instructions are given
Cloverdale, but uow of Eugene visited to prepare for a hunting or tishing trip,
liis brotlu r, t better, at shis place yes­ even to cooking utensils and quantity of
food. This booklet contains much use­
Read tla a Ivertisement of the Clover­ ful information regarding Western Ore­
dale Mercantile Co. on our next page. gon and w ill he valuable to anyone con­
It will save you money on your sugar templât.rig a tishing, hunting or camp­
purchiv es.
ing trip. Copies can be obtained free
Mr and Mrs. McBride, of Dallas, are on application to the General Fussenger
visiting Mr and Mrs. J J. McGinnis Dedartment of the Southern Pacific at
this <■ el-. Mr. McBride is a brotuer of Portland.
Mia. McGinnis
George Lang, w ho gives bis address as
Jennie Ward came in from Ballstori Brooklyn, N. Y., is confined to the
Sunday where she is emploved in the
telephone oflice. Siie will visit the lmtel here with a badly injured leg.
Sunday he ami a companion were com­
homefolks for a while.
The Faulcnner orchestra of Sheridan, ing to Cloverdale on motorcycles and
Ore., assisted by Poi llano musical when just this side of Hemlock he en­
talent, will give another big dance at deavored to pass an automobile driven
by a Mr. Johnson, of Claskanie. The
Pacific City next Saturday night.
automobile turned back into the road
Ranch WTanted — Would like to rent a before the motorcycle had cleared, strik-
ranch on share«. Can furnish best of ing the handlebar and throwing the
Address C. S Bradford, ride
1er to the ground, the motorcycle
6425 89th street, S. E., Portland, Ore. j dragging the rider several feet before it
F.ld. R. Y. Blalock will preach at the came to a »top. Lang managed to ride
Baotist church next Sunday at 11 a. n». ! the machine to Cloverdale where Dr.
and 2 p. m. Will have a basket dinner. i Shearer dressed the injured member
Bring your dinner and come enjoy both i and put into a cast.
"Ignorance of the law excuses no one”
Ezra Putnam was in town Tuesday
an undisputed law rule, and unre­
from his Three Hiveis ranch. When
asked how fnng he expected the war to liable informaticn regarding the law is
c mtinue, quickly answered “ the middle one of the things that should be avoided
of next month.”
I a« much .»s possible. We were shown a
A delegation of interested parties came tide table publication which is published
over from the Red Clover district Suti- in Astoria and in its information there
dav to look at our cheese factor»’ . T h e y i» set forth the game laws. The booklet
are pi-paring to Imihl and of course reads that the open season tor deer in
wanted to see the best in the county.
District No. 1, all counties west of the
I’aeiflc City ws" c envded last Sunday t'aHcude range of mountains, begins
niih campers and visitors and tin* ferry­ August 15. We would advise those who
boat was considerably overworked. A are depending on the tide book to post
bridge across the river at this place is a themselves more fullv before going in
quest of game. The Nestucca River
much needed convenience.
The Silets hav people have an ocean fishermen say the clock and the tide
book are the only things they absolutely
going boat, the Victory, the first coast­ relv
on and if either of them go wrong
ing schooner ever built in northern
will have no confidence iu any­
Lincoln county. It was launched at
Taft recently and is employed in haul­ body .or anything.
ing freight.
Oeljlan Colony to be Located Near Grand
Miss Laura Cheney, of the Home
Science Department, 6 . A. l\, will tour
The daily newspapers are telling of a
Tillamook County in the near future
demonstrating to the ladies the art of deal recently closed for several acres of
canning. She will be in Cloverdale land near Grand Runde upon which a
Friday, August 17.
colony of Belgian refugees will be lo­
Dr. Wise will be at bis Cloverdale cated.
oflice every Monday evening ami all
In the tract of land purchased there
through the day Tuesday and longer if
required until further notice. Those 1 » said to be 18,000 acres and approxi-
desiring dental wmk done can make match $2,000,000 involved.
The land lies in the old Indian reser­
uppointllient by telephone.
vation and is adaptable to diversified
Mr. and Mrs. Chus. Lundquist and farming, dairying and stock raising.
children left l'ue«dav morning in their The work of developing the project will
car for the vullcv. Mrs. Lundquist and smut In gin under the supervison of 1>.
children will vi*it in Carleton for a short W. Ross, former state engineer of Idaho,
time and then visit Portland -friends. When tlie tracts are divided a system
Mr. Iaiudquist will diive to the l\ os by which the purchaser will have 88
Buy country before returning to Clover­ \ears m which to pay fur the property
will be put into use. There will be a
Phone Us Your Drug Store
/»jjf Ft.POM i d.i\ pa*sca tli it you do not want something in drug
,tl‘ supplic«. Don't l,t cold, «tormy weather or slushy raid«
keep you from having it. Don’t put yourself to inconvenience
to gt l it. J ust telephone ns and we’ ll deliver it at once.
Don’t think you are Troubling us-- We seek that Rind
of Trouble.
1. ts of p, opte buy Medium », Toilet Articles, Candies, Perfumes, etc.,
<d n« e e r y day by phone. \V e send for ant deliver perse ri pt ion*.
V>tir order receives the same prompt and careful attention a* though
you came to the store in person.
Try Telephone Shopping
Tillamook, Oregon
Sugar has again Advanced
in price. •
Wednesday a -E
>c raise
was made.
The more pleas­
ant your vaca­
tion the m ore
y o u ’ ll need
Step into our store
and let us show you how
easily you can make
good pictures o f all the
pleasures o f vacation
days and o f all the days
that follow.
Premos are remark­
ably light, compact, and
efficient cameras, and so
simple tliat anyone can
use them successfully
from the start, without
previous experience.
W e carry all that’s
best in p h o to g r a p h y ,
W M . A. HIGH,
We are giving our customers the
advantage of the low price of last
$ 9.00
100-lb Sack Berry Sugar
Buy now and save while von have the
Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Inc.
Tillamook County
Including Dairy Cattle, Hogs,
Horses, Poultry, etc,
community center including a church, j
general store, senool house, d meins pa- !
vilion and similar building».
There j
w ill he four-room houses constructed on I
each tract, the tracts being 50 and 100-1
aere projects. According to the present j
plans, there will be room for 1000 Bel- |
Contract Let tor Hard Suriacing.
A contract »vas let Tuesday at Salem
by the County Court for the cons*ruction
of five miles of bardsurface roads. Oscar
Hubert secured the contract and the
cost to be $UO,OtX>.
The road i« be It! feet wide, standard
hithulitic. It will commence at the end
of the present pavement and run five
miles south, the work to be completed
this full.
This road is wider than the state com ­
mission wanted to build and an agree­
ment was entered into between the
County Court and the State Commission
whereby the state w ill pay three-fourths
of the costs and the county one fourth.
With hithulitic the road can be used
as soon as completed without waiting
three or four week» for it to harden.
S c h o o l e x h ib it s
G r a n g e e x h ib it s
SPORTS Good Bail Horse
Races, etc,
Game Every Day.
M e rry Go R ound and
S p e c ia l A t t r a c t i o n s
hibits of outstanding excellence and the
blue ribbon or tag is a notice of the
acme of perfection.
Fully 80 per cent of the pure bred
stock on our farms today can be at­
tributed to the original desire created
from showing at our fairs. What is
Lyseptic is completely soluable in
true of stock is true of other de­
A teaspoon full to one quart of
Not Largely Attended.
Through some fault of advertising, or then is not the fair, with its perfected water is the average strength to be used
object lessons, an educational insti­ for antiseptic, germicide, deoderants,
forgetfulness on the part of those who tution?
did hear of it, the audience which did
Oh, but some say the chief province oi wounds, cuts, nail punctures, mange,
hear Mrs. Kemp last Sunday night at j fair is the amusement end. This mav hoof rot, mud fever, lice, fleas, dandruff,
the church was very tunall.
l»e true in some instances because some shampoo, being of a soapy nature proves
Mrs Kemp's talk was very practical, people go to fairs wholly to be amused very effective for washing the animals’
haling with the ways in which women the same as some pupils go to school to
w ho desire to t>e of service to the country have a good time. Many pew.jle of and stable uteniMjs, and if used in gen­
can help a great deal now. She dis­ biased judgment call attention to the eral, improves stable conditions, infect­
play«! samples ot articles to be made thiug which is not pleasing to thjm in ion, among cattle, abortion, foul dis­
for tlij.’ soldier boys both sick and well relation to the fair; this same condition charge and externally to prevent tlie
that would add much to their comfort, is true of the one who finds fault with
w hich the government may supply later the school. The person who imagines spread of diseases.
if it can. hut which only love supplies as himself placed in this wixrld for entirely
yet. Some of these articles were so serious purposes is as much out of touch
simple that even a very young girl could and harmony with his environment as
ea-ily make, and all so inexpensive that the one whose whole aim is to be amused.
thev aie within the reuch of all.
A proper amount ot eac h is the happv
tine of the most interesting articles medium.
part. The exhibits at the fair furnish
was the newstyl* bandage for a broken
A bov attending school rsnnot study tbe oppoitunity for this ease of knowl­
arm or leg. which enables one to handle all tin- time, he must attend the loot edge to the busy man, he whose duties
the injured limb without having to lift j ball games, the gymnasium sports, tbe in life demand so much time that he
it but once.
class rallies, the private theatricals, the cannot acquire this knowledge in such a
The few j e-'p'e that had the good dances, the movies t nd many other short time at any other place. We
luck to hear the lecture were much in­ forms of amusement if he is a normal then-fore come to the conclusion that a
terested. and Mrs Kemp baa promise»! youth. He who atier .ds too closely to careful analysis of such facts will con­
to ». nd patterns When they come we his studies is bv his class- vince the most skeptical that a fair is
will be glad to show them.
***• *
■ nd he who is at ] educational as well as entertaining,
h Win W u There.
school for a goo», tim e is little regarded j Now we want to ask you to get back
L\ his clasemo'.i
T he normal student of this fair. This is your fair and you
i is the inoet »«noire 1. If this is true in want to see it a success. Bring out your
school life, !«lr. Objector, why should it stock, Poultry. agricultural exhibits,
The ‘ educational value of a well not obtain, in other walks also, even at etc., an" show the people what you
rounded fair ia not vet clearly appre- fairs. No man can spend an hour have been doing for your country in
dated. Many iwxmle fail to realire that among the exhibits at one of our fairs these thriving ti mes «!.. t t ir weigh-
without absorbing _ more
ore knowledge than ! bor how he can improve, make the fair
a large fair is an educational institution he could glean i* from
books in a w eek .! instructive. Tlie M r bowed wad few OHM*
It ia true that the stereotyped text books Hie eye grasp« situations from which ager will do evervthing in its power to
are not used, but the very beat methods intelligent deductions are made.
accomplish the end# desired and most
• •f teaching, which has tiisted since the
If you desire to purchase a new anto- earnestly plead for your assistance. Get
-lawn of creation, is bv object lesson. mobile vou may r«wd a b ut its beautiful your exhibits ready now , be on hand
This i« taught at the ’ sir in its concen­ lines, its tonneau, radiator, engine, eariv and inform Mr Kuppenbender,
trated form. The exhibits there testi- transmission, levers, fi nish. etc., f<»r a manager of the Tillamook County Fair
f> the finished product in all of its de­ weeks but an half hour of actual exam i­
to that effect today. If you have mis­
trim en t*. Competent judges are
nation gives you the in formation which laid your premium list write the maca-
band to it.tclhgentlv select tb *.- ex- i » mouth of book study would not un- ager for another.
The Best Antiseptic
Healing Germicide
Friable Druggist, Tillamook. Ore.