i C LO V E R D A LE COURIER and longed for and striven for during Published Every Thursday I the century and a half of our existence. It is the solemn realization of this task Prank Taylor, Editor and Publisher. and the grim deadly earnestness with “ Entered as second-class matter, Nov­ which our people are setting about its ember 13th, 1905 at the post office at Clo- accomplishment, that has produced over verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon,un­ the land a quiet determination that, to der Act of Congress, March 3rd. 1878. the superficial observer, might be mis­ taken fur indifference. But the man or S ubscription R ax vs uation that thus judges is due for au One Year, in advance.................... $1.0C astonishing awakening in the months to Six Months ....................................... 50 Three Months..................................... 25 come. Single C opy........................ 05 Americans, aroused, are invincible, and they know it. Hence we have no A dvertising R ates Displayed Advertisements, 00 cents per need for hysteria. inch per month, single column. All Local Reading Notices, 10 cents per line for each insertion. Timber land notices $10.00 Homestead notices 5.00 Political Announcement Cards $10.00 J ob D epartment My Job Department is complete in every respect and I am able to do all kinds Commercial Job Printing on short notice at reasonable prices. T H U R S D A Y , AUG U ST 2, 1917. Tillamook County is to have five miles of hardsurfacing done on its roads this season, if the plans of the State Highway Commission and the County Court do not fail. STRIKES SHOULD BE AVOIDED. In these troublesome times strikes should not occur. I t is had for both employer and employe in times of peace, but now, while our country is at war, there should be no strikes. They can be avoided only to the extent of loyalty of the employer and employe. The employer who holds the wage scale down to its lowest ebb in order to make big profits is as unprtriotic as the striking employe. With the number of places that are now open to employment we see no reason for a strike of labor. There is no reason why a man at a job where the wages are not satisfactory cannot leave and get a position where the wages and conditions suit him better. There is no place on the program for a strike. SOAK 'EM LOUIE. Members of congress are complaining because Washington hotels and cafes are robbing them. They charge that they are required to pay $5.00 for a meal that can be purchased in London for $1.60. It hits them hardest where it counts the most—in the pochetbook. Bully! Soak ’em Louie! Pile it on and p ic k ’ m to the bore! It gives us poor devils who are writh­ ing in the strangling grasp of food spec­ ulators an opportunity to laugh, to howl, to literally double up and shriek in unrestrained glee. The fact that the food pirates are rob hing the people blind does not bother the average gentleman in Washington, but w lieu the pirate creeps into Wash­ ington and picks the congressional pocket Mr. Congressman roars like a stuck pig. It's a great sport 1o see doctors and congressman gulping down their own medicine once in a while- G o t o it ! ¡Soak 'em again, and soak ’em hard ! TB •< MAKING A MARKET Quality Counts >• I In over line of M* rchaiuiise, but non« more especially than in By RICHARD M ARKLY HARDW ARE When I finished my detective story. “ The Octagon House," I sent It to every publisher without success. I had Our large stock is in every instance the best that can be hail used up my funds while writing It and aud our aim will be to keep the high standard up. was confronted with starvation. One o f the publishers had su ggests that I Invent some method of making a mar­ ket for my work. 1 didn't understand vVhat he meant, and he explained that I think up some story about it that would attract the attention o f the pub­ Cabbage Salad. Cut a very small head of cabbage In lic. I told him tlmi I had done in­ quarters and let It stand in lee water venting enough In writing the novel to chill. Drain, cut out anil dlscnrd the and bad no Ingenuitv left. hard center, dry thoroughly and shred ! I put an advertisement in a news­ finely. Shred also a green pepper— j paper stating that a man o f large ex­ fieed from seeds and veins—exceed- ; perience wished a position In a detec­ Ingly fine and add to the cabbage with tive bureau. I received one reply. It one tablespoonful o f minced parsley. | was from a man who lived fifty miles For a pint o f the combined vegetables away from where I lived, and I was mix half a teaspoonful of salt, one- ! obliged to go to see him by train. I quarter of a teaspoonful each of nqus- | feared to risk finding him, but since I And everything usually kept in a lit st-cla.-s hardware store, and tard and paprika, four tablespoonfuls had nothing else In view I concluded all goods are of the best quality. of oil and two tablespoonfuls of vine­ to do so. Throwing a few' things into gar. Blend the dressing with the salad a suit case, I went to the station and and garnish with slices of cooked beef was soon jogging along on a way and lengthwise quarters o f hard boiled train for my destination, with my hand I baggage In the rack above my head. t* egg. It was not long before I saw a man looking at me from n seat on the oppo­ Scalloped Bananas. Cut half a dozen bananas Into half site .side o f the aisle. I first noticed Correspondence Lessons in Inch slices. Cut some bread Into small that he was Intent upon my suit ease, pieces and put a layer of this Into the the end o f which protruded from the bottom o f a buttered baking dish. Add rack. When he lowered his eyes he a layer o f bananas and half a table­ seemed to take me in for some pur­ spoonful o f lemon juice. A sprinkle of pose. I assumed that he suspected me BY sugar may be used. Repeat these lay­ o f being some one else and was trying ers until all have been used, having to make up his mind as to my Identity. DR. A L F R E D W 00LER When the person sitting beside me bread as the top layer. Sprinkle the top with sugar and Lake for thirty min­ left the train the man who had been Composer, Teacher and Director utes in a quick oven.—Country Gentle­ Observing me—he was a brutal looking fellow —came and sat down beside me. t man. “ Howdy, Mack,” he said in a low A ll musicians, whether director, teacher, I voice. Olive Sandwiches. pianist or vocalist should understand Harmony. Use the small stuffed olives and chop I turned and looked at him. Instruction in this branch ot study should, finely. Add to each half cupful of tue Now, a writer of detective stories whenever possible, be taken from an expert olives tw o tablespoonfuls o f minced and one ambitious o f shining as a de­ teacher, {lowever, it is not always convenient, celery tops and one chopped bard tective is not likely to throw an ad­ nor possible for one to leave town and study iii boiled egg. Moisten with either a venture over his sbouldei*. I hazarded person with such a teacher. boiled or mayonnaise dressing and use a guess that the man was a crook and For the accommodation of such Dr. Alfred between alternate slices o f buttered had mistaken me for another crook. Wooler, of Buffalo, N. Y., has perfected a most white and graham bread. Cut Into It was not flattering to be mistaken rounds. for a Jailbird, but in the hope of turn­ thorough course in Harmony ami Composition ing up something I put my pride in my that is simple, concise and practical, which lid Beef and Tomato Fie. pocket. teaches successfully by mail. Slices o f cold beef should be arrang­ “ When did you get out?” I asked. I f interested, write for prospectus and rates. ed In a pie dish with layers o f thickly •“ Tw o weeks ago.” sliced tomatoes and onions, then add “ Have you got on to anything since?' Address seasoning. Continue the layers till the “ Yes, but the cops have got me tied dish Is full. Add sufficient gravy to up with It. T can’t renlDo on it with­ mol den the whole, cover with par out their spottin’ me.” boiled potatoes cut in slices and bake “ Maybe I cau help you.” Suite C, 322 West Utica St., In a moderate oven for an hour. H e made no reply to this for awhile. B U F FA LO , N. Y. It occurred to me that he would not Potato Doughnuts. relish trusting me. I broke the silence P. 8.— Dr. Wooler also corrects amateurs’ musical compositions, and One cupful o f mashed potatoes, one by asking him what kind o f swag he writes music to poems. Those desiring such service must send their large cupful of sugar, one cupful of had got on to. He said It was sliver M. S. or poem for estimate of coat. Prices aro resonahle. sweet milk, two tablespoonfuls of plate. Plate Is bulky, and I had no shortening, two eggs, nutmeg or mace, doubt that he would find difficulty In salt, three teaspoonfuls of baking pow­ disposing o f it. der, flour enough to roll. “ I ’ll tell you what I'll do,” he said so certain I was a former messmate o f after considerable reflection. “ I ll put Ids at the state prison, and he said I F R A N K TAYLO R , The Innocents. a part o f It Into your hands and give was the image o f Jim McCoy, whose Mr. N ew lyw ed -D id you say this you a quarter K you'll turn It Into picture was In the rogues' gallery. I was pound cake, my dear? Mrs. N ew ­ cash. I f you're straight about that went to the gallery, saw the likeness and found that the original must he Notary Public lywed—Yes, darling, and I made It all and succeed I ’ll give you some more.” near enough like me to be my twin “ No auch risk except on halves,” I myself. Mr. Newlywed—Are you quite brother, though of a different kind. sure you—er—pounded It enough?— said. When I went home I rejoiced my He asked me how I proposed to do Town Topics. Cloverdale. Ore, wife with a sight o f my rewards, but the Job, and I replied that I would said nothing nltout the picture In tlio melt the stuff and dispose o f It ns raw- rogues’ gallery so nearly like me. 4 ■— * ■ — — ................ .................................. material. I made up a story about my Notice of Sheriffs Sale. I went Into business with my eapltal. ability to get a fire hot enough for the Notice is hereby given, that by virtue K IN D W O R D S. forever eschewing defective work and of an execution and order of sale issued 1 purpose and I had molds for Ingots detective stories, though my capture D o n 't be ail . i o l s p s a k i n g a out ot the Circuit Court of the State of that I had acquired for a siininr pur­ of flic stolen property made a market pose. Oregon for the County of Tillamook, on for both my novel and a position as s k in d word. 7.'*« a rt of s a y in g “ H ow much o f it is there?” I asked. detective. the 23rd dav of Julv, 1917, and to me app ro,?i late w rJ s n a k in d ly “ Well, to tell the truth,” he replied, directed, in a suit wherein E. J. “ there's not much o f the silver, but way i*i cn.i It. novae g o e s o u t Many women are successfully encag­ Clanssen was plaintiff, and Thos. there's some jewels that belonged to a of fr.ahicn and ia within the Coates, administrator of the estate of woman of the multimillionaire class. ed In fruit cultivation In this country, re a ch c f C -a liu r-,!, e s v — F a b e r. Wm. J. West, deceased, was defendant, Including a seven string necklace of the number In ties occupation in t'sli- fornia comparing quite favorably with and in which the plaintiff recovered pearls.” P r im it iv e V ie w of th o Liu lltrog. “ You won't get rid of that very the number of men thus encag I. judgment against the defendant tor the Tin* fr o ;... la ,\ iicrica, it must her« sum of $1,100.00 together with interest easy," I said. “ I ll do the sliver for Customer The poi«"n may ho ov< c) . be observed, i , ike n ru st singular you, because molted metal Is like dead lent, but the ruts.won't take It. You'll thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per noise, Nome i the i being absolutely men—it tells no tales." have to make it more tasty. Druggist annum from the 20th day of February, I made an arrangement wl*h him to ! whistling, wb'd« I’cr-i croak so loial- I've tried that already, but the up 1915, and for $150.00 attorneys fees and call at a deserted, dilapidated old I ty that It I dim .It at times to tell prentice b"T* eat It I ‘llegende Itlu<*t $16.20 costs and disbursements, and aj building the nevt evening to remove ter whether the sound proceeds from a decree forclosing *t mortgage upon the the silver or sneh part as be was , > a lf or a frog 1 have more than oiko willing to trust n.. with as a first test real property hereinafter described, and J Visitor I saw your husband In tin* ordering and directing tjiat the same be of my honesty and separated frivru crowd In town today, in fa