Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, August 02, 1917, Image 2

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“My Four
Years in
S. II. Bock, of O retow n, was in
Cloverdale this m orning and accom ­
For Sale—Good, strong cabbage and
panied F. R Beals to Tillam ook.
ru tta b a g a p lan ts. Chaa. Blum .
Head the adv ertisem en t of th e C lover­
W e w ant y our eggs. 40c per dozen
dale M ercantile Co. on o u r n e x t page.
Cloverdale M ercantile Co., Inc.
I t will save you m oney on your sugar
>> W ebb, of Banks, is th e guest of purchases.
Ins sister, Mrs. C larence Mushheck.
Frank Huttor, who has been a p atien t
M rs. G iltn er, ol Forest Grove, is the in th e Nestueca Valley H ospital for
By Former Ambassador Gerard
guest this week of Mrs. O tto W ilson.
some tim e, lias sufficiently recovered to
Will start Sunday, August 5th in
Miss Elsie Caldwell, of B eaverton, is retu rn hom e.
Morning Oregonian.
th e gu< st th is week of Mrs. V. S pauld­
J. R. Bidgood and fam ily will re tu rn
is a graphic story of Germany
to Cloverdale th is evening from his
her plans against
M rs. Jo h n Goodnow, uf P o rtland, is
visiting w ith M is. C har. L undquist this
Co.’s store w hile Mr. and Mre. Short- This S to ry given by o a r fo rm e r
Ambassador to Germany, will be
ridge take th e ir vacation.
T he Courier editor and his family
of great interest to every true
T he soldier boys of Tillam ook C ounty
m ade an auto trip to M cM innville last
em barked on th e tra in last Sunday
M onday.
m orning for F o rt Stevens w here they If you are not a subscriber to the
M ax T ra ile r left on th e W ednesday are now encam ped and will possibly re ­ Oregonian, you should send ns in
m orning tra in for a short business trip m ain for th e nex t ten days. Several your subscription now so as not to
to P o rtlan d .
were in Tillam ook early Sunday m orn­ miss a single issue of this import­
to see th e boys d ep art. T here was an t narrative to begin August oth.
P lasker Bro" for all kinds of ol lim b­
ing, b ath room outfits and fixtures. Til­ scarcely a dry eye in th e assm bled
crowd a t th e depot as th e tra in pulled
lam ook. Ore.
1 he Cloverdale Cheese Co. lias engag­
Oregonian Agent
Owing to th e change in th e railroad
ed A lbert W ade to m ake cheese for them
schedule, th e tra in leaving Tillam ook
for an o th er year.
O regon.
for P o rtland at 10 a. m ., th e m ail stage C lo v e rd a le ,
A rba $ti verson is now in San F ran cis­
at. th is place m u st of necessity leave
co. He has joined th e m arin e band of
Joe P uch am and H ow ard Sherwood
here a t ti o’clock in th e m orning in order
F n cb Su u ’s navy.
to connect with th is tra in . L etters w ent to Tillam ook th is m orning bent on
For Sale—A ?l-foot launch, w ith a m ailed ai 0 |>. m. will go o u t th e follow­ en listin g in th e arm y.
f»*i h . p. F erro engine, all com plete. ing m orning. L etters m ailed later th an
Addreess box T, C loverdale, Ore.
th is hour will rem ain in tlte postoffice FIVE MILES MORE
M r. and M rs. H . H ollm an, of D allas, u n til the second
W . A. W ise, d en tist.
are th e guests th is week of Mr. and Mrs
F. E. Meyer. They aie the parents of
M rs. Meyer.
At a m eeting of th e Big Nest urea
D rainage D istrict M onday D. T. W erseh-
kul was re.elected chairm an of the board
of supervisors
V erenn Lucas, w ho has been in th e
W illam ette Valley for so m etim e retnrn-
e l hom e for u sh o rt visit w ith her pur
nuts at this place.
Mr. and M rs, Dee Moon and child eu
and Jo h n Moon left M onday m orning
for a trip to P o rtlan d , T hey expect to
re tu rn hom e today.
W hile in Tillam ook S aturday evening
Ed E arl laid th e m isfortune to have his
m achine stolen. I t was found th e next
d iy along the road to N etarts.
Bunch W an ted —W ould like to ren t a
ran ch on share«.' C an fu rnish best of
A ddress ( ’.. S. Bradford,
5125 89th stre e t, H. K., P o rtlan d , Ore.
Sugar has again Advanced
in price.
W e d n e s d a y a 25c r a is e
w as m a d e .
We arc giving our customers the
advantage of the low price of last
100-lb Sack Berry Sugar
Buy now and save while you have the
Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Inc.
Old an d M odern C ustom s.
P alm Sunday in certain places is !
Leland B. Erwin
called “ F ig S unday” from th e custom
of eatin g figs on th is day. as sn ap ­
dragons on C h ristm as eve. plum pud­
Diploma from t,ho Chicago
ding on C h ristm as day, oranges and
barley su g ar on SL V alentine’s eve.
Musical College
pancakes on Shrove T uesday, s a lt cod­
W ill be in C loverdale on T h u rs­
fish ou Ash W ednesday, fru m en ty on
day of each week.
“M othering S unday” (mid Lent), cross
Those desiring to take les­
turns on Good F rid ay , gooseberry ta r t
sons please engage a lesson period
on W hitsunday, goose on M ichaelm as
The governm ent needs farm ers as well
now . Leave word at th e C loverdale
as fighters. Two m illion th re e th ousand The Stase to pay $10,000 a Mile, the day, n u ts on A llhallow s, and so on.—
H o tel or w rite me at Tillam ook.
London Chronicle.
acres of Oregon & C a lifo rn ia R ailroad
County to put the Road
Terms SJ.09 Per Lesson.
Co. g ran t lands. T itle revested in
in Condition.
U nited S tates. To be opened for hom e­
L aw s a re only as good a a people m aka
steads and sale. C ontaining som e of
News reached Tillam ook Tuesday th a t them .
th e best land left in th e U nited S tates.
Large copyrighted m ap show ing land by th e S tate H ighw ay Com m ission was
Im prove your w ork aend it w ill im ­
sections and description of soil, clim ate, ready w ith $50,000 to hard surface five prove you.
The Best Antiseptic
rain fall, elevation«, te m p e ra tu re etc., miles of road betw een Tillam ook and !
Healing Germicide
bv counties.
P ostpaid one dollar. C loverdale this seaso i, th e county to
is com pletely soluable in
G ra n t L ands L ocating Co., lk.x t>10 p u t th e roadbed in condition for hard-
full to one q u a rt of
P ortland, Oregon.
P overty is no disgrace, b u t i t ’s no
w ater is th e average strengtli to be used
T he pavem ent is to be 16 fet d wide, c red it either.
Rev. Jos. A. McVeigh left Monday
for an tisep tic, germ icide, deodorants,
sam e as th e present piece of pavem ent
m orning to tak e a m o n th ’s vacation
T he F rench Legion of H o n o r is the- wounds, cuts, nail p u n ctu res, m ange,
th is side of Tillam ook and th e sta te is
from his duties as pastor a t th is place.
biggest o rd er o f m erit.
hoof ro t, m ud fever, lice, fleas, dandruff,
to pay $10,000 per mile tow ard th e hard-
Sunday evening he deli vert'd a so rt of
poo, being of a soapy n a tu re proves
It is e stim a te d t h a t it ta k e s 5,000
farewell serm on.
I t was one of his
very effective for w ashing th e an im a ls’
T his bit of good news is received with bees to w eigh a pountk
m aster talks ami m ade a lastin g im p res­
and stable utencils, and if used in gen­
m uch satisfaction. W h eth er th e five
sion on his listeners. lie predicted th a t
T here is $56<XOO0,0OO in v ested in U n it­ eral, im proves stable conditions, in fect­
m iles of pavem ent is to he contiguous
ed S tates k im b e r p lan ts.
ere long th e people, instead of ru n n in g
ion, am ong cattle, abortion, foul d is­
and s ta rt from th e present pavem ent is
to am usem ents on S unday, th ey would
Good. In te n tio n s a re a p t to get ru s ty charge and ex tern ally to prevent th e
n o t stated , h u t it is presum ed th a t such
he seeking consolation in th e churches.
1 spread of diseases.
unless kep t in c o n sta n t use.
will be th e case.
H e delivered a few knockout blows to
Il'ah its a re so h ard to brvuk you
th e God forgetting, am usem ent loving
shfiuld specialize on th e good once.
citizen and elid e I his serm on by wishing
Mr. and Mrs. C laude C hristensen,
Mrs. Fred C hristenson and Carol, Mr. G od's blessing on all.
and Mrs. Melks. and Mrs. Kodad and
A party com prising Mr. and M rs. I..
fam ily, of Tillam ook, sp en t Sunday at
K raner, A rba Stiverson, Mrs. Irene
th e I u udqnist home.
Stiverson, Mr. and M rs. Frank Gwens
T he rates at th e Louvre re sta u ra n t in and fam ily and Dr. S hearer and
Tillam ook are no higher th a n at othei fam ily left Sunday m orning and
eatin g places am i th e tables are as in m ade the trip from here to Seaside,
sitin g and the cdihlss as appetizing as th en to Astoria and P o rtlan d , re tu rn in g
those vou find in th e larger cities.
last evening by th e S heridan route.
Dr. Wise will lie a t his Cloverdale W hile away they drove over th e in te r­
office every M onday evening and all state bridge to V ancouver and a lte r a
th ro u g h th e day Tuesday and longei if short visit a t th e Laracks drove out th e
required u n til fu rth e r notice. Those Tacom a road a distance of 14 miles over
d esirin g d en tal work done can make a hardsurface road. An exceptionally
ap p o in tm en t by telephone.
pleasant au to trip is reported.
Phone Us Your Drug Store
a j f F LOOM a day pn**»’* th a t you do not w ant som ething in drug
Mipplies. Don’t lei cold, «tormy w eather or slushy m ads
keep yen from having it. Don’t put yourself to inconvenience
to get it. Ju s! telephone us and w e'll deliver it at once.
Don’t tl’.lrk yen ?.re Troubling us— We seek that Kind
ol Trouble.
Lots of pt uph buy Medicine«. Toilet A rticles, Candie*, Perfum es, etc.,
of u* every day by ’phone. We **»nd for a id deliver peraeription*.
Your o rd -r re.-eiv.-s th e «aine prom pt and larefu l atte n tio n as though
you cam e t'i th e store in person.
Try Telephone Shopping
Tillamook, Oregon
ivpiiaMeDruggist, Tillamook. Ore.
M. P. D unn and Chaa. Bluni and
fam ily were Tillam ook visitors S unday.
T heir object being to hid th e soldier
boys farew ell, Mr. D u n n ’s son F ran k ,
and th e Mills hoys, who are relatives of
Mr. Blum. T here are m any sad partings
now and one help feeling th e u n ­
certain ties of th e future, b u t we tru st
and pray th a t when th ey re tu rn de­
mocracy and hum an freedom shall have
been established p erm an en tly th ro u g h ­
out th e world.
These are busy days for Pacific C ity,
and th e ten t c ity on th e cam p ground
often has q u ite a m etropolitan ap p ear­
ance. I t does not tak e a very great
stretch of prophetic vision to see a line
of concrete connecting the beautiful
N estueca Valley with ttie outside world
i and th is one of the m ost popular ar.d
populous beaches on the coast.
Mix a little baking s»jda w ith bath-
b rick w hen you cleuu u.teel knives.
Auto Service.
W hen all th e o th e r fellows are busy
an d you w an t th e services of an au to , a
com fortable ride and a careful d riv e r,
call by phone 6-C-7 or 6-C 3.
W Leu sta rtin g a ’locom otive puff.* five
G lenn S. Tavlor.
tim es to one rev o lu tio n o f th e d riv in g
T h e an cients supposed rock cry stal
to he m erely ice co ngealed by in tense
Rauch for Rent.
T he stre e ts o f tw o cities in Irelan d
a re paved w ith m arb le, A rm agh and
K ilkenny.
Good schools u ia k r b e tte r m ark ets,
b e tte r schools, betttw ch u rches, b e tte r
neighbors and b e tte r living.
A ra n c h of 300 acres w ith 20 cows to
lease. C ash ren t. Taylor R eal E sta te
A gency. C loverdale.
H a v in g Eyes, He Saw Not.
One d ay in sum m er a to u rist drove
h u rried ly up to th e hom e o f E nos A.
T h e T re n to n of th e U nited S ta te s M ills a t th e foot of Longs peak, leap­
nav y v as th e first w arsh ip in t.he
ed out and approached th e n a tu ra list.
world /.o he lighted by electricity.
“ Mr. M ills.” he said brusquely, “ I have
been told th a t th ere Is fine scenery lu
in th j • lessons o f life. W e c a n m ake f R ates p ark . I w a n t to get you to show
8troigg w ords out o f them if w e w ill. ] m e ^ om e 0f it.”
Policem an Sim pson and fam ily, of
T h ? n a tu ra lis t’s eyes tu rn ed to w ard
R t e alone does n o t ta k e th e place of
P ortland, ou a th ree days leave, spent
h u n d re d m ile sw eep o f snow y
V utl.toes in th e diet. Add c a rro ts to
one night at th e beach here, retu rn in g
m o u n tain « th a t cut th e blue sky, then
su p p ly iron and even up th e b alance.
homo bv wav of Nea kan-N ie m ountain
s w e p t th e valley below and rested on
and \s to ria . He reports a p le a sa n t! T h e ribbon fish derives its nam e noble crag s and stream s th a t w ound
tim e, but dem olished a full set of tire« j fro m its shape. I t is m any feet In am ong groves of pine and aspen. Slow-
kength* but ouly an inch or tw o thick. ly he shook his bend.
Mrs. M ontgom ery retu rn ed hot»*.
“1 guess you m u st have been m isin ­
“De .hardest th ing about w ork.” sa id
Monday evening and reports som e r
fo rm e d .”--S m ith s Com panion.
usual warm weather in P o rtlan d . /"|j,.r Uncle i:ben, “ is de w orry it p u ts you to
A* H om e T ru th .
sister, Mrs. Boulware, of San T Ug,. I when y o u try to dodge it.”— W ashin g-
son)—1 can’t u n d erstan d
G al., was also m aking th e ir m e /(,e r a 1
your g lv h ’g your m other so m uch im ­
T e a c h e r—W hat an im al Is It th a t is
pudence. J never dared talk hack to
Mrs. Garrett Ward was a V.llamnok w eb fo o ted ?
m other, ,t»ou—No. and you w ouldn t
Jo h n n y —T he spider, m i » .—B oston
visitor Tuesday.
dare- to talk hiwk to my m other either.
- B oston T ra n s c r ip t
N um ber 54$ is not on nnr street* any
L eisu r* Is tim e fo r doing som ething
m ore, Mr. N o rth ro p h a v in g declined t’c
M eteorites.
useful. T his leisure th e d iligent m an
he l>oc Yack anv logger.
m eteorite* com m and
will o b tain , b u t th e lazy m an never.—
those which fall to
There was an In terestin g c a m p fire ,
broken up in to
meeting at F arific C ity S u n d ay night J T he tro u b le w ith m ost m e n is th a t
It was well atten d ed and w ill 1* re- I they w ant to be a t b at all th e tim e in n u m e ra b le p a rts a n d scattered in all
pealed next Sunday evening.
and a re never w illing to d o a n y field­ d irectio n s am ong th e p riv ate collec­
tions. T h u s one of the earliest know n
ing.—C hicago .Herald.
R em em ber the reg u lar m o n th ly m eet­
m eteorites, th a t found In E usisbelm .
ing at th e t hape! next '-u n itay m »ruing
T he first l ’tilted State« n a v sd hos­ U pper A lsace, in 1492. Is represented in
pital w as estab lish ed a t th e o l d . navy
Tor Sale.
stxty-six collection*. T he re su lt of th is
yard In P hiladelphia d in in g th e : *»• oud
A 2 h. p. m arine engine, w irli « h aft.i w ar w ith G re a t B ritain.
p ractice Is th a t ex o rb itan t prices a re
" be*I and Schebier c a rb u re te r. The
asked by denier* for m eteoric m aterial
T he finest stre e t in C h ristian ia I t the In am ounts sufficient for an aly sis and
first check for $15 take* it. C a tt be seen
K arl Jo h an s gate, nam ed a f te r K ing study.
at th e C ourier office.
K arl Jo h an , th e first Rernadc a te to
aa»end th e N orw egian th ro n e